Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle) Page 15

by Hart, Melissa F.

  The man who looked like his friend then grinned and said, “It began when I learned that Dawn was having an affair with the Mayor. I was hurt and jealous and I turned to Vicky for comfort and boy, did she comfort me.”

  The words were more than Bryan could take. He vanished from sight and began racing around the room, trying to get a grip on his pain and anger. He wanted to smash something; preferably over Archer’s head. How could one of his closest friends have seduced his wife in such a way! The Ghost realized he had to get out of there before he did something that he’d regret. He had to go talk to Vicky.

  Vladimus saw the doors to the mansion burst open, even though he couldn’t see the person who had done it. He knew it meant that the Ghost had fled the mansion, and correctly assumed that he was going to the television station where Vicky worked as a news anchor.

  “Tonight’s news broadcast should be very interesting indeed.” Vladimus joked to himself. He pretended to be giving a newscast, saying, “The four members of the AHF all hate each other now; leaving Colossal City completely defenseless. Be prepared to surrender yourselves to Lord Vladimus, the new ruler of Earth!”

  Chapter Four

  Rachel gasped in pleasure as she felt Lynxar using the powers of his mind to caress every part of her body. Her nipples grew hard and taut as she felt the sensation of his mouth upon them, even though he wasn’t actually touching her. She loved it when he used his telekinetic powers to make love to her almost as much as she loved his goodness and honesty.

  The fight they’d had when she came home from the hospital could have been brutal and ugly, but it only lasted a few minutes. Thanks to Lynxar’s ability to read her mind and to allow her to read his, they were both able to instantly see the truth within each other’s hearts and minds. No lie or vicious bit of gossip could tear them apart when they could so easily learn the truth. The short-lived fight ended with both of them wanting to make love.

  Lynxar removed Rachel’s clothes with one easy swipe of his telekinetic powers, leaving her naked before him. She lay down on their bed and he began to stroke her, not just with his mind, but with his hands. He loved the feel of her soft skin and ample breasts, which were fuller now that she was expecting their second child.

  The smallest bump was starting to show on her slender stomach and he kissed her there, letting his lips trail down her navel to the sacred folds between her thighs. She spread her legs invitingly and he made love to her there with the expert workings of his tongue and fingers, all the while continuing to stimulate her nipples with his mind, giving her the sensation that he was gently pinching them.

  “I want you inside me!” she gasped between moans of pleasure.

  “I don’t want to hurt the baby.” Lynxar worried, making Rachel smile. For all his toughness and superhuman abilities, he was always so tender and full of concern.

  She reached her hand out and began to stroke his member, caressing his hardness and guiding him toward her. She said gently “Don’t worry. The doctor said it’s perfectly safe to make love to me while I’m pregnant.”

  “Still, I don’t want to be too rough.” Lynxar said. “Sometimes I’m stronger than I mean to be.”

  Rachel pushed him gently onto the bed, so he was laying flat on his back and straddled his waist. She slid her body over his organ, enveloping him into her hot, wet folds. Lynxar groaned with the intensity of the pleasure he felt at being inside her. Smiling at him seductively, she said, “Well then, let me set the pace. Then you don’t have to worry about getting too passionate.”

  Lynxar agreed with her plan whole-heartedly and let his wife set the pace as she undulated and thrust on top of him. With the powers of his mind, Lynxar elevated himself off the bed, and the couple made love in the air, about a foot above their mattress. It felt incredible and Rachel began to thrust more wildly as her breathing came in ragged gasps and her body began to orgasm.

  Reaching back, she gently caressed his balls and the pure pleasure of it caused him to explode with an orgasm of his own. They climaxed together, each of them crying out wildly as their bodies spasmed with pleasure in the air above their bed. When at last they’d finished, Lynxar softly lowered them back down to rest comfortably against the mattress.

  “I promise I would never do anything like that with any other man.” Rachel said, kissing her husband lovingly on the lips.

  “I know you wouldn’t and I hope you know that I wouldn’t either.” Lynxar said, looking solemnly into her eyes and kissing her in return.

  “I know.” Rachel said assuredly. She snuggled against his chest and said, “The question is, why would anyone try and make us think otherwise?”

  Lynxar hugged her tightly to him, liking the feel of her breasts against his bare chest. He said thoughtfully, “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”

  The doorbell rang downstairs and Rachel and Lynxar rushed to get dressed.

  “Lynxiennia doesn’t get home from school for another three hours.” Lynxar said, pretending to complain with a teasing grin. “We could have made love all that time if it weren’t for this interruption.”

  “Who is it?” Rachel asked her husband as she pulled on her blouse and tried to fasten the buttons.

  “I don’t know.” Lynxar frowned suspiciously. “Their mind is shielded from my abilities. Whoever it is, must be wearing some strange metal alloy.

  “Be careful!” Rachel warned. “It might be a trap of some sort. Just because you haven’t encountered any enemies in the past year doesn’t mean there aren’t some out there.”

  Lynxar looked out the window and smiled. Looking at Rachel, he said “Don’t worry; it’s Lynxonna. She’s wearing some gaudy amulet necklace. I told her that jewelry like that can sometimes gets in the way of my powers, but she never seems to care.”

  Lynxar waited for Rachel to finish straightening her clothes, then the couple went downstairs together and opened the front door for their friend. No sooner had Lynxonna crossed the threshold, then she held out her hands and manifested manacles made of a strange black metal, seemingly out of thin air. With lightening fast reflexes, she used them to bind Lynxar by the wrists and he felt a strange sensation rippling through his body, as if the manacles were sapping him of his powers. Lynxar was instantly weakened and he slumped to the ground, helpless to even struggle in his bonds.

  Rachel screamed out in terror and ran for the door, but the figure that looked like Lynxonna captured her easily and bound here with a set of manacles of her own.

  “Who are you?” Lynxar glared at their captor. He wanted the question to sound threatening, but in his weakened state, it sounded pitiful.

  Laughing, the figure of Lynxonna touched the jewel in the center of the amulet and instantly the disguise dissolved to reveal the true form of Lord Vladimus.

  Rachel stifled another scream and Lynxar tried to stand, but found he couldn’t. Lynxar glared at him angrily, and said, “What do you want with us?”

  “I heard there’s been some fighting between the members of your little gang lately.” Lord Vladimus said tauntingly. “I think we should throw a little lunch party to help all you kids make up.”

  “We don’t feel like having lunch!” Lynxar glared.

  Vladimus laughed cruelly and said, “That’s okay. I’ll be the only one who’s eating. Now you two kids sit tight. I’m going to gather up the other guests. I’ll be right back.”

  Lynxar and Rachel watched in horror as Lord Vladimus pressed the jewel in the center of amulet and transformed himself into an exact replica of Lynxar himself. It was strange for Rachel to see someone so evil looking like the man she loved. It was stranger still for Lynxar to peer at an image of himself, as if he were looking in a mirror, and know that it wasn’t really him.

  “I’ll stop you!” Lynxar tried to shout, but his words only came out as a weak whisper.

  “Go ahead and try.” Vladimus jeered. “The more you try to use your powers, the more those magical manacles simply absorb them. The very sour
ce of your power is what gives them the strength to restrain you. “

  Laughing, Vladimus disappeared. Lynxar closed his eyes and tried to use the powers of his mind to forewarn his friends of the vampire’s treachery. Unfortunately, Vladimus was right. The manacles absorbed his abilities and he was unable to send out any telepathic messages.

  “What are we going to do?” Rachel asked, her eyes wide with terror.

  “I don’t know yet.” Lynxar said. “I just need time to think of a plan.”

  Chapter Five

  Mayor Mike McIntyre smiled as his wife came into his office in downtown Colossal City, and locked the door behind her.

  “This is a pleasant surprise,” he grinned at her. She looked even more beautiful now than she had when he first fell in love with her. Her long lavender colored hair flowed over her shoulders and her purple eyes sparkled with excitement.

  “Is everything all right in the city today?” Lynxonna asked him, her cheeks slightly flushed with concern.

  “Yes, of course it is.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked again, rushing across his office to look out his window. He had a magnificent view and the streets bellow looked peaceful and calm.

  “What’s wrong?” Mike asked with concern. He’d learned long ago to always trust his wife’s instincts and telepathic abilities.

  Lynxonna pulled the office shades closed and shook her head. “I thought I heard the barest whisper of a cry for help in my mind just a little bit ago. I thought maybe it was you, but obviously not.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Mike said in a loving tone as he kept up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and began to nuzzle her neck from behind. “I may have been feeling a bit of distress earlier.”

  “What kind of distress?” Lynxonna asked with a flirtatious grin. She turned around in his arms and kissed him passionately. Her hand trailed down his pants to find he had an erection. Massaging him there, she said, “Is this the source of your distress?”

  “It is.” Mike nodded with mock solemnity. “I need a superhero to rescue me from my distress.”

  Lynxonna giggled playfully at the fun game and said, “Well, have no fear. I will save you.”

  With a whisk of her telekinetic mind powers, she stripped the clothes from both their bodies, leaving them both naked in the middle of the Mayor’s office. Then she swept his desk clean, knocking all his papers onto the floor with one sweep of her mind powers.

  “Make love to me, right here and right now,” she whispered sexily, as she draped herself across the top of his desk.

  Mike eagerly devoured her with his mouth, kissing her from head to toe as his hands caressed her body. Lynxonna’s breathing came in rapid gasps as she moaned in delight under his expert touch. All the while, she used the powers of her mind to massage and stimulate his most sensitive organ, making him gasp and moan in ecstasy.

  “I want you inside me!” she cried out, and levitated him off the ground so he joined her on the desk. Willingly, Mike plunged himself inside her, filling her up and making her moan in pleasure. They thrust together in perfect unison, undulating wildly on the desk such that they would have fallen off of it, if it hadn’t been for Lynxonna’s powers of levitation that kept them safely in the air.

  She lowered them gently to the ground and they continued thrusting with uncontrolled passion, both of them deep in the throes of simultaneous orgasms.

  As their climaxes came to an end, and their breathing and heart rates slowed, a sudden knock came on the office door.

  “Mr. Mayor, I’m sorry to interrupt when you’re in a conference,” came the urgent voice of his secretary, “but Lynxar is here. He says its matter of life and death.”

  Mike looked at his wife with a worried expression. “Maybe you did hear a cry for help earlier. “

  “Maybe.” Lynxonna said, looking deeply suspicious. “Why didn’t I sense Lynxar come into your office, though? He and I are very strongly connected. I should have known he was here, but I have no reading of his mind.”

  The couple threw on their clothes as quickly as they could and opened the office door. Sure enough, the figure of Lynxar stood on the other side. A strange jeweled amulet hung around his neck and Lynxonna properly guessed that it had shielded him from her powers.

  “What’s the emergency?” Mike asked Lynxar, inviting him into the office and closing the door behind him.

  Lynxar looked at them strangely, with odd black eyes. He said was holding a large sack. He said “Lynxonna, come here. I’ve got to show you something that I found that may be dangerous. Let me know if you can identify it.”

  Curious, Lynxonna came up to Lynxar and held out her hands so he could hand her the mysterious object in the sack. Quickly, before she even had time to blink, Vladimus pulled out a pair of the manacles he had created and bound them to her wrists. Instantly, she was drained of her powers and fell to the ground, helpless and weak.

  Mike made a fist and swung with all his might, but his punch with human strength had no effect on a supernatural enemy. Seconds later, Vladimus had the Mayor bound in shackles, too. He hoisted the two captives like sacks of flour, carrying one over each shoulder, and ran with lightening speed back to Lynxar’s house, where he deposited them on the ground next to the real Lynxar and his wife.

  “What’s going on? I don’t understand!” Lynxonna cried out angrily as she stared at the twin images of her friend, one bound as she was and the other clearly up to some evil plan.

  Vladimus pushed the jewel in his amulet, revealing his true form, and Lynxonna recoiled in surprise. The vampire grinned and said “I’ll let your friends explain the situation. I’ve got two guests to bring back. Don’t worry, I’ll return before you even have time to miss me.”

  By the time Lynxar had finished explaining their predicament to Mike and Lynxonna, Vladimus had returned again, this time with Bryan and Vicky both bound by the magical manacles as well.

  Rachel looked at the clock with terrified eyes. Her daughter Lynxiennia would be getting out of school in just a few hours. They had to find a way to stop this villain before she got home from school or her life would be in danger, too.

  Lynxar looked at his wife, not needing his mind powers to know what she was thinking. He’d been formulating a plan that he thought just might work. All he needed was for Lord Vladimus to leave the house one more time and they could all escape. If Vladimus succeeded at capturing Archer and Dawn and returned with them, he’d be coming back to an unpleasant surprise, as the six of them would be free and ready to capture him. The crystal coffin was still downstairs in Rachel’s lab, they just had to work together to lock him into it.

  “I think our lunch party is almost complete.” Lord Vladimus said happily as he looked at the six prisoners lying helplessly on the floor of Lynxar’s living room.

  “What about Archer Speedlight?” Lynxar asked, hoping Vladimus would leave to soon so he could enact his escape plan.

  Vladimus smiled evilly and said, “Oh, I don’t need to seek out Archer. Once he hears the ugly lies I’ve been spreading all over Colossal City, he’ll come here looking for you. Then I will get my revenge in the form of his blood!”

  Chapter Six

  Archer went home for his lunch break from the hospital. Traditionally, it was his favorite time of day to spend with Dawn. Aurora was at school and they could be alone with each other, to make love and talk about the things that mattered to them.

  Archer realized with a little sadness that today Dawn probably wouldn’t be there, since she’d just been hired to work in the Mayor’s office. He was happy for her and proud of her accomplishment. It was a job she’d wanted to get for a long time, and she’d finally achieved her goal. A small part of him, however, was selfishly disappointed, because it meant they wouldn’t be able to spend this time together during his lunch break.

  Archer was surprised however, to see Dawn’s car parked in front of their apartment when he got there. He was even more surprised to find her toss
ing all his things out of the window and onto the lawn.

  “Take this! And take that! And take all of those!” Dawn was shouting at him as she tossed his most treasured items out the window. His books on coffins went hurling past him with dangerous speed, and he barely dodged getting hit in the head by one.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, darting to the left to avoid being pelted by his favorite pair of shoes.

  “I talked to Rachel today!” Dawn cried out, angrily. “I know everything! I know all about your affair with her!”

  Archer held out his hands to manifest a shield made of gold that shimmered like the sun. He held it up in front of him, so that he could make it through the gauntlet of objects she was hurling at him as he tried to get through their front door. His music collection smashed against the shield, one by one, as she chucked them at him like baseballs.

  Finally he got close enough to her to reach out and grab her arms, stopping her from throwing any more of his possessions at him. Looking at her with eyes full of confusion and love, he said “What are you talking about? Is this because you saw me hugging her today?”

  Dawn struggled in his grasp and said “I know you’ve been affair with Rachel. She told me so herself, so don’t bother denying it!”

  Archer was so shocked he let go of her arms and collapsed into the nearest chair. In a voice that was nearly a whisper he said, “Why would Rachel make up such an outrageous lie? What reason could she have for trying to break us up?”

  This was not the reaction Dawn expected. She sat down next to Archer and said, “So it’s not really true?”

  Archer reached out gently took Dawn’s hand in his own. He put her hand to his chest, directly over his heart, and said, “See for yourself what is true.”

  Archer closed his eyes and his entire body began to glow with a magical power Dawn had never seen before. The bright energy warmed her hand and began to move up her arm, until her entire body was glowing too. Dawn closed her eyes and she could see Archer’s innermost thoughts and feel his deepest feelings. He loved her and only her. He had never been unfaithful or untrue to her.


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