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Heart of Frankenstein

Page 20

by Lexi Post

  He stopped his movements and began pushing her off him.

  “Wait, I’m okay. Really.” She groaned as she slid off him and he set her on her feet, her knees not really capable of holding her up, but she didn’t have to worry about it. Within seconds, Sas had her lying on her tummy, her arms at her sides, palms up so they wouldn’t get hurt.

  He climbed onto the bed and straddled her thighs. “Your skin is red from the post. I was too rough.”

  She rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. The man was too hard on himself. “No, you weren’t too rough. I loved it.”

  He didn’t respond. No surprise there, but when he started to massage her entire back, she grinned. Maybe it was okay if he thought he was too rough.

  Sas’ hands were like magic, kneading her muscles from her shoulders to her back. As he continued lower, he moved back, straddling her knees as he focused on her ass. She could imagine the red marks went down that far since she’d been instrumental in pulling her hips back against the post.

  As he massaged her cheeks, he spread them then moved them together over and over. She had the feeling he was no longer soothing her and doing more of his own exploration. The man was nothing if not thorough.

  When he squeezed one ass cheek but not the other, she had a feeling she knew what was coming and her sheath moistened all over again.

  Sas ran is large finger down her crease, over her anal rose and almost to her sheath opening. The tingles of pleasure that skittered throughout her core surprised her. He hadn’t done anything but touch her.

  “I understand this is another place for intercourse, but not all women like it.”

  Her sheath tightened at his words. She grinned at his unspoken question. “Yes, but you need lube to fit in there.”

  His finger ran along the same line again only with a little more pressure. Shoot, the man was making her wetter than the Trevi Fountain.

  Sas moved his hands to cup her ass and push it up.

  Naturally, she tilted her hips, giving him a view of her moist entrance. That gave her an idea. Carefully, she moved her arms so she could get her elbows under her and pushed backwards, lifting her butt so she was in the doggy style position, only on her elbows instead of her hands.

  At her initial movement, Sas shifted back across her calves, but she felt him move close again. When his cock brushed her tailbone, she smiled. The man could take a hint.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to enter her. His fingers found her moist folds and played around her clit. After winding her up, his hand disappeared to reach around her waist and lift her to a kneeling position. One arm remained securely around her while the other hand played…with everything.

  He started with her breasts, squeezing one then the other before rolling each nipple and giving it a pinch. Then he turned her head toward him and kissed her until she couldn’t breathe, his tongue dominating her mouth.

  When he was satisfied with that, he moved his hand down over her mons and cupped her, deftly inserting his middle finger inside. He pressed his palm against her clit as his finger stroked in and out of her.

  It was a good thing he held her because the sensations racing through her made it impossible to keep herself upright. Small squeals of delight escaped from her as her body readied for another orgasm.

  Sas pulled his hand away. He was becoming very proficient at revving her up and then slowing things down. Though it was frustrating, she knew from experience that the end result would be worth it. He slowly let her bend forward again and she braced herself on her elbows, careful to keep her hands from pressing into the quilt.

  Her mind quickly shifted to her opening where Sas now stroked his cock.

  The urge to push back onto it was strong, but she forced herself to wait. It would be even better when he was ready.

  When his hand grasped her hip and his cock stopped at her entrance, she swallowed hard. “Yessss.”

  Her hissed word wasn’t even completed before he grasped her other hip and thrust his cock deep inside her. Sparks lit up behind her closed eyes at the pleasure that ripped through her, but she had no time to bask in it.

  Sas pulled his hips back and rammed his cock home again, pulling her ass toward him at the same time. His moan told her he felt every spike of excitement that she did.

  He pulled back again and thrust forward, setting off a string of fireworks throughout her pussy. She panted as he pulled away then buried himself deep once more.

  She felt her orgasm barreling toward her as Sas grasped her hips hard and pumped into her again. Out. In. Out. In. Her sheath sucked at him as her orgasm hit and she let herself go, gliding on a wave of joy that suffused her whole body.

  Sas didn’t move, his own release filling her, bringing her joy to a level she’d never had before with anyone. He bent over her, grasping her against him as his hips pumped a few more times before they both finished their journey of bliss.

  She couldn’t keep her ass up any longer and slowly slid down to her stomach. Sas kept his weight off her, but didn’t let her break their connection. Carefully, he rolled them over onto their side, his cock still deep inside.

  She lay in his arms as her breathing slowed. This was what she wanted, to have him hold her and stay with her all night. Of course, it wasn’t night yet. It wasn’t even lunch time. Sas’ need for her hadn’t waited long enough for Timber to walk out of sight. That alone filled her heart with happiness.



  “Could you sleep with me tonight, all night?”

  He didn’t answer right away. If he declined to answer at all, she had a feeling she might do him bodily damage.


  His question caught her off guard. “Because I like being next to you, not just for sex, but just to be close to you.”

  “If I sleep with you, there may be too much sex.”

  At his answer, her whole body lit up and her sheath squeezed him. “That’s okay.”

  “But you need your rest.”

  She turned her head to look over her shoulder, but she couldn’t see his expression. It felt like he was making excuses. “Will you? Look, if you don’t want to be near me at night, just tell me.” She bit her lip at the hurt sound in her voice. He’d probably pull away now.

  He didn’t. His arm tightened around her, and he buried his face in her hair. They lay like that in silence, her harsh retort hanging in the air. Had she been wrong? Did he not feel the same about her that she felt about him?

  Sas lifted his head. “I would like to sleep with you.”

  Her whole body relaxed in relief. She hadn’t realized exactly how much she cared about him until that very moment. “Good because I want to sleep with you. I mean at night, not now.”

  His hand wandered from her waist to her cheek. He stroked her there for a moment before he gave one of his silent sighs. “I need to finish readying the meat for storage.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  His hand left her face and he braced it on the bed as his hips moved away from her. She missed him, but knowing they would sleep together gave her something to look forward to.

  She rolled over to watch him walk out the door to shower, his ability to stand the cold mindboggling. That he would be back to wash her up had her smiling. There were definitely some advantages to not being able to use her hands. Sas was very thorough.


  He removed the empty dish from the table and brought it to the counter. Angel’s insistence that they eat at the table and he eat at the same time made their meals together more enjoyable.

  Whenever she started to talk about something he didn’t want to discuss, he simply lifted a forkful of food to her lips. He found it humorous even though she frowned at him. It didn’t keep her from her topic. It was simply a delay.

  He heard her push the chair back and walk to the book shelves. Their evenings were spent reading or making love, dependent on what they did in the afte
rnoon. He would prefer to having her both times, but he didn’t want to hurt her while she was still recovering her strength. Anticipating their time together and sleeping side by side made him the happiest he’d ever been.

  “Sas, do you ever take off those leather wrist bands and choker?”

  Her question related to nothing they’d talked about over dinner, so it made him curious why she’d bring them up. “No.” His scars beneath the leather were uglier than the rest, the stitches uneven and large.

  “Why not?”

  He rinsed the tin plate and lifted a towel to dry it. “They are replicas of gifts I received long ago.” To help him look more normal.

  Her footsteps came closer. “From Akiakook?”

  “Yes. His wife made me a set, and when they were worn, I had an identical set created.” And then another and another.

  Angel’s arms came around his waist. “Do you ever see them?”

  He held the plate aloft, not wanting to accidently brush her hands. “They’re dead.”

  She stepped away only to lean against the counter to face him. “I’m sorry.”

  “They died a long time ago.” Over two hundred years or so.

  “I don’t think it matters how long it’s been. There’s still that void in your heart.” She looked down at the floor, almost like she was embarrassed by her grief.

  He set the dry plate down and lifted her chin with his finger. “And fond memories in your mind.”

  She looked up at him. “That’s true. I remember my dad washing the dishes while I dried. Michael and I took turns. One of us would set the table and one of us would dry the dishes. Dad didn’t see the need for a dishwasher.”

  He let go of her face and picked up the pan. Drying it, he put both it and the plate back into the cabinet.

  “I need to get a message to my brother soon.”

  He stilled at her statement.

  “Is there a radio or some way to get him word that I’m okay?”

  He faced her. “There is in Savik. Grubber has a radio which can contact Tavva. I’m not sure how far theirs reaches. Where is your brother?”

  “Oh, he’s in Oakland. But I could give someone his phone number and then they could call him and tell him I’m okay. If I don’t, he’ll be going to every port looking for me.”

  His gut tightened. Would she leave? Would her brother take her away? He placed his hands on her shoulders. “If you send this message, will he come for you?”

  “What? No. At least I don’t think so.” She looked away. “Maybe. Oh shoot, I also need to let my boss know I need more time off for my hands to heal.”

  You’ll have to get her to a hospital by the end of November and Charlie usually doesn’t fly into Savik past November first. Timber’s words came back to haunt him. He had to tell her. “Remember last night when I pointed out the dark areas on your hands and told you they would take longer to heal?”

  Her eyes widened and her shoulders tensed beneath his palms. “Yes.”

  He swallowed hard, already knowing the pain he would see in her eyes if he looked at her directly. “Those areas may need to be removed.”

  “What?” She pulled away. “You said my hands were looking better.”

  The desperation in her voice froze him in place. “They’re much better than they were. I’m not saying all the dark areas will need to be removed. It will take another month to determine that, but…”

  “But what? Sas, tell me. I need to know. Will I lose all function in my hands? Will I lose my left hand altogether? That one is worse.”

  “No. That’s not an issue. You won’t lose a hand. I promised you that and it’s true.”

  She turned away, walking to the couch where she plopped down. “Okay, so tell me the bad news.”

  “You need to see a doctor who can operate by the end of November.”

  Her brow furrowed. “So? It’s not like I’ll be able to return to work by then.”

  He moved to her and knelt down at her feet. “Charlie doesn’t fly in or out of Savik past the first week of November.”

  “Okay, so we fly out early.”

  He shook his head. “Not we. You. And once you get to Fairbanks, a good doctor will make you stay until the end of the month to be sure that all the tissue that will heal has done so.” If she could find a good doctor. He pushed the thought away.

  Understanding dawned, her green eyes lightening with her sorrow. “And then I won’t be able to come back to you.”

  He nodded, the lump in his throat too big to swallow.

  “But why can’t you come with me? I’ve lived here with you for almost a month now. You could come live with me for the winter, and…” Even she could see that it wouldn’t work.

  He stared into her watering eyes, not caring if she noticed the yellow in his gaze.

  She lifted her hand to touch his face, but he caught her wrist, not wanting her to do more damage.

  “Sas, I don’t want to leave you. I love you.”

  His heart filled with joy. It was far more than he’d hoped for…more than he deserved. “And I don’t want you to go, but your hands will need medical attention that I can’t provide.”

  Now he understood the new pain growing in his chest. Despite how much he didn’t want her to leave, he wanted her to be cared for even more.

  He loved her. The feeling, so new and bittersweet, was strange and wonderful at the same time.

  “There has to be a way.” Her lips pursed in concentration. “How do you get supplies in the winter? What if there’s a medical emergency?”

  He rubbed her wrist with his thumb, reluctant to let her go. “We spend all summer stocking up for winter. If someone is hurt, we do what we can. If it’s life threatening, Grubber will call into Tavva for a rescue, but that still depends on the weather.”

  Her eyes lit up with hope. “What about Tavva? Could we fly into there?”

  Her determination to find a solution warmed his heart. “Yes, but I don’t know how to get there from here. I’ve never been there.”

  She smiled, excitement shinning in her eyes. “You don’t have to know how to get there. You just need to know how to get here from there. Do you know where your cabin is on a map?”

  He shook his head, sorry to see her lose her smile.

  “Oh, I have it! All we need is directions from Tavva to Savik, then you could find the way back here.”

  “Directions? We don’t have roads up here.”

  She shook her head. “I know that. But if we have a compass and good wilderness directions, we could do it. It has to be worth trying, right?”

  Her whole body seemed to move with her excitement and her pulse beneath his finger raced. It could be done, but then what? Would she stay the winter? After that, would she leave forever? His heart twisted. He wanted to ask, but he was a coward. He didn’t want to know.

  “Why do you live out here?” Her sudden change in subject caught him off guard.

  “I like it.”

  “Is that it? I mean, if we were to live together for a while in Fairbanks, there wouldn’t be a warrant out for your arrest or anything, would there? I know Timber said I’m not supposed to ask questions like that, but if we did go into civilization, would I need to worry about that?”

  He let go of her wrist and rose. Three hundred years ago, he was hunted in three different countries, justifiably so, but now… “No. There is no one looking for me.”

  She tried to look into his eyes but he turned away.

  “Good.” She spoke to his back. “I’m glad. I didn’t think you were running from the law. I can’t imagine you doing something illegal. My guess is you don’t feel comfortable around people. You strike me as a serious introvert. I’m more of an extrovert myself.”

  Her confidence in him was misplaced, but it still warmed his heart. She loved him. The knowledge, delicate and precious, was like a butterfly in his large hands. He didn’t want to hurt it. “I think your plan has merit, especially if we can enlist the help of St
urge and his dogsled.”

  He heard her rise from the couch and her arms wrapped around him from behind. “I knew we could figure this out.”

  He grimaced, not sure they’d figured anything out yet, but there was hope, and that’s what she’d brought to his long existence—hope and love. He closed his eyes at the euphoria filling him.

  She let go, and he listened to her footsteps as she walked around to face him. “Sas, are you okay?”

  He opened eyes. “Yes.” He was better than that. He loved a mate and she loved him back. Nothing else mattered. He would wrest every drop of happiness he could from these moments and keep them safe to look back on when—“I love you.” He cupped her face with one hand and kissed her to show her how much she meant to him.

  When he broke away from her clinging lips, he continued to hold her face.

  Her green eyes were bright and filled with tears.

  “What is it?” Had he hurt her?

  She blinked. “I’m just so happy.” She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him. “I’ll never regret getting lost in the snow. Even if it means I lose parts of my hands because I found you, the most amazing man in the world.”

  As he embraced her, his chest tensed beneath her cheek.

  But he wasn’t a man.


  Angela sat outside on the small porch listening to the sound of Sas stacking logs around the corner of the cabin. A month ago, if someone had asked her if she could be happy in a one room cabin in the middle of nowhere, she would have replied with a resounding “no.” But a lot had changed since she’d embarked on her trip.

  In three days, they planned to leave on Charlie’s last flight out of Savik. They’d fly down to Fairbanks via Tavva and Coldfoot. She’d see a doctor and get them a room at a hotel, preferably on the outskirts. She wasn’t oblivious to Sas’ concerns about being in a city. That he was willing to go with her told her exactly how much he cared, so she wanted it to be as painless as possible.

  The first thing she’d do is call her brother. She was supposed to arrive home today, but knowing her brother, he had probably already started worrying. He always did when she went on trips, even business trips. He knew her too well. She tended to get even more adventurous on her vacations. It would probably relieve him to know she was in no hurry for another adventure any time soon, if ever, after this one.


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