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Quinn's Christmas Wish

Page 6

by Lawna Mackie

  She entered her home and quickly went to check on Quinn. There was no change. He’d never been out of consciousness this long. She chewed her nail and wondered about fetching the doctor.

  After changing Quinn’s clothing, she put a pot of coffee on the stove and proceeded to do some baking. She kept an eye on Quinn and busied herself in the kitchen. Hours passed and soon she had delicious sweet loaves and cookies pulled from the oven to cool.

  A knock at the door startled her. Cautiously, she walked to the window and peeked out. A smile crept over her face.

  Wiping her hands on her apron, she opened the door to let Samuel in. He smiled back. “I got tired of waiting for you to need me for something.”

  Happy to see him, his deep strong voice caused quivers in her belly. She closed the door behind him.

  “I’ve already relied on you for far too much,” she said softly, looking up at him.

  She could see the remnants of their passionate encounter still burning in his eyes. His lingering hunger warmed her heart.

  “How’s Quinn?” he asked sincerely.

  She motioned him to come in. “He hasn’t woke, but at least his fever broke. If he doesn’t wake by dinner, I think I’ll fetch the doctor.”

  “I can do that for you,” he offered.

  She grinned. “See you’re helping me again.” She moved to the kitchen. “Would you like a cup of coffee? And a freshly baked cinnamon bun?”

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

  “I’d do anything for you if you bake like that all the time,” he responded, sitting at the table.

  Amanda placed a cup down in front of him. Before she could move away, he reached out and grabbed her by the waist. With no chance to resist, she found herself on his lap. His lips touched hers and she felt warmth spread through her body. He nibbled her ear lobe before releasing her and setting her back on her feet.

  “I’ll always want you, Amanda. I’ve only had the pleasure of knowing you a couple days, but I feel as though I’ve known you all my life.”

  She didn’t know what to make of that declaration so she went about putting a bun on a plate for him. “Maybe you were lonely,” she replied looking down at him while setting the plate in front of him.

  “Then I’ll always be lonely, just for you.” The look on his face let her know how serious he was.

  “Can I ask you something?” she said, changing the subject. “I ran into Jack this morning and he said something very odd.”

  Samuel laughed, shaking his head. “I haven’t been in town often, but doesn’t he always say odd things?”

  “He mentioned the wolf to me today. He actually called it a she-wolf, and told me it was important to Quinn and that we shouldn’t let it die. He told me it was pulled from the lake.”

  He set his fork down and swallowed. “He spoke to me as well. He told me I shouldn’t have saved the beast. He said I should have let it drown.”

  Amanda pulled out a chair and sat beside him. “He also told me he’d been wrong and that the wolf should be saved.”

  “I have to admit, it is the most bizarre creature I’ve ever encountered. It clung to what I thought was ice even though ice hadn’t covered the lake yet. It could have easily swum to shore,” Samuel declared.

  “I think Quinn was feeding it. I noticed some bread and left over eggs and beef gone from the ice box.”

  Samuel nodded his head. “He told me he was visiting a friend yesterday. Perhaps it was the creature. I don’t think the beast will stand a chance. There are posters already up all over town. George Ellis wants the creature’s head and is willing to pay a very handsome reward. Groups of men were already riding out of town early this morning.”

  “Don’t let them kill her,” Quinn said, standing at the entrance of the kitchen. “Please save Jazira.”

  Amanda jumped to her feet and so did Samuel. She ran to her son who swayed. Samuel moved to his side, steadying him.

  “Please, can you help me to the fire?” Quinn requested.

  Amanda motioned him to the sitting room and over to the sofa.

  “I want to sit up, Mom.”

  She grabbed some cushions and a blanket, propping him up and tucking him in. She felt his head. He didn’t seem to have a fever.

  Samuel stoked the fire burning in the hearth and Amanda fetched a glass of water.

  “Here, honey, have a drink of water,” she said, helping him with the glass as he squinted then hit his swollen lip.

  “Careful,” she winced for him.

  After a couple mouthfuls, he looked imploringly up at Samuel. “Please, Samuel, don’t let them kill Jazira.”

  He knelt before the boy. “Quinn, you’ve had a very rough night and a fever to boot. I’m sure you’ve had some terrible nightmares to go along with that sickness.”

  Quinn shook his head emphatically. “No, Jazira is real. You have to believe me.”

  “Sweetie, Samuel is right, you’ve been very sick this time.”

  He pushed her hand away as she tried to feel his head again. “No! I’m serious. Jazira is real.” His panicked eyes sought Samuel’s. “You saved her from drowning again. You pulled her out of Lost Lake. She told me that.”

  Amanda didn’t know what to make of her son’s story, but she didn’t want him upset.

  “Mom, Jazira saved me from Billy Ellis and his friends. I did fight,” he smiled weakly at Samuel, “but there were three of them.”

  Amanda noted the look between the two males and wondered what was up.

  “It’s my fault they are trying to kill her. She came out of hiding to help me and now they will kill her.” He sniffled touching his sore nose.

  “Quinn, she’s not a normal wolf,” Samuel stated.

  “I know that. She can talk. She came here with her family in a wagon. She’s from a far away country, but the flood hit them. She drowned and she can’t remember how she became a wolf.”

  Amanda shook her head at the unbelievable story. How could it be? “Honey, I don’t know what we can do?”

  “We have to do something,” he pleaded.

  The sound of shattering glass caused Amanda to scream and dive overtop of Quinn to protect him. A large piece of wood lay on the floor. Shards of glass covered the room.

  “Nobody move,” Samuel commanded while he carefully moved to behind the sofa. He scooped Amanda up and placed her in the kitchen first, then returned for Quinn.

  He disappeared, coming back with the large chunk of wood. A note was attached by a piece of twine.

  Amanda watched Samuel shake with anger as he slammed his fist on the table. “I should have killed that bastard last night!”

  “What…what does it say?”

  “Amanda, pack some things for you and Quinn,” Samuel demanded.

  “But…,” she stammered.

  “I’m sorry Amanda, don’t argue. It’s not safe here for either of you. I’m taking you both from this town.”

  Amanda caught Quinn’s stare. The note laid face up on the piece of wood. The words “QUINN”, “EVIL” and “MUST DIE” stood out above the other words.

  “We can go to the Sheriff,” Amanda answered back.

  “Sure, we’ll tell him on the way out of town.” He pulled on his boots and jacket. “I mean it, Amanda. I’ll give you an hour. I have a cabin out of town and we’ll go there. Maybe we can find Jazira,” he said looking at Quinn.

  Quinn’s smile warmed her heart. “Maybe a bit of time away is good,” Amanda agreed.

  “I’ll be back to fix the window before we leave.” He walked over to the hearth to build up the fire. “Sorry, it may get cold in here until I’m back.” The winter wind blew through the window.

  Amanda and Quinn watched him move quickly from room to room before he returned to the kitchen and pulled Amanda to him, placing a kiss on her lips. She struggled, embarrassed Quinn witnessed that.

  “Quinn, I love your mother, and I know this is sudden, but I plan on marrying her. I hope you’re okay with that
because there’s not much I can do about it. She’s stolen my heart.”

  Quinn’s smile brightened the whole room. “I think that’s a grand idea.”

  Amanda stood motionless, not believing what she’d just heard. “Don’t I get a say in this?” she asked.

  Samuel kissed the top of her head and made his way for the door. “Only if the answer is yes. One hour, Amanda. I’ll be back.”

  She turned to Quinn. He looked weak and pale. “Quinn, we can’t travel like this. You’re still not well.”

  “I’ll be fine, Mom.”

  “Quinn, come sit by me please.”

  Amanda sat and took her son’s hands. “Quinn, I love you more than anything in this whole world. I want you to know that I will never forget your father.” Tears sprang to her eyes. “I loved him so very much. I didn’t think I would ever care for another man, and I would never want another man to replace your father, because he could never be replaced in my heart, or yours,” she said, touching Quinn’s chest. “But I am fond of Samuel, and he is a good man.”

  “Mom,” Quinn interrupted. “I like Samuel, too. I asked him to consider marrying you.”

  Her mouth fell open and she closed it again wondering what to say. “So I heard. Today is a day of surprises, isn’t it?”

  She stood and wrapped Quinn in a blanket. “I think you should go lay down and rest while I get some things ready to go.”

  No arguments came from him. He wandered to his room and crawled under the coverlets. After a few moments, Amanda checked to find him fast asleep.

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Chapter Nine

  Jazira ran and ran. She ran until she didn’t know what direction she headed. Her mind often drifted back to thoughts of Quinn. She hoped he would be okay. They followed her…the men who wanted her dead. She stopped by the creek and lapped some water, then turned her attention to the wound on her shoulder. One of the shooters hit her, and worse yet, she couldn’t reach it with her tongue.

  She whined and her stomach growled with hunger. Keen hearing told her she didn’t have time to feel sorry for herself. They continued to follow, and if she didn’t stay ahead of them, her death would be imminent. Truthfully, she wondered if it was worth it. Living, that was. What did she have to live for? Another night in the dark and away from Quinn, not knowing if he lived. Jazira hung her head and limped off through the trees.

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Chapter Ten

  In the dark, Samuel held Quinn in his arms while Roman carefully made his way down the trail with a packhorse in tow. Amanda rode a mare also attached to another packhorse which was graciously supplied by Mr. Murphy.

  They stopped often and Samuel stretched his arms and adjusted Quinn’s weight. He figured traveling at night would be best. Nobody would expect them to depart in the middle of the night in the depths of winter.

  The full moon supplied light at times when the trees became sparse. At one point, he stopped and noticed the large paw print. It had to belong to the wolf. The tracks followed the trail, until he noticed a splotch of red in the snow.

  “Damn it!” He cursed.

  Quinn stirred and opened his eyes.

  “What? Did you find Jazira?” he asked, hopeful.

  Samuel shifted the boy’s weight. “Quinn, can you sit up by yourself for a moment?”

  Quinn grabbed onto the saddle’s horn and held on. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good man.”

  He swung off the saddle and crouched, looking down at the tracks. He could see the packed snow where she had bedded down under a tree. They must have taken a shot at her while she slept. Samuel cursed again.

  “What’s wrong?” Amanda asked from behind them.

  Samuel also knew Quinn, being as quick as he was, would figure out what he looked at.

  “I can sit up and ride for a while now,” Quinn said quietly as Samuel mounted Roman.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure,” Quinn replied.

  They continued down the trail in silence. When Quinn said sadly, “Will she live?”

  Samuel sighed. “I think she’s a fighter. Her tracks disappeared into the forest so I can’t tell how much blood she may have lost.”

  Owls hooted and trees creaked. “Thank you for being honest with me.”

  “Any time, Quinn. I’ll always be honest with you, if you can be truthful with me.”

  Quinn nodded. “I hope she lives.”

  Hours went by and they began to climb upward. Soon he’d be at his cabin. The climb was not an easy one and the horses slipped often. It was a trail seldom used by anyone else other than him.

  Eventually their climb leveled out and a small field spread out in front of them. His cabin lay just ahead along the tree line.

  “We’re almost there, Amanda, are you okay back there?”

  In the moonlight, Amanda could see the outline of his home. Her mouth dropped, amazed by its size. The cabin was huge and sprawled out like the letter “V”. Off to the side stood a corral, and a barn that appeared to be three quarters complete.

  A large porch wrapped around the home, making it seem even larger. She could only imagine what it would look like in the daylight.

  The horses struggled to get through the snow to the barn, but soon everyone dismounted. Samuel tethered the horses and let Amanda and Quinn into the cabin. The home was every bit as beautiful inside as it was on the outside. She felt a bit uncomfortable as she stood in the massive entryway looking up at the large beamed structure. This didn’t quite fit with what she had imagined.

  Lantern in hand Samuel lit the sconces on the walls and the larger lanterns on the tables. Then he headed for the enormous fireplace and started a crackling blaze. He returned to Amanda and Quinn. “You two look around. Everything here is yours, as it is mine. I’m just going to care for the animals. I’ll bring in your things.”

  Quinn looked up at Samuel. “Can I go out with you?”

  Amanda cut in before he got to. “Quinn, you’ll have all day to look for Jazira, but for now I want you to rest.”

  “I think you’ll find a bedroom to your liking. Go take a look.” Samuel pointed.

  Amanda knew her son. He didn’t really care about a room, but off he went. “I don’t know how to thank you. Samuel, this is more than I expected.”

  He, pulled her close and placed a light kiss on her lips. “I can think of many ways you can thank me, but the biggest one is just the fact you and Quinn are here. When I left here a few days ago, never in my wildest dreams would I have expected to find you…and Quinn. You’ve changed my life, Amanda, and I’m so very grateful.”

  She kissed him back, with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t say thank you,” he said. “Just say yes. Say you’ll marry me,” he pleaded.

  She choked back a sob. “Yes! Yes. Yes. Yes!”

  He picked her up off the floor and squeezed her in a bear hug. Amanda squealed and for the first time in over a year, she felt hopeful.

  “Okay, I’ve gotta go. The animals need tending to.”

  Amanda pulled his collar up and kissed him. “Go then, I’ll investigate your kitchen.”

  “I’d rather hoped you’d investigate the bedroom.” He laughed, exiting the cabin.

  Amanda stood in silence for a moment, taking in the grandeur of the home. How had he managed to get everything up here? The trail was narrow, but a wagon would have managed. She went in search of Quinn. The first bedroom was relatively small, but very adequate with a good-sized bed. She continued down the hall and came across a door. She pushed it open and entered the room. The bed was enormous, covered with furs. Carved in ornate designs, the large headboard peaked her curiosity. Did he do this? She walked forward, running her hands over the smooth wood, then down onto the furs. She looked to the floor where her feet were buried in what must be a bear rug. A hearth stood in the corner and the moon shone through a large window.

  Amanda shook her head in disbelief and went back
down the hall. She didn’t know where Quinn had gotten to, but noticed the other hall jutting past the kitchen, she headed that direction. She’d explore the kitchen once she found Quinn.

  “Quinn,” she called.

  “I’m in here, Mom,” he answered.

  Cracked open, Amanda pushed the door wide, a smile instantly light up her face. Half way up the wall and lining the perimeter of the room was a carved wooden train track complete with an engine, cars, and a caboose.

  “Look, Mom, I’ve never seen anything like this before,” he exclaimed in excitement.

  “It’s amazing!” she joined in with enthusiasm.

  “How did he do all this?”

  “I don’t know, Quinn, maybe you’ll have to ask him that question,” she responded sitting on the bed.

  Quinn yawned.

  “Do you think you can sleep here?” she asked.

  He nodded his head in acknowledgement. “Especially if you stay with me for awhile.”

  She pulled back the sheets. It was like Samuel planned on having company. Quinn removed his pants but left his shirt on and crawled under the covers. Amanda curled up beside him and pulled a blanket up over them both.

  “Mom, I really hope we find Jazira. She’s hurt.”

  “I know, sweetie. It’s all pretty hard for me to believe. I wish you’d told me,” she said rubbing his head.

  “Would you have believed me?”

  Amanda kissed his cheek. “You’re too smart for your britches!”

  “You’ll like her,” he said sleepily. “Maybe she will be here for Christmas.”

  Her heart broke for him. It was the first time she’d heard him mention anything about the Christmas season since Walter’s death over a year ago.

  “That would be nice. I’m sure Samuel will be able to find her.” Amanda closed her eyes and prayed. If what made her son happy was a talking she-wolf, Amanda would do whatever it took to save it.

  Soon she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a white Christmas, ribbons and bows, and Quinn with this pet wolf all curled up beside the fire singing Christmas carols.

  ∗ ∗ ∗


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