A Borrowed Life (Carly and Liam #1)
Page 11
“Carly!” Cayden cries out.
I turn to him.
“In my office, right now!”
Uh oh! I don’t like this at all. I take a deep breath and follow him in his small, closed office. There are no windows because it’s in the basement and I always get claustrophobic.
My boss pulls the only chair in the room and pushes it behind him as if to make sure I don’t sit. I look down, expecting the worst.
“I won’t beat around the bush. Your work performance yesterday gives me no reason to keep you in our team.”
“But you can’t fire me”
“I can and I will,” he interrupts. “I’m the boss and if I need a reason, believe me I can find one. I can also make sure that not a single restaurant hires you, ever again. You’ll be serving hot dogs at the stand around the corner if I’m willing to grant even that to you. Do you understand?”
I’m speechless and swallow a lump in my throat as I look up at him. I know he’s right, and I know I’m not the first to be in this situation. Cayden has relationships with the managers of every establishment. Without his recommendation, I can forget about working anywhere else.
“I’ll make up for it,” I try to convince him.
“You see, I don’t think that’s gonna be enough.”
“No, please, you can’t fire me!”
He slides his hand down his face, sighing.
“I know you need money, Carly. I understand that. And I know you’re a good person, but you see, the two girls I hired to replace you and Liv really are excellent at their job, and I don’t see how you could make yourself indispensable to me.”
He gives me a strange look as he says this and a shiver runs through my spine. It all of a sudden feels very cold in here.
“What do you mean exactly?”
“That I can solve all of your problems quite easily. You could have the best sections, the best schedules, better working conditions, and no one would bother you…”
“And what would I have to do for that?”
His hand on his belt seems to almost point to his crotch and I fear what he’s suggesting. But I’m not imagining this; he wants me to be indispensable to him… My heart is pounding. I want to cry, leave, and slam the door, but I need the money. I didn’t have dinner yesterday and I ate what was left of our cereal this morning. If I lose my job, we would lose our apartment and Sean and I would find ourselves on the street, eating leftovers from the garbage. Have I really reached this point? Am I really this desperate?
I think about it for a very short moment before I decide to send him packing. He approaches me.
“Don’t look so innocent Carly, you don’t fool me. I know that deep down, there’s an animal slumbering in you, let me wake it up.”
His hand stretches to caress my face. It’s true that Cayden is very attractive, but I hate him so much and wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I caved in. I step backwards.
“Don’t be shy,” he says, reaching for my chest.
I violently slam my palms against his chest and push him back with a firm shove. I’d rather beg than stoop to this! My gaze is determined and his is furious.
“I’ll give you a week,” he growls. “After that, you’re fired! It will give you time to think and who knows, maybe you can convince me to keep you around.”
With that, I leave, slamming the door behind me. I don’t even argue with him. It’s simply out of the question! I wrap my bag around my waist, forcing myself not to burst into tears. My hands shake and my legs barely support me. I lost my job that’s just great! If I wasn’t so desperate, I would forget the two weeks notice and already be on my way home. However, I need it, and It’s pointless to even consider a harassment complaint; it takes years for such cases to be judged, and I don’t have any evidence or a lawyer.
Like every Saturday, the place is deserted. An hour has passed and I have made only two dollars in tips. I could maybe buy a jar of peanuts to hold us over when we get hungry.
I walk to the apartment wondering how I’ll tell Sean about it all. I frequently turn my head to check behind me since I have a strong feeling I’m being followed, but I see absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. I keep walking, but still can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching me.
I hurry back home and Sean isn’t back yet. I don’t really want to be alone right now, so I call my brother who joins me within a few minutes. I’m so happy to see him that I jump into his arms and start to cry. I’ve experienced many emotions the last few days, and they seem to all take over me at once.
I tell him everything. He’s furious of course, but just as helpless as me.
“Don’t let him do this, Carly,” he begs me. “I swear, if he touches you…”
“You’ll do what? Go back to prison, maybe? It didn’t get you very far last time.”
“That was different! What I’m telling you is that you handled it well. Nothing in the world is worth enduring that.”
I nod and tuck myself in his arms, trying to find some comfort. We move to the living room to watch television until Sean arrives, two hours later. I inform Sean of what happened with Cayden in his office and he literally boils with rage. He paces the living room, muttering threats against my boss. I’ve never seen him like this; he’s usually so calm! I didn’t even know there was something in this world that could make him angry, but now I can see I was wrong.
At least they both approve my decision, but neither of them would have gotten out of there without punching the guy.
“What are we going to do?” I desperately sigh.
“Tonight, you’re gonna put your dress on, join Liv at the bar, and drink enough alcohol to make you forget all about it,” Sean suggests.
My brother glares at him, still being overly protective, and I let out a giggle seeing him react like this. He makes me laugh.
“It’s Liv’s birthday,” I reply. “It’s her who must get drunk tonight.”
“We will see to that,” Ethan laughs.
“By the way,” says Sean, “I’ve already sold two pairs of your shoes.”
“Awesome! The quicker all of this stuff is gone, the sooner I can move on and forget about this cruise.”
“Why do you want to forget about it?”
“Because it was the biggest mistake of my life and it brought me nothing but trouble.”
I painfully push myself on my feet to enter the shower and change. I’ve spent a small fortune on dresses too expensive for me, and it’s definitely one of them I’ll wear tonight. It has only one strap made of pearls holding a soft and delicate sapphire fabric. I tie my hair into a bun, let a few strands hang loose, and the look is perfect. My silver high heels finish the ensemble.
Ethan drives us to the bar where Liv is already waiting with Adam and her boyfriend of the week. A few drinks later, we are both bent over the table, laughing until our ribs hurt. I don’t even remember why we’re laughing, and the guys just stare at us as if we came from another world.
“You’re so… serious!” I stutter.
“And you’re so drunk,” my roommate responds.
“Yes, I think you’ve had enough,” Ethan agrees taking away my already empty glass.
“Leave her alone!” Liv yells.
I burst out with laughter again.
“Two more piña coladas!” she yells to the server who doesn’t hear her.
It’s normal he doesn’t respond since she’s speaking to a man that doesn’t even work here. Exasperated, she climbs on her chair, staggering, and her brother jumps up to catch her. She assures him she’s fine and sets her foot on the table. She climbs on it to shout her drink order, but no one answers her call.
Then she holds out her hand for me to join her and we shout together.
“We’d like two piña coladas! Anyone?”
“And turn the music up!” Liv adds.
The DJ in the back of the room points his index finger at her while raising the volume. I turn to my best friend an
d we start singing.
We dance and laugh, not worrying about anything or anyone. In the middle of the song, the owner approaches of our table and Ethan starts talking to him to try and get the situation under control. I guess we maybe exaggerated a little bit. My my brother shares a laugh with the man and gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder, and it seems that everything is settled.
My attention is distracted by a man near the front door. I freeze when I think I recognize him; dark hair, penetrating blue eyes, striking stature and a sharp suit and tie. Liam! I get down on my chair, but as soon I set my foot on the floor, he’s gone. I must have been dreaming. What would Liam be doing here, anyway?
After that, my beloved brother judges that we’ve had enough alcohol and that it’s time for us to go back home.
“I don’t want to!” I grumble like a child.
“It’s either that or the owner will kick us out. I promised him I would get you out of here.”
The three of us head home together and finish the evening watching movies play on TV. It’s been years since I’ve had my Saturday evenings free and I’m not used to it. It’s the busiest and most profitable night at the restaurant. Sunday mornings are often busy too, but we’re not working tomorrow either.
I go to bed when the two guys start playing video games. I fall asleep thinking about Liam. I wonder what he’s doing right now and who he is with. Is he thinking about me? Will thinking of him ever become less painful so I can actually enjoy the wonderful memories I have of him? Maybe tonight, he’s secretly wishing to see me again…
Chapter 8
The week ends and tonight is my next to last shift. I prepare my section of four tables, consisting of two seats per table. At least my boss was nice enough to show me this week why I won’t regret leaving this job. Liv was devastated when I told her, and she assures me that she wasn’t victim of the same blackmail.
“Hey, Carly!”
I turn to see Bailey, the busboy, join me.
“Hi Bailey.”
“This is our last shift together.”
“You’re not working tomorrow?”
He shakes his head before hugging me in his arms.
“I will miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too.”
He straightens up and picks up the salt shaker I just replaced and empties it on the table. I give him a threatening smile and disapproving eyes while shaking my head. He laughs before walking away, leaving me with a mess of salt to clean.
I let out a giggle, taking out the cloth in my pocket.
“Is there something funny, Miss Scott?”
My boss’s voice sounds from behind me and I turn to face him.
“No. No, there is nothing funny.”
“Because I see it’s almost five and your section still isn’t ready.”
“What? It was a joke. It was”
“I don’t want to hear your excuses. Your section is not ready and it should be, period. If this section is too much work for you, then I’ll give one of your tables to someone else.”
I confront him with my eyes. He knows very well I have no trouble managing four tables, he’s just struggling to deal with my rejection of him.
“Is it even worth me staying tonight, or is it just for show and you don’t actually intend to give me any customers?”
“Time will tell.”
I sigh. What jerk! I hate him so much that I almost thank him for firing me. Just a few minutes later, I welcome a young couple at one of my tables, and then another.
I turn back to the hostess arriving behind me, holding menus against her chest. A family of four, including two teenagers, follows behind her.
“I’ll place these customers at twenty-three.”
“Okay. But isn’t that Denise’s table?”
“Yes, but they specifically asked to be served by you, and you don’t have a table for four.”
“Oh! Alright then. Thank you!”
I smile to the people behind her and greet them, thankful a fifth table has just been added. I don’t pay special attention to the fact that they specifically asked to be seated in my section because that happens frequently. As the evening goes on, I can’t help feeling something strange is in the air. I have a weird feeling that I’m the center of attention in the whole place. It’s probably just in my head, but it’s as if everyone is looking at me.
The evening ends later than planned, and my section had rapidly expanded to seven tables that were full until ten o’clock. I close my cash register after counting my tips; I made more than two hundred and fifty dollars tonight. A small consolation that will barely help me pay my debts, but it still puts a smile on my face. As soon as the door of the staff room closes, a shiver runs through my body. I hear his footsteps coming towards me.
Cayden’s imposing silhouette appears before me.
“Come and see me in my office before leaving,” he asks me in a calm, polite voice.
I pick up my things and I stand in the door frame.
“Come on in,” he insists.
“No thanks. I’m good here.”
He sighs.
“I take it that you haven’t changed your mind?”
I shake my head and he blows out his breath in exasperation. The basement door closes again and heels are heard.
It’s Liv’s voice arriving behind me.
“I’m here.”
She stops to my left, staring at our boss.
“Your shift isn’t over, Miss Sawyer,” he reprimands her.
“I’m on break.”
“Since when do you take your breaks?”
“Since now.”
I see what she’s doing; after I told her about my last meeting with him, she refuses to leave him alone with me. I must admit that I’m grateful, although I would prefer that she doesn’t get into too much trouble with him. Once I’m gone, he’ll probably lash out at her.
“The staff room is next door,” he retorts.
She turns to me.
“I won’t be far away.”
I nod and she leaves us, giving us some privacy. In reality, she can still hear everything going on.
“Many customers came to see you tonight,” Cayden begins.
“Probably regulars who found out that I wouldn’t be working here anymore.”
“That, or something else.”
“I don’t understand what you’re implying.”
“Whatever. You still have a job here if you want it and I expect to see you tomorrow night.”
“I thought I wasn’t doing Saturday nights anymore?”
He takes a deep breath as if the decision doesn’t please him at all.
“Tomorrow night, starting at four thirty,” he simply confirms. “And you’re on schedule for tomorrow at noon, too.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
I join Liv who’s waiting for me, and she jumps with joy with a wide smile on her face. Of course, she heard everything.
I’m more than happy to announce the news to Sean as I return home. He’s also relieved and informs me that the banking problems of the company he works for are finally solved. In a few days, his pay for the last three weeks will be in. We can finally relax a little.
I come back the next morning for my lunch shift. As usual, it’s Josie Sierra that welcomes all of the customers. I prepare my section without paying attention to her disapproving looks. It’s no news that we hate each other, and the atmosphere is always tense when I work with her. She’s unbearable! She thinks she’s the boss; she gives orders to everyone, does whatever she wants and everyone who’s working literally becomes her assistants. At the end of her shift, we receive a series of lectures. She is never grateful when in reality, if it weren’t for us, she would never be able to serve all of her customers. But she would never admit that.
I walk behind her while she wraps utensils in napkins with Denise. They are the gossip girls of the
place, and all rumors pass by them and often start with them, too. They can’t see me right now, so they don’t know I’m there when I hear Josie say:
“As if Carly could keep a man like Liam Walker’s interest. These rumors are completely stupid.”
Wait a minute, what? What rumors? Why is my name in these rumors?
“If Desiree Lauren wasn’t good enough for him, certainly Carly won’t take her place.”
“He’s rich, sophisticated and seductive. Why would he be interested in Carly? Come on! She has nothing to offer him. It’s obvious, just look at her.”
“Journalists love the idea of Jersey City’s Cinderella, that’s all. She may have run into him on the cruise, but to claim that they had an affair…”
“She’s such a little liar!” Josie finally claims.
I stay there hidden, listening to them and trying to put all the pieces together. Jersey City’s Cinderella? The journalists? Me? What does this mean? How could anyone have known it was me? It’s impossible. I have said it only to Sean and he wouldn’t have betrayed me, and I’m sure Liv wouldn’t, either.
I hurry to join her.
“Hey!” I call to her as she’s pushing in chairs.
“Hey, Cinderella!”
“That’s not funny! What is this all about?”
She shrugs and shakes her head as if there wasn’t an reason to freak out.
“Relax, nobody knows it’s you.”
“Then why were Josie and Denise talking about me?”
“Well, okay. Here, the employees suspect it’s you. There was a server aboard the cruise who claimed you talked to him, confessed to him that you were a waitress, and he saw you with Liam. Many people naturally guess it’s you, without having a confirmation.”
I sigh. I remember this young man that I had helped and it must be him she’s talking about. I should have minded my own business! This is not good at all! If journalists dig, they will find me easily. There aren’t a thousand winners of the contest. In fact, it’s only me, and Liv, and Liv is blonde.