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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 24

by Jessie Wolf

  When the smoke clear my father looked over at me. “I see I need to take you back to the C.Q.C. course for some refresher training.”

  “Hey I dropped my target and I only used four rounds verses the five you used.” I snapped back. Like I need to go through a refresher course on Close Quarters Combat. I did better than he did I only used four rounds to his five.

  In response my father just rolled over my target. When I looked down I saw that there were seven bullet holes not the four that I claimed. I dropped the magazine from my weapon. Looking at the round counter on the side showed that I had fired seven times not four. I had lost count of how many times I fired. Oh shit; something like that can get you killed. “You have made your point, papa. I shall join you on the C.Q.C. range when we get back to the House compound.” He merely nods his head.

  “Now daughter what does this little episode show us?” he asked.

  “That there are certain members of the local government that don’t want either me or House Nakatoma here in the Capitol. Now if they have gone so far as to send assassins after us would they be brazen enough to go after her Ladyship in the Family Compound? Or will they wait for her to come in to town or here to the Capitol? I need answers here, papa. Not more questions.” I said well to be honest I whined.

  “Calm yourself child her Ladyship sent you here because she has faith in your abilities. You only lack experience. That is why I am here. Help you and guide you in making your decisions. Right now though we shall have to deal with the L.E.O. units that are most likely already on their way here.” And with that he replaces the spent rounds in his magazine and then placing it back in its holster. I quickly fallowed his example. He always told me to never have a half loaded fire arm. It was either full or empty. This was a practice that had saved his life on more than one occasion not to mention my own.

  It that point I realize I need to send a warning to the House troops. If someone tried to kill me here then they could very well be going after her Ladyship next. Reaching for the vid-com I start entering the code for the House troop guard office. As I’m waiting to be put through the L.E.O. units arrived. Oh great just great they’re both 1AD-AM 12s. Not the easiest units to deal with. The damn things are only good for traffic control, minor crime, gang control, and riot control. As they set into the room one of them pointed its auto-gun at me saying. “Citizens you will surrender your fire arms. Failure to comply will result in your immediate termination. You have ten seconds to comply.” Well in the words of a great man ‘It is better to run away and live to fight another day. Than to fight and die today.’ I removed my side arm and placed it on the floor. I watched my father do the same. “Citizens why did your use your fire arms in the hotel?” I did not have time for this. Thankfully my father stepped up to handle the L.E.O. droids. I had more important things to deal with. Like warning the House troops of a possible assassination attempt on her Ladyship.

  “Nakatoma House, troop Head Quarters Pvt. James how can I direct your call please?”

  “This is Cpt. Suzume Walking Water get me the S.O.G. now.”

  “One moment ma’am while I transfer you.”

  In what felt like hours but really only seconds I heard “Sgt. Carter, how can I help you ma’am?”

  “Sgt. Carter this is Cpt. Walking Water I have just been attacked at my hotel room by two individuals supporting high-powered assault rifles with high impact-high explosive rounds. I have reason to believe that there may be another team or teams in rout to make an attempt on her Ladyship.”

  “Do you have any proof that there will be an attempt on her Ladyship besides a feeling?” he asked me.

  I don’t believe this a Sergeant is questioning the orders of a Captain of House Nakatoma. “Excuse me I but did you just question the word and order of a House Captain for House Nakatoma sergeant?”

  “Sorry Captain, but you are not one of the House troop Captains. I should know. As I have been a member of the Nakatoma House troops for over fifteen years. Until I receive orders to the contrary. You are not in my chain of command. So goodnight ‘Captain’.” And signed off.

  I don’t believe this shit. While I was dealing with the moron S.O.G. my father had straightened out everything with the L.E.O.s. Once the 1AD-AM12s were satisfied that we had not fired first we were allowed to recover our fire arms. I quickly tried to contact the House troop Head Quarters again. However instead of reaching the night time C.Q. desk I get the automated service. I don’t believe this. That Sargent had placed a block on any call from this vid-com. I next tried the bodyguard H.Q.s and got the same response. What the hell? Did he block all access to the House military? Oh God please don’t let that man be working for the enemy. “Papa I need to use your vid-com. This one has had its access to the House com system blocked.”

  “What do you mean by blocked? Is it to just one port or all ports, child?” he asked me we headed for his room.

  “It was to all ports, papa. Why?”

  “Did you talk to an officer for the House troops or a Noncommissioned officer?”

  “A Non-com. Again why?”

  “Because not all of the House troops are happy with their loss of position as the primary military unit for House Nakatoma. Some of them feel that the old Head Captain should have been elevated to the position of Shogun. A few of them acutely feel that Lady Dai Etsu should not have confirmed Lady Maiha as Head of House or Defender of the Nakatoma Family. A few believe that she should be married off to some Lord ling in one of the other Families to ‘restore’ honor to House Nakatoma.”

  “My God! Don’t they realize that trying to force that young lady to do anything will result in bloodshed?”

  “In a word. NO. I can tell you this now; not all of the House troops or their Captains are as loyal as they appear.”

  “Do you know which ones?”

  “Again no. I have no definitive proof. When Lady Dai Etsu was acting Head of House the House troops were in control because of their Head Captain and I had a bargain in place. So long as he did not challenge me as the Military Commander then he could run the House troops as he saw fit. It was my fault that the old head Cpt. challenged for the position of Shogun. I should have warned her Ladyship but I didn’t think that they would go so far as to ignore a command for a House Military Officer. For that I am sorry. Can you forgive me my arrogance?”

  “Father I don’t blame you. You have always done what you believe to be in the best interest of the House and Family. No the ones we need to stop are those fools in the House troops that think they can force Lady Maiha to do as they want. Before she truly unleashes her wrath on them all. If that happens she will not leave one of them alive. She has no tolerance for traitors.”

  Once we reach his room I went straight to the vi-com. I dialed for the House troop H.Q. and got the automated answer again. Next I tried the H.Q. for the bodyguards and still got the automated answer. Once I tried the House code and had the same response I knew we were too late.

  “Oh God, papa, what do we do now?”

  “Calm down child and think.” He ordered me. “So you cannot contact the compound by vid-com. What other ways are at our disposal?”

  That’s when it hit me. I was still a member of the P.D.F. I can use the military com-links to get a hold of the Hell Hounds. Keying up the need codes in the vid-com I got through to Maj. Howard. “Maj. Howard thank God I reached you. I believe that there is an attempt on Lady Maiha taking place right now.”

  “What?! How can you be sure?”

  “I have been unable to reach the compound by vid-com direct. All calls are going to the automated answer on all lines. The only way I could get through to you was on the P.D.F. com-links. You need to send out the troops before they get to her. And do not trust the House troops; when I called earlier the S.O.G. told me he didn’t answer to non-House troop Capt.’s or officers’ then hung-up on me.”

  “Copy that Cpt. Walking Water. Deploying the Hell Hounds now. Don’t worry Cpt. We’ll secure the comp
ound or die trying.” And with that he hung up. All I could do now was wait for word to come. I send up a prayer to the Goddess. “Please let them be in time.”

  Back at House Nakatoma ……

  In Maiha’s bed room

  Full combat mode engaged hostel targets located and radar locked. Strength four light infantry armed with Cooller M-12 assault rifles. (Charley)

  “What the hell Charley why have you activated our full combat mode?”

  Commander there are four men armored with assault rifles just outside of your balcony door. I do not believe that their intentions are peaceful. (Charley)

  No shit, buddy. Maiha that is an assassination team out there with you as its target. (Dee De)

  Before I can reply the doors to my balcony fly out followed by a hail of bullets.

  Chapter 12


  I rolled off the bed onto the floor. I kept rolling until I was into the dressing room.

  I have analyzed the ammunition they are using commander.

  “How is that helpful Charley? Right now I need to keep moving or they will blow the entire house to pieces and me with it.”

  Commander you can withstand the impact of those rounds with nominal damage. They are using fifteen millimeter case less high impact-high explosive rounds. They do not have the power to penetrate our armor skin.

  “In other words I can move in and not worry about them blowing holes in me.”

  Remember we need one of them alive for questioning.

  With that in mind I release the C.Q.C. blades in my arms. This is the first time I have engaged them. Looking down at the four eight inch blades protruding from the back of my hands I realize how much of a weapon I really was.

  Hay kiddo I have a suggestion. Why not use the sonic disrupters instead of the combat blades? This way you stop them and still get your living prisoner for interrogation.

  “My God! I forgot that I have a non-lethal weapon. Ok Charley how do we engage the sonic disrupters?”

  You merely have to be pointed in the general direction and release the burst. Warning though, at this range they may suffer extensive auditory damage.

  “Whatever so long as it stops them. Well, here goes nothing.”

  Thanks to the t&t radar system I knew exactly where all four of them were. Thankfully they had not continued to spray the room after the first burst. I roll out from behind the wall that separates the dressing room from the bedroom area of my rooms. I come to a kneeling position just as my movement attracts the attention of my four would be assassins. I cut loose with a full blast of sonic waves. I am glad that I was not on the receiving end. It hit the four of them with the force of a heavy transport truck. I’ll need to get the engineers to replace the windows in my room. As well as repair the walls, floor, and everything else that got destroyed in the fight. Looking around I realized that something wasn’t right. If they had killed me then that would put the Head of House back in contention but only until Dai Etsu reclaimed the title. Even though that would not stop what I had already put in motion. However if they could get to her before anything got moving then that was another story.

  “Charley give me a full scan of the entire house now.”

  What ya thinking hon? (Dee De)

  “That they might be making a run at taking House Nakatoma out of the way when it comes to the politics on this planet and in this system.”

  Commander I have four heavily armed individuals in the rooms of your aunt. There are another four in the hallway leading to her rooms. I also count eight men outside all armed with Cooller M-12 assault rifles. How should we proceed? (Charley)

  “Our first priority is my aunt’s safety, and then the ones outside.”

  Maiha have thought to inform the Maj.’s of the situation?

  “What are you talking about Dee De?”

  The bodyguard’s girl. You have two whole Combat Teams at your disposal. Why aren’t you using them? (Dee De)

  “Holy Shit I forgot all about them. Get me in touch with Maj. Howard Dee De.”

  One minute. Connecting via the C5 network. Contact with Maj. Howard call sign is Hound one. (Dee De)

  “Hound One this is Wave Dancer; how copy? Over.”

  “Wave Dancer this is Hound One; good copy. What is your status? Over.”

  “Hound One I have sixteen hostiles in total. Four with the grand Lady. Four in main hallway. Eight outside of main house. Possible hostage situation in grand Lady’s rooms. I have four downed and secured hostiles in my rooms. How copy? Over.”

  “Wave Dancer I read four by four hostiles in the main house, and eight on the outside. Hell Hound A.P.S. inbound from the nine, twelve, and three positions with infantry support. How Copy over?”

  “Hound One I have you five by five. Out.”

  Either the man was a mind reader or someone had tipped him off. I’ll figure that out later, right now I had to save my aunt and I needed a plan to do that. I know that there was at least fifty feet of walls and rooms between my rooms and hers. Not to mention a hallway that has four heavily armed individuals. If I try a run and gun the hostiles in my aunt’s rooms could kill her before I even got close to the door. Wait a minute I don’t have to kill them. My sonic disruptors could knock them out, and not alert the four in my aunt’s rooms. With that in mind I step into the hallway. I found that I was all alone. I needed more Intel.

  “Charley where are the four hostiles you said were here?”

  Scanning Commander. Have hard target lock on all four. It would appear that they are using optical camouflage. I’ll show you the locations on your heads up display. (Charley)

  Once Charley had painted a crosshair on each of the hostels I saw they were grouped to cover the far end of the hallway. They weren’t even looking in my direction. I had total surprise on my side. I decided to teach these four a lesson they would never forget. At half power I sent a sonic blast at them. They all acted as if a ton of bricks had landed on them. I moved up to check their pulses only to find they were all dead.

  “What the hell Charley? I only hit them at half power. Why are they dead?”

  I am afraid commander that the walls of the hallway magnified the effect of the blast by concentrating the sonic wave. When it reached them it was over fifteen times stronger than anticipated. (Charley)

  “Not your fault; I didn’t see this happening either. Oh well no help for it now.”

  I headed over to the door to my aunt’s rooms. The heads-up display shows me that my aunt is in the middle of the room sitting in one of the chairs she has in her receiving area. Two of the hostiles are over by the balcony door with the other two near the wall next to the hallway door. I can’t tell which direction their weapons are pointed. Damn it looks like I’ll have to make a hard entry if I want to have any chance of saving her. The only problem is that I need a diversion. Then out of nowhere I hear the report of a one hundred and fifty auto cannon fallowed by the detonation of the impacting rounds from outside. From inside my aunt’s room I hear. “Bloody hell! Are they out of their minds? They’re using Armored Power Suits on our people outside. Don’t they realize we have the acting Head of House in here? They have to listen to our demands.”

  “You are all fools if you believe that. My niece is the Head of House and when she arrives it is you who will be facing off against the Daughter of Death. Not some Political lackey. I tell you this now; if you surrender she may be of a mind to show mercy. If not then I will not stay her hand from killing you.” That was my aunt’s voice. At least I know she is ok for now.

  “Don’t you realize, old woman. Your niece is already in the land of the dead. Those shots earlier were from the team sent to kill her. And since the team out in the hallway hasn’t fired a shot that means they were successful. So you see you are now once again the Head of House for your Family.”

  I hear a very soft laugh almost a giggle. “You poor fools. You truly have no idea of what your actions have unleashed. I will pray for your souls as they are sent
to meet your makers.” I don’t believe my ears; my aunt has just given me the go ahead to kill the four of them. Whatever it was they had done to push her, to this point has to be a whopper.

  Maiha I have just finished with a head count of all of the house hold. (Dee De)

  “Dee De, not now. I need to be ready to breach this door on the next volley from those APS unit out there.”

  Maiha this is important. (Dee De)

  “Ok what is it? What’s so important that you need to interrupt Me.?”

  None of your aunts’ attendant novices can be accounted for. (Dee De)

  “Charley give a thermal scan of my aunt’s rooms. Now.”

  Working on it now……Commander you are not going to like this. I have found that besides your aunt there are four other heat signatures that match those of members of the house hold. (Charley)

  “Where are they? They’re not showing up on the radar.”

  The radar will only show live targets. The heat signatures are showing signs of cooling. I would hazard to say that they are already dead. (Charley)

  Those fracking bastards had killed four teenage girls just for being there with my aunt. From deep within me came the cold rage I had felt as a young man. A rage that had nothing to do with the battle field. No this rage came from watching fanatics kill innocent by-standers. Women, and children, persists and priestess, and any or all noncombatants in a war zone. Only to watch as they were given a trial in a court of law only to have some piece-of-shit lawyer get them off on a technicality. There would be no trial for these animals. They have already been found guilty in a court of justice and been sentenced. The Reverend Mother Dai Etsu had handed out their judgment. Now it was my task to carry out the sentence. This was death. I feel the combat blades extend from the back of my hands. I received a hard lock on all four targets on the heads up display for the anti-personnel lasers. There will be no court of appeals for them. Judgment day has come and Death has sent his Daughter. I rip the door from its hinges as I enter the room. The a.p.l.s fire from my left hand cutting the two behind the door in half. The ones over by the balcony doors don’t even get the chance to even turn before I am between the two of them. I shove my blades deep into their chests. They are dead before they hit the floor. My rage is just barely controlled, but it is controlled. As I turn to look at my aunt what I see sickens me. All four of her novices are lying naked on the floor. Their bodies have been violated in ways that if these children of the Goddess had not died then it would have haunted them to the end of their days. My rage starts to boil again at the fact these animals were already dead. I had killed them too quickly.


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