Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle) Page 16

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Dawn pulled her hand away from Archer’s heart and the connection between them broke. The glowing faded away, but the smile on her face and the love in her eyes remained. She hugged Archer tightly to her and kissed him passionately on the lips, drinking him in as if she were starving.

  “I’m so sorry I ever doubted you.” Dawn said. “If I had listened to my heart, I would have known it couldn’t be true, but it took listening to yours to really convince me.”

  She kissed him again, letting her hands run through his hair as their tongues intertwined. He wrapped his arms around her, sliding his hands over her backside to squeeze her buttocks in just the right way.

  “You have nothing to apologize for.” Archer breathed, as he nuzzled her neck and kissed the hollow of her throat. “You were deceived, but you can always come to me and I will let you see what’s inside my heart anytime you want to know the truth.”

  Dawn pulled her blouse over her head, revealing her naked breasts to him. He dove into them hungrily, kissing them all over, until he came to her luscious nipples in the center. He kissed them with his mouth, teasing her by flicking them with his tongue.

  Dawn reached down and grabbed his rigid member with her hands and began to stroke him while he nuzzled her breasts. She whispered, “I want you inside me.”

  “Not yet.” Archer said. He held out his hands and manifested a small vibrating sex toy. Smiling at her, he said “Not until I make you orgasm first.”

  Dawn’s eyes danced with excitement at the prospect and she knelt on carpet. She said, “I’ll only let you give me an orgasm with that toy if I get to suck on your organ while you do it.”

  “Agreed.” Archer grinned, delighted at the naughty bargain. He lay on the carpet and Dawn knelt beside him in such as position that Archer could pleasure her with the vibrating toy while she made love to him with her mouth.

  The intensity of the pleasure she felt was incredible as the toy stimulated her in just the right places. It brought her to orgasm quickly and made her suckle him with her mouth all the more passionately. Archer had to withdraw himself from her hot, wet mouth for fear that he would climax too soon.

  Dawn remained kneeling on the carpet and asked him to enter her from behind. Willingly, Archer complied, sliding his rigid member deep into her sacred folds from behind, sinking himself fully into her with one hard thrust.

  Dawn rocked back against him as he thrust again and again, drawing him even deeper into her than either of them would have imagined was possible. The intensity of it drove them both wild with passion, and they climaxed together, crying out in ecstasy.

  Afterward, they took a quick shower together, got dressed, and began putting away all of Archer’s possessions, which were now strewn all over the apartment and out onto the lawn.

  “You’ve got a pretty good pitching arm.” Archer complimented in jest, as he brought a pile of his books in from the lawn, along with his shoes and clothes.

  “Yeah, I’m really sorry about that.” Dawn said with a look of chagrin. “Thank goodness you’ve got such quick reflexes or I could have hurt you.”

  “The only way you could really hurt me would be to call off the wedding.” Archer said, and then he grew thoughtful for a moment. Looking at Dawn, he said, “Someone must have known that. Someone must be trying to hurt me by breaking us up just before our wedding; but who?”

  Dawn said “Whoever it is, they aren’t just hurting you. They involved Lynxar and Rachel in their crazy lie, too.” Suddenly, Dawn dropped the pile of clothes she’d just picked up off the floor and cried out “Oh, no! After I talked to Rachel and I went her house and told the lie to Lynxar! He looked so heartbroken and angry! I think I just destroyed their marriage over a lie!”

  “Don’t worry.” Archer said reassuringly. He grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. He said “We’ll go to Lynxar’s house together and tell him the truth. Maybe together we can figure out who’s behind this conspiracy.”

  Dawn gave Archer a grateful kiss. They had several hours before it was time to pick up Aurora from school. That was plenty of time to go to Lynxar’s and get this mess straightened out. Or so they thought.

  Lynxar’s house looked peaceful and quiet when they knocked on his front door. Only something unexpected was about to happen that would change the fate of Colossal City forever.

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK THIRTEEN: A Heart for Family - Volume 13

  A Heart for Family

  Chapter One

  Lord Vladimus, the evil vampire king, checked on his captives one by one, making sure the enchanted manacles he had locked to their wrists and ankles were still secure. Not only would the devices keep his victims from being able to move, but their magical properties would drain away any superpowers that they possessed. They were the perfect restraint for the three members of the Alliance of Hero Friends that he had captured, as well as their three spouses.

  Vladimus towered over his victims with his tall, muscular body as they lay on the living room floor. His long, black hair hung loosely to his shoulders as he walked imperiously past each one of them. There was Bryan Hillman, the billionaire who could turn into the invisible superhero known as the Ghost. He couldn’t turn invisible now, however, with the manacles draining him of the ability, so he lay on the carpet and glared up at the vampire. Next to him was his wife, the television news anchor, Vicky Campbell-Hillman. She was such a know-it-all on the news, but now she looked much more contrite. Her raven black hair fell over her downturned face, hiding the fear in her bright green eyes.

  The same couldn’t be said of the superhero alien Lynxonna. Always feisty, she continued to struggle in her bonds, no matter how weak it made her. Her lavender hair flew wildly around her as she thrashed violently, and her ample breasts began to heave for breath as exhaustion threatened to overtake her. Her husband, the Mayor Mike McIntyre, tried uselessly to get her to lay still and preserve her strength, but as usual, she wouldn’t listen. Having the abilities of superior speed and strength combined with the mental powers of telepathy and telekinesis, made it hard for her to accept failure or defeat. The more she struggled to use her powers, the more the enchanted manacles drained them from her and grew all the stronger because of them. The more powerful the wearer was, the stronger the manacles became, so that no one could escape them.

  Next to Mike and Lynxonna lay the renowned scientist and inventor, Dr. Rachel Deering. Her blonde hair was still swept up in an elegant bun and she still wore her lab coat over her clothes, as if ready for her work. A great sadness filled her bright blue eyes, as if she knew someone she loved were about to die. Vladimus grinned cruelly, thinking that she was indeed correct, for next to Rachel lay her husband, Lynxar, the best prize of them all. The alien from Flonar with the lavender hair and purple eyes was the one victim he longed to kill most of all. He would wait to drain Lynxar’s blood last of all, making him watch the grisly deaths of everyone he cared about first.

  Vladimus remembered all too well the great vampire war that had taken place on the planet Flonar over three hundred years ago. Victory was nearly his, and he would have ruled the entire planet and enslaved the entire population. Then, the unthinkable happened and the Captain of the free armies of Flonar stepped forward from the line of battle. His name was Lynxarione, and he was Lynxar’s father.

  Lord Vladimus had been armed at the time with his favorite sword, an enchanted weapon he could manifest at will. Captain Lynxarione held only a fragile-looking sword made only of delicate crystal. The vampire king’s victory seemed sure, but when he struck the crystal sword, it shattered and released the pure light of the sun upon him, burning him painfully and allowing the captain to push him into a crystal coffin prison where he had languished for three centuries, thinking only of his revenge. Now at last, he had in his clutches the son of the man who had defeated him.

  Three hundred years in prison had taught Vladimus the value of patience and caution. He needed to capture the fourth member of the AHF before he could safely ena
ct his revenge; this member was an alien from the planet Mathias named Dr. Archer Speedlight. While he was at it, he figured he’d capture Archer’s fiancée Dawn Bright, too. Once he had all four superheroes and their loved ones captured together, he would drink all their blood at once. Then his enemies would be dead and their supernatural blood would make him invincible. There would be no one in the universe that could defeat him then. Revenge would finally be his, as he ruled the Earth and then Flonar, drinking the blood of all of Lynxarione’s descendents and the population of all the worlds where they’d ever lived!

  “Let our spouses go.” Lynxar said weakly from carpet of his own living room, as Lord Vladimus passed by him and nudged him with his boot. “You only need us. Our families are worthless to you.”

  The evil vampire’s eyes danced with delight to hear his victim beg. Laughing cruelly, Vladimus said “Ahh, but they will make a delicious treat nonetheless.”

  Just to torment Lynxar, Vladimus ran his hands over his wife Rachel’s tender throat, as if preparing to drink her blood right then and there. Lynxar cried out angrily, “Let my family go!”

  The words sparked an insight in the vampire’s mind that he hadn’t thought of before. Lynxar hadn’t said ‘let my wife go’; he’d said ‘let my family go’. Vladimus moved his hand to Rachel’s stomach and felt the slight bulge there that was undoubtedly a pregnancy. Closing his eyes, the vampire sensed the innocent life growing within her and grinned maliciously.

  As Rachel squirmed, trying to escape his icy touch, Vladimus said, “Well, this is an even more scrumptious treat than I expected.”

  Without thinking, Rachel cried out, “No! Don’t hurt our children!”

  The vampire’s eyes lit up even more at the choice of words. He said “Children? So you have more than this one growing inside you? This just keeps getting better and better.”

  None of the captives lying helplessly on the floor dared to speak another word after that, for fear the vampire would learn even more things to use against them. It didn’t take long for Vladimus to discover everything he needed to know, just by looking around the room. Pictures of Lynxar and Rachel’s six year old daughter Lynxiennia were everywhere. In many of them, she could be seen with Dawn Bright’s daughter Aurora. In many other pictures, the two girls were doing activities with the members of the AFH. It was clear that they were precious to all the superheroes and that harming them would be the perfect way to torment them all.

  At last, Vladimus found the clue he needed most of all. It was a copy of Lynxienna’s schedule at Jefferson Elementary School. It gave the address of the building and what time of day the final bell would release the students. He looked at the clock and it was clear what he intended to do.

  “No! You can’t!” Rachel cried out, unable to stop herself as tears poured down her cheeks.

  “Oh, I don’t believe anyone here is in a position to stop me.” Vladimus sneered at her. “Don’t worry, though. I’ll bring the two little brats here so you can all watch them die.”

  Desperate to save her daughter’s life, Rachel said, “Even you couldn’t drink the blood of two innocent children!”

  Looking thoughtful for a moment, Vladimus said tauntingly, “You’re right; I am trying to watch my figure and it would be awfully sweet. I’d bring along a date, and we can share the dessert together. Thank you for the idea. I knew you were a romantic.”

  Rachel wanted to say something back to him, but words failed her in the face of such pure evil. She watched as Vladimus pulled a small portal pad out of the folds of his cape and set it on the ground. He pushed the button to activate it and the device whirled to life with a blinding light. Lynxar and the others gasped in horror, wondering what evil creature would emerge.

  Chapter Two

  The teleportation portal whirled and flashed. Suddenly a figure stepped out of it. She had long black hair, which hung in a sheet clear to her waist. Her voluptuous figure was accentuated by the clinging dress she wore of shiny, black silk. Her enormous breasts strained against the buttons of her bodice, threatening to pop out at any moment.

  “I’d like everyone to meet Scarrietta.” Vladimus said, as he charmingly took her hand helped her step into Lynxar’s living room. Vladimus kissed the back of her hand, then spread his arms wide, showing off his six captives to her and said “Scarrietta, I’d like you to meet tonight’s feast. You can have the regular humans; I’ll take the superheroes.”

  “They look positively delicious,” the female vampire said, licking her lips hungrily. Then she looked Vladimus up and down sensuously and said, “But right now I’m hungry for something else.”

  The vampire king led her up the stairs to Lynxar and Rachel’s very own bedroom and said, “Let’s build up our appetites with a little exercise first. Then we can fetch the brats from school and feast on them while we make their parents watch.”

  “I like the way you think.” Scarrietta said. As soon as the bedroom door was closed, she ripped the clothes off the vampire king’s body. Hungrily, she took his manhood into her mouth, sucking on the length of him with greedy slurps.

  “Easy.” Vladimus said, pushing her away. “You’ll make me climax too soon.”

  Scarrietta would not be pushed away and leaped at the vampire king, knocking him onto the bed. She pounced upon his prone body and straddled his waist. She was already wet and ready for him, and she mounted him quickly, causing him to enter her willingly with one solid thrust.

  Scarrietta bucked wildly on top of him, thrusting and gyrating like an animal. She threw back her head, moaning in ecstasy as she ran her fingernails up and down his chest.

  Vladimus grabbed her by the wrists and flipped over with sudden and unexpected force. Before she realized what was happening, Scarrietta was laying flat on her back in the middle of the bed and Vladimus was on top, continuing to thrust as she had been doing.

  “Yes! Harder!” the female vampire cried out in pleasure. She lifted her legs and wrapped them firmly around his waist, as she ran her hands across her own chest, pinching and squeezing her hardened nipples. She bucked her hips upward with every thrust, driving him deeper into her than he would have thought possible. She screamed loudly with pleasure, crying out, “Harder! Deeper! Do it!”

  Vladimus sensed that she was about to climax and withdrew himself from her suddenly. Scarrietta cried out in objection. “Don’t stop!”

  Enjoying himself, Vladimus laughed cruelly. He said to her in his most commanding voice “I am the vampire king, not you. You don’t tell me what to do, I tell you.”

  Scarrietta bowed subserviently, but a naughty smile curled her lips and her eyes danced with delight. “What do you command, great Lord of the Vampires?”

  Lord Vladimus liked the title almost as much as her gorgeous body. Stroking himself with his hand, he said to her, “Pleasure yourself for me while I watch.”

  Willingly, Scarrietta brought herself to orgasm with the expert use of her fingers while Vladimus enjoyed the show. Then he entered her from every position he could think of, thrusting with almost violent force while she screamed out in pleasure and climaxed again and again.

  When at last they had satisfied their dark lusts, the clock on the wall was striking two o’clock in the afternoon and Vladimus shoved her off of himself and leapt up from the bed. “We must go! The children will be leaving the school and we will lose them! If we are going to capture the two little girls, we must do it now before the final bell rings and they scatter with their friends!”

  “Wait! I cannot go out into the sunlight!” Scarrietta objected, but she had no need to fear.

  Vladimus held out his hand, manifesting a jeweled ring that matched the one he wore on his right hand. He handed it to Scarrietta, and her eyes lit up with excitement. Putting it on, she said “Does this gift mean what I think it does?”

  Vladimus sneered at her and said “No, it is not some silly symbol of commitment. It has the power to protect you from the sun. As long as you are wearing the ring, y
ou can go out into the daylight without any harm.”

  Scarrietta looked disappointed for the briefest moment that the ring didn’t have more romantic importance, but quickly recovered. Smiling with a malicious gleam in her eye, she said, “Too bad the humans don’t have anything to protect them from the harm we’re about to inflict upon them.”

  “Let’s go!” Vladimus cackled. He took Scarrietta by the hand and led her down the stairs and out the front door. As Lynxar and the others watched them leave, one look at the living room clock told them where the vampires were going; school was about to get out for the day.

  “We’ve got to escape now, or it will be too late!” Lynxar shouted to his friends.

  “I’m trying!” Lynxonna cried out, straining so hard that she nearly passed out from the effort and her husband Mike had to plead with her to stop.

  Bryan’s body began to fade slightly, and it looked like he might overcome the draining powers of the manacles and achieve the ability to turn invisible. If he could, it might mean that he could also regain his superior strength and break free of the bonds.

  “You can do it!” his wife Vicky encouraged, but suddenly all his strength was sapped from him and he lost all his powers once more.

  “I tried.” Bryan wheezed. He had barely enough energy to speak now.

  “What will we do?” Rachel asked her husband, looking at Lynxar with her big blue eyes full of tears. “Any minute, Vladimus will come back through our front door holding our daughter and we’ve got to find a way to stop him!”

  Lynxar wished he had a way to answer her, when suddenly a figure burst through the front door and there was no longer any need.


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