Red Carpet Romance
Page 13
“I wish I knew.” She rested her bagel on the paper on the bench.
“It’s love?”
“I guess.” She fidgeted with a gadget on Junior’s stroller then retrieved a bottle of juice from the basket on the back.
“How did you like LA?” He changed the subject.
“We stayed at his place in Malibu. It’s gorgeous. I love the sea air.”
“Did you have much time together or was he running around all over the place?”
“Running around. An actor’s life, no peace, just like my dad. You’re asking a lot of questions today.” She shot him a suspicious look.
“I’m just an old guy getting a thrill out of being with a beautiful young woman.” He shrugged.
“Nothing happened.”
“Between the two of you?” He took the last bite of his bagel.
“That’s a pretty personal question…no, with finding a producer.”
“He’s still looking for a producer for that book…what’s the name?”
“BLIND LOVE. Yeah. He’s still looking and got turned down all over town. I felt bad for him.”
“That’s a shame. Such a fine actor, too.”
“I know! He is, right?” She turned to face him. Max put his hand on her shoulder.
“Buck up. Something’s bound to come through soon.”
“Thanks Max. I hope so.” She licked cream cheese off her thumb.
“So are you ready to go out there, Kareem?” Still chewing, she nodded. “Can I give the slugger this bottle or has he had enough?”
“He’ll push it away when he’s had enough,” she said after her last swallow. Susanna got up, grabbed the basketball, and dribbled her way to the court. Every day she got stronger, surer. Her shots improved. Today she planned to work on her three-point shot, but first, the warm-up. Happiness shot through her body. Exercise after making love was the best. Her body performed better, more coordinated, and she sensed each muscle as it worked.
At ten o’clock, she bid Max farewell. Junior could hardly hold up his eyelids as the steady rhythm of the vehicle rocked him to sleep. On the way home, Susanna sang softly to herself. Junior slept in the stroller, so she took her time, looking around, taking a deep breath of fresh morning air.
Sunshine warmed her back as she walked along Seventy-Fourth Street back to the apartment. When she turned the corner onto Central Park West, the sound of cameras clicking was unmistakable. This time there were four reporters there, lying in wait. They sprang at her, pelting her with questions, shoving mics in her face.
“How long have you been Quinn Roberts’ mistress?”
“Is that his baby? Are you married?”
“Is the baby your love child?”
“Are you living with Roberts?”
Susanna tried to push her way through the nosy journalists, but they blocked the entire sidewalk. Junior woke up and began to wail. Still the men prevented her escape. She did the only thing she could think of… “Crash! Help!”
It wasn’t long before Crash came running down the street. She waved at him, and he busted through the line of reporters, shoving them out of his way, pushing two to the ground.
“Watch who you’re shoving, buddy,” one bellowed
“I’m gonna sue,” another one threatened from his position lying flat on the sidewalk.
“Let the lady through!” Crash growled.
“Lady? That’s a good one,” another reporter replied. Crash turned and waved his big fist in the man’s face.
“Get outta the way, asshole,” the doorman snarled as he ran interference with Susanna following behind, pushing the stroller toward the front door. He continued to keep her escape path open while their cameras snapped more pictures and they threw more questions at her.
“Are you in love with Quinn, or did you just have his baby?”
“Are you gonna soak him for child support?”
“Are you Joe Barnes daughter?”
“What would your dad say about you having Quinn’s baby out of wedlock?”
The last question stung her to the core. “Keep my father out of this. He’s dead. Let him rest.”
“So you think he wouldn’t approve?” The question came from Richard of Celebs R Us.
Tears stung the backs of her eyes, but she continued moving forward behind Crash, her lips set in a firm line. He opened the door and blocked the way for reporters while Susanna made her getaway. Her self-control gave way in the elevator. Junior, whose cry had been reduced to a whimper, looked up at her while she sobbed. When she opened the door to the apartment and uttered Quinn’s name between cries, he came running.
“What happened?” He grabbed her upper arms.
“Reporters…humiliating questions…I’m just the nanny,” she mumbled as a shudder skittered through her body.
He folded her into his embrace and held her tight.
“And so it begins.” He reached into his pocket and retrieved a handkerchief. Susanna buried her face in the white cloth, wiping her eyes and nose.
Quinn looked down.
“Junior, why didn’t you do something? You could have spit up on someone. Whatever happened to projectile vomiting?” His comment made her laugh. The baby gurgled, grinned, and drooled. “Right, slugger. Drooling would have worked, too.” Quinn palmed her cheek and kissed her. “Feel better?”
She nodded.
“They’re vermin, but they won’t hurt you physically. Did you answer their questions?”
“Nope. Wait. Once. I asked them to leave my dad out of this.”
“Your dad? What’s he got to do with us?”
“Not a damn thing. He’s gone, can’t they leave him alone?”
“I’m sorry, honey. The price you pay to be with me.” He stroked her back.
“I’m not chased away so easily.” Her mouth formed a grim line.
“I hope not.” He drew her closer for another kiss. Junior started to wail again. “He’s jealous!” Quinn quipped.
“Or hungry.” Susanna pulled herself from his embrace and wheeled Junior into the kitchen. She made lunch for him, Quinn, and herself. Afterward, she laid Junior down on the blanket in the living room with some of his favorite toys while she sat cross-legged next to him.
“Would you mind cueing me?”
“Reading the line just before mine so I can practice coming in on time.”
“Like with jump rope when I was a kid. Coming in on time. Sure. Sounds like fun.”
Quinn handed her the script and joined her on the floor. They read lines until Junior fell asleep. While the baby slept, Susanna worked with Quinn, reading parts of other characters, cuing him, and listening. They sat on the terrace enjoying some privacy and cooler air.
She pictured him in full costume on the set. Then she pictured him shirtless, then naked, all the images melded in her mind to remind her how incredibly sexy he was, without his even knowing. A small chink of light peeked through the skyscrapers, landing on his hair. A glimmer of a red highlight caught her eye. The intense blue of his eyes captured her gaze and held her attention. He was magnetic, meant to be an actor. No doubt about it.
They passed the day quietly, remaining in the apartment, working on Quinn’s script, playing with Junior, and making dinner. Susanna made her father’s favorite lasagna recipe.
“Enough salad, Quinn. You need some real food.” She served a healthy portion to him.
“Don’t have to twist my arm. This looks delicious. I’ve been smelling this all day, hoping you weren’t throwing a salad together for me.” He lowered his face close to his plate.
Junior started to kick and shriek. “Even the baby wants some. When can he get people food?”
“He gets Cheerios.”
“Real people food.”
“He could probably have some now. Tomorrow morning I’ll make eggs for us, and he can have some too. Scrambled eggs. Perfect.”
Quinn leaned down to the baby. “Hear that, Slugger? Tomorrow
you move up to eat with us.” The baby gurgled, staring up at him, smiling.
By seven o’clock, Junior was tucked snugly in bed. The air in the living room hung heavy with promise and hesitation. “Wanna watch a movie?” Quinn offered. “I’ll make the popcorn.”
“Popcorn after lasagna? Nooo. What have you got?”
He opened up a cabinet to display an impressive movie collection. “Tax deductible. All for my work.”
“Oh?” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Cowgirls Gone Wild is for research?”
He blushed. “What? Where?”
“You’re planning to branch out into porn?” She tried to hide a smile but couldn’t.
Quinn scanned the titles but couldn’t find it. “No, I’m not. Where do you see that? Where?”
“It isn’t there. I made it up. But you sure jumped, didn’t you? Sure had you going,” she laughed, poking her finger in his ribs.
“Trying to embarrass me, huh?” He grabbed her by the arms, then blew a raspberry in her neck. She squealed and giggled at the same time. Susanna struggled to get free, but he wrestled her onto the sofa underneath him and blew on her neck again. She arched her back, pressing against him and laughing until she couldn’t breathe. His hands released her arms. He cupped her face and kissed her. The kiss was soft and sweet.
Susanna stroked his hair then wound her arms around his neck, pulling his lips down to hers again. She opened, inviting him in. Quinn trapped her legs between his when his mouth descended on hers. He grasped her biceps as he deepened the kiss, causing her to soften beneath him. She detected his growing arousal, and her pulse kicked up.
He had stopped being Quinn Roberts, the movie star, to her. Now he was Quinn Roberts, her excellent lover, protector, confidante, and friend. Love mixed with lust in her veins. Her loins burned for him, her nipples ached for his touch. He easily slipped his fingers off her arm and cupped a breast in one swift motion. A sigh escaped her throat at his touch.
Her hard peak attracted his hands quickly. As he played with her, heat in her body increased. She squirmed under him. He ripped the strap of her tank top down and released her mouth. His lips dove onto her soft mound where he feasted hungrily. “I want you, Susie,” he uttered in a hoarse whisper.
She slid her hands down his arms, then his sides, to rest on his waist. Her fingers pulled up his T-shirt and made contact with his skin. He groaned as her hands glided around his waist to his belt buckle.
Quinn pushed up on his hands, then to his feet. He ripped his T-shirt off then struggled with his belt. Susanna pulled her top off and slid her shorts down to her ankles. Before she could remove her underwear, he was standing in front of her stark naked. “Allow me.”
He hooked his thumbs into her panties and pulled them down and off completely. Susanna barely noticed because her gaze was glued to his amazing chest. She raised her hand to run her fingers through his chest hair while she planted a kiss on the base of his throat. He froze, closing his eyes, obviously enjoying her touch.
She skimmed her hands down over his taut abs and lower until she had him in her grip. Lowering her mouth, she took him in, making him gasp. He thrust his fingers in her hair and groaned loudly. After a few minutes, he pulled back. “Stop…I’m gonna come. Besides, one good turn…” he said, parting her legs with his hands. He knelt on the floor next to the sofa where she lay and pulled her around to face him before he buried his head between her legs.
Susanna thrust her head back and moaned. The ministrations of his tongue made her almost dizzy with desire. Tension coiled inside her, tightening like the turning of a screw, winding her body up.
“Quinn!” She yelled, but it was too late. Release flooded through her veins, but he kept going. As she relaxed, he withdrew, pulling her legs around him. He placed his palms under her butt, pulling her up and entering her as he eased her forward. He thrust in hard, holding her hips. She sat up and kissed him. He took her mouth with his tongue as he took her body with his shaft.
Her bones turned to jelly as she undulated in sync with his every move. She became completely pliable in his hands as he took over, pumping her to his rhythm, her movements resembling her floppy old rag doll from childhood. She smiled at the mental comparison for a second. Quinn was in charge, and he moved her to his whim.
Color crept up his chest into his neck as his breathing became ragged. Susanna steadied herself by resting her hands on his shoulders. He increased the pace, thrusting into her harder and harder, faster and faster. Suddenly the passion spiraling up again in her body peaked, then snapped, and orgasmic pleasure flowed through her. She moaned loudly, grabbing his attention.
A lusty grin spread over his face as he recognized her second orgasm. Susanna joined her ankles behind his hips, and they rocked together until he yelled “Hot Damn, Susie!” He gave a few more thrusts before he lowered his head, allowing sweat to drip off his forehead onto her neck. He closed his arms around her in a vise-like grip.
The lovers clung together, panting, waiting for their pulses to slow. Susanna closed her lips on his shoulder for a wet kiss while her hand rubbed his back through a sheen of sweat. He combed the back of her hair with his fingers.
“That was…” she began.
“Awesome, amazing…” he said.
“Earth-shattering…” she replied.
“Explosive…” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Beyond belief…”she giggled.
“Wonderful…” she sighed.
“Special?” She sat back and gazed at him. “That’s the best you can do?”
“Let the blood go back to my brain first.” He chuckled.
She laughed.
“Susie, you’re special. Very special. I mean that.” He looked into her eyes.
“So are you.”
“Because I’m a movie star?”
“Because you’re my sexy friend and lover.”
A cock-eyed grin claimed his face.
She pushed back from him. “Okay, now where’s that movie?”
“Coach’s Daughter Gone Wild?” He snickered, ducking from the swat of her hand.
Chapter Ten
The next morning at eight o’clock there was a rap on the door. It was Stokes with three newspapers. Quinn took them and tipped the doorman. Susanna was on the floor, playing with Junior. Quinn joined them, opening the papers, flipping through the pages until he found what he was looking for.
“Uh oh. Damn. I knew it was too good to be true.”
Susanna peeked over then dropped the toy she was holding for Junior. There on the two facing pages were pictures of her and Junior. One headline read, “Quinn Roberts’ Love Child?” and on the other page, “Roberts Scores with Coach’s Daughter.” Her mouth hung open. She grabbed the paper and pushed to her feet. Pacing up and down the living room, she read the story aloud. It implied that she and Quinn had a “love child” and they had been living in sin for a while.
Resentment bubbled up inside her then turned to tears. “I’m ruined. I’ll never get a job at a museum with all this…these lies.”
“Not all of it is a lie.”
She turned to him, anger flushing her cheeks. “What do you mean? This is not my love child with you…he’s your love child with someone else!”
“Not that. No, of course. But you are living in sin with me now.”
“Living in sin? I’m the nanny…”
“Not anymore. Not after the last two nights…unless you intend to move out of my bedroom.”
“I…last night…the night before was…I…don’t. Damn.” She stammered, sinking down to the floor.
“But we don’t have to tell them, do we?”
She shook her head. “It’s nobody’s business but ours.”
“Right. You’re not going to stop sleeping with me because of this, are you?” Quinn’s face clouded with worry.
Susanna stared into his eyes. “Couldn’t, even if I wanted to, whi
ch I don’t.” She fell into his arms.
“Thank God,” he muttered. “I guess this makes you my girlfriend.” He grinned.
“You guess?”
“I’m honored.” He kissed her tenderly.
“I’m glad you’re honored. I’m ruined.” She hung her head. “Dad would be so ashamed. He always kept me away from the team. They knew if they took one step toward me, they’d get benched, or worse. He said messing with basketball stars would only bring me heartache.” She put her hand over her eyes to hide her tears, but Quinn pulled it away.
“Come on, don’t be sad. You’re upsetting Junior.” She glanced at the baby, who seemed to have picked up on her emotional vibe. His chin quivered, and his eyes seemed even bigger and rounder than usual. “You don’t want to make him cry, do you?”
She smiled and picked him up. Rubbing her face in his belly made him giggle and shriek with laughter. His infectious glee made them grin.
“I’ve got an idea.” Quinn pushed to his feet and reached for her hand. “Let them make fools of themselves.”
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s go out. Every day. For a walk at least. Let them take our pictures and write whatever they want, but we won’t answer any questions. Won’t confirm or deny anything.” He paced.
“Yeah, so? We end up top scandal of the week, the month.”
“Right. Until Junior’s mom shows up to take him home.”
“Oh, I see! So then, they’ll look like fools, right? Writing all this stuff, creating a scandal that doesn’t exist.” Her face brightened.
“But they’ll see us together and that will confirm the part about us…living together.”
“So what? I don’t care. I love you Susie Q. And I don’t care who knows it.” He snaked his arms around her back, easing her up against his chest. “Would that bother you?”
“I guess if I told Annie about it…I mean, my parents are gone. Who’s there to care?” She chewed a fingernail.
“Hey, I mean you. Would you mind being linked with me like that?”
“I wouldn’t love being sexually linked, publicly, with any man. I’m a private person. Who I choose to sleep with is my business and mine alone. But does that mean they’re gonna chase me away? Don’t think so. I make up my own mind who I see.”