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Red Carpet Romance

Page 7

by Jean C. Joachim

  * * * *

  Susanna decided to get dressed before the babysitter arrived. She took a long bath while Junior finished his nap. Quinn was in his room. She had laid out everything, from the silvery sandals to the small diamond choker on loan from Castle and Cohen jewelers.

  Sitting naked on the bed, she refreshed her nail polish on fingers and toes, humming to herself. It wasn’t too long before Junior awoke. Blowing on her nails to dry them, she slipped on her flimsy robe and visited the baby, babbling at him.

  He grinned at her. Her nose told her he needed changing. When that was done, she brought him out to the living room and put him face down on the big blanket on the floor. Susanna poured juice in a sippy cup and sat on her knees next to Junior. A click signaled the back bedroom door had opened.

  She looked up and gasped. The man who looked sexy in jeans and a T-shirt was devastating in a tuxedo. The top two buttons on his bright, white shirt were unbuttoned, and his black, silk tie hung loose.

  “Can you tie this thing?”

  She nodded. “I did dad’s tie for every awards dinner.”

  “Right before we leave, okay? Less time spent fastened into this monkey suit…”

  “Can you watch him while I get dressed?” She pushed to her feet.

  “He’s not gonna spit up on me, is he?”

  She shrugged. “No idea. Stay back a little and watch him like a hawk.” Susanna returned to her room and dressed quickly. Don’t leave him alone with Junior for long. Baby could spit up on him. What a disaster. Slipping her feet into the sandals was easy, but tugging the long zipper up was not. She put on the earrings that matched the choker and walked to the living room. “Quinn, can you do up the zip for me?”

  He looked up, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Wow! Are you going like that? Holding your dress up?” He rose up out of his chair quickly.

  “Don’t be silly! I can’t zip it all the way. I need your help.” She turned her back to him.

  * * * *

  Quinn inhaled her gentle lilac scent as his fingers found the zipper. One hand held the bottom in place while the other grabbed the pull. By simply twisting a little, he rested his palm on her rump. The temptation to run his hands along the bare skin facing him was too much.

  Quinn let go of the zipper pull and glided his hand down the center of her naked back, enjoying the feel of her silky skin. She’s warm and soft. She stood still while he touched her tenderly, his fingers fanned out, moving up and down her back. A soft sigh escaped her throat, and the sound made him grin.

  Again, he gripped the zipper pull and slowly eased it up, sealing the strapless dress around her inviting flesh. Bending down, he kissed her shoulder lightly, skimming his lips across her skin, caressing her neck. She bent her head back, exposing more of the sensitive column.

  “God that feels good,” she whispered.

  He chuckled and continued touching her, wrapping one arm around her waist. His gaze traveled over her shoulder and peered down her chest to the swell of her breasts peeking out from the top of the dress. Great rack. The diamond necklace dangled from the hand she raised to his face. “Now this, please,” she muttered, her eyes closing.

  He pushed her hair out of the way. Again, he ran his fingertips over her as he draped the necklace around her neck, taking extra time to fasten the clasp so he could keep his hands on her. When he leaned down and kissed the nape of her neck, she sighed then took a few steps forward. He feared his sharp intake of breath gave away his thoughts. She’s beautiful, incredibly beautiful.

  “You look fabulous. Gorgeous.” The shimmering silver of the dress played off the gray of her eyes, making them sparkle like sterling. Light makeup highlighted her peaches-and-cream complexion and intriguing eyes. Her hair, almost black, was shiny, reflecting the light as it swayed slightly around her shoulders. Her cleavage, inviting his touch, captured his gaze before it headed all the way down to her pink toenails. The cut of the gown emphasized her inviting curves. She looked like a sexy movie star.

  A blush-pink lipstick on her luscious lips drew his attention. So kissable. He licked his lips unconsciously while she chuckled. He said, “I could spend the evening here with you…if…”

  “I know. Come on. Let me tie that tie.”

  A sweet, gentle fragrance tantalized his nose. Standing so close to her, he could smell the fresh scent of her hair along with her perfume. He longed to run his fingers through the glossy locks poised at eye level. Resting his hands on her bare shoulders did nothing to calm him down. Unable to resist a caress of her satiny skin, his touch made her shiver slightly.

  “If you’re going to do that, I’ll never get this tie straight.” She looked up into his eyes, tempting him to kiss her.

  “It isn’t easy.”

  “What isn’t easy?” She took the ends of the tie in her hands.

  “Not touching…you’re standing so close. And I…well…”

  She laughed. “Turning you on, eh?” Her fingers rested on his neck.

  “Maybe,” he lied. Definitely. Keep touching me.

  “Pull yourself together, or we’ll be here all night.” Her gaze left his and centered on his tie.

  “What an idea!” He wiggled his eyebrows, making her giggle and slap his shoulder. Quinn fought for self-control, stilling his hands and willing his thoughts away from making love to Susanna. He stood still while she pulled and twisted the cloth into a tight, neat bowtie. He glanced in the hall mirror and nodded. “Like a professional,” he muttered.

  “Told ya!” She beamed at him.

  The buzzer rang, and Quinn let in the babysitter, a woman named Mrs. Evans. Susanna spent twenty minutes telling her everything. Mrs. Evans changed Junior and prepared his dinner. The baby switched his gaze back and forth from Susanna to Mrs. Evans and back again. His chin quivered.

  “We’d better get out of here before Junior goes postal,” Quinn whispered. He took her elbow and escorted her toward the door. She grabbed a borrowed, ermine stole that came with the dress, and they were off. As they closed the door, they heard soft words from Mrs. Evans speaking to Junior.

  The limousine was waiting outside. Quinn opened the door, and Susanna got in. “Do you want a drink?” He asked her.

  “Nope. Thanks.”

  “Expect a lot of flashing bulbs, plenty of press.”

  “Been there, remember? My dad had a short press conference after almost every game.”

  “And you were there?”

  “In the beginning, it was exciting. In my teens, I was too busy to bother. I’ve been to enough to know the drill.”

  “Good. Then I don’t have to worry about you freaking out.” He smiled warmly at her.

  “I’ll slip through. They won’t notice me, you’re the star.”

  “Are you kidding? In that dress?” He lifted his eyebrows.

  “With all those movie stars there?” She countered, cocking an eyebrow at him.

  “None of them can compete with you.” He took her hand and kissed it. She’s blushing. Do women still do that? Quinn laced his fingers with hers and moved a bit closer to her. She leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes. “Rest. It’ll be forty-five minutes before we get there.”

  “I’m excited to see the movie,” she mumbled before falling silent.

  “Me, too.” I hope the picture is good. Nerves made sweat break out on his forehead. The usual butterflies in his stomach and a slight tightness in his chest appeared, as always, before a new movie of his was released. The same old questions ran through his mind. Will people go see it? Will critics like it? Will it flop? Then he’d go through the same routine to calm himself down. It’s too late now. It’s done. If my career is over, Gavin will take me back and finish my carpenter training.

  He, too, lay back against the seat and closed his eyes, his fingers tightening slightly around hers. I have Susanna. Knowing she was at his side steadied him. Her warmth soothed him. She won’t let me down. Sleep overtook him quickly.

* * *

  Susanna thought she was prepared, but when she awoke to the sound of screaming fans muffled by the closed windows and the stinging of her eyes by the flashes of what appeared to be a hundred bulbs, she was stunned.

  “We’re here,” Quinn said, lightly touching her shoulder.

  She rubbed her eyes, stifled a yawn, and looked around.

  “Don’t be scared. It’ll be fun. Honest. Ready?” He kissed her palm.

  She smiled at him as the chauffeur came around and opened the door. Quinn got out first, donning a big grin, and reached in to help her. She grabbed his hand, swung her legs out, and stood up. Behind the barricades, a few people were chanting “Joe, Joe, Joe Martin” and waving. Quinn calmly looked up and waved with one hand while the fingers of the other were still laced with hers.

  After smoothing down the bottom of her dress, she squeezed his hand, and he turned to look at her. He noticed her slight nod and moved forward, ambling up the red carpet.

  It wasn’t long before he was stopped by a man with a microphone. Susanna tuned out the words, her gaze scanning the huge crowd. Getting past Quinn’s celebrity in New York had been easy. New York can be a very anonymous city. She knew him as a man, an employer, a friend, an occasional father, and would-be lover. Now his celebrity crashed down on her, deafening her, in her face, and she was in awe of how many people idolized him.

  The heat of curious stares brought color to her cheeks. Never been in the spotlight before. She had always stood on the sidelines while her father fielded questions from the press or signed autographs. No one was looking at her, talking to her. She was an invisible observer. But not now. Questioning glances came her way. They want to know who I am. I’m nobody, people. Nobody. But she sensed that wouldn’t satisfy the throng or the interviewer who was checking her out while speaking with Quinn.

  “New girlfriend?” He asked Quinn, shoving the mic closer to the actor’s mouth.

  “A friend. Susanna?” Quinn pulled her closer and slipped an arm around her shoulders.

  With the camera following him, the man stepped closer to her but directed his questions to Quinn. “Wish I had friends who looked like her. Friend with benefits?”

  The actor chuckled. “Just friends, Tony.”

  “Congratulations on your new movie and on being with this lovely lady. Hey, who do I see down there? Looks like his leading lady, Margo Fredericks.”

  The guy with the mic moved on down the red carpet. Quinn pulled on her hand and whispered, “Let’s get outta here.” Susanna moved up next to him, and they strolled the rest of the red carpet, waving to the crowd, before entering the theater. She let out a breath when they turned the corner.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  She shook her head. “No problem. But I’ve never been in the middle of this.”

  “I thought your dad was in these kinds of things all the time.”

  “He was, but not me. I was always on the sidelines.”

  “Not anymore,” he chuckled.

  “This is a one-time thing, right?”

  “Maybe. Let’s go in and get good seats. The real stress starts when the lights go down.” They sat in the sixth row, on the aisle. An usher asked them if they wanted popcorn and soda, and they declined. “I get too nervous to eat anything at a premiere.”

  Susanna noticed a bit of sweat on his forehead. Quinn whipped out a handkerchief and mopped his brow. They laced fingers and sat quietly until the lights went down. He lifted her hand to his lips. “For luck,” he whispered. She smiled at him and cupped his cheek before squeezing his fingers. He rested their joined hands on his knee. She scooted down in the seat to a comfortable position.

  When he came on the screen, her pulse kicked up. So handsome, so sexy, so talented. And here with me. Pinch yourself, it’ll never happen again. She glanced at him from time to time then back at the screen. Yes, that amazing man is sitting right next to me, holding my hand. She could hardly catch her breath.

  The tense look on Quinn’s face melted with the sound of the hearty round of applause following the movie. The studio bigwigs stopped by to congratulate him on their way out, shaking his hand and appearing relieved. Susanna let out a breath and grinned, mouthing the words, “another hit.”

  “I hope so!” He said with enthusiasm. “Now the party.”

  “Will they have food?”

  “A few classy hors d’oeuvres, tons of booze.” He took her hand again, and they left the theater. Quinn spent time signing autographs while they waited for their limo. It wasn’t long before the car pulled up, and Quinn waved to the fans who hung around to watch him leave.

  They pulled up to a large restaurant, attempting to look swanky. Quinn and Susanna went inside and were ushered into a large, back room. Josh, the executive producer, greeted them.

  “So this is the lady who had your baby and needed all that stuff?” His gaze traveled her length, stopping at every curve.

  “No, no. She’s a friend. It’s a long story, Josh.”

  “You’re taking in homeless infants?”

  “Trust me, when I can tell you, I will. Where’s the food?”

  Josh pointed to the back of the room, “Next to the bar.”

  “I need a drink,” Quinn uttered to her as he maneuvered them through the throng.

  * * * *

  Relief flooded through Quinn’s veins. Don’t know if it’s a hit yet, but I doubt it’s a flop. Thank God. Drink in hand, a smile crossed his lips as member after member of the cast and crew sought him out to congratulate him. He kept Susanna close by his side, afraid some smooth-talking shark would steal her away. She’s handling this like a pro. He noticed her make chitchat with important and unimportant people alike.

  “I’m starved. You hungry?” she asked.

  The thought of food tempted his empty stomach. “Yeah.”

  “I’ll make a plate to share.” Before he could stop her, she was threading her way through the crowd.

  Josh interrupted the star’s focus on Susanna. “Great flick, Quinn. Next one starts shooting in a couple of months. Are you ready?”

  “I suppose.” He watched Susanna respond to a crewmember who was talking to her.

  “Suppose? This is important,” he said, taking the actor’s arm.

  Quinn shifted his focus to Josh. “What?”

  “Are you ready? Geez, guy. Where the hell are you?” Josh’s eyes scanned the room. “I see. Watching that chick, eh?”

  “Yeah, yeah, Josh. I’ll be ready. Always am. Studying the script now. This is a party. Chill, buddy,” Quinn patted him on the shoulder then returned to watching Susanna. The crewmember now had his arm around her waist as he moved her closer to the food table. Quinn’s heart rate increased. Anger bubbled up in his chest.

  “Be right back.” He tossed down the rest of his drink, then moved away from Josh and made his way through the crowd, taking a few moments to shake a hand or sign an autograph. Still smiling, he came up behind Susanna.

  “Wondered what was taking you so long,” he said, placing a possessive hand on her shoulder.

  “Is she with you, Quinn?” The crewmember backed away slightly, dropping his arm from her waist.

  “Yeah, Eddie. She’s with me.”

  “Sorry. Had no idea.” He backed off and disappeared in the crowd.

  Susanna turned toward Quinn. “Jealous?”

  “He was moving in on you.”

  “I can take care of myself,” she sniffed.

  “Just making sure you were okay…”

  “And still yours, right?” She arched an eyebrow at him as they reached the food table.

  An embarrassed smile claimed his lips. “Guilty as charged.”

  “Thirty days in jail. Next case,” she tossed off, making him laugh. Susanna picked up a plate and loaded it up with finger foods—cold jumbo shrimp, tiny quiche Lorraine, stuffed mushrooms, warm figs wrapped in bacon, and little meatballs. His hunger grew as he watched.

  When she was done, he took
her free hand and guided her toward a window and a small round table with a white tablecloth. Quinn grabbed two forks. They sat down, and Susanna put the plate on the table between them. They tore into it.

  “I have two more hands to shake, then we can go.”

  She nodded. “You didn’t really think I was going to go home with that guy, did you?”

  “Eddie’s a mover.” He popped a meatball in his mouth.

  “But I’m not going to be taken in by that…and dump you? That’s crazy.” She picked up a quiche.

  “Is it? He’s taken women from me before.”

  “Oh?” She lifted her eyebrows.

  “Well, maybe only one or two. Still…” He bit off the end of a shrimp.

  “Have some faith in me. I’m not some dumb chick looking for a night of fun and games.”

  He shot her a lustful look. “Shucks. That’s just what I was hoping for.”

  She laughed, picked up the last shrimp, and stuffed it in his mouth. He kept eye contact as he chewed the shrimp, then leaned over and kissed her.

  “Finish that meatball and let’s go.” Susanna popped the hors d’oeuvre in her mouth as three more people stopped to congratulate Quinn. He took her hand and led her outside. The car pulled up, and they were on their way home.

  Hands off tonight? Can’t. She’s too, too much. He wound his arm around her and she snuggled into his shoulder. Lights from houses twinkled in the darkness as the smooth ride calmed him. Made it through another premiere. Yippee. His fingers idly stroked her arm. Soft. She closed her eyes and sighed. I could carry her right into my bed.

  The limo pulled up and let them out. “Wait here. You can take Mrs. Evans home.”

  They held hands on the way inside. Quinn paid the babysitter while Susanna checked on Junior.

  “He’s asleep but his breathing seems a little heavy. The babysitter didn’t report any trouble. Probably just my imagination,” she said when she returned to the living room.


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