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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 22

by Jessie Wolf

  With all the love that one would show a child that has just confessed to doing a great wrong she wrapped her arms around me. “Maiha we were both in the wrong I in my belief and you in yours I know that she taught you the exercises that you use to find your center and calm. You were a man of great honor and integrity. You stand true to the belief that not all problems could be solved through peaceful means. And unfortunately you are right, but you also learn to respect the beliefs of others from her. My sister tried on more than one occasion tried to explain to me how you saw the Universe. She was still a great teacher even after she left us. But it was I who failed to learn. Now that you Maiha have come I have that chance again to learn why a true warrior does what they do and to look beyond just the way that they do it. As I teach you, you shall teach me. Now come child it time for your lessons in the ways of being a lady and Head of House for the Nakatoma Family.” And with that she began to teach me all of the myriad ways in which a young lady of the High Families should behave. We work on all of these little things until time for lunch.

  When we broke for lunch our maid’s met us at the door to my aunt’s receiving area where she had lunch waiting for us. When the head engineer arrived to join us he was surprised to be eating in Lady Dai Etsu the Reverend Mothers private quarters. Once lunch was over we discussed the new walls that I wanted erected. When my aunt asked me why I wished to enclose the whole living area plus the Temple compound with such a wall I explained it for her. “As much as I like the wide open feel of the inside of the estate wall being only on the property line I do not like the fact that the entire backside to the living area is so wide open. It is too easy for someone to sneak into this area and cause harm to those who live here. I know for a fact that at least three members of this householdhave been killed by assassins. I know that a wall will not stop them,but it will give the House troops a much smaller area to control and patrol. Making it easier on everybody as well as safer.” Turning back to the engineer “Also sir I want you to sit down with Maj. Fujiyama and design a separate barracks and family area for the Wolves of the Mountains as they are now the Guardians for the Temple. I believe that they should be closer to where they shall perform their duty.”

  “Maiha child do you realize that in a matter of days you have found more problems for this Family and put in motion ways for correcting them than the last three Heads of House?” my aunt said. “You are truly a formidable Head of House. I no longer worry about the safety of our family. The ones I feel sorry for now are those who were ignorant enough to have incurred your wrath and the ones in the future who will try your resolve. I believe that your response shall be truly terrifying in its effectiveness.” I can tell by the fire in her eyes she was happy with me. Oh yes she maybe be a pacifist but she still loved her family and cared for the people that they were responsible for. It was this fact that all of her advisories have exploited and twisted to do what they wanted for their own greed.

  For the last twenty years the Parliament and the Hall of Lords for the Death Gates System have been able to push my aunt around in the halls of power. Well no more. As of this morning My Representative should have arrived with a very shrewd and cunning advisor who would make sure she would have whatever Intel was needed to put a stop to the ass clowns. And if that didn’t work there was always the ‘American’ solution.

  Commander have you decided on a name for a Military solution for the current political situation? (Charley)

  “Yes Charley I have all Military operations shall fall under the title of ‘Operation John Hampton’.”

  Commander your sense of history and humor must be without equal. To name an armed revolt for a man almost forgotten to history who was known for his pushy diplomatic solutions but also for his demand for just and fair treatment.(Charley)

  Charley believe me our girl has a twisted sense of humor in every way imaginable. (Dee De)

  “Bite me Dee De. I only see the funny in all things.”

  “Why auntie you say the most flattering things. You’ll give me a swollen head if you keep this up.” I said with a giggle. Oh god that’s it I’ve finally surrendered to my inner girly-girly-girl.

  “Dee De Charley how far has the behavioral programming gone?”

  It has reached a one hundred percent integration commander. I’m sorry if this upsets you,but it cannot be helped. Once it began there was no way to stop it. If either I or Dee De had any control over it we might have been able to direct its formation. Unfortunately that program was setup to run independent of either AI systems by its creators. (Charley)

  I hate to say this kiddo. But we are now the biggest girly-girl now on Planet Hades. (Dee De)

  “Aaaawwww! Shit! I knew I should have done something to put a stop to it before things got out of hand. Oh well nothing to do now but deal with it.”

  “Mr. Ito thank you for coming this afternoon. Now I’ll let you get to work on what I have asked of you. If you should run into problems please seek me out.”

  “The pleasure is all mine my Lady. You have given me a task that most Household engineers can only dream of. The securing of an entire Household compound. I will give you my fullest in this endeavor.” He told me as he first bowed to me then my aunt. “I wish you good afternoon Ladies” and with that he left.

  Turning to my aunt “Well auntie what shall we do for the rest of the day?” I asked.

  “Lessons.” Was all she said.

  Chapter 11

  Serenity, Embezzlement, arrests and assassinations.

  Damn it, when will I learn to keep my mouth shut. “Ah, what shall we be learning this afternoon, auntie?”

  The look on her face was as serene as a calm lake in the early morning hours. If I could show that face to the world no one and I mean no one would be able to tell what I was thinking.

  “I see that you have grasped the lesson for this afternoon all ready. Very good, child. You have to learn how to conceal your emotions behind a mask of calm that no one can penetrate. For the next few hours I shall endeavor to teach you the ways of this,” she told me as we left her rooms and then the house for the courtyard. As we walked around the courtyard she explained to me the secrets of how to show the world a face of peaceful calm while wanting to tear the head off of some jack hole in desperate need of a lesson in manners. What I didn’t understand was the ‘why’ for needing this. Oh, I could see the advantage in being able to keep my emotions hidden on occasion, but all the time didn’t make any sense. “I see that you are having a hard time at understanding the ‘why’ of this. You see, as the Head of House for our family, all of those around you; those that look to you for guidance only see what you show them. If they see fear they become afraid. If they see anger they do all they can to avoid you. If they see sadness then they want to do all they can to remove that sadness sometimes to their detriment. But if you can show a face of peaceful calm, well then no matter what emotion is driving you at that time it will not affect those around you. They will see a calm and in control person who is their Head of House. You shall find that this ability will be one of your greatest weapons in your vast array of diplomatic tools.” With this explanation firmly in mind I set to my task of learning to show that peaceful calm at all times with a new and greater vigor.

  As we worked on my ability to present a face of peaceful calm throughout the afternoon, I found that it was almost impossible to do. Yet it was always so tantalizingly within my reach. Every time I would get close but I would fail at the very last moment. I was getting frustrated and this was affecting how I was feeling. The longer and harder I tried the more upset I became. Just when I was ready to say the Hell with it all, my aunt brought the lesson to a halt. “Come child it is time for dinner. We will pick up where we have stopped in the morning.” As she led the way back to the house I forced myself to calm down. I was not going to show up for a meal pissed off at the world. I had to get control. Once back in the house I left my aunt to go get ready for dinner. When I entered my rooms I went straight
for the bathroom. What I saw in the mirror did not make me happy. The cross hairs were painted over my eyes. I will master my emotions. I have to master them. I wasn’t thinking when I slammed my fist into the wall. I heard wood shattering and plaster crumbling. My fist didn’t stop it just kept going until it was on the other side.

  Maiha, please! You have to calm down. If you don’t not even Charley will be able to override your combat mode. (Dee De)

  Commander! Commander Nakatoma this is not a tactical situation. Please regain control of your emotions. (Charley)

  With the two of them yelling at me to calm down I realized just how close I was to losing control. Standing there looking at my fist buried in the wall. All of the frustration of the day came boiling to the surface. The next thing I knew I was crying my eyes out. No that’s not right; I was bawling like a baby. Why couldn’t I get control over my emotions? At one time I was called the coldest son of a bitch alive. Battle hardened troops turned from my gaze. But now I can’t even keep my emotions in check long enough to go one day before coming close to losing control and going on a killing rampage. I don’t know when they got there or how they got me out to my receiving area, but both Gin and Kina were holding me in their arms rocking me till I calmed down. Taking out a handkerchief from somewhere, Kina wiped the tears form my eyes. “Lady Maiha please calm down there is no need to be upset over a little temper tantrum. I’ll have the engineers here in the morning to repair the wall. They have had to deal with worse in the barracks of the signal troops. Now what was it that upset you so?”

  How can I tell these two women that I no longer had the control I once had? They can’t know about my past; it’s for their own good. Before I can come up with an excuse though Gin takes that away from me with the truth. “Lady Maiha we both know that at one time you were Commander James Owens; the Lady Dai Etsu’s brother-in-law. Do not worry it was she who told us. When we upset you this morning talking about your wife and didn’t tell us why we asked her. She told us everything about how you came to us. Now please tell us what has upset you like this?”

  Sighing I look at the both of them. “Very well then. My aunt was trying to teach me to only show that always peaceful calm appearance of hers and just about every student who ever went to the Temple. But no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t find that tranquil calm to be able to do it.” I start to shake as I tell them of my failure. Before I know it I’m crying again. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I used to be one of the most emotionally controlled people I knew. Now I can’t even remain calm enough to go one day without my combat mode rising to the surface. If I don’t learn control soon someone will get hurt because I lost it.”

  The both of them immediately said; for someone of my back ground to be unable to control my emotions was just short of unimaginable. “Lady Maiha, please understand that it took all of us and that includes your beloved wife and her sister more than just one day to master the peaceful calm.” Gin said while rubbing my back. “Why I remember my lessons in that same technique. Your own wife was my teacher. I would look at that serene look on her face and it was all I could do to keep from slapping her.” The thought of my beautiful wife driving someone to the point of violence was beyond anything I could think of. Just the thought of her doing that was so far beyond me that I started to laugh. This had to be a joke; had to be. “You think that I am joking? She could make a monk lose control. I swear to the gods above every time we had that lesson I would try my hardest to find the calm that was deep inside me and every time I failed. It wasn’t until I was ready to quit and walk out did she give me a hint. What she said made no sense to me at first. All she said was ‘Don’t try; just be.’ See what I mean by being infuriating?”

  If I had been one of those ancient 2-D cartoons from the middle of the twentieth century I would have a light bulb going off over my head. It was so simple. The answer had been right in front of me all the time. Matsue had been telling me the secret to finding inner peace was to always be true first to one’s self and then to one’s beliefs and lastly to one’s power. Why didn’t I see it earlier? Every time that I needed to calm down it was her teachings that showed me the way. Why couldn’t I see it earlier?

  Because you were looking in the wrong place for the answer that was always right in front of you. You are so used to using a pound of high explosives to remove a problem when a scalpel would work instead. (Dee De)

  Commander you think like a military man not like a politician. Your first thought to removing the current government was not a peaceful political take over but by brute military force. While this is possible, it may not be the best way. (Charley)

  “Ok you two I get the hint. You don’t have to beat me over the head with it.”

  “Thank you ladies, you have given me the answer to my problem. Now I needed to get cleaned up for dinner. Excuse me please.” And with that I got up and went into the bathroom and washed my face and hands. When I came out Kina and Gin helped me to repair my make-up. Once I was done I went to diner. Along the way I looked deep into myself and found what I was looking for all afternoon. Once again I felt that deep sense of calm descend upon me the first time I was leaving the Temple.

  It must have shown on my face because I had no sooner entered the dining room than my aunt, a woman I had once distrusted, but now owed so much to said. “I see that Matsu has once again beaten me in showing someone the way of truth. Congratulations child; now you will be able to always find the peaceful calm.” All I could do was nodding my head and take my seat at the table. Nothing needed to be said. After all it was the truth. It was Matsu who had first taught the technic for remaining calm. I just never really understood half of what she taught me. To finally have her teachings explained to me is something that will bring her closer to me. “I take it that she had begun to teach you how to find your center before joining our ancestors. May I ask what else she attempted to teach you?” the smile playing at the corners of her mouth was the indication of her true feelings. No, she wasn’t upset, just surprised.

  “She had begun teaching me the ways of your Temple’s philosophy. But I will admit to not understanding a good deal of what she said.” I couldn’t help the little giggle that escaped. For the love of God what I wouldn’t give to be able to find the asshole who thought up that fracking behavioral program. And show my great displeasure. I think I would start with his toes and slowly work my way through each and every joint one at a time by dislocating them. “Forgive me, auntie. It would appear that I’m still finding little pieces of the behavioral programing are causing me problems.”

  “Do not worry yourself over the little slips every now and then. They are what remind you that your still human child. But seeing as how they bother you we will work on them together. Now shall we eat?” at my nod the maids began to serve us. We were by ourselves for dinner tonight. It was rather enjoyable. Our conversation covered everything from her time at the Temple with her sister as young novices to the day she became the Reverend Mother. As it was only the two of us I told her of the life Matsu and I had together. How we each took part in Ohmei’s up bring. I even covered the teachings that Matsu had given me all those long years ago. At times we laughed and at others we cried a little. But all in all it was a very enjoyable meal. When we finished we bid each other goodnight and left each other to go our separate ways for the rest of the night.

  Once back in my rooms I spent the rest of the evening going over the Household books. What I found did not make me happy. Not by a long shot. What I found was that the books were cooked. Either that or the price of living was through the roof on Hades. I better get with Dee De on this before I jump down the Household managers, I thought.

  “Dee De am I missing something here? I know that some of these prices are way too high. I mean if these prices are this high what are the less privileged doing? Going without?”

  Give me a minute hon. Ok from what I have been able to gather this is what I have found. The local tax rate is anywhere f
rom forty to sixty percent higher than in other systems. Especially for any item that has been shipped in from off world. But what is even worse, people are paying a ‘Local Business Association’ tax for anything that is grown or made on Hades. That makes the price the same as the imports. (Dee De)

  “What the hell? Did you just say that there is a tax on all the locally made or grown food and products to push the price to be equal to the import goods?”

  I believe I did. (Dee De)

  “Where the hell is all that money going?”

  I don’t know but from what I can tell it all goes to a central fund for the promotion of the local manufacturers. It doesn’t make any since. The money goes in but doesn’t come back out except for the occasional pay out to some fund called ‘Greater Planetary Occupation Relief’ which then makes a payment to an organization called ‘Freedom For All’ which in turn makes pays to something called ‘Higher Profits for All Foundation’. But I can’t find anything on any of these organizations. No board of directors or oversight committee, no office headquarters, no property nothing. Like I said, it doesn’t make any since. (Dee De)

  “Yes it does. It’s all one great big con. But who is the money going to? Charley’ hack into the Planetary Revenue Office and trace down that is on the receiving end of all those taxes.”

  I have already been working on it Commander. I believe that I have found where all those funds have been going. And I highly doubt that you’ll like the answer. (Charley)

  “Well don’t keep us in the dark. Which one of our Planetary Government Officials is lining their pockets with the money of our hard working citizens?”

  The former High Lord Marshal, his Vic High Lord Marshal, the Planetary Governor, the Secretary General for the Planetary Parliament, its First Speaker, half of the ruling party, the First Lord for the Hall of Lords, and the entire Counsel of Lords for the Hall of Lords. (Charley)


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