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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 9

by Jessie Wolf

  “But first I need to get Reed to out himself so the H.C.S. knows who they're dealing with.”

  I finish up, wipe, then leave the stall. I wash my hands and head back out. As I leave the restroom I find Cpt. Howard just outside of the door. “Cpt. Howard I’m sorry for what Reed is pulling here with you and your men. If you want, once I figure out what’s going on, I’ll get you all back to your regular assignment. Is that ok with you?”

  “Look Cmdr. I don’t know what all is going on right now or who that jack hole out there is, but there is one thing that I do know. I and the men and women of my command all owe our lives to the man and woman who were your son-in-law and daughter. That is why, when you first exited your cocoon and put ‘Stoney’ and his ass kissing lackey in their places I called in the rest of my company. I know, more than the rest, what Death Dealer over ride codes look like.” Came his whisper. “There is no way a teenager could be what you had claimed to be. So I knew that something was up. I may be just a dumb-ass A.P.S. Jock, but I do have some brains.

  Now that being said, I let all of my pilots know that the daughter of Captains Ohmie and Richard Steel Heart was in here trying to clear her parents’ names and the names of everyone in the 3rd A.C.R. that served at Four Points. As you guessed earlier, most of the people in my unit are older than most at the same rank. You see, all of us were in the 3rd at Four Points or had someone who was. I can say with all honesty that we’ll die to the last man for you after what you have done here today.” I didn’t know what to say. But Dee De sure did.

  By all that’s Holy! The man called Death personified rendered speechless twice in one day. Hell has truly frozen over.

  “Oh shut up and give me a break here. How was I to know that this would happen just by busting old ‘Stoney’s’ chops?”

  “Cpt. I truly do not know what to say.” Was all I could come up with at that time.

  “No sweat ma’ Lady. Just know that you can always count on Delta Company 4th of the 503rd A.P. Regiment Hell Hounds. We may not be Death Dealers, but I can promise you this much. After we get done with whoever has made the mistake of pissing us off they will wish they were never born.” He said with some pride. I can tell that his troops have earned that respect just by the look in his eyes. Oh yes, him and his troops will make supreme bodyguards.

  “Alright Major let’s go back to dealing with the monkeys shall we?” I say with a smile.

  With a very deep and sarcastic bow. “Of course ma’ Lady Nakatoma Steel Heart. After you ma’ lady.”

  “You know that they shoot smartasses where I come from, Maj. Howard?” It's all I can get out before losing it and starting to giggle. Oh man I’m becoming such a girl. I hope I don’t lose what I need to be a hard ass when I need it. That behavioral dump by the C.O.B.R.A. o.s. is really messing with my head.

  Don’t worry James. I will always be here to keep you grounded when you need it. As far as you not being able to be a hard ass. DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH! That will always be there. It’s too far down to get to, even with explosives.

  “Thanks Dee. I really needed that right then.”

  Like I said, grounded.

  “So I have been told ma’ Lady, so I’ve been told.” Maj. Howard said with a chuckle.

  I just shake my head and walk back into the hanger bay. As I enter the bay though, I get the shock of a life time. Besides the Marauder from earlier, it has been joined by 3 other Armored Power Suits of different makes and weights. Now the Marauder was an Assault class power suit and was, without a doubt, the heaviest. But the other three were a complete mystery to me.

  “Maj. Howard why are there four A.P. suits in the hanger bay?”

  “Oh the commanders of the other lances in my company wish to introduce themselves to you Lady Nakatoma. From the scout lance, 2nd Lt. Marcy Howl in the Mustang. 2nd Lt. Lisa Von Rickover in the Stryker from the close support lance, and last, my X.O. 1st Lt. Stephanie Wolf in the Rifleman from the heavy attack lance. I asked 1st Sergeant Miller to keep an eye on things while you were using the facilities. My officers felt he could use a hand on keeping everyone here, plus keeping them in line and not doing things without your approval.” Was all the man said. As if 80 tons of combat firepower was not enough to get a point across as is.

  I almost laugh at the absurdity of the situation. I mean no one in this room has more than a hand gun to use against that monster and they bring in even more. If it wouldn’t be bad manners or set an unwanted standard I would be laughing. So instead I turn to him and with a small smile I say,

  “Major Howard, I am honored that your officers would show such respect for one they have not met. Please give them my respects, but please ask them to wait outside. I will talk to all of them when time permits.” Then I bow to the man as a sign of respect.

  With a simple nod to acknowledge my order, he turns toward the A.P.S. s and signals them with a hand sign. As one, they all bow then turn toward the hanger door and walk out in step with each other. That plain, but simple maneuver shows me one thing and it’s something the others would not grasp. This was a unit that is made up of highly trained, dedicated and deadly professionals. To underestimate them would to be detrimental to one's health. To be very honest I would be cautious of sending Death Dealers against them. Turning to the gathered representatives of the local planetary government, I proceed back to the table and take a seat.

  “Now ladies and gentlemen let us get back down to business. But before we do, Mr. Reed can you please enlighten myself and the others as to why you can just make such sweeping gestures as reassigning an enter A.P.S. company from the P.D.F. over to House unit command?” I ask of him.

  “Oh my! I never introduced myself?” he asks.

  “No. You didn’t.” was all I needed to say for him to turn bright red with embarrassment.

  “Please forgive me, Lady Nakatoma, for my rudeness. I am the Director of Education and Cultural History for the planet of Hades and the Death Gates System. As such it is well within my powers of office to perform all that I have done. I merely need to send out the authorizations and everything will be taken care of.”

  Thank you so much, you shit for brains diplomat! You could've saved us lot of heart ache if you had just told everyone who you were from the beginning! I wanted to scream at him, but held my temper in check. Thank goodness for Col. House, though he didn’t need to hold in his.

  “YOU IGNORANT ASS!! DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH TIME YOU COULD HAVE SAVED US IF WE HAD KNOWN WHO YOU WERE!? By the Gods of battle man, don’t they teach you people over there that information in a situation like this is key?” The man was red with rage. At that point I decided to bail out the Director, as I still needed his help.

  “Please ladies and gentlemen, let us try to maintain our composure and keep a civil tongue in our heads. Getting upset over a minor transgression is silly. Now Director, you were saying something about my enrollment at some all-girls school instead of the Hades Military Academy? May I ask why I can’t attend the H.M.A.?” I can tell that my question has caught him off guard. As he sits there thinking of how to answer it without pissing me off, I can tell I won’t like it.

  “My dear Lady Nakatoma, for you to attend the Academy would be perfectly acceptable if you were just your grandfathers’ granddaughter. The problem is, that is not the case here. You are now the Heir to AND the Head of House for the Nakatoma Shogunate. For you to attend any other school other than the Joan Eunice Smith School for Young Ladies would be the same as telling the rest of known space that you don’t have the social skills to be anything other than a soldier.”

  Yup I was right. I knew I wouldn’t like it and from the looks on everyone else's faces, they don’t either. But he’s right; that is exactly how it would look. Ah shit. It looks like I’m headed for Joan Eunice. Before anyone can get too pissed off I step in to control things.

  “Thank you Director Reed for explaining to me the need for me to attend Joan Eunice. I had not fully grasped the tactical or political situation.
Now that I do would you see to my enrollment please?”

  ”May I send out the announcements to the Nakatoma Family about the fact that they have a true heir to the Head of House as well? It’ll make getting things done in your name easier ma’ Lady. “Was all he asked.

  Up till now I had been trying to avoid what is now my duty to my wife and daughters family line, but I can’t do this halfway. If I am going to be the granddaughter of Matsu Nakatoma Owns, and the daughter of Cpt. Ohmie Owns Steel Heart, then I have to accept this duty as well. I nod my head yes to let him do so.

  Once he starts to type I speak up. “Director, you will also send my letter of apology to the Hades Military Academy explaining to them why I will not be attending that fine school. You will also contact the Commanding Officer of the P.D.F. explaining why he is losing one of the finest A.P.S. companies to House Nakatoma. After that you will also contact the new High Lord Marshal, telling him that he may call on me at his pleasure for my statement into the investigation of his predecessor. If you need help with any of this I believe that Cmdr. House might be talked into giving you a hand with it.”

  Gesturing toward the Cmdr. with my left hand, while with my right I point to the two Majors of the Intelligence Division. “Maj’s’ Wallace and Ford can provide you with the details of the investigation once you have been cleared by the Lord High Marshal if he wishes your assistance into the investigation.” As I point out each of them, they nod their heads in acknowledgement to my requests.

  Upon seeing how all of these professional military men and women react to me Reed gives me a look of wonder and awe.

  “Lady Maiha, there can be no doubt to your right as the only true Heir of House Nakatoma Shogunate. If anyone were to see how all of these fine upstanding people respect you, they too would see what I see.”

  “While you gentlemen take care of that, I think the rest of us will take a short break. I for one need something to eat.” With that I get up and walk to the hanger door. Maj. Howard was close behind me following me outside “Well Maj. where can we get some chow?”

  “Ma’am, may I say that act you just put on in there was an award winning performance.” He laughs out loud.

  “Oh bite me Maj.” I laughingly reply. “Now where can we get something to eat?”

  “I’ll get one of the lances to make the chow run so you don’t have to deal with any unwanted attention ma’am.” With that he turns away and starts talking into a portable radio I hadn’t seen before. While he’s taking care of the food I pull out one of my Golds and light up. I look out over the open expanse of the field, watching as 2 of Hades 3 moons rise in the distance. As I turn back to him I see the outdoor thermostat reads just over 36 degrees. No wonder I’m shivering. Why didn’t I feel the cold earlier?

  Because of the Armor Skin kiddo.

  “Huh? You’ll have to explain that one to me there Dee De. And what’s’ up with calling me Kiddo and treating me like a kid now?”

  For starters, the armor skin is designed to protect you from the elements all the way down to 18 below zero without wind-chill. As far as treating you as a kid, it’s my way of reminding you of who and what you are now. In other words, more grounding, so get used to it. Because I’m not going to quit any time soon. Kiddo.

  Before I can comment, Maj. Howard comes up to saying. “Ok ma’am, chow is on its way for all of us. I also took the liberty to have all my troops pull back to this point and to post up around the hanger. They were starting to upset the locals. It seems people were not too happy with having military grade weapons pointed at them for just getting too near the boundary of the Space Port for some reason. I have no idea why?” He had the nerve to try and look innocent as he said that last bit.

  I can’t help it. At first I start to giggle, then chuckle, and finally I’m laughing out loud at this. I can just see some poor guy out here to watch the drop ships come in, getting stopped by a 10 to 15 foot tall armor power suit, armed with a shitload of fire power.

  You do know that, in our full on combat mode, we could do the same thing and we are only 5 feet tall right?

  At hearing this I really lose it. The thought of someone my size scaring the crap out someone is truly priceless. Thank god the good Maj. had the decency to not let me laugh out loud all by myself. I can just see it now. The proud, tall, and handsome pilot of an Armored Power suit and the tiny teenage girl laughing hysterically for no reason. If the locals saw this they would surely think us mad. I mean wouldn’t you? Or perhaps they would think us lovers, happily laughing at some joke only the two of us would know.

  I look up at Howard and tell him what my AI had informed me of. When he looks at me and puts the read out that the Mark 24 had given him of me in our initial meeting he really loses it. “Ma’ Lady if there was ever a gross understatement that was it. Now how about we head back inside where it is a bit warmer shall we?”

  At my nod we turn and head inside, but I stop for just a moment to look back out at the Space port. I wonder what my new life will bring me. What challenges will I face, first as a school girl and then as the Head of House for one of the most Powerful High Families in the known Galaxy? Can I really be a Lady of the High Courts? I don’t have the training for any of this. I would better at the head of an attack on a Gorgon Heavy Assault platform or leading a guerilla war, but not for this. I have no clue on how to be ether a teenage girl or a Lady. I think back on all my schooling and training just to be sure, and nothing that I find there can help me with the mess I find myself in. Yup I’m screwed and ROYALLY.

  “Ma’ Lady are you alright?” asked Maj. Howard. Looking up at the concerned look on his face I realize that the man does care. “You seemed lost there for a moment.”

  “Yes Major, I’m fine. I was just thinking about what my new life will bring and how to deal with it all.” I reply. “Come on, let’s get inside and see what the monkeys have come up with now.”

  As we come back into the hanger, Col. Campbell walks up to me and gives me a very courtly bow. “Lady Nakatoma I have just been informed that the new High Lord Marshal, General Michael White, has taken command of the P.D.F. and all Death Gates System Military as of an hour ago. He sends his regards to you for the loss of your grandfather and looks forward to meeting you. Also, he has ordered both Maj’s’ Wallace and Ford to investigate the Four Points Battle and all those involved with the attempted cover up. He even gave permission for the O.E.C.H. to be involved with that investigation so that no one will escape justice.”

  “That is fantastic news Sir. Please let him know that, at the first moment I have time, I’ll be more than willing to sit down and talk to him.” I say with a great deal of happiness. At last my children will have justice and be able to rest in peace.

  “My Lady Nakatoma I have good news for you as well.” Said director Reed. With a nod to let him know to continue. “Your enrollment into the Joan Eunice Smith School for Young Ladies has been approved. You begin classes at the beginning of next semester in two weeks.”

  I try my best to keep from groaning, but I fail miserably. To my extreme embarrassment this draws a chuckle from most everyone here.

  “Fine I’ll go, but I won’t promise to like it.” At this everyone bust’s out laughing. I don’t why, but it might have to do with the pout on my face. Damn it I have to get control over that behavioral download. Either that, or surrender to the inevitable fact that I will become a very girly-girl.

  “Excuse me ma’ Lady, but I just received a message from your great aunt, Lady Nakatoma Dai Etsu.” Said Lt. Walking Water, interrupting everyone’s fun. With a quick nod to proceed she continues. “She has heard of your situation regarding the lack of proper attire. To quote her exact words ‘I will not have my great niece walking around looking like some tomboy ruffian. I will have my personal maids there within an hour to address the situation. They will have everything that she will need to be made presentable for public appearance.’ Ma’am I don’t know whether this is good or bad news, but they shoul
d be here in just under three quarters of an hour.”

  “Thank you Lt., for that news. I guess I have been a bit of a tomboy for most of my life. Grandpa really didn’t know too much about female fashions or how to raise a girl for that matter.” At my comment the entire H.C.S. breaks out laughing. Poor Mr. Reed just looks at them with a very confused look. I save him by giving him this explanation.

  “Dir. Reed all of the H.C.S. have heard of my grandfather’s exploits over the years. From what I myself have heard and experienced he was, without a doubt, the last person in the Galaxy to raise a little girl. A little boy, yes. A girl, no. He was what you would call a real man’s man. You could put him in a room full of officers of all ranks, let him wear a plain uniform and he would still stand out. So now you know why everyone is laughing the way they are.”

  Thankfully I was saved from any more explanations by the opening of the hanger door. A min-size transport truck enters at this time. Looking over I see one of the scout A.P.S‘s, a Mustang I think it was called, escorting it in. Maj. Howard answers the question before it is even asked. “That’s the chow we ordered up ma’am.”

  “Ok everyone take a break. Let’s get something to eat before we all starve to death.” I tell them all.

  After everyone had gotten their plates, we sat down to eat. I watched as Maj. Howards’ troops filed though to get their plates as well. I noticed that he and all of the officers, as well as his 1st Sgt., waited until the enlisted personnel had gotten theirs’ first before getting any. Now that is the mark of a true leader, always putting the men first. The more I see of this man and his troops the more my respect for them goes up.

  “Maj. Howard, I must say my respect, high as it is already, just went even higher. If I must have a bodyguard unit then I will not have any other than yours.”

  “Lady Maiha Nakatoma Steel Heart, I speak for myself and all the members of the Hell Hounds. It would be our greatest honor to be your personal bodyguards.” And with a bow from him and his officers they return to their plates and what looks like a command meeting. As much as I want to join them I know that I can’t. For me to do so would only undermine his authority and that is something I will not do for anything. Instead I look over to Dir. Reed.


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