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A Step Away (The Wanderer Book 2)

Page 4

by Jocelyn Stover

  Then literally out of the blue I see it: no one has ever checked the ocean floors. A wry smile turns up the corner of my mouth. It’s a long shot, but it’s feasible that Himyar was trapped at the bottom of the sea until some animal or fisherman disturbed his sphere. If that’s the case he would also know it’s one area the Wanderers have never searched, making it the perfect place for him to hide and look for other Sylph.

  I neatly refold the map and stash it under the bed where no one will find it. Grabbing a backpack, I prepare to leave quickly, being sure to tuck the atlas into an easily accessible front pocket. I shoulder the bag and tuck my phone into my pant’s pocket then head out. I open the bedroom door and step right into Z.

  “Where are you going?” he asks, folding his arms over his chest.

  “I’m getting out of here, tonight.”

  “I can see that, but where are you going?” Z repeats.

  “Himyar is still out there, and he poses an incredible threat. I can’t stay here,” I explain.

  “You mean you can’t be around Gwen,” he replies as he reads the pain behind my eyes.

  “Himyar is a danger and finding him is all I can do for her!” I shout. Shaking my head, I run a hand through my hair, exasperated. “She won’t let me be near her, Z.”

  “So let’s go,” Z states.

  I notice for the first time that he’s carrying a bag similar to my own.

  “Not this time, my friend,” I say.

  Eyes narrowing, Z jabs his finger into my chest. “You aren’t the only one with something to prove here.”

  Z’s right. This fight is just as personal for him as it is for me, and he needs this win more than I do. Slapping him on the back I relent. “Looks like you’re already packed.”

  He nods and I take off down the hallway. Close on my heels, again he asks, “So where’re we going?”


  “Fishing?” Z repeats, confused.

  “You’ll see.”

  Chapter 6


  Fall Resealing year 2

  The familiar jingle of the door alerts me to the arrival of a customer. “Be right there!” I holler from my stool in the kitchen.

  “I got it,” Hal says, ducking his head through the partition separating the pretty store front from the business side of the bakery.

  “Thanks,” I tell him while wiping frosting off of my forehead. Daydreaming, I’d been neglecting my current project. Unable to concentrate I sigh. Today is October 21, RS2, and marks the second anniversary of the last time Kade and I were together. The Wanderers keep time differently than the rest of us and I’ve had to learn to adapt. The exact year is arbitrary to them since the resealing date is only date that truly matters. Their timeline resets every 500 hundred years, so when I say this year is RS2 what I really mean is it’s resealing year two.

  Two years, I think. Where are you Kade? I wish I could say my last memory of the two of us was a happy one. Closing my eyes I relive our last few minutes with perfect clarity. The pain in Kade's eyes when I pulled away and stormed from the room, fueled by self-righteous anger, flashes through my mind. What a fool I was. To my credit, I did break down and attempt to apologize about a month after he’d left. It had been a dark time for me and to this day the one and only voicemail I’d left has gone unanswered. I open my eyes and slam the door shut on those emotions, knowing there are just too many unshed tears to deal with, and now is not the time to start.

  The last two years have been challenging, to say the least, and I’m grateful everyday for Hal. I couldn’t have asked for a better guardian or friend. I’m sad to say my baking has only marginally improved since we opened Iced, and most days I leave that to Hal. The man is truly a marvel with baked goods. Truth be told, I’m still convinced he cheats and uses magic every once in a while when his efforts are less than stellar. He’ll never admit to it in a hundred years though. I smirk as I remember the last time I’d accused him of it and how he’d moaned and groaned about me insulting his honor.

  Much to my surprise, I haven’t been totally useless here at the shop. I’ve carved out a nice little niche for myself decorating cakes and the like, which still blows my mind on a regular basis. Having an artistic flare was harder for me to accept than my Nephilim heritage.

  My powers are another thing Hal has been patiently helping me cultivate. Resting my frosting gun on the table, I look around for the tiny box of edible decorations I was using earlier and smile when I see them on the counter across from me. Too far for me to reach and too lazy to get up, I use telekinesis to float the tiny box over to me.

  “I saw that,” Hal chastises as he chooses that very moment to return to the kitchen. The big smile on his face gives him away though, and I know he’s not really mad at me.

  “It’s getting so easy.” I beam and remember when Hal and I first started training and how much of a nightmare that was. After the resealing I no longer had a problem connecting to my powers, but I couldn’t control anything. If I did manage to pick something up, I more often than not sent it flying into the wall or the ceiling, or even out the window. Learning finesse has taken time and patience. Time I now have in abundance, thanks to the Wanderers’ spell. Patience, however, I could use a bit more of that.

  “Look at what else I can do!” I say, lifting the decorating gun with my mind and delicately frosting the cupcakes in front of me. It's an exercise Hal suggested to help me practice control over my powers and develop dexterity. I'm almost better decorating in this fashion than using my hands.

  "You're getting really good." Striding over to the sink he turns on the faucet and continues, "Now, manipulate the water."

  I scowl, still struggling with control over the elements. Concentrating hard for several minutes I manage to coax the water droplets to coalesce into a tiny orb, but that's it.

  Frowning, Hal looks up at me. "You're supposed to be focusing on your weaker areas."

  Closing my eyes and folding my arms in mock interpretation of meditation I attempt to read Hal's mind.

  "I sense you are frustrated with me." Opening my eyes I catch Hal rolling his at me.

  "Wrong again, I was thinking you are hopeless," he says and grins. "So how's that order coming? You seem distracted."

  "I'm fine," I lie. "But I'll never be able to look at pink frosting the same again.”

  Hal just laughs. "Looks good to me."

  "You would say that." Spinning my table top I return to work on Melanie’s baby shower gift. A little over a year ago the spunky little blonde finally took the plunge with a cute surgeon from Sacramento. They moved up north shortly after the wedding, and while I miss my friend terribly the distance is for the best. It's hard enough lying to just Ben. I shake off that line of thinking and smile: tonight is about Melanie and her little girl-to-be.

  Like I told Hal before, this project has forever ruined pink frosting for me. The idea had come from a magazine and the gag had Melanie written all over it. Now I’m second guessing myself as I stare at three dozen cupcakes all frosted to look like little pink vaginas. Putting the finishing touches on the last labia majora I lean back and inspect my work, pretty sure Melanie is going to die of embarrassment when she sees them.

  I smile and begin to clean up. Dumping the dirty utensils into the sink, I start to wipe down the counters when the familiar chime of my cell phone alarm goes off. It must be 3 o’clock, I think. Drying my hands, I silence the alarm before heading to the storefront. I verify the place is empty then jet around the counter and flip the “we'll be back in thirty” sign over the front door, being sure to lock it before anyone else drops in. Almost every day at three Hashim or Rashid poofs in with an official report or to check on our status. Actually, it's usually Rashid who drops by and he never has an official report, he's just looking for an afternoon sugar fix.

  The Wanderers work in two man teams. Hashim is Hal's partner and when he pops in you can be sure he's on official business. Rashid, the only other Wanderer who ca
n travel by poof, wouldn't know serious if it smacked him in the face. His visits are completely social.

  "I wish you wouldn't do that, it only encourages him," Hal says from the kitchen doorway.

  "He's family." I shrug my shoulders and head into the supply closet looking for the cupcake boxes. Grabbing the ones with the clear display window I return to the kitchen and begin loading up the cupcakes.

  "Where is everybody?" the familiar tenor of Rashid's voice asks.

  Hal glares at me from the desk where he's busy with the bookkeeping. "He's going to blow our cover, you know."

  "No he's not, he only shows up here at the shop and I always lock up before he arrives," I reply smugly, happy to entertain a friend. The list of people I can truly be myself around is small and I have no intention of shooing any one of them away. "We're back here," I yell.

  "Ahh, and I see what you’ve been up to," Rashid replies with his brows raised in a flirtatious and suggestive manner.

  "Stop that, these are a gag for my best friend’s baby shower."

  "Pity." A devilish grin lingers on his face, insinuating he'd like nothing better than to dive face first into my cupcakes.

  "You can have anything you like from the display out front," I spell out for him, being sure to emphasize the last two words. By the time he returns I’ve gotten the last of the cupcakes safely stowed away.

  "Before you chase me out," Rashid mumbles between bites, "today I really am on official business." He smirks and wipes frosting, which I note happens to be pink, from his full, perfect lips. Boys, I chuckle to myself as I turn away to wash the dishes.

  "Has something changed?" Hal asks, suddenly interested.

  "I don't know, but he called with a request to meet. I've got the location on my phone."

  When Rashid says “he” I know he means Kade. The guys avoid using his name in my presence like the plague, as if somehow that'll make things easier or I won't know who they're discussing, but it doesn't and I do. I'm not that naive.

  "When?" Hal asks as he looks at the wall clock.

  "At four," Rashid says, halfway through his second cupcake.

  I clutch a sponge tightly in my hand and attack another dirty bowl. I feel Hal behind me but I stare straight ahead and continue my task.

  "I won't be gone long," he tells me.

  "I know. I'm just gonna finish cleaning up and head home. I won't reopen the store."

  "Good girl. I'll call you with any news when I get back." I nod as Hal turns to go. "Oh, I almost forgot," he says, spinning back around and grabbing a bottle off the desk. "Need to take our vitamins."

  Suppressing a smile, I hold out my hand and accept the pill.

  Rashid looks back and forth between us with utter confusion. "What the hell do you need vitamins for? You’re immortal."

  Arching a knowing brow I hold my tongue and wait for Hal's canned reply. I'd asked him the same thing nearly two years ago. He'd explained that a side effect of immortality was losing touch with one’s humanity. Since our ruse requires us to blend in, and we don’t know how long we'd be in hiding, Hal insists we incorporate as many small human habits into our daily routine as possible. Taking a multivitamin is just one of the many "human things" I have to remember to do every day.

  "It's just for appearances’ sake, all part of the act," he winks, dropping the pill into my hand and returning the little bottle to its spot on the desk.

  Shaking his head Rashid lets the matter drop.

  "I'll call as soon as I get back," Hal reiterates before he and Rashid disappear in a cloud of colorful smoke.

  Putting the last mixing bowl away, I turn off the storefront lights and change the “be right back” to the “sorry we're closed” sign in the window. Surveying the spotless kitchen I plop down behind the desk, restless. Hal poofs in and out on Wanderer business frequently. Being one of only three who can travel instantaneously it's no wonder why. Still, I get anxious every time he disappears. If I'm being completely honest, I feel more envy than anxiety. Logically, I know Hal doesn't meet Kade every time he steps out but they do see each other, which is more than I get. Hal is always so solemn and downcast after meeting Kade, so I don’t even have to ask where he’s been anymore. Those days make me worry about Kade, where he is, and what he's involved in. I don’t believe Hal has ever lied to me outright, he’s always transparent and forthcoming about Wanderer business and how the search for Himyar is progressing, but he never mentions Kade unless I ask, a thing I try never to do. I have my pride, and after my last call went unanswered I’ll be damned if I’m going to try again. As far as I’m concerned the ball is in his court.

  * * *

  I look up when Hal steps through the kitchen partition. "Have you been sitting here since I left? It's almost six," he asks with concern.

  Looking at the clock I see he's right. "I was thinking, I didn't realize what time it was," I reply numbly. “Has anything changed? Has anyone seen Himyar?”

  “No,” Hal replies shaking his head. “We’re still shooting in the dark.”

  A lifeless “Oh” is all I can manage.

  “Are you okay?"

  "They say time heals all wounds, but I'm finding that's not always the case."

  Dragging a stool over Hal sits. "That saying is true enough, but you're applying it incorrectly."

  I meet his softly glowing brown eyes with a puzzled expression.

  "Time does remove the sting of lost love or death, but your situation is neither of those." Hal takes my hands gently in his. "Yours is a heart divided, I'm afraid.”

  I wilt as I recognize the truth of his assessment.

  "You'll never be completely happy until you let go of something."

  I wish I could: I wish everything was as straightforward as Hal makes it sound.

  Dropping my hands he moves away, grabbing me a Coke from the refrigerator. He hands me the can and leans back against the counter.

  "Have I ever told you about my second wife?"

  Distracted, I sit up. Hal is one of those guys who seems to know everything and is always happy to talk about it, except his past. Hal never talks about himself.

  "No," I say as I set my Coke down.

  Scratching his chin he continues. "You remind me of her: head strong, courageous, and unwavering."

  "What was her name?"


  "Where did you meet?" I ask.

  "You wouldn’t know it."

  “Try me.”

  “It was a small town near the border of modern day Turkey, but it doesn’t exist anymore.”

  Not sure I even want know how long ago that was, I let it go. It’s scary to think about how old the Wanderers really are.

  “Is she who you saw at the resealing?" I’m interested and the questions tumble one after the other out of my mouth.

  "No. Do you want to hear this or not?" he asks, exasperated.

  "Sorry, shutting up." Someday I will drag the information of what or who he saw at the resealing out of him.

  "Tirzah was a maid servant to the wife of an extremely wealthy man named Farshid. She captured my heart the moment we met - a raven haired beauty with hypnotic brown eyes. Six of us traveled from Essam to the town in which she lived, following rumors of Sylph activity. The rumors turned out to be true and we found a disgruntled man servant in possession of a Sylph, which he was using to terrorize the town. Tirzah's master had borne the brunt of the destruction and lost land, animals, and family. The mission was a success and we recaptured the Sylph without incident. In thanks, Farshid invited us to a feast and at that time it was customary to bestow a gift upon the guest of honor. Our gracious host, tipsy on his own wine, rewarded us not only with a chest of gold but the permission to choose one item of our liking from his vast estate. I'd first noticed Tirzah in the courtyard when we'd arrived. She was walking across the stable yard with a basket of flowers clutched in her hand. She moved with such elegance and grace that I mistook her for a noble woman. When I found her serving at the even
ing meal I was shocked to say the least, but the biggest shock of the evening was Farshid's when I stood up and asked him for Tirzah, the only thing in his entire empire that I coveted."

  "What did he do?" I blurt out.

  "I'm getting to that." Hal smiles. "He was furious and his wife begged him to reconsider his offer, but since he gave his word in front of the entire town, his hands were tied as refusing would have sullied his honor. So unwillingly, he agreed to part with Tirzah when we departed in the morning. Tirzah read between the lines and spoke out against her master. She informed everyone that she would leave with us that very night, for to delay even until morning would give Farshid time to dispose of her and come up with an excuse. Dropping the pitcher in her arms she strode across the room and took my hand. We left immediately."

  I lean forward, sitting on the edge of my chair, expecting Hal to continue. He doesn't. He just crosses his arms over his chest and stares back at me.

  "That's a beautiful story, but I don't see what that has to do with Kade and me."

  “It doesn't have anything to do with Kade. Tirzah was conflicted too, but when opportunity presented itself she had the courage to walk away from everything she knew and embrace an uncertain future, and so do you."

  "Thanks Hal," I whisper, embarrassed.

  "Come on, I'll help you load the cupcakes into the car."

  Chapter 7


  Spring Resealing year 3

  A pair of fins land on the deck followed closely by Zafir, who pulls himself up over the side of the fishing vessel, dripping wet. I toss him a towel and resume my survey of the map spread out in front of me. Using a grid system, we have worked our way across the Pacific, starting from San Diego.


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