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Heart of Frankenstein

Page 16

by Lexi Post

  She was fine with that. She’d even be fine with him sleeping with her, which was not her usual sentiment. She usually liked having the bed to herself so she could sleep and she definitely wanted to sleep after that, but she’d be happy if he joined her.

  She hadn’t expended that much energy in all the days she’d been in Alaska. As if on cue, her hands started to throb. She almost smiled at the reminder she wasn’t herself yet…almost.

  Sas pulled his hips back, and she dropped her legs, her weakness creeping in now that the adrenaline rush of sex was gone. He stepped off the bed and lifted the quilt to cover her. “Rest.”

  She nodded, closing her eyes at the same time, a feeling of contentment filling her.


  A throbbing in her hand woke her. Angela opened her eyes to pitch black darkness in the cabin, but she could tell she’d rolled onto her side. She must be feeling better if she was returning to old habits. The only problem was the pressure on her hand made it burn like it had before.

  Quickly, she readjusted herself, lying flat on her back. Her stomach growled to remind her she’d fallen asleep long before dinner. She didn’t want to wake Sas after all he’d done for her.

  Another rumble sounded only this one was outside. Were there thunderstorms in Alaska?

  A bright flash of light lit the cabin followed by a loud boomer.

  That answered that question. Maybe Sas was awake anyway. She lifted her head to look in the direction of the couch. Another flash of lightning hit, and her scream lodged in her throat.

  Sas sat on the couch, his eyes wide and wild before blackness reigned again.

  A sizzling crack made her jump before another roll of loud thunder followed. Fear skittered up her spine. Was he sleepwalking? She waited for the rumble to die away. “Sas? Are you awake?”

  No answer.

  She didn’t like the idea of him being asleep but with his eyes wide open. It was eerie. “Sas! Wake up.”

  “I am.” She barely heard him, his voice so low it sounded as if it was dragged up from the depths of hell.

  “Are you okay?”

  Another flash of lightning hit, but Sas hadn’t moved. The thunder that followed was so loud the sound vibrated the bed. He still didn’t answer her.

  “Sas, please come here.” She didn’t know what she’d do once he got there, but anything to keep him from looking like a poorly made horror movie.

  Lightning flashed again, but he remained where he was. This time it took a couple of seconds before the thunder vibrated the bed, but Sas was frozen in place. “Sas! Come over here, right now!”

  Despite the rain hitting the roof, she heard his footsteps as he approached. Okay, now what was she supposed to do?

  Sas didn’t pull the chair over or even stand next to the bed. Instead, he lifted the quilt, crawled in and pulled her against him, fitting her to his chest as he lay on his side. His warmth was welcome, and she smiled in the darkness. “Thank you.”

  Almost a minute went by before another flash lit the cabin. Sas’ body jerked at the light, but other than that he didn’t react. When the thunder rolled in almost ten seconds later, he remained stock still.

  Was he afraid of lightning? That was a little hard to believe. Then again, if he was closer to the Sasquatch he was named after than they realized…Would that man/animal also be afraid of lightning and thunder? Many domestic animals were.

  She tossed the idea aside. Sas wasn’t an animal, he was a well-traveled, intelligent, very large man and nothing more. The storm simply played with her imagination.

  When another lightning strike flashed and Sas jerked again, she was back to believing the man holding her had a lightning phobia. On one hand it was a shock, but on the other hand, it made her feel useful. Maybe she could make him feel better for a change.

  She couldn’t touch him with her hands, so she carefully turned toward him and kissed his chest before snuggling her head against his shoulder. His arm tightened around her, and he buried his face in her hair.

  Thunder sounded in the distance as the storm moved farther away. There was still more lightning to come, but each time he squeezed her tight before relaxing again.

  She wanted to cry for him. To be such a huge, strong man and to be afraid of lightning had to be embarrassing for him. Maybe his fear wasn’t unreasonable. Some childhood trauma could be associated with it, or—oh shoot, what if it had something to do with his scars?

  Her eyes started to water at the thought of him going through so much surgery as a young boy then reliving that every time there was lightning in the sky. His scars were faded enough where that could very well be the case.

  When another rumble sounded only this one inside her tummy, she grimaced. Maybe he didn’t hear that.

  Sas pulled his head away from hers. “You’re hungry.”

  Shoot, guess he did. “Just a little. I think it was all that activity.” Though she spoke to his chest, she sensed his disagreement even before he spoke.

  “No. I didn’t feed you dinner because you were asleep. I will rectify that now.” He removed his arm from around her, and she immediately missed it.

  She didn’t want him to go, which made absolutely no sense. “Kiss me first? I’m hungry for that even more.” Shoot, now she sounded needy.

  He stilled as if unsure of how to respond. There was something so vulnerable about that, which made her feel a lot better about her own feelings. She lifted her face up to where she knew he was though she couldn’t see him at all.

  Somehow though, he found her lips on the first try and breached them. As his tongue took command of her mouth, every muscle in her body went lax. Take me was the only thought in her head.

  But Sas had much stronger willpower than she did and he broke the kiss.

  She stifled a moan of disappointment as he rose from the bed, careful to replace the quilt around her. Though he didn’t say anything, she had a feeling he wanted her fed so they could have sex again without depleting her strength. She was all for that, so she didn’t complain.

  Once Sas lit the lantern, she had even less reason to complain as he set about making her dinner while completely naked.

  He sliced the onion and threw it into the pan with the elk meat. His thoughts swirled in his head. Half of him wanted to run to the top of his mountain and shout for joy while the other half urged him to simply run as far from Angel as possible.

  She caused a maelstrom of emotions to fill him and with no one to guide him, he was swept up in them like a snowflake in a blizzard. Burying his cock inside her had been a bliss he didn’t know existed, didn’t know was possible. It felt like…like heaven?

  He dumped the mushrooms on the counter and proceeded to chop them. Everything about Angel was soft. She was his opposite in every way as if fate decreed he could finally be whole, despite the difference in their lifespans.

  His hand froze in midair. That’s why he wanted to run. The thought of having a mate only to lose her in forty years while he continued to exist for another forty hundred caused a pain so sharp in his chest that he flinched.

  Recalling himself to his task, he finished cutting the mushrooms and added them to the pan. He pulled a box from the cabinet and sprinkled four of his spices over the food. Putting them away, he moved to the cold box and scooped a hunk of butter from the bowl inside. Flicking that into the pan as well, he stared at the food.

  Something was missing, but his mind didn’t want to focus. This was for Angel. The woman who depended on him to survive. The woman who let him enjoy her body until he was fulfilled. The woman who comforted him in the storm.

  A rumble in the distance echoed his thought, and he turned from the pan and strode into his pantry cave. The cooler air stopped the sudden panic in his chest that she knew his only weakness. His fear of lightning.

  Akiakook had told him he needed to face his fear to conquer it, but no matter how many times he tried, he’d failed. Now the woman who could be his salvation knew of his weakness…and comfo
rted him.

  Comfort. No one had done that for him in all the years of his existence. It had been denied him for so long that he’d thought it impossible for a being like himself as if his lack of comfort was part of the price he paid for his immortality. Not that he’d ever been given the choice. If he could have a finite number of years and grow old like man, he’d embrace it with whole-hearted enthusiasm.

  He stared at the crates and barrels in his cave, trying to remember why he’d entered, but instead, he kept seeing images of Angel’s naked body and feeling her snuggle against him to offer comfort.

  A new vision of life formed, one with joy and happiness. One where he lived like a man, had a mate and shared every day with someone who loved h—

  He grabbed his head as if to block out the tempting picture.

  No! It wasn’t possible. He was not human and he didn’t deserve love. He was a monstrosity, an abomination like Victor said. His acts of repentance were no more than pennies against the cost of his crimes.

  But you didn’t know. His younger voice crept up again to tempt him. You acted on instinct, the same instinct man has if not tempered by nurturing and goodness and education.

  No, not true. He’d understood. He’d even set up one innocent to take the blame for his crime. He didn’t deserve love. All he could hope for was peace. Akiakook had said peace was the ultimate state for those who had gone against their own nature.

  But you acted according to your nature. It was all Victor left you. He didn’t treat you like the son you should have been. He created you and left you to fend for yourself, to learn who you were on your own with no guidance. He never gave you a chance. He dismissed you as a monster from the moment of your first breath, before you even knew what breath and light and life was.

  That may be true, but that only made him less worthy of love. If his nature was to be a monster then he didn’t deserve to mate. Wasn’t that what Victor had feared? Why he’d destroyed the one woman who could have been his exact match?

  “Sas? Are you alright in there?” Angel’s voice floated through the doorway.

  He didn’t want to answer. The truth was, he would never be all right. “I will return shortly.” He pushed away any further thoughts on happiness and searched for the small bottle of juice he rarely used. Finding it where he expected, he walked back inside to the counter and sprinkled a small amount of lemon on the meat. Though lemon balm had the name of lemon, it tasted of mint which wasn’t what he wanted for their dinner, but lemon juice was a rare commodity.

  “What are you making?” Angel’s voice helped him keep his dark thoughts at bay.

  “I’ll tell you after you taste it.”

  “Uh-oh. That sounds like it might be something I’d never eat if I had the choice.”

  He moved the pan to the wood stove then added more wood. “You don’t have to try it.”

  “Of course, I’ll try it. I love everything you feed me. In fact, I was hoping to have a little of you for dessert.”

  Confused, he glanced at her to find her staring at his bare cock. Immediately, blood rush to that spot, and he hardened as raw lust built in his groin. He turned his back on her and opened the cabinet.

  The thought of her mouth enveloping his cock had him gripping the plate in his hand. Was this more punishment? To tempt him with sex, knowing he could have nothing more?

  “By the way, I don’t mind having dessert before dinner.” She practically purred her words.

  His cock jumped, hitting the side of the counter, and he tightened his ass in response. He’d never been a saint, far from it, so if she wanted to suck on his cock, he’d oblige, knowing full well he would be sorry later.

  “Though I have to admit it’s smelling really good in here.”

  At her words, he forced himself to let go of the plate, pick up a spatula and tend to their meal. She needed her energy if she wanted to…he quickly flipped the meat and dribbled the juices over it. He had to concentrate on dinner. Having a hard cock near the stove meant he might burn himself and he had no doubt he would feel every hot sensation of it.

  Moving the pan over to the counter, his thoughts brought new conclusions. While inside Angel he’d felt every sweet sensation. Obviously, the lack of sensation over the years hadn’t effected that piece of his anatomy. That was odd. Maybe because he’d never had the experience of being inside a woman before.

  He loaded the plate with food, cutting the meat at the counter. When he walked to the bed, he found Angel staring at him.

  “I hope I’m not embarrassing you. I’ve never been with a man of your size before and, well, it’s pretty exciting.”

  He swallowed hard as her gaze left his face to wander down his torso. Before it reached his hardening cock, he sat and used the fork to spear a mushroom, onion slice and a square of elk meat.

  She chuckled. “Okay, I get the message. Shut up and eat.” She opened her mouth and he placed the food inside. She took the mouthful and chewed while he gathered more food onto the fork.

  When he looked up again, she was licking her lips. Fascinated by her tongue as it slid along her full lips, his cock grew harder, hitting the bottom of the plate.

  She opened her mouth again for another bite, but his desire was too strong.

  Within seconds he stood, placed the plate on the chair and climbed onto the bed. He straddled her chest, still careful of her hands despite the lust riding him hard. Looking down at her face, he caught her sly smile.

  He gazed into her eyes. “I want this.”

  A shiver raced across her skin before she winked. “Of course you do, every man does.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never had it.”

  Her eyes widened before her gaze fell to his cock. “Then you’re long overdue. Just remember to let me determine how much of you to take because you’re far too long for me to swallow all of you.” She raised her head and licked at his tip then looked up at him.

  His voice caught in his throat, so he nodded to let her know he understood.

  “Good. Now bring your handsome-self closer, so I can taste more of you.” She licked her lips again as if to entice him.

  He hesitated a couple of seconds, unsure if he’d be able to stay in control with such a new experience. He tossed the idea aside. Keeping her safe was too strong an instinct. He was confident he wouldn’t go too far.

  Finally, he lowered his cock to her lips.

  She began by licking the entire head before pulling just that amount into her mouth. When her teeth ran along the underside of his ridge, a slice of pleasure sped up his spine. Then she sucked at the head, spiking his rising need.

  She pulled her mouth away and tongued the underside of his cock from the start of his balls to the tip of his head. Shocks sped from his groin to his brain and back. She repeated the stroke a number of times until he thought he would have to stop the whole process.

  As if she knew exactly what his breaking point was, she paused. “I need you even closer now.”

  Just her words had his body tensing. “Are you sure?”

  She grinned. “More than sure. I’ve only had a taste, now I want it all.”

  He took a deep breath to relax his muscles before moving his hips closer. He rested his hands on his thighs, watching her mouth.

  She lifted her head and took him inside past his tip, past the ridge and halfway down his shaft. Then her lips closed over him and her tongue played.

  He gripped his thighs hard to keep from moving his hips, her warning the only logical thought in his head. When she pulled her mouth down to his tip and back up again, he thought he would release right then. Leaning over her, he put his hands on the wall, tilting his hips to give her more access to his rigid cock.

  She moaned with pleasure and brought her mouth farther up his shaft. The vibration of sound had his control slipping. His fingers dug into the log above her head as he forced his hips to remain still.

  Her arm came around his ass, and she pressed him toward her.

sp; Slowly, he gave in to her pressure, careful to stop when she let up. Her throat worked on his head as her tongue laved at his shaft and her warm mouth enveloped him. He leaned his forehead against the wall trying to hold on, but the sweet torture was too much.

  He locked his hips to keep from hurting her as his release ripped from his cock, spilling into her sweet mouth. He threw back his head and yelled as the pleasure erupted through him.

  When he had spent all he had, he looked down at her. She licked him all over as if she wanted to taste every last drop of his release. When she was satisfied he was completely clean, she kissed his tip. “That didn’t just make me horny, but hungry too.”

  His cocked jumped of its own accord at her words and she laughed, a sultry sound that had his body responding again.

  “Tell you what, Sas. Feed me that dinner that smells so good, and I’ll be happy to have you inside me again.”

  Again, his cock jumped at her words. He quickly moved away, climbing off the bed, uncomfortable with how addicted he already felt to intercourse with her. “You don’t have to feel you need to accept me in your bed. I know I’m not what you’re used to.”

  He lifted the plate and sat in the chair.

  “No, you’re not what I’m used to. You’re better.”

  At her words, he caught her gaze. “Better?” She was mistaken. He’d never had sex with a woman before. He didn’t know the nuances of it.

  She gave him a lopsided grin. “Are you fishing for a compliment?”

  He almost forgot to look away, his level of comfort with her growing by the hour. “I don’t know what you mean. I’ve never had intercourse before.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth opened. She started to speak a couple of times before she finally found the words. “You were a virgin?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t understand why she was shocked. He was marked by scars, had an intense gaze, the whites of his eyes were slightly yellow and he was larger than any man he’d ever met. Plus, he was immortal, not that he could tell her that.

  She shook her head. “I can’t believe some woman hasn’t jumped you by now. Where have you been, in jail or something? Did you commit some kind of crime?” She paused.


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