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Bunny Hills and Bikinis

Page 14

by Heather Thurmeier

  There has to be more that just shared memories when we leave Lake Tahoe.

  He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her against him. Her head rested on his shoulder, her face turned in to his neck. The tingle of warm breath on his skin made him close his eyes and savor the moment.

  I can’t let her go. Not yet.

  Chapter Eleven

  The wheels of the limo crunched on the gravel drive leading back to the front entrance of the Evergreen Lodge. Amelia peeled herself off of Nate, not wanting to separate from him, but also not wanting the driver to find them in a compromising position. Again. Getting caught once was enough for one evening.

  She crept back to her original seat and fixed her skirt, trying to make it seem as if she’d sat there the whole time. Sure the limo driver had probably heard them fooling around, and he’d probably seen much worse in his days as a driver, but she didn’t want to be the subject of one of the stories he told at parties.

  The car finally came to a slow stop. She’d imagined pulling up to the lodge in a flurry of skidding tires and burnt rubber, as they jumped out of the still moving vehicle to race toward the bedroom, ripping their clothes from their bodies like a scene right out of an action movie.

  Instead, Amelia and Nate glanced at each other eagerly with nervous anticipation as they tried to wait patiently for the car door to open. They needed to be free from the confines of the limo and the watchful eyes of the other lodge patrons. They needed to retreat to the privacy of a hotel room where they could be alone, where they could both finally find some relief for the pent up desires that had yet to be released.

  Let us out.

  “Took long enough to get here.” Nate mumbled as the back door clicked open. Cold night air spilled in. “Let’s get inside and into a warm bed.”


  She couldn’t agree with him more. The ride back from the restaurant had seemed to take forever once they’d started restraining their behavior. She’d hoped to pass the time kissing him, but once he’d had to put a stop to it, all she could do was sit and think about would happen once they got back to the hotel. It had been an agonizingly long, quiet ride back.

  Sure they’d talked a little along the way—general chitchat, filling in the unknown blanks of each other’s life. It became very clear, very quickly they were both too distracted to really have any kind of meaningful conversation.

  Taking the driver’s hand, she stepped out of the limo. Then she pulled her open coat tight around herself and ran to the front door of the lodge. Snow fell lightly, swirling around her like confetti in a tickertape parade, whipping up her hair—and the hem of her skirt. She shrieked. She definitely didn’t want to have a Marilyn Monroe moment. Pushing down her dress, she darted through the front door held open by a helpful employee.

  Nate followed her inside the door and together they made their way through the lobby to the waiting elevators. Seemed like all they did was ride the silly elevators. She was in no mood for a slow ride up. She just wanted to warp to his room, Star Trek style, so they could get on with their night.

  Enough waiting, more action.

  “Which floor?” She waited with her hand poised anxiously over the numbered buttons.

  “Your room or mine?”

  “Yours maybe?”

  “Good thinking. No one will try to find you there. Four.” He squeezed her hand tight in his. “If anyone is stupid enough to interrupt us tonight, they may need to find a doctor when I’m done with them.”

  Amelia held her breath as the numbers above the door lit up one after another, each seeming to take longer than the last. By the time the fourth lit up and the door chimed, she worried she might pass out from lack of oxygen. The doors slid open and she forced herself to take a few deep breaths.

  This is what she wanted. What they both wanted. She’d been waiting for what seemed like eternity to be with Nate and now that it was finally approaching, her excitement spiraled and her stomach filled with drunken butterflies.

  They walked down the hall in silence. No need for words. Anticipation and excitement crackled between them like static in the air before an electrical storm.

  Nate put his hand around her waist and Amelia leaned into him, enjoying the feeling of his body heat next to her. Then, his hand left her waist, trailing down to her bottom. She was caught off guard and suddenly self-conscious of him touching her there while she walked.

  What if he thinks my ass jiggles too much? I should’ve done more squats. Or any squats, ever. Why didn’t I get myself a gym membership?

  But the mumbled sounds of pleasure from deep in his chest put her at ease and she enjoyed the feeling of his warm hand on her body in an intimate way while they were still in public. It felt possessive to her. Like he was marking his territory for all the other men to see. Not that there were any other men around in the quiet hallway, but if there had been, they’d know in an instant that Nate has claimed her as his. He could claim her any way he wanted to tonight.

  A spike of exhilaration coursed through her at the idea he might really feel that way about her. She’d only known him a couple of days, but already she wanted the world to know that they were together—for tonight at least. And hopefully tomorrow night too.

  Stopping in front of room 404, he pulled his keycard from his back pocket, unlocked it, and pushed open the door to his room. The room was nicer than hers. It was a suite with a seating area separated from the bedroom by a door that had been left ajar. She could see a neatly made bed waiting for them, tempting her with possibilities. She couldn’t wait to get in and mess up those crisp sheets.

  The door clicked behind her as it closed, an audible signal that they were finally alone. No more need to hold back for fear of someone seeing, someone finding out they were together. Nothing left to stop them from finally exploring each other the way she’d been waiting to.

  Nate turned to look at her, the desire in his eyes hotter than before in the limo. She could see he was ready to finally finish what they’d started a few times already and the feeling was mutual. Anticipation for his hands to roam her body again—all of it—rippled through her like shockwaves.

  “Should we sit for a while and have a drink or something.” He kicked off his shoes. “We can crack open the mini bar and see what’s inside.”

  “I’m not thirsty,” she said. She couldn’t help but say what was on her mind. They’d both waited so long already, she didn’t want to beat around the bush pretending to be interested in small talk and drinks when she knew both of them just wanted to get on with their night. “I don’t want a drink and I don’t think you really want one either.”

  She slipped out of her heels and padded across the floor to where he stood. “The only thing I want right now is you.”

  Slipping her arms around his neck, she went up on her tiptoes to kiss him. Softly at first, like dipping a single toe into bath water to see if it’s warm enough, then with more force. She was hot and ready. She needed him. She wanted him. She didn’t want to wait any longer. There’d already been enough waiting to last her a lifetime.

  “Take me to bed, Nate,” she whispered into his mouth.

  “With pleasure,” he said, scooping her into his arms without pause.

  If he drops me, I’ll die of humiliation. And we’ll have to do it right where I land.

  He carried her through the French doors to the adjoining bedroom, and deposited her onto the bed. He hovered over her, his eyes hungry, and a thrill of excitement raced through her almost as if she were his prey—but in a good way. She couldn’t wait to be caught. She wanted to be devoured by him.

  Amelia scooted back further up the bed and rested her head on a pillow. He came down on her as though he was getting ready to do a set of pushups, lowering himself slowly until she could feel the length of his body pressing her very softly back into the bed.

  “I feel like I’ve waited years for this moment. How is it possible that it’s only been a few days?” Withou
t giving her a chance to respond, he kissed her, capturing her tongue with his.

  She reached around behind him, gripping his back and clinging to him, begging him with body language to get closer to her, but he wouldn’t. He hovered, grazing her body with his, frustrating her urges as they built to more than capacity inside her. He put enough weight on her so she could feel his presence, but not so much that she could truly feel the length of his desire for her. She wanted to feel him, all of him. Now. She wouldn’t wait any longer.

  She thrust her hips up to meet his, her body calling out to be touched by him in some way. Any way would be relief at this point. She raked her hands down his back and slid one under the waistband of his dress pants. Squeezing his butt cheek, the feel of his soft, hot skin made her pulse pick up its pace.

  “Not so fast.” He shifted further away from her. Her hand slipped back out from beneath his pants. “I’ve been dreaming about getting you alone and all the things I want to do to you. Now that I finally get you all to myself, I’m going to savor each step along the way. I’m not going to rush this just because we’ve been waiting a long time.”

  “I can’t wait any more. I need you now.” She rubbed her body against his, trying to find some sweet release for the ache inside her. She was so aroused by Nate, waiting for him to take his time with her was torturous.

  He sat back on his knees gazing down at her, shaking his head, but grinning all the same. “I’m not going to let you do that. Don’t worry, I won’t make you suffer much longer.”

  Running his hands up the inside of her legs, she gasped as his fingers skimmed over her panties, causing a ripple of delicious sensations to awaken her core. She wanted him to stop right there for a while but instead he moved to grab the hem of her dress, raising it. One inch at a time, the bottom edge of her dress crept up her body. Thighs exposed, then her panties, then her belly. At each junction, he paused and stared at her like she was a fine work of art.

  Amelia squirmed under his gaze, not used to being looked at like that. His intensity made her breathing stutter. She wanted to rip her dress off herself but resisted—whatever he had planned for her would be worth it.

  Nate’s stroked his hands in slow circles across her abdomen, sending tingles dancing along her skin. He crouched over her, bending his head to kiss her stomach. She quivered as his tongue licked the inside of her belly button and a streak of fire shot straight to her core. He sat back again and continued to raise the hem of her dress higher up her body, a devilish grin playing on his lips.

  When her dress reached her ribs, she sat up and lifted her arms above her head. Nate pulled the dress free and dropped it onto the floor beside the bed. She lay back down against the soft pillow wearing only her newly-purchased leopard-print lace bra and panties, insecurity popping into her head under his gaze.

  He smiled. “You are even more stunning than I dreamed you would be.” Leaning down, he kissed her collarbone. Then he kissed a little lower, finding the tender skin that hid between her breasts. His kisses were hot on her exposed flesh.

  Arching against him, she slipped her hand behind her back and expertly unfastened her bra one-handed. She tossed it to the side of the bed to join her dress and looked at Nate with a longing so passionate, it was all she could focus on.

  Touch me. Oh god, touch me.

  As if he could read her mind, he did—first caressing her breasts then trailing a path down her stomach to her core—with hands so strong and talented she wanted to cry. Waves of pleasure rippled through her as his tongue followed the path of his hands. She gasped as his tongue flickered across her taut nipple, sending a spark across her skin as her delicate nerve endings ignited with fire.

  “Now you’re the one torturing me,” she breathed. “I can’t take it.”

  “You can. I promise I’ll make sure you enjoy every single second.”

  “I already am enjoying it. Immensely. But I need you. Now.” She writhed on the bed beneath him, unable to get control of the sensations coursing throughout her body. She wanted his hands, his mouth—his tongue everywhere at once to satisfy her carnal urges.

  “In a minute, my sweet. I haven’t finished exploring you. You’re not even naked yet.” He laughed as she groaned with impatience.

  “Close enough, damn it. Let’s go already.” She pleaded as best she could, trying desperately to convince him to move things along quicker. Pulling at his clothing with no effect for a few moments, she got frustrated and finally dropped her arms to the bed, giving into the feeling of his mouth on her skin. It still wasn’t enough to satisfy her, but damn it was a good way to start.

  She wondered if she had ever needed anything more in her whole life than she needed Nate right now. She could be stranded on a deserted island with nothing to drink but seawater for a month and her thirst still wouldn’t win out over the need she felt this second for him to satisfy her desires.

  He laughed—a laugh that seemed to resonate from deep inside his chest. “You are quite a character, Amelia. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to get involved with you, did I?”

  She stilled. “Involved with me?” She propped herself up on one elbow and put her other hand on his chest while she tried to focus on the words resonating in her ears. “Is that what we are already? Involved? Like a relationship?”

  His laughter quieted. “I’m not so sure about a relationship just yet. All I know is that I can’t stop looking at you and everything you say either makes me laugh or want to take you to bed. It’s not like we’re going to get married tomorrow or anything, but it’s certainly safe to say that I have become involved with you. You’re affecting me in so many ways I never expected. Hell, I can barely think of anything else but you since the moment I saw you waiting for the elevator the other day.”

  Her heart felt like it might burst right out of her chest. Not only was he amazing in every way, but he’d just admitted he had feelings enough for her to consider them involved together. She was pretty sure she’d become involved with him back on the ski slope that first day since she hadn’t been able to get him off her mind. Whatever their relationship was or wasn’t at this point didn’t matter to her right now.

  He has feelings for me deeper than just satisfying a need.

  This new knowledge was wonderful and terrifying all at the same time.

  Grabbing him by the shirt, she pulled him into a deep kiss. As her tongue sought his again, her fingers fiddled with the buttons of his shirt, undoing them one at a time. When his shirt hung open above her, she rubbed her hands along his muscular chest, taking a second to tease his hardened nipples like he’d just done to hers. She pulled the button at his waist open, eager to explore the length of him.

  “My turn again.” He kissed her abdomen, shifting away from her before her hand could find its target. His tongue stole little tastes of her as he traveled south along the contours of her stomach. When he reached the edge of her lace-trimmed panties, her hips squirmed uncontrollably.

  “I don’t think we need these anymore.” He pulled her panties from her body and kissed a path up her inner thigh.

  She cried out in pure ecstasy, raking her fingers through his hair. “Stop, Nate. You have to stop. I can’t take anymore.”

  He stopped and instantly she regretted the request. “Are you sure you really want me to stop?”

  “No.” She almost whimpered the word.

  “I didn’t think so.” He dipped his head and she disappeared in an abyss of pleasure.

  * * *

  Nate reveled in the sounds Amelia made as she rode waves of pleasure he provided. Groans mixed with sighs told him he had done a good job. Coos and little gasps told him she still wanted more. Her noises were pure bliss, fueling his internal fire for her even more.

  Now he lay on the bed as she had her way with him. Her way was good—so very, very good. He had to find every ounce of strength he could to stop himself from ending things early. The things she did to him felt better than any other
time he could remember, not that he currently tried to remember other times. Amelia was all he needed or wanted, and he could foresee feeling that way indefinitely.

  He tried to pace himself—a mix of intensely enjoying the experience and not letting himself get too carried away in it. He needed to make sure he had the energy later to be with her fully. He wanted to savor every second they were together. He didn’t want to take a single shortcut, knowing that drawing out their satisfaction would be worth the prolonged ache he’d felt for so long already.

  He didn’t want the night to end. Having her touch him after waiting and imagining for the last couple of days was beyond amazing. His whole body was alive with the electricity in her touch—her tongue. When she bent her head and explored his body with her lips, she set his skin on fire. Her kisses on his chest, abdomen—everywhere, fueled an inferno so hot and deep within him, he thought he might actually spontaneously combust. And yet he still wanted more, he needed more. He didn’t want this ecstasy to ever end.

  But he had to get her to stop now or soon it would be too late and he didn’t want that to happen. “Stop. You have to stop.”

  “Now who’s begging?” She paused long enough to say the words and grin at him deviously. He loved her feisty attitude and hearing it in the bedroom was such a turn on. She could be as feisty as she wanted, as long as she kept making him feel this way.

  “I am. I admit it. But if you don’t stop, I won’t get the chance to be with you in the way I really want to.”

  “I have faith you’ll still be up for the challenge.” She continued to torture him again, causing him to writhe in the delight of her tongue on his hot flesh.

  To hell with it. He let himself be washed away with the pleasure she created with her mouth, resisting the urge to thrust his hips. Damn she’s good.

  A few minutes later, when he’d finally gotten his breath back and she was safely cuddling on the bed beside him, he spoke again. “You get more amazing with every passing minute.” How had he lucked out and found Amelia?


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