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Bunny Hills and Bikinis

Page 18

by Heather Thurmeier

  Amelia’s cheeks flushed a bright pink. “After how you acted this morning I don’t know what you care about.”

  Nate clenched his jaw. This wasn’t going the way he wanted it to, not at all. “I’m sorry about that and I’d love a chance to explain, but I can’t do that here.”

  He moved closer to her, taking a piece of her scrap paper from the table and pen as if he were making notes as the discussion continued around him—a discussion he’d heard exactly two words of.

  “Come to my room after the conference ends so we can talk about this.”

  She eyed him for a moment before speaking. “Fine.”

  Nate stood. He didn’t want to linger near Amelia longer than he had to since he couldn’t let everyone find out about their involvement. “Sounds like you guys have some great ideas here. Keep it up.”

  The tension in Nate’s shoulders eased as he wandered away from Amelia’s table. He would get his chance to talk to her later and then he’d make her understand about everything. Hopefully, she’d forgive his behavior that morning.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur. Between managing this new activity Nate had created on the fly, fitting in the rest of the normal workshop material, and keeping a close eye on Jim, the afternoon was over in a blink. Before Nate realized it, it was five o’clock and the day was over.

  Nate glanced around the room as people gathered their things and left. They still had the closing brunch the next day, but he was free for the rest of the evening. It was the perfect timing to meet with Amelia. Maybe they’d order room service and stay in all night—if he could convince her that he wasn’t a giant jerk of course. Once he told her the truth, she was bound to understand. Wasn’t she?

  He could already imagine feeling her warm body pressed up against his again. He could almost taste her mouth on his. Where would the night take them? The balcony? No, not unless it had suddenly turned to summer outside. Maybe the in-suite Jacuzzi? Yes, that would be perfect. A repeat of what they’d started in the hot tub the other night, only this time they wouldn’t have to stop. This time there wouldn’t be a bikini to get in the way.

  He crossed the room to where Jim stood talking to a few of Amelia’s tablemates. “Have a nice evening off,” he smiled.

  “Aren’t you going to join us for dinner?” Tonya asked. “Jim suggested we all go out to celebrate our last night here.”

  “I’m sure Nate has other things he’d rather do tonight, don’t you?” Jim cocked an eyebrow at him knowingly.

  Of course Jim knew Nate would want to spend the night with Amelia. It made sense that Jim would jump on the opportunity to sway a few people from the workshop into remembering his name instead of Nate’s when it came time to do their workshop evaluations.

  Sneaky pain in the ass.

  Nate smiled his most charming smile. “Actually, I’d be delighted to come to dinner with all of you. Where are we off to?”

  “Fireside. The concierge said the steaks are to die for,” Stacy said. “We’re meeting there in about an hour.”

  “Sounds great. That gives me time to take care of a couple of things before that. See you all later.”

  As Nate walked away, he heard Jim mumble under his breath. “I’m sure you do.”

  Nate ignored the comment and rushed from the room. It had already been twenty minutes since the workshop had ended. Was Amelia still waiting for him outside his hotel room or had she given up already? Getting a chance to explain wouldn’t do him any good if he kept her waiting so long she became even more angry with him, or worse—if she up and left.

  The elevator doors opened onto the fourth floor and Nate sighed with relief when he saw Amelia leaning against the wall outside his door. She’d waited. And damn, she looked beautiful.

  His heart stuttered at the sight of her there waiting for him. She was unbelievably gorgeous even after the long day when everyone else around her looked like they’d been through a windstorm. How had he been so lucky to find her and so stupid to risk losing her?

  “I’m sorry it took me so long to get up here. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.” He bent down and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before opening the door and guiding her into the room. His hand on the small of her back calmed his nerves. She would understand, he knew it.

  “It’s okay. I’m sure you had to finish up some workshop stuff now that you’re basically done.”

  “I did, but I’m here now and I really want to explain.”

  He took her hand and sat down on the couch, pulling her down gently to sit beside him. He held her hand, stroking circles with his thumb in her palm. The skin was so soft and delicate; it reminded him of her skin in other places he loved even more—behind her ear, the crook of her neck, and especially the valley between her breasts. His body stirred with desire at the thought.

  “I’m sorry if I blew you off today. I didn’t mean to. Jim showed up unexpectedly and he’s here for only one reason—the promotion that I want. I was sure I had this promotion in the bag until he showed up, but now I just don’t know. He totally threw me off my game when he showed up here.”

  “So it wasn’t about us?”

  “Not at all. You, everything about you—no, everything about us, is awesome. I hate that I made you think that. I shouldn’t have dismissed you today like I did. Then maybe you wouldn’t have gone on a date with that douche bag William.”

  “I told you, it wasn’t a date.” She hit him playfully in the arm and he felt his body relax instantly.

  “Whatever it was, I didn’t care for it. But I’m glad to hear it wasn’t a date to you.” He moved his hand to her cheek and leaned toward her, staring into her eyes. “So, do you forgive my terrible behavior earlier so I can make it up to you?”

  “Yes, and I think I’d like you to make it up to me now.” She grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer.

  Her lips found his and her mouth parted, inviting his tongue in. He happily obliged, licking her lips before plunging passed her teeth to find her tongue. She tasted better than he’d remembered.

  Her fingers went to the buttons of his shirt and popped them open one at a time. She slipped her hand inside his shirt and across his chest, making his heart pound beneath her touch. When she stroked her fingers across his nipple, he bit her lip, unable to stop a growl deep in his throat.

  This woman was wonderful and he wanted more than anything to be with her again, right now—to scoop her into his arms and carry her off to his bed. Hell, the couch would suffice, as long as he could be with her again like that.


  “I can’t do this now,” he said against her mouth, groaning as her hands traveled the length of him that had gone rigid in his pants. The ache swelled as she squeezed him, teasing him almost into submission. Damn he wanted to do this. He’d love nothing more than to give into her.

  “Really? By the feel of things, I think you can.” She squeezed him harder as she moved her hand along his fully hardened length and he groaned again.

  “I want to. Oh god, I want to. But I need to go to dinner.”

  “If you’re hungry, I’ll order you room service.” She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and caressed it with her tongue.

  Why do I need to eat? Promotion. Right.

  “I can’t, really. I’m supposed to meet Jim and some of the workshop people for dinner and drinks in half an hour.”

  Amelia stopped kissing him and pulled away. “You’re doing more workshop stuff tonight? I thought the workshop was basically over.”

  He sighed and pulled her into his lap. He hated to stop what they were doing, but he did have to go to this dinner if he wanted any chance to compete with Jim. If Jim got time alone with all those workshop attendees, he’d work his magic on them and then Nate’s chances of getting good evaluations would be gone. He couldn’t let that happen, not when he was so close to succeeding.

  If he didn’t snag this promotion now while he could, Jim would an
d then Nate would be stuck in the same circuit again. Then he’d be no better than those other guys who’d given up their dreams of bigger and better workshops when they’d settled down and got married.

  Nate wasn’t ready to throw it all away yet. As much as he wanted to be with Amelia, he had to secure his future first. Then he could focus on her later tonight with a clear conscience.

  “I don’t want to go, but I have to. If I don’t, Jim is sure to get the promotion.” He kissed her gently. “Why don’t you come with me? It’s just workshop people. We can have dinner with everyone and then come back here and be alone.”

  She shook her head. “I’m so tired. I don’t have the energy to go out. I just wanted to stay in and order room service and relax. Well, maybe I had other things in mind too.”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun,” he urged.

  “Stay with me,” she said, wiggling in his lap.

  “I can’t.”

  She climbed off his lap and sat against the far end of the couch, pulling her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “I guess I’ll just see you when you get back.”

  “I’m sorry, but I really need to go to this dinner.” He grabbed her ankles and pulled her across the couch, twisting his body so he fit between her legs as she lay on her back. He perched over her, imagining her like this later tonight—naked and in his bed. “Why don’t you go to your room and order some room service like you wanted. Maybe take a nap and relax and as soon as I’m done my stupid dinner, I’ll call you and you can come over for a soak in my private Jacuzzi—swimsuit optional.”

  “So you’re not brushing me off again for work?”

  “Nope. I swear I’m not. I just have business that needs to be taken care of first. Then I’ll spend the rest of the night proving to you just how important you are.”

  “Okay,” she said, “but I can be pretty hard to convince.”

  “I’ll work on you the whole night if that’s what it takes to make you understand.”

  Amelia wrapped her arms around his shoulders, forcing him down on top of her. “You know I’m going to hold you to that, right?”

  “You can hold me any way you want to and you won’t hear a single complaint from me.”

  “Sounds like a deal.”

  He kissed her hard on the mouth, savoring the taste of her and hoping it would be enough to sustain him through dinner. Reluctantly, he pulled away and stood from the couch.

  “I should change and get ready to go.”

  “I’ll go. But call me when you’re done and I’ll come back.” She rose from the couch and walked to the door with her hand tucked comfortably into his.

  “Thank you for understanding how important this promotion is to me.” He hoped she knew how important she was to him too. Even after just a couple of days, she’d managed to make a place for herself in his thoughts, in his feelings—in his heart. He would do whatever it took to make her realize what she meant to him later.

  “I do. Go, have your dinner, and then come back to me. Hopefully I’ll still be awake when you’re finished.”

  “I’ll be as quick as I possibly can be. And if you’re asleep, I’ll figure out some creative way to wake you up.” He pulled open the door and leaned in for a quick last kiss before she left. As she walked out the door, he gave her bottom a little squeeze and she giggled before walking down the hall toward the elevator.

  Closing the door, he headed to the bedroom for a fast shower and fresh shirt, praying that tonight would go as planned. He wanted his promotion and he wanted Amelia. Maybe tonight he’d get lucky enough to have them both.

  * * *

  “I see you had a good afternoon,” came a voice from the direction of the elevators Amelia walked toward.

  She snapped out of her dreamlike state and jolted harshly into a reality she wasn’t ready to face. William.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked. This didn’t feel like a coincidence. It felt a little stalker-like. “You weren’t waiting here for me or something, were you?”

  William rolled his eyes at her. “Don’t flatter yourself, Amelia. My room is on this floor.” His eyes traveled up and down the length of her body and she was immediately aware of her appearance.

  She tried to smooth out her hair, which had become tangled from lying on the couch beneath Nate, and tugged the hem of her shirt straight. She smiled hoping she came off as casual and not caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to be—well, someone.

  His jaw clenched. “Nate doesn’t waste anytime taking care of business, does he? I guess that means you guys made up.”

  “It’s not like that. I was just in his room talking.”

  William chuckled. “Yeah sure, talking. Even after what he did to you today, you still went back to his room again.”

  “It’s not like that. It was just a misunderstanding, that’s all. He didn’t mean to treat me like that.”

  “Sure he didn’t. That’s what they all say.”

  “Okay, well it’s been a long day so, um, if you’ll excuse me.” She stepped forward as the elevator doors opened, “I’m just going to go back to my room and rest.”

  William stepped on to the elevator behind her and pushed the button for her floor as well as for the lobby. “So I guess that means lover boy’s room is on my floor, huh? Lucky me.”

  She cringed inside. She didn’t want to talk about her night with Nate with anyone, least of all with William.

  “Listen, it isn’t what you think,” her voice trailed off as his eyes took in her clothes and rumpled hair again. Ugh. “Even if it is what you think it is—which is none of your business, by the way—it’s not like that. I really like him. This isn’t just some random one-night stand or anything like that.”

  “How can you say you really like him when you’ve only known him a couple of days? How much more like a one-night stand can it get?” He sounded frustrated with her. He leaned back against the elevator wall and crossed his arms in front of him. “Or do you usually jump into bed with a guy quicker than this, so this ‘relationship’ actually feels long-term to you?”

  “Ouch. You don’t have to be a total jackass. I just meant my feelings for him are more than you think they are.” She threw her hands in the air in total and complete frustration. “Why am I even explaining this to you? I don’t give a crap what you think. So go ahead and believe whatever it is you want to believe about me. I’m too tired to care today.”

  William took a step toward her in the little, pain-in-the-ass slow elevator and stood right up against her, peering down at her with intensity. She hadn’t seen this expression on him before and she wasn’t sure she liked it.

  “What I believe,” William started, “is that in about thirty-six hours from now you’re going to leave here with a broken heart that could have been avoided. Nate isn’t coming home with you, I am. Give me a chance so that at the end of the weekend, you have a chance to be happy.”

  “I don’t want to give you a chance, William, because it won’t make a difference to how I feel about you. I’ve already told you that. Don’t make me keep hurting you this way. Just accept that I don’t have those feelings for you and we’ll both be better off in the end.”

  “You only think you don’t have feelings for me because you haven’t tried.”

  “I don’t know about that. We had a pretty nice lunch together, but I still don’t have feelings for you. Seems like a solid attempt and subsequent failure to me.”

  He placed his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them. “Let me show you what it could be like for us. One date, Amelia. Please, just one. And then you’ll see that you do want to be with me, I know you will.”

  Amelia shook her head. “No, I can’t do that. I want to be with Nate. I’m sorry I can’t go on a date with you when I have feelings for him.”

  What the hell is with these elevators? Seriously. Are they running on power generated from a candle or something? Are little elves hiding somewhere pulling the cables by hand or
what? Hurry up.

  William took a step back, folding his arms across his chest again. “You’re not going to end up with him. I’ll see to that.”

  Her jaw fell open in disbelief. “Did you just threaten me?” She laughed at the absurdity of it. “Seriously, a threat?” William was too much. He needed to get over this already, because him hitting on her was getting really old, really fast. What did she have to do to finally get him off her case?

  “One date with the guy you’re actually going home with or I’ll make sure you don’t have a job when we get home to go back to. And I’ll make sure lover boy doesn’t have a job either.”

  “Oh my god, you’re really threatening me with this, aren’t you?”

  “It’s not a threat so much as an eye-opening experience for you.”

  She laughed. “Sure, opened my eyes to what a jerk you really are. I can’t even believe you’re doing this right now. You need help, William. Like serious professional help because I think you’ve finally gone off and lost your last rational thought.”

  The door chimed and slid open. He put his finger on the door open button, ensuring that they wouldn’t get cut off by the doors closing before their conversation came to a conclusion. “One date. You get to keep your job and lover boy gets to keep his. Deal?”

  “You really expect me to believe that you can get us both fired?”

  “I can. I’m sure our bosses would love to know you spent the workshop in bed with the presenter and all on their hard-earned dollar. Oh and I’m sure Nate’s boss would love to know he’s making it a habit to bang the workshop attendees. Maybe they can put that in the brochure—free bang with every fifth female enrollment.”

  Asshole. William had officially moved past jerk status in her mind.

  Amelia stood there seething. He was right about them probably getting fired if anyone found out how either of them spent their weekend at the workshop, but did he really have the power to make that happen? Would anyone believe his claims?

  She remembered all the perks he seemed to get around the office because of the nice smile and charm he could lay on so thick it coated the rational brains of anyone he came in contact with, especially if that someone was a woman. Her boss, Roberta, usually became a big ball of putty in his agile hands.


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