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No Such Thing As Immortality

Page 24

by Sarah Tranter

  She addressed James. ‘Thank you for getting Rowan safety to the hospital, Mr Hartle.’

  I was even more shocked now and James was reeling. How could she possibly know James’ human surname? It wasn’t even the name he was presently using!

  He tentatively inclined his head to Heather, choosing to silently communicate, ‘Shit, Nate! This doesn’t bode well, mate.’

  I gave him a quick nod in response.

  ‘How are you, Heather?’ I asked politely, refusing to let my discomfort sound in my voice. I was actually feeling confused. I was struck by the fact she lacked the distinctive scent of Frey. She smelt human. How could they be of the same kind?

  We were shown into her living room, and true to Rowan and Clare’s description, there were potted plants absolutely everywhere. It was like standing in an overgrown garden. The cats, though, must have still been in hiding.

  She smiled at me, although it failed to reach her eyes, which appeared guarded. ‘We all know you haven’t come to enquire after my health, Nathaniel. But I am well enough, thank you. I would like to take this opportunity, if I may, to thank you for your assistance this morning.’

  Had Rowan spoken to her? She couldn’t have or I would have known about it. She was sleeping now and I had been either with Rowan, or in earshot of her, since the event now referred to.

  ‘And indeed, also with Jonathan Martin. Very efficient of you.’

  I was not going to beat around the bush.

  ‘Who or, more precisely, what is Simeon Frey?’

  She shook her head and I could see genuine regret on her face. Her voice sounded neutral, however. ‘I very much wish I could tell you, Nathaniel. But just as the punishments are no doubt harsh for your kind with regards to such revelations, so it is with ours.’

  I didn’t need to read James’ thoughts to know what he was thinking: she knew exactly what we were, yet we did not yet know what she was. We were at a distinct disadvantage, and neither of us was used to that. And I was still confused. Why had my scenting abilities let me down?

  ‘I believe, Nathaniel, danger has a distinctive smell, does it not? Do not consider yourself to be at risk from me. As long as Rowan requires you in her life, you personally have my support and protection … for what it is – whilst it’s not at odds with Rowan’s, of course.’

  ‘She just read our thoughts, didn’t she?’

  ‘I believe that is a fair assumption, James.’ And she had just confirmed Frey was dangerous.


  ‘Double shit!’ I added, finishing that particular silent conversation.

  Whilst I observed Heather incline her head and smile, I felt a surge in the room. Bugger – James was engaging his charm! Mine hadn’t worked, and I knew his wouldn’t. I shook my head and couldn’t repress a sigh.

  James’ voice took on a hypnotic quality, and its attractiveness reached a level humans find completely irresistible. ‘Heather – I can call you Heather, can’t I?’

  She gave a small smile and nodded.

  ‘Here’s the thing, Heather. We really need to know what you and Simeon Frey are, and why he has this unhealthy interest in Rowan … Attisshoooo!!! Indeed, whilst you’re about it, it would be really helpful to know who, or what, was responsible for the death of Seth and Rosie – and anything you know about the cause of the accident involving Nate and Rowan. You are a very kind, helpful being … and that haircut by the way, is most becoming!’

  I shut my eyes momentarily and cringed.

  ‘You are going to feel you must share your knowledge with us. You will feel unable to refuse answering the questions I am about to ask. So, Heather – what is Simeon Frey?’

  Heather looked at me bemused, and I looked at James horrified. He was hovering two feet off the floor, apparently oblivious to the fact.

  ‘What the hell have you done to me – you witch?’ he hissed, on spotting his predicament. He promptly landed back on the floor, much too clumsily for a vampire.

  ‘My apologies, James. It must have been a side-effect of repelling your … not inconsiderable … charm.’

  I ignored James’ silent rants in my head. He was quite rightly spooked, but we had to get some answers.

  ‘What can you tell us?’ I was sounding desperate now, and was aware I probably looked it, too: my eyes were shut, my head lowered, and I was holding the bridge of my nose. ‘The more we know, the more we can help Rowan.’

  ‘I know how much Rowan means to you, Nathaniel. But you are not alone in your mission to protect her. We are dealing with Simeon Frey. You will not run into him again.’

  ‘You are dealing with Frey?’ My voice was louder than I had wished it to be. How could they be? If they were, then their methods were sorely lacking. ‘Like you did on the night of the accident? Like you did today?’ I paused a moment … I could find out if they were connected … ‘Like you did when Rowan’s parents were killed?’ Heather paled. ‘They are connected – are they not? Frey was involved then, too?’

  Please say no. Please say no. I beg you!

  ‘I cannot comment on your assumption, Nathaniel.’ She sighed. ‘But neither can I say no.’

  NO. NO. NO. NO. This could not possibly be happening. The distress in my voice was unmistakable. ‘How can you say you are dealing with it, then? An immortal, and whatever Rosie was, are dead – and now he is after Rowan! Why, Heather? Why? She is an innocent!’

  ‘She is an innocent, Nathaniel, and I am determined to keep her so. It was the wish of her parents. We will not allow the same mistakes to be made today, as were made twenty-nine years ago. As for the night of the accident, our radar was down. All those years had passed and our guard – my guard – was down. Thankfully, you were on the scene.’

  I was roaring now and she didn’t even flinch. ‘Thankfully, I was on the scene? THANKFULLY – I WAS ON THE SCENE? Do you know how close I came to killing her, Heather? To killing Rowan … to sucking her life-force clean away?’

  ‘But you didn’t, Nathaniel.’

  I was lost for words, and violently shaking my head in frustration. James took the opportunity to ask, ‘Were you or your kind responsible for the accident? Was magic involved?’

  ‘Magic may well have been involved. It was Beltane, Rowan was distressed and in need of support, and the location – a bend in the road. But I was not involved.’

  James snapped back, ‘I don’t do brainteasers! What the hell does that mean when it’s at home?’

  Heather spoke patiently and calmly, ‘It means, I had no part to play and neither, to my knowledge, did my kind. Magic would, however, have been powerful: the date, the location, their paths crossing. I’d say it was a matter of Nathaniel and Rowan finding each other. I can think of no other cause. Sometimes these things are just meant to be.’

  I spoke now, exasperated and struggling to keep my calm, ‘What about today? Where was your kind then?’

  ‘We were observing. It was not appropriate to step in when you had matters under control. Our involvement may have caused unnecessary alarm to Rowan.’

  This was so wrong. They were observing, but had still let Rowan be exposed to him? I didn’t know how long my attempts to remain calm would hold. ‘How could you let him be in the same room as her? You should not have let him within a hundred miles. Do you have any idea how terrified she is of him? You had NO right to put her through that!’ There was only one way to keep Rowan safe. ‘Give me the information I need so I can make sure it never happens again.’

  ‘It will not happen again. Matters are in hand. Be alert, of course, as Rowan is precious to us both, but fret not about Simeon Frey.’

  ‘Fret not about Simeon Frey? FRET NOT ABOUT SIMEON FREY?’ That was it. I was roaring now, at an inhuman level. The whole room seemed to reverberate as the leaves of the plants shook.

  This creature knew everything I needed to know in order to protect Rowan, but wasn’t prepared to tell me. She was expecting me to entrust Rowan’s protection to those that had failed to st
op the deaths of her parents, and had failed to keep that monster away from her. I could make her tell me. I could instil such fear she would be begging for the opportunity to tell me. I would do whatever it took.

  ‘She is my very being, Heather. YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!’

  I could hear James in my head. He was getting seriously worried. ‘Nate, this isn’t going to help. Don’t lose it, mate – think about Rowan. Heather is like a mother to her!’

  ‘I am thinking about Rowan!’ I silently roared. ‘And I need to know!’

  Heather looked pained. If she was reading my thoughts, then no wonder. I met her eyes. The look within them changed. They appeared to take on a fluid silver sheen, almost like liquid mercury.

  And I was completely unable to look away. I began to feel my anger ebb. What the hell was happening? I felt myself become calmer. I wanted to resist. I wanted to feel anger and fury, but I was powerless to prevent the calm from spreading through my body. What was she?

  James was alarmed. I could see from inside his head that he was looking from her to me, but was unable to help. ‘What are you doing to him? STOP IT NOW!’ he roared. And then I saw the calm penetrate him, too. This really was not good.

  ‘I am sorry, but do not be distressed,’ she said. ‘I know you wish to act for love … but I act out of love, too. The dangers to your kind are too great, and Rowan need not lose you.’ Her voice, for the first time, revealed an emotion … and the sadness in it was immense.

  ‘You cannot expect me to leave this to you!’ I spluttered, when I found myself able to speak. ‘Whether you like it or not, I am involved and—’

  She inclined her head. ‘You are, Nathaniel. But that was not of our choosing, and we do not intend to have any more deaths on our hands.’

  ‘Nate,’ James urged silently, ‘we’re going, before this gets any more fucking freaky. I want to rip her throat out … but can’t act on it. She scares the shit out of me – if I had any, to scare out of me, that is. We are out of our depth here.’

  We were more than out of our depth here. We were in trouble. Although I was being forced to feel calm, my thoughts were far from those that should instil calm. Sod what she had done to me. What was concerning me was – how I was supposed to protect Rowan from Frey! What use could I possibly be, if he could do what Heather had done tonight? And another question had crossed my mind … was Clare at risk?

  Heather shook her head. She was at it again. ‘Clare and her family do not need the same protection as Rowan. And for your information, Simeon Frey is weakened at present, and his powers are very different to my own. Don’t ask me for more information.’

  I left the house with her voice in my head, ‘The secret is to believe, Nathaniel. Believe in your own strength and believe in your love … no matter what. There are challenges before you both, but they can be overcome. Be there for Rowan … She will always be as human as they come.’

  James had a point. All these cryptic words were clearly designed to … But I wasn’t even able to feel the damned frustration.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The South of France

  Rowan was excited and her eyes were sparkling, animated, alive. And I was captivated. It didn’t matter how many times I saw her face light up in its multitude of ways, it was always like seeing it anew.

  ‘Nice! I can’t believe we’re going to be in the South of France together. That conference has been the bane of my life for years, but now I’m so excited.’

  I smiled from my heart.

  ‘It’s our first dirty break away together!’ she cried, looking at me mischievously, knowing the effect her words would have on me.

  I groaned, whilst raking my hand through my hair, ‘Rowan …’

  She was being playful, and I loved her being playful. But it wreaked havoc on my self-control.

  ‘Oh, come on! A girl can hope! And there is hope. You told me as much. That’s what’s keeping me going. But, in the meantime, I might just settle for the voice.’ I caught a renewed glint in her eye.

  Not the voice! I sank further back into her living-room sofa. We had both returned to Rowan’s flat after work half an hour earlier. Having adopted a hands-on role where public relations was concerned – much to my MD’s utter amazement – I was presently basing myself in Rowan’s offices.

  She was standing before me now, fixing me with her playful eyes. She spoke seductively, with exaggerated urgency and desperation, ‘Talk to me, Nathaniel. Let me hear your voice … Oh! I need those few words. Make my juices flow. Say them to me … in … that … way. Oh! … Oh! … Nate! Oh, they’re flowing – they’re flowing – Yesssss!’

  I sighed, ‘Rowan, behave,’ but nevertheless couldn’t resist pulling her on to my lap. If I heard another reference to that ridiculous comment her work colleague had made four weeks ago, I would— Actually I didn’t know what I would do. Although Rowan joked about it, I had the feeling I was being blamed, and I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do about how my voice sounded … and to think, she had never heard it with the charm engaged. Now that really would be interesting …

  ‘Make me!’ She grinned. I would so love to try.

  ‘You have a one-track mind these days,’ I observed wryly.

  ‘And you don’t?’ she asked smugly. Rowan could be in no doubt as to the effect she had on what was left of my human physiology.

  ‘I am not saying that,’ I let the tips of my fingers brush her cheek and trail down her jaw line, ‘but I am going to be certifiable if you continue like this.’

  She giggled. ‘I’m sorry! But Nice – with you – I can’t wait!’ And with a look that would be enough to turn the most cold-blooded creature, warm blooded, ‘I’ve got a double bed in my room.’

  I would humour her, but without her knowing, we couldn’t go down this route. ‘I know you do – you have advised me of that point before. And I believe there is a king-sized bed in my room? I had to sign-off the expenses, remember?’

  ‘I know! That’s why it’s one of the best rooms, in one of the best hotels in town – and bang next door to mine! I wonder who sorted out the room bookings?’

  ‘Mind on the job,’ I teased. ‘It is a conference, remember.’

  ‘It’s not any old conference, it’s the conference, and I can’t believe you’ve never attended before.’

  I could. It was the last thing I would ever choose to do. Whilst Gray Portfolio had historically had a presence – never me! ‘I still cannot believe you have got me hosting a damned cocktail party,’ I muttered. It was truly alarming.

  I had discovered Rowan’s powers of persuasion were second to none where I was concerned. She could twist me around her little finger on absolutely anything, with one overriding proviso – it did not represent any perceived risk to her.

  As to the conference and the party, despite thinking outside the box, I couldn’t put it into that dangerous category … no matter how hard I had tried. She was in danger wherever she was with Frey still out there, despite Heather’s bloody-minded assurances. Her still unidentified kind, currently labelled the spooks and the ‘freaking no-way faeries’ by our kind, or, in her specific case, ‘the fucking witch’ by James – were apparently dealing with him in South America. My own attempts to track him with the assistance of members of Fergus’ coven seemed to confirm that point.

  Chanting the proverb, with a few amendments, ‘All work and no play makes Nate a pretty dull …’ Rowan paused.

  I shook my head. ‘What to put there? Freak?’ She certainly would, if she knew what she should finish her sentence with.

  ‘Man, Nate! That’s what I’d add there.’ She looked at me with such sincerity and trust.

  I let my forehead drop to rest against hers. ‘Because you refuse to let me tell you what I am.’ I spoke sadly, knowing full well the moment she knew …

  ‘You are very much a man to me,’ she said, suggestively.

  ‘Rowan,’ I warned through clenched teeth, but responded fervently as she touched
her lips to mine.

  I found the strength from somewhere to pull away. My voice was strained, but I tried to keep it jovial. ‘You need to pack and then get an early night. Whoever booked the hotel rooms also made a serious mistake by booking us a 6 a.m. flight!’

  ‘Some bosses are so hard to please,’ she muttered, with a grin.

  I shook my head. Technically she worked for me, but the idea of ever being a boss to Rowan was farcical. She was a complete law unto her own … and I loved her for it.

  I gently lifted her from my lap and placed her on the sofa beside me. Leaning over to kiss her forehead I said, ‘I will see you bright and early tomorrow. I will pick you up at 4.00 a.m. Do not forget to set your alarm. I am taking the spare keys, so there is no need to come down the stairs. I will come straight up.’

  ‘What spare keys?’

  ‘The ones I had cut,’ I stated flippantly, already moving towards the door.

  ‘Well – that was a bit of a liberty!’ But I could feel she wasn’t remotely upset by my actions.

  ‘Call it what you like. I have had enough of you pounding down those stairs. You are still in a cast, yet now it no longer hurts, you have thrown caution to the wind and are even worse.’

  It terrified me even more now. This morning, in her reckless haste, she had nearly lost her footing on the first-floor landing, and I didn’t think, even as an immortal, I could live through that again. I had had keys cut when she had been in her team briefing. I just wished I had thought of it before.

  As I left, I silently said thank you to Elizabeth and Frederick, who were on patrol on the roof – together again tonight, so things must be improving. I had to feed and pack, but I would take over the night shift as soon as was possible. And then I would sit on Rowan’s roof, absorbed in the sound of her nocturnal breathing.

  ‘You have done a fabulous job, Rowan. I am so proud of you!’

  We were standing in an elegant nineteenth-century hotel ballroom in the South of France, and my first ever Gray Portfolio cocktail party was in full swing. Large crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, lighting the room elegantly, and white flowers in giant stone urns tastefully provided the perfect balance for the event: lavish, yet somehow understated. Waiting staff were inconspicuously distributing canapés from silver salvers and the champagne was flowing. I had to admit, Rowan was bloody good at her job.


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