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A Step Away (The Wanderer Book 2)

Page 15

by Jocelyn Stover

  “Not these cupcakes,” I roll my eyes, squeezing my breasts. “Actual cupcakes. You know, the ones we make here in the shop. The guy’s got a terrible sweet tooth.”

  “Oh I think he’d be happy to lick your frosting too if given the chance,” Hal bellows, clutching his sides in pain from his fit of exuberance.

  “You’re not helping!” I yell but he’s past the point of listening.

  “Hey,” I whisper, stepping into Kade. His arms wrap around me automatically, hands resting loosely on my hips. “Let it go.” Stroking his cheek, I plead with my eyes for him to drop it. He’s made his point and Rashid’s days of shameless flirting are over.

  “I have news,” I tell them, stepping back to include Z in the discussion.

  “So do we,” Zafir chimes in.

  “After a lot of thought,” I begin and try to keep my tone as upbeat as possible; I don’t want to delve into how agonizing the choice has been. “To protect my family and give Ben his best shot at a happy ending, I’m going to make a clean break. Hal is going to help me fake my own death.” I fumble the words a bit at the end but hold Kade’s gaze so he knows I’m not waffling about the decision. I’m serious. He is my eternity.

  “And Himyar has created the perfect storyline for our ruse,” Hal expounds.

  “They’re starting to connect the dots. The media is reporting it as a baffling coincidence, but it’s only a matter of time before the world begins to panic,” Kade says and looks at me worriedly.

  “They’ve noticed all the recent disappearances have red hair,” I mutter under my breath, shocked despite the fact I knew it was coming.

  “What will they do? Who will they blame?” I inquire, remembering that Hal once told me that humans always need justification for why something is happening.

  “I don’t know.” Kade shakes his head. “Adil called. While he feels three Wanderers in one city is a waste of resources, I persuaded him that our resident Nephilim was worth the added protection. We need to be ready to mobilize the second we have a lead though.” The knot in my stomach relaxes at hearing the news. I’ve been anxious all day that Z and Kade would be dispatched again. As if sensing my relief, Kade slips his hand around mine, softly stroking my arm with his thumb.

  “Gwen, when does Ben get home?” Hal asks unexpectedly.

  “He won’t be back until Saturday; he’s camping with the guys. Why?”

  “Because it’s still not safe for you to be alone. After work I’ll take you to collect some of your things. You’re staying with me until this mess gets sorted out.”

  “Slumber party, sweet!” Zafir practically squeals.

  “Dude you have your own place,” I remind him.

  “And leave our Nephilim under protected?” He feigns mock horror, playing off Kade’s politically correct terminology for me. “Never!” he says and grins, eyes alight with arrogant humor. Z’s attitude is contagious and try as I might, I cannot keep from smiling. I give up without really pressing the matter, knowing I too will sleep easier in their midst.

  Chapter 19

  Unsurprisingly, when the time comes Kade commandeers the keys to Hal’s truck and insists he be the one to drive me home. Hal questions me with his eyes and we share a moment of nonverbal communication before I tell him, “It’s fine.” He’s concerned over my emotional state with Kade’s return and my fake death looming. Hal understands my convoluted feelings like no one else. He’s more than a confidant since he’s been where I am now. The whole mess sails over Z’s head and he rattles on jovially about grabbing his gear and meeting us back at Hal’s with takeout. I know Kade is aware of our exchange but I don’t know what he assumes, and it’s not a conversation I care to delve into at the moment.

  Climbing into the cab beside Kade, I still feel trapped in the middle of two lives. My old one isn’t dead and buried quite yet and neither has my new one really begun, although I’ve had a taste. My body remembers, and jumbled as everything is at the moment, I can’t keep away from Kade in the confines of the small cab. Right or wrong, I respond to his masculinity, to the lines of his powerful body and angular planes of his god-like face. He is arousing me and I let that arousal draw me to him. Inching across the invisible barrier in the middle of the truck’s bench-seat I rest my head against his shoulder, molding my body to his side. This is the first time we’ve been alone together since that night, I realize.


  “Shhh, there’s too much...I don’t want to talk for a little while.” Pushing everything else aside, I watch the sunset and concentrate on being in this rare and perfect moment. Too soon the chaos and the consequences of our actions will come to claim us. I fixate on the horizon and find myself wishing the sun would set faster so we could be alone in the dark once more. Damn it Gwen, you can’t think like that right now. You need to close one chapter before leaping into the next book. I can’t help it though: the sheer intensity of his wanton gaze as he sneaks peeks at me while driving has me completely undone. When we reach my house I make it a point to slip out of the truck before he can do anything like kiss me, knowing that my self-control is holding on by a thread. With his superhuman speed I know he could still catch me but he doesn’t, letting me do things my way.

  “What?” he asks, a smile teasing the corners of his perfect mouth.

  “Nothing,” I counter, feeling like he’s on to me. “I don’t need much, it’ll just take a minute,” I tack on casually, emphasizing that I don’t want him to accompany me. Not allowing him the opportunity to answer I jet inside the house. Sorrow sneaks up on me, following along in my footsteps as I make my way to the bedroom closet. Maybe it’s all the memories in these walls or the fact that this isn’t going to be my home for much longer that triggers it. I’m not sure, but as I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror I feel painfully aware of what I’m about to do and the devastating consequences, for all. Nodding to the ghost of a woman staring out of the vanity I reaffirm my resolve. I hold my overnight bag open and lift my hairbrush with my powers, gently floating it over to drop inside my duffel. I do the same with the rest of my toiletries, reminding myself how different I really am. Finished, I zip the bag closed and turn away from it all, pausing only to run a finger over the picture frames lining the hallway as I pass, reminiscing in the memories.

  Pulling the front door closed behind me, I lock it and trudge back to the truck with heavy steps. Kade is leaning by the passenger’s side door and jumps up to accept my things when I approach.

  "Everything alright?" he asks, reading my sadness.

  "Yes... just saying goodbye," I answer. Stowing my stuff in the bed, he ushers me into the cab and closes the door before walking around to his side. Putting a hand on the glass, I stare out at my house. "Goodbye," I whisper. "I never planned for this." With a click Kade's door shuts behind him, he starts the engine, and we drive away. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted. My fluctuating mood doesn't help; I've flipped from randy to downright melancholy in the blink of an eye. Closing my eyes, I rest my head once more on Kade's shoulder and allow his comforting scent to lull me. The speed of our journey surprises me and I gaze around in confusion when we park, not recognizing at first the parking garage we've pulled into.

  "I need to grab a few items as well. Come up with me, I don't want to leave you alone."

  "I haven't been to your place in years." I smile, reminding myself that even when Kade used to live here I'd hardly ever been inside his place. Taking my hand, he leads me up to his apartment.

  "Whoa, it hasn't changed a bit! There isn't even dust.” I marvel, checking the surfaces.

  “A little trick I picked up,” Kade admits and smiles. The last time I came here was not long after Hal and I had opened Iced. Heartache, depression, and a need to connect with Kade in some fashion had brought me then. Moving to the wall of glass in the living room, I slip through the slider out onto the balcony. I'd stood in just this spot, staring out at the city and enjoying the view.

  "This is the o
nly part of the apartment I like," Kade says, appearing behind me. Running his hands down my arms, our fingers find each other and intertwine.

  "The shower’s not bad either," I mention, remembering the one and only time I'd been in the fabulous glass and marble creation.

  "Okay, the view and the shower," he agrees chuckling. "There might even be some Coke in the fridge."


  Laughing together over my silly obsession, we migrate to the kitchen where, sure enough, Kade manages to locate a couple of cans. The expiration date has probably well since passed, but I'm willing to take my chances. Picking me up, Kade gently sets me on the counter top and pops the tabs, releasing the pent up carbonation in a whoosh. I accept the can he offers and take a slow sip, savoring the flavor. Ignoring his can, Kade watches me, his iridescent eyes shimmering in the low lighting. He steps around my knee, coming to stand in front of me. My legs spread farther to accommodate him as he slides his hands up my thighs and under my dress, then leans down to kiss me.

  "I know you've been tormented since I changed you, but understand I have wandered the world for thousands of years searching for a creature like you," he tells me, lips pressed to my ear in a husky whisper. "You are mine... and I'll gladly spend the next thousand years proving it to you." In single fluid movement, he lifts me up enough to hitch a hand around and slip off my panties. My short gasp of surprise is replaced by a throaty moan as his fingers tenderly rub my core. Fumbling with the button on his jeans, unable to think as he kisses me deeply, I somehow manage to release all of him. A groan of pleasure to match my own escapes him as I stroke his stirring flesh. Tonight he doesn't make me wait and submits to my desire for him instantaneously.

  "Don't ever stop," I beg, wrapping my arms around his back to draw him in closer. When he eventually pulls back, a satisfied shudder courses the length of his body. He drops his head for a moment before his hands reach out to cradle my face. Golden eyes smolder as he states, "I'm done sharing you."

  "You won't have to... you are my forever."

  A low possessive growl rumbles in his chest, and with swift, efficient hands he pulls my knit dress off over my head. With a flick of his fingers my bra follows and his hands caress my breasts, sending shivers down my back.

  "It'd be a shame to let the second-best feature of my apartment go to waste," he insinuates, having to tear his lips away from mine to speak.

  "Indeed it would," I agree. Scooping me up, he carries me through the apartment and heads for the shower.

  * * *

  I towel dry my hair as I sit on the edge of Kade's bed while he roams around his bedroom, packing his own essentials for our stay at Hal's.

  "We should go," he says suddenly. "They'll worry if we take too long."

  "Alright," I answer, getting up off the bed and hanging my towel to dry in the bathroom. "I can just shoot Hal a text, you know."

  "I know, but Z's texted me twice already."

  "Then what's the problem? I'm safe with you." I must have struck a nerve, as a flash of steel hardens Kade's eyes.

  "And I would never let anything hurt you," he confirms. "But unfortunately, there are a great many things we still need to accomplish in order to ensure that safety. I'm being selfish by keeping you here. It’s not our time, yet."

  Crossing the floor, I rest my hands on his chest, unable to keep from touching him. "If you're selfish then so am I." I stretch on my tiptoes to brush my lips against his and then wait. He yields instantly, pressing his lips to mine as a soul scorching fire flares up between us.

  "That's not fair," he says as he smiles against my mouth and ends our embrace. "We really should be going," he affirms.

  "Fine." I throw up my hands and head for the door.

  Chapter 20

  "And where have you two been?" Z questions when we get to Hal's, wiggling his eyebrows and winking in an attempt to embarrass us. Pressing myself up against Kade, I wind my fingers through his hair and nip at his neck playfully in full view of everyone.

  "We had things to take care of," I insinuate, matching Z's innuendo with one of my own.

  "Gross, get a room," he teases after failing to illicit his desired response. Laughing, I punch him in the shoulder.

  "Ah come on, you started it."

  "Whatever," he says and rolls his eyes. "Food’s getting cold, come on."

  Z has what adds up to a Chinese buffet spread out on Hal's coffee table. Handing us plates, he then proceeds to load his with a variety of fried deliciousness. Following suit, I find a quiet chair and munch happily on my fare. The living room is abuzz with chatter from the various global news broadcasts and the Wanderers as they assess and track the situation. Silently, I listen and learn that twenty more Nephilim have been killed today, but the human authorities have only located 107 of the bodies so far. So much death and destruction and we still don't understand what it is Himyar wants. If I were a Sylph, what would I want? Freedom from my spherical prison would be numero uno but Himyar already has that. Revenge on the angels responsible for my imprisonment would be a possibility, and since there are no angels around destroying their progeny seems like a feasible alternative. The only other thing I can think of is attempting to free the other Sylph, and we already know Himyar broke into Essam trying to steal the orbs of his brethren back from the Wanderers.

  "Oh no," I breathe, my brain reeling over the repercussions of a new epiphany. The faint outburst travels over the din and three sets of eyes instantly snap my direction. "If you were an escaped Sylph and you'd already failed to recapture your friends from their captors, but you still wanted to free them and time wasn't a limiting factor, what would you do?" The simple truth raises goose bumps on my arms and legs. "If it were me, I'd kill any Nephilim powerful enough to reseal the spheres and as many of the others as I could for good measure."

  "You don't know that for sure," Z blurts out, trying to reassure me. Hal and Kade remain dreadfully silent, which confirms what I’ve begun to suspect. My explanation makes sense and they’ve already thought of it.

  "He'll come looking for me, if he hasn't started already. He's going to have to kill me.”

  "I will never let that happen," Kade growls.

  * * *

  I crawl in bed not long after my disturbing realization and pull the covers up to my chin, feeling apathetic. I should be freaking out but I'm not; there’s something reassuring about knowing what's going to happen, good or bad. Zafir held out the longest, not wanting to accept that I'm right. In all fairness, there is a possibility that I might be wrong but I find it highly unlikely. Himyar will come for me since I’m all that stands in the way of freeing the others. What I haven't figured out yet is if he knows where or who I am and if the string of killings is a ploy to throw us off the scent, or if he's actively seeking me in the most rudimentary fashion. The blankets draw back, alerting me to his presence a second before Kade slides in behind me, his warm body molding to fit mine.

  "Tell me what you're thinking," he asks, nuzzling my neck.

  "Nothing’s changed. We still have to find him, and quickly before he causes more suffering," I reply numbly.

  "I just don't want you to do anything cavalier. I will keep you safe... please don't try to be the hero." I twist around in his arms until we’re face to face and gaze up into his eyes.

  "I will help you in any capacity I can, but rest assured I have no intentions of confronting Himyar on my own. I'm not stupid," I tell him.

  Sighing into my hair he chuckles. "No you’re not," he agrees. Wrapping his arms around me tighter, we lay in silence and listen to one another breathe.

  "Please be careful," I tell him, tilting my head against his chest so he can't see the anxiety in my eyes. Part of me wants to beg and plead with him to not face Himyar, to let the others take care of that when the times comes. The other part is too ashamed to say anything; Kade was engineered for fighting the Sylph and I don't want to imply that I think he isn't capable of doing his job. I'm also aware that pleading won
't do any good. Kade is going to do what he believes he must regardless of my misgivings.

  "I will keep my wits about me. Besides, I have plans for the next millennium," he says grinning. He begins stroking my shoulder and letting his fingers traipse lower across my collarbone.

  "Oh yeah," I say, the thin cotton layer of my shirt an insufficient barrier to the sensual heat of his touch.

  "Mmm hmm," he replies before claiming my lips.

  * * *

  Not much changes over the next few days. Rashid returns after Hal and Kade share my theory with Adil, who agrees that protecting me is of the upmost importance. Basal is also being dispatched to San Diego as soon as possible. The death toll is mounting and the global population is beginning to panic over an epidemic they don't understand. Scared redheads are flocking to drug stores and salons to cover their ginger tresses with dye, hoping to avoid notice. Of all the stupid things I think, switching the channel when the news woman admits to her co-anchors that she's started coloring her hair brown as a precaution. Like a little dye will prevent Himyar from recognizing a Nephilim. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself these people don’t know what's going on. Many of the killings don't even look like homicides, with coroners reporting cardiac arrest as the leading cause of death. Of course some of the murders are a bloody mess, though. Disgusted, I flip off the television when a medical expert starts talking about a theoretical genetic link between red hair and sudden cardiac death syndrome.

  "This is ridiculous," I blurt out, punching a pillow.

  "What's that?" Rashid asks as he takes his headphones off.

  "This," I say as I wave my hands around to emphasize everything and everyone.

  "We need to act!" I yell, directing my statement to Hal.

  "What would you have us do?" he inquires, humoring my rant.

  "I can’t stand any more death... we need to draw him out."

  "Stop right there. We are not using you as bait!" Rashid interjects, his intuition surprising me.


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