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Page 10

by L. D. Davis

  What the hell?

  Alden was ambling down the aisle with that walk of his, wearing a pair of dark sunglasses and a cap on his head. If no one was paying attention, they may have missed who he was, but that damn swagger and cocky-ass smile gave him away to anyone who knew who Alden Breck was.

  Without being invited to do so, Alden slid into the booth beside me, forcing me to move over the few inches between the shoes and me. He swung an arm around me, which I immediately attempted to shrug off, but it was like a fly stuck to fly paper.

  “Hey, I’m Alden,” he said, reaching across the table to shake Tucker’s hand.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked him, knocking their hands apart with my own hand.

  “I wanted to have some lunch,” he said nonchalantly. “I’m hungry. Funny how we ended up at the same place, huh?” He flashed his sexy smile, but I just grimaced.

  “You’re a stalker and you know it,” I growled, trying unsuccessfully again to knock his arm off me. “How did you find me?”

  “I am not stalking you,” Alden said innocently. “I just happened to be passing by the only DSW within ten miles of your apartment and I got hungry. After checking out the other five restaurants in this lot, I decided that I really, really wanted some fried macaroni and cheese and cheesecake. And I just happened to see you after wandering up and down a couple of aisles. Now, are you going to introduce me to your friend, Little Noa?”

  “Little Noa?” Tucker looked at me with amusement and equal disdain.

  “Tucker, Alden. Alden, Tucker,” I said really fast. “Now that you have met my friend, you can go away.”

  “Why are you so uptight, Little One?” Alden asked, flipping his sunglasses up so he could peer at me. “I thought after this morning, you’d be a little less…uptight.”

  Tucker’s eyes widened and then narrowed. I could practically read his mind. I had just said that I wasn’t with Alden and now Alden was making it seem like I was. I shook my head at him, and then rolled my eyes in Alden’s direction to imply that he was crazy.

  “Made her come twice,” Alden said, leaning across the table to speak confidentially to my friend.

  Tucker’s mouth fell open.

  “Alden, stop,” I said, shoving him.

  Oh goodness. He thrust two fingers in the air obscenely. “Made her squirt the second time,” Alden said proudly. “Her first time.”

  I angrily knocked his hand down and shoved him again.

  “What?” Alden asked, actually looking confused by my behavior.

  I ignored him and looked at Tucker pleadingly. He was eyeing Alden with a blank expression.

  “Tucker, it’s not what you think,” I started, but he cut me off.

  “The girl I’m dating swears that she can’t squirt,” Tucker said to Alden. “What’s your trick?”

  Oh. My. Shit.


  “What girl?” I demanded. “You didn’t tell me you were dating anyone.”

  “I was going to tell you today,” he said dismissively before turning back to Alden. “So, what’s the trick?”

  I stared at Tucker with an open mouth as Alden explained the proper way to make his female partner ejaculate. Tucker had just jumped all over my shit about my relationship with Alden, and then out of nowhere, he seemed to be crawling up the man’s ass so that he could get his girlfriend off.

  I rested my head in my hands on the table while the men talked. When my lunch was set on the table, Alden started eating it and then had the nerve to offer me some. I only glared at him before asking the waitress for a cranberry and vodka, extra vodka.

  The next hour passed with Alden and Tucker yapping like old friends while I drank more than my fair share of alcoholic beverages. I didn’t participate in the conversation, but the couple at the table across from us listened intently, and then Alden talked to them as if they were sitting at our table, too. When Tucker said he had to get back to work, the men exchanged numbers.

  “We’ll have to get together sometime,” Alden said, shaking Tucker’s hand.

  “Absolutely,” he grinned before finally remembering my presence. “Noa, see you at our next lunch. Have a safe trip.” And he was gone.

  “I was really worried about that guy,” Alden said, taking a sip of my drink. “But I don’t really have anything to worry about. He’s cool. You may see him again, Little One.”

  “I hate you so much right now I can’t see straight,” I mumbled with my cheek smooshed against my hand as I leaned on one arm, looking bored.

  “Baby, it’s not me, it’s the alcohol,” Alden said. “Come on. Let’s get you home.” He started to pull me out of the booth with him.

  “I drove here,” I said. “And I’ll drive myself home. You will go…somewhere else that isn’t my place.”

  “Damn, you’re cute,” he said giving me a final tug.

  I got to my feet and swayed. Alden helped me into my coat, grabbed my bags from DSW, and reached for my hand.

  “I don’t need your hand!” I snatched my hand away and stumbled slightly in the process. I held my head up high and started to walk as straight as I could down the aisle. One older woman looked at me disdainfully. I narrowed my eyes at her and gave her the finger as I passed by.

  “Okay, enough of insulting old ladies,” Alden said and steered me out of the restaurant.

  Al and the limo waited at the curb. Alden ushered me into the backseat as half a dozen people started calling his name.

  “What about my car?” I whined as I put my feet up on the seat, hoping to keep Alden at a distance.

  “I’ll have someone get it for you later,” he said. He lifted my legs, moved over, and rested my legs on his lap.

  “I hate you,” I said as I let my head fall back against the seat.

  “I missed you,” he said simply. “So I joined you for lunch.”

  “Why didn’t you just find some tramp to keep you company?”

  “Why have a tramp when I can have you?” he asked, running his hands over my legs.

  “You stole my friend,” I complained.

  “I didn’t steal him. I borrowed him.”

  Alden’s hands were moving higher and higher until he was rubbing me through my jeans.

  “Stop,” I said weakly.

  “Why?” he asked huskily.

  “Because I said so, and because you’ll just get all horny and angry like it’s my fault that you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”

  “I said I wouldn’t fuck you. That doesn’t mean you can’t jerk me off or give me head.”

  I tried to pull my legs out of his lap, but he held me there. So, I settled for punching him instead, except I did it with the wrong hand and then howled in pain.

  “Poor silly baby,” Alden said and kissed my fingers.

  I wanted to yell at him some more, but the alcohol killed my energy. Within seconds, I had fallen asleep, and Alden still held my hand.

  “Why are you so nervous?” Alden asked me as he helped me into the limo. “Haven’t you ever been to a charity function like this?”

  “Yes,” I said. “But not with A-list celebrities. And you.”

  “Little One, there aren’t going to be that many celebrities in Philly tonight. They like to wait for places like New York and L.A.”

  “Whatever. It makes me nervous.”

  “You weren’t this nervous when you met me,” he frowned.

  “What was there to be nervous about?” I snorted. “I didn’t like you. I barely like you now.”

  “You love me, Little Noa. The sooner you realize that, the happier I’ll be.”

  “What? Do you mean the happier I’ll be?” I gestured to myself.

  “No, I meant me.”

  I rolled my eyes and looked out the window as we pulled away from my apartment building.

  “Does my hair look okay?” I asked suddenly as I turned back to look at him.

  “Everything about you is beautiful, Noa,” he said soothingly.

>   “I don’t feel beautiful,” I said. “I feel frumpy and raggedy.”

  “You feel frumpy and raggedy in a three thousand dollar dress?” Alden asked doubtfully.

  “Yes?” I half asked.

  “You don’t look frumpy and raggedy, Noa,” he said. “Why don’t you ever believe me when I tell you you’re beautiful?”

  “Because you would say anything to a girl to put your dick in her.”

  “Well, since we agreed that I am not to put my dick inside of you that does not apply to you.”

  I fidgeted with the little gold sequined purse in my hands. I was really, really nervous. What if Tom Cruise showed up? What if Will Smith showed up? It is Philly. I could get jiggy with Will Smith anytime, anywhere – if his wife allowed it. What if Bon Jovi showed up? What if the three remaining Boys II Men showed up? Oh, my goodness, what if Trisha was there?

  “Noa,” Alden said my name, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Hey,” he said, putting a hand under my chin. “What are you worried about?”

  “I’m not cut out for the A-list world! I’m just me and they are them and I can never be them because I’m just me!”

  Alden cupped my face in his hands. “You are amazing and any of those bastards would be lucky to be anything like you. Okay?”

  “Maybe?” I looked at him doubtfully as I bit down on my bottom lip.

  Alden sighed and motioned for me to get up.

  “What?” I asked him, confused.

  He took my purse and threw it on the seat across from us. He hit the button for the privacy window and we were separated from Al up front. He reached down and started to push my dress up my legs.

  “What are you doing?” I cried out, smacking at his hands.

  “Noa,” Alden said firmly, making me pause to look at him. “I’m going to make you relax, okay?”

  “How?” I asked skeptically as he continued to push my dress up.

  “Put your knees on the seat facing me,” he commanded without answering me.

  I looked at him with doubt, but his face was stone serious. Hesitantly, I got on my knees, facing him, and he pushed my dress up over my thighs. He moved to the center of the seat and simultaneously positioned me on his lap so that I was straddling him. My eyes were wide as he pushed my cape off my shoulders and tossed it on the seat beside him.

  “What are you doing?” I whispered and swallowed hard. I had my hands on his chest and my god did I like the muscles under my hands.

  “I’m going to make you relax,” he said again in a husky voice.

  He spread his legs, which made my own open wide. He pushed his hand between our bodies. I inhaled sharply when I felt knuckles drag over my clit. He pushed my panties aside and pushed two fingers into me. His thumb found my clit and I almost collapsed.

  “You just need to relax, Little One,” he breathed on my neck.

  As Alden’s fingers pumped in and out of me and his thumb caressed my clit, his other hand pulled the straps of my nude colored dress down my arms.

  “Take your arms out of the dress,” he whispered hoarsely.

  With my brain muddled with lust, I obeyed and slipped my arms out of the dress. Alden pulled it down, setting my breasts free, and my goodness, right at level with his mouth. Looking up into my eyes, the tip of his tongue slowly went over one of my nipples. I moaned louder and grinded my hips lightly on his fingers. He then used the flat part of his tongue to lick my nipple and my fingers curled in the lapels of his tux. Alden’s hand smoothed up my bare back and then pressed me forward. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled a nipple into his mouth.

  We were locked into place, my arms around his neck, my tit pressed into his mouth and his fingers pressing into my core. I rocked my hips as he fingered me, and ran my fingers through his hair as he sucked and nibbled on my rock hard nipple.

  “Alden,” I breathed as I felt my orgasm building. “Please…” I begged.

  He moaned and switched to my other breast as his fingers moved faster and harder inside of me.

  “Oh my god…” I groaned. “Make me come.”

  His hand tangled in my hair. He released my breast and pulled me down so he could sink his teeth into my neck just under my ear. I came hard, groaning out his name as my hips rocked on his hand.

  As my orgasm died down, Alden left kisses along my neck and shoulder until my body stilled. Without a word, he pulled his fingers out of me and helped me slip the dress back into place. He took the cape from the seat and wrapped it around my shoulders. Carefully, I rose in a half-standing position as he fixed my dress. I sat down beside him and looked out the window at the passing cars’ lights. Alden ran his fingers through my hair and arranged it on my shoulders as it was before we started.

  We didn’t speak again before arriving at the gala. Alden’s plan worked. I was no longer worried about the ball. I had a whole new worry: Alden Breck was getting under my skin.


  He was right. There weren’t that many A-listers there. A small handful really, and the rest were city and state officials from Philadelphia and a few from the surrounding states. There was also a fairly large amount of young people. They paid thousands of dollars to get in the door to mingle with Friction, the other two bands, and the few celebrities. From the moment we walked into the ballroom, women shamelessly threw themselves at Alden, and Alden being Alden, shamelessly flirted with them. It didn’t seem to matter to him or the women that I was on his arm.

  I was introduced to important and famous people. I smiled, shook hands, accepted kisses to the cheek, and answered questions as best I could. I tried to pretend I cared enough to participate in the conversations, but I wasn’t really focused on the people at the party. My mind was in the limo when Alden was gently kissing my neck and shoulder.

  Sex and sexual acts aren’t always…intimate. Sometimes they’re just mechanical, a need that needs fulfilling, and doesn’t have to include lust or love or a general giving a shit. Alden could have thrown me off him when he was done and made some cocky comment about his skills, but he didn’t. He kissed my skin tenderly and helped me get myself together. We were both quiet after that, but for him, that was unusual. As he held my hand at the gala, his thumb lightly stroked over my knuckles; that was definitely intimate.

  As we made our way across the ballroom to our assigned table near the front, I decided right then that I needed to find a boyfriend. If I was beginning to think of Alden as ‘intimate’ after only a week in his presence, I really needed a man. It had been a year since Larson. I was ready to leave that part of my life in the past and move on.

  “Hey, Face Plant,” Hash, the drummer, called to me as we approached him and the doctor, Greg.

  “Hello, Hash, Greg,” I said, smiling.

  Hash openly ogled me, his eyes lingering at the low neckline of my dress. “Well, don’t you look pretty,” he said approvingly.

  “If you don’t stop staring at her tits I’m going to put my fist into your mouth,” Alden warned Hash.

  “If you don’t want anyone to admire your toys, you shouldn’t bring them out to play, Breck,” Hash said and walked away laughing.

  Great. Even Hash thought I was a shiny new toy.

  “How are you feeling, Noa?” Greg asked.

  “Sore, but getting a little better,” I assured him. “Thank you for your help that night. I really do appreciate it.”

  “I didn’t help you enough if you’re stuck here with Alden,” Greg muttered.

  “She loves me,” Alden snorted.

  “I really don’t,” I said to Greg. “If I do not hate him with every bone in my body, I am only tolerating him. Right now we are in a tolerant phase, but that can change moment to moment.”

  Greg chuckled at first, but my straight face told him I wasn’t kidding.

  “Very funny,” Alden said. “I have to go make sure everything is running on schedule. I’ll be back shortly. Stick with Greg. He’s the only one I trust not to eye fuck you, or literally fuck you.” />
  “And here’s the hate part,” I muttered, taking the seat in front of my place card.

  Greg sat down beside me and gave me an understanding smile. “He’s hard to handle sometimes.”

  “Sometimes?” I rolled my eyes. “I would say that twenty-three out of twenty-four hours in any given day I feel like body slamming him. I can’t believe I agreed to do nine weeks of this.”

  “I’m actually surprised that he asked you,” Greg said as he looked at me with curiosity. “This is the fifth year that we’ve done this and this is the first year that Alden has asked someone to stay with him the entire time.”

  “Let me guess,” I said sourly. “He picks up some whore bag in each city.”

  Greg nodded and said, “Less mess that way.”

  “Well, there won’t be any mess here, Greg. I am not sleeping with that sack of STDs.”

  He scratched his head as he looked at me. He looked like he wanted to say something but was hesitant.

  “What?” I pushed.

  “Well…I mean, I guess I’m more worried about the fact that you’re not sleeping with him. That’s just…not like Alden. If he falls in love with you, I’m not sure—”

  “Whoa!” I said, putting my hands up. “Whoa…there is no love here. Alden Breck is incapable of falling in love – that would mean monogamy and we both know that Alden Breck doesn’t do monogamous relationships. Less mess, right? So I’m not like the other girls? Can’t a guy and a girl just be friends?”

  “Not if that guy is Alden,” Greg said flatly.

  I frowned. I felt like Greg was trying to dissuade me from going.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t go then,” I said, trying not to sound putout.

  Greg’s eyes widened and then softened as he smiled. “No, no, please don’t misunderstand, Noa. I want you to go, and moreover, Alden wants you to go. I’ve known him for many years and I’ve never seen him this way. I guess I’m just a little worried because it’s only been a week and he is very taken with you. I’m afraid he’s going to rush into something and get hurt, or hurt you.”


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