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Finding Her Way

Page 23

by Jefferson, Riley

  Taking no chances, Lauren separated the presentation into two folders.

  Jerrica took one folder, placing it between the mattress and box spring.

  Lauren would take the other folder into her room and hide it somewhere for safekeeping. No one was going to steal what they had worked so hard to produce.


  “I’m glad you decided to schedule in a trip to the beach,” Lauren said, pushing sand between her toes as they walked the edge of the water.

  “Is that a compliment or are you being sarcastic.”

  “Take that any way you want to.”

  Jerrica slapped Lauren on her arm and they both laughed. They strolled along the beach enjoying the sun, sand, and sounds of the water. And one another’s silent company.


  The dark blue eyes narrowed as they followed Jerrica and Lauren’s walk down the beach. A low giggle escaped her throat as she remembered her unpleasant dealings with Lauren, a protective woman with a quick sarcastic attitude. She would have to find a way around her to get to her prey. A broad smile grew on the lovely young face as she continued to enjoy the view of the beach. She observed every move the pair made until finally they disappeared into the guesthouse. Devin decided it was time to get dressed for her guests.

  Jerrica Kerrison you will be mine, she vowed.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Moving her hand across the fogged mirror, Jerrica smiled at her reflection. The hot shower had been invigorating, having removed all the sea and sand smell that had entered her pores. Wrapped in a towel, she softly towel dried her hair, gently combing it out. Leaving the bathroom to clear out from the mist, she went to her bag to retrieve her underclothes. She wouldn’t wear a bra to accommodate the cut on the back of her dress. Pulling on her bikini’s and garter belt, she carefully pulled her thigh high nylons over her shapely legs. Once the underclothing was attached, she returned to the bathroom to finish hair and make-up. Finishing all the prep-work, she was finally able to wiggle the long flowing dress down over her shoulders. The wide shoulder straps on her dark blue empire dress accented the sparkling silver trimmed neckline. The front dipped just enough to show a little cleavage, but not enough to give anything away. She displayed a blue sapphire pendant on a silver chain around her neck and matching earrings.

  Lauren smiled when Jerrica opened her door.

  “Hey, just in time. Can you zip me up?” Jerrica asked as she turned around.

  She stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. Lauren straightened the crisscross straps on her back then fastened the zipper. Lauren noticed the back of Jerrica’s dress revealed a lot of skin.

  Jerrica spun around to get a good look at what Lauren had picked out. Lauren was wearing a strapless floor length dress, the color of lavender. The pleated material under the bust line highlighted the empire waist design. The pleats followed the flowing fabric to the floor, giving the illusion that Lauren was taller than she actually was. Beautiful diamond studs adorned her ears. Her hair was long enough to cascade past her shoulders, so she wore no necklace.

  “You look great,” Jerrica commented.

  “Don’t sound so surprised,” Lauren said putting her hands on her hips. “I like your hair style. You can see more of your features that way.”

  Jerrica turned away before Lauren could see her blush. “Now where did I put those shoes?”


  Later, on the terrace, Jerrica took a quick look around, stalking out the terrain. When she spotted her hosts sitting at the far table under a deck umbrella, Jerrica tapped her associate on the shoulder. Calculating her steps, she made her way to the table with Lauren close behind.

  Victoria Daniel established eye contact with Jerrica first. “Ms. Kerrison, I see you finally decided to join us.” Standing, Victoria extending her hand in greeting,

  “I don’t think you have met my husband, Franklin,” she said, turning to the older man who was slowly rising, “Franklin, these are the representatives from Morrill, Hartford and Donahue, Ms. Jerrica Kerrison and Ms. Lauren Blanchet.”

  They shook hands, awkwardly. His eyes met hers as his grip tightened uncomfortably around her hand. His amber eyes studied her openly, never releasing her hand.

  “You’re right, darling, I haven’t had the pleasure of ever meeting Ms. Kerrison. I’m glad you and your associate could make it.”

  Never breaking eye contact, she replied. “I don’t think I’ve had the delight of meeting you either, Mr. Daniel. If I had met someone as dapper as you, I’m sure I would have remembered.”

  Franklin laughed heartily, releasing his grip on her hand and sitting back down. Turning to his wife who was now sitting beside him, he commented, “She’s a sharp one, Victoria. Maybe their company does have a chance.”

  “Thank you for coming tonight and I’m sure we’ll talk again real soon,” Victoria stated.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Jerrica answered as she backed into the small crowd, disappearing from the elder Daniel’s view.

  Jerrica and Lauren moved their way through the crowd to the edge of the terrace. Leaning up against the railing, Jerrica took a sip of her drink to help calm her nerves.

  Lauren waited as her boss slowly regained her composure. “I think that went well,” she said sarcastically.

  Jerrica couldn’t help but laugh, letting the tension melt away. Where they were standing, Jerrica had a good view of the crowd and the doors. As she swept the room with her eyes, some faces looked familiar and she was able to place which company they worked for, but other faces she didn’t recognize.

  The waiters were very efficient with their given tasks. Their glasses never reached empty before the staff graciously refilled them. Food trays were always floating around for those who enjoyed expensive caviar on dry crackers or a fresh variety of imported exotic sushi. The Daniel family didn’t do things half way.

  Jerrica and Lauren were talking amongst themselves when the sudden decrease in the group’s volume caught their attention.

  The crowd parted like the Red Sea as Devin Daniel graced the terrace with her presence. She was captivating in a black halter style, form fitted A-line dress with cut out-sides. Her blonde hair was pinned up in the back, making the long curls flow down past her shoulder. The halter-top was trimmed in gold and diamonds. All eyes watched as she glided from guest to guest saying a few words of welcome to everyone she passed.

  Her eyes quickly scanned the crowd. Finding her prize at the edge of the veranda, she stifled a grin of satisfaction as she glided toward her parents. The volume of voices returned to normal the moment she reached her parent’s table.

  “Talk about a grand entrance, the queen is here,” Lauren said before sipping her drink.

  It was only a brief second that their eyes had met, but Jerrica recognized the look in those pools of blue, Devin was on the prowl. Glancing up at the colors of the dimming blue sky with scattered puffy white clouds, transitioning into the darker early evening covers of pinks and yellows, Jerrica whispered to the heavens. “Oh, Lord, help me.”

  Jerrica made every effort not to watch Devin leave her parents, working her charm as she greeted more guests.

  Like a snake, Devin slithered from group to group making introductions and joking with those she knew closely.

  It was obvious to Jerrica that she was going to make her wait. Turning her head to look out across the grounds, she sighed in frustration. Time dragged on as Jerrica absent-mindedly started rotating the almost full flute of champagne in hand.

  “Is our champagne not to your liking, sweetheart?”

  Jerrica glanced down at her glass, then up into the determined face.

  Devin extended her hand. “Why, Ms. Blanchet, or may I call you Lauren?”

  “Ms. Blanchet is fine.”

  Jerrica glared at Lauren as Lauren took Devin’s hand.

  “Very well, Ms. Blanchet, I am so glad you could attend.”

  Retrieving her hand, Lauren retorted. “Did I have an al

  Devin openly laughed as she offered her hand to Jerrica. “Ms. Blanchet, you never change.” She grasped the other hand being offered. “Ms. Kerrison, I’m so glad you could attend as well.”

  Holding up her half of appearances, Jerrica replied. “Please call me Jerrica and thank you, Ms. Daniel, for the gracious invitation. You have a very lovely home here.”

  There was a strong tension between them as they stared at one another. Devin held onto Jerrica’s hand as she leaned in closely to Jerrica’s ear.

  “We will talk later, my love,” Devin whispered, releasing her hand. “Enjoy your time, ladies.,” She turned to leave.

  “Bitch,” Lauren whispered.

  Devin whirled on Lauren. Standing within inches of Lauren’s face, Devin stared defiantly into her eyes, “Jerrica, please tell your pit-bull to heel or I’ll have her physically removed.”

  Lauren didn’t move nor break eye contact. She wasn’t going to be the first one to back down.

  Jerrica reached and placed her hand on Devin’s soft shoulder.

  Feeling the warm touch, a touch she hadn’t felt in a long time, she slanted her head to look at Jerrica.

  In a low tone, Jerrica voiced seductively. “Devin, please, this display is not necessary. I promise we’ll talk later.”

  Jerrica received the results she was hoping for, when, graciously, Devin stepped back.

  With a quick smile, she returned to her other guests like a proper host.

  Stepping forward Jerrica squinted at Lauren. Her voice only loud enough for Lauren to hear. “Are you trying to break this deal for us?”

  “I won’t cower to her and you shouldn’t either. If they want to keep doing business with MHD then let the business speak for itself. Don’t sell your soul along with it.”

  “I’m not selling my soul.” Jerrica sounded surprised. “And I take offense to that.”

  “I have always been honest with you, Jerrica. You need to really stop and look at the whole picture going on here.” Lauren sipped her champagne again. “I’m real sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it’s true.”

  Reaching out, she brushed Jerrica’s forearm with her fingertips, smiling shyly.

  As if on cue, a butler stepped out from the house and announced they were serving dinner in the formal dining room. The parade of people began to file into the house.

  Jerrica was happy to see the gathering heading away from them, all but one person. An attractive man about six-feet tall, wearing a sleek black tuxedo was cautiously walking their way. The man looked like he might be in his early fifties, but Jerrica wasn’t sure.

  “Lauren Reynold, is that you?” the baritone voice asked.

  Lauren, head tilted to the side in confusion, replied. “It’s Blanchet now, but Reynold is my maiden name. Do I know you?”

  The corner of his mouth curled up as he raised a hand to his chest. “Lauren, it’s me, Andrew...Andrew Chasson.”

  Lauren stepped forward, raising a hand to the side of his face. They embraced lovingly.

  Shock was the only expression you could read on Jerrica’s face. She had no idea who this person was or how he knew Lauren.

  When Lauren stepped away, she was blushing. “Mr. Chasson, this is my boss and friend, Jerrica Kerrison. Jerrica, this is a very old and dear friend of mine, Andrew Chasson.”

  “Call me Andrew,” he replied as they shook hands.

  “I don’t mean to put a damper on the moment, but I think we are expected in the formal dining room.”

  His hand took Lauren’s in his, raising it to his lips and softly kissing the back. “May I see you later, after dinner? Maybe catch up?”

  Lauren lowered her eyes. “That would be lovely, Andrew.”

  His eyes reflected joy as he relinquished her hand and looked at Jerrica. “It was nice meeting you as well, Jerrica.”

  Without haste, he disappeared into the house with the other guests.

  Jerrica turned her head to look at Lauren who was still looking in the direction Andrew had gone. She could tell by the faraway look in her eyes that there was a lot more to this story then just running into an old friend.

  “Would you like to explain that to me?” Jerrica pointed toward the house.

  “Nope,” answered Lauren as she glanced at Jerrica, then back at the house. “I’m hungry, let’s go eat.”

  Chapter Twenty

  The final guests filtered into the dining room, seating themselves in the scattered empty chairs. Jerrica sat across from Lauren. With everyone seated at the long rectangle oak table, Jerrica could now sum up the competition. Jerrica calculated that there were sixteen people sitting at the table. The Daniel family counted for three, between familiar faces and other mannerisms, she figured ten, including she and Lauren, were there for the competition, but there were two men and one woman that she just couldn’t place. One of those people was Lauren’s friend, Andrew. She wondered what their role was for this weekend. Were they friend or foe? From her vantage point, she could see everyone she needed to watch.

  There was quiet chitchat during diner as the wait staff fluently served a superb four-course meal. When dessert was finally served, consisting of fresh strawberry puree drizzled on a decadent piece of New York cheese cake, Jerrica graciously declined. This didn’t go unnoticed by the hostess.

  “Why, Ms. Kerrison, did you not care for your dessert?”

  “It looks absolutely delicious, Ms. Daniel, I’m just not much for such lavish sweets. But thank you for your concern about my eating habits.” Though civil, her tone bordered on sarcasm.

  The room went deadly silent as every head swiveled toward Victoria Daniel to see what her response would be.

  Always graceful and dignified, Victoria lifted her glass, acknowledging Jerrica’s statement with a smile and a nod.

  Jerrica repeated the motion, putting an end to the dinnertime show. Jerrica peered above the rim of her glass at Lauren as she sipped her drink. The smirk on her face told Jerrica she approved of the recent interaction with the elder Daniel.

  The room remained strangely silent during dessert. The sound of silverware touching china plates echoed though the room until everyone had completed their dish. Mr. Daniel placed his napkin beside his plate. Standing, he made an announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen, if you would care to, please join me in the family room for pleasantries.”

  Like good little lab rats following the master with the cheese, everyone stood and did what was instructed, everyone except the representatives from Morrill, Hartford and Donahue. They sat quietly until they were the only two, besides staff clearing the table, left in the dining room.

  “We could have showed up tomorrow and missed all of this,” Jerrica said as she waved her arms in exasperation., “I don’t understand why they wanted us to come tonight. They’ve spent all of five seconds with us all evening. This is all bullshit.”

  “You forget who’s behind this,” replied Lauren as she got to her feet., “Shall we go?”

  “Let the record show, I don’t want to do this.”

  “It has been noted, boss lady. Now put on that fake smile and let’s go mingle.”

  Since they were the last ones to enter the family room, every head turned when they appeared. Before Jerrica had a chance to look around, Andrew and an unknown woman entered her personal space. Jerrica watched, as a strange feeling seemed to pass through Lauren and Andrew as their eyes met.

  “Ms. Kerrison, is it okay if I steal Lauren from you for a little while?” Andrew said not even looking in Jerrica’s direction.

  “Andrew, I don’t want to leave Jerrica here by herself.” Lauren’s voice was just above a whisper.

  “I think I can entertain her for a while,” said the mystery woman. She held out her hand. “I’m Paula.”


  “Well, I guess everything is settled. Shall we go find a quiet place to talk?” Andrew held out his arm.

  With a smile to her boss, Lauren turned, wrapped her han
d around Andrew’s elbow, and floated away.

  Jerrica couldn’t believe that Lauren had just left her there. Jerrica almost felt like a third wheel on a date, being pawned off on the wingman. In this case, it was the wing woman. Jerrica felt very uncomfortable. As fate would have it, a staff member was walking around with more trays of champagne. She motioned for him to come over. Removing two glasses from the tray, she handed one to her guest. Before the waiter could leave, Jerrica asked if she could order a stronger drink. After taking her request, he politely excused himself, making his way toward the bar area.

  “I know who you are,” Paula commented.

  “Excuse me,” Jerrica said, choking on the champagne.

  “I have been wracking my brain all evening trying to figure out who you were. You’re Jerrica Kerrison from Morrill, Hartford, and Donahue. I recognized you from your article in Forbes magazine.” Paula sounded excited as she continued. “I must have read that article about twenty times.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Jerrica said flatly.

  Paula didn’t seem to notice as she rambled on with excitement.

  Jerrica tried to pay attention to the clueless woman who was chatting away. Often she would add a right or that’s interesting to the conversation, to make it sound like she was listening. She consumed the stronger drink in two gulps, seconds after the waiter had put it in her hand. Jerrica’s eyes were just about to glaze from boredom or maybe it was the alcohol when Paula stopped talking.

  “I’m sorry, could you repeat that,” asked Jerrica, suddenly aware Paula was waiting for an answer.

  Paula smile widened. “I asked you to clarify what you meant in your article when you said and I quote, ‘Life is such a short drive. Why not stop at every exit to see where it takes you.’ Did you mean professionally or personally.”

  “Yes, Ms. Kerrison, do explain your meaning,” interjected Devin.

  Jerrica spun around to find Devin standing just behind her.


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