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Blood Debt (Touched Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Straight, Nancy

  “The what?”

  “Never mind. I just wondered.”

  “No one’s told me much of anything. What’s the Lost Herd?”

  “It’s probably nothing . . . I’m not sure.” We heard footsteps coming down the steps and Brent visibly tensed.

  Will came around the corner wearing plaid pajama pants, fluffy sheepskin slippers and a white t-shirt. His face was unshaven, and he went straight for the coffee pot. “You two’re up early today.”

  Before I could answer, Brent answered for us, “We’re just leaving.”

  Will looked at his watch, “Where to?”

  “On the boat with Bianca and Drake.”

  Will looked disappointed, “A little more notice and I would have tagged along.”

  “Sorry Dad. Camille and Bianca hit it off last night. Thought they’d like to go catch some sun. We’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “Sounds good. Keep the radio on.”

  Brent hadn’t mentioned going out on the boat, although it sounded like a great idea. I felt much more at ease asking Bianca questions than I did Gretchen, especially after what she told me last night. From what Brent started talking about, I wanted to find out what else he could tell me, too.

  Chapter 16

  Drake – Sunday Morning

  I heard my phone ringing and groped for my nightstand, trying to make the ringing stop. We’d stayed out pretty late, and I had worked the last thirteen days in a row. Today was my only day off for a while, and I planned to spend it in bed. When I picked up my phone, I saw Brent’s smiling face staring back at me from the screen on my Droid, waiting for me to answer. I wanted to push “ignore.”

  It might be important. I could hear the gravel in my own voice, “This better be good, Brent.”

  “Good Morning, Drake. Sleep well?”

  “Why are you calling so early?”

  “Bianca and Camille decided they wanted to make a trip out on the water today. You up for it?”

  My blood froze. For a second it felt like it had turned to ice and my heart forgot how to push it through my veins. “Uh, I guess so. When?”

  “Camille and I are in the car now. We can pick you up in five minutes.”

  “Stop for coffee. Make it ten.” I pushed “end.” My palms were already sweating. I said to no one but myself – this is a seriously bad idea.

  When my dad told me that Bianca had chosen me, I didn’t think I could ever ask for anything more in my life. She was smart, educated, funny, beautiful, and she came from an honorable family. She had her pick of every guy out there and had chosen me. I didn’t even know I was in the running. My best friend growing up had been in love with her since he was twelve, so in love that he took risks, chances he wasn’t supposed to take. Neither one of them was allowed to date, but he said he didn’t care. It was Bianca or no one for him. When she chose me, I didn’t know what to say to him. He called as soon as he heard, to tell me congratulations and wish me the best – but that was the last time I talked to him. He hadn’t called in over a month, and I assumed our friendship was now officially over.

  Bianca was the real deal. I could get a new best friend if it meant that my blood line was secure. My parents were so proud you’d have thought I single-handedly brought peace to the Middle East. Last night was one of the first times Bianca and I had been together since her parents made the announcement. When I picked her up for Bruce and Hannah’s wedding, she was stunning. It was the first unsupervised conversation we’d had since the announcement was made. I had expected her father to accompany us, but her parents followed us in their car. During the car ride to the wedding, she mentioned that she wanted a longer-than-normal engagement. I was so star struck at the time, I think I would have agreed to wait until my deathbed if she had asked me to.

  One year. I thought a year would be a piece of cake. When I escorted her to the wedding, I knew that the most beautiful woman at the wedding wasn’t wearing white, she was holding my bicep, walking in lock step with me. We were milling around making small talk when she said, “I’m anxious to meet Camille Strayer. I hear she’s new to our kind. Tonight will be her first introduction to the Centaur society.”

  I wanted to appear interested, but I couldn’t have cared less. “Who’s she?”

  “Apparently Will Strayer had a Centaur mistress. Camille is his daughter. I hope we get to meet her.”

  My interest was piqued. “A Centaur mistress? Really?”

  “Everyone’s talking about it. She just arrived this week and, from what I heard, knew nothing about us.”

  No sooner had Bianca’s words escaped than I saw Will escorting Camille from the house. She looked nervous, pre-occupied, as they stood on the porch and looked out into the crowd. My eyes locked on her, her blood called to me, screamed to me. She took her first step down the stairs and something in the distance caught her attention. I saw her take her second step and something wasn’t right, her footing looked wrong. I knew she would tumble if no one did anything. Will wasn’t paying attention. I could see Brent and Beau were much closer than I was, but neither was watching. I let Bianca’s hand go and sprinted to her, stretching both my hands out to catch her before she could miss the last step. She landed squarely in my arms, and I froze.

  She would have gone face first onto the ground had I not caught her in mid-air. Her body was light. I seized her with my right hand on her face and my left on her stomach. Time felt as if it had slowed down. I placed her carefully on her feet. In that single second it seemed as though we were the only two in the universe. As she stood upright and looked at me, I saw the most beautiful, milk-chocolate eyes staring at me. When she thanked me, it was hard to breath. I muttered something in reply, and she held her hand out to thank me. I was horrified. I knew our customs didn’t allow for the two of us to touch, and in that second I knew why. Bianca had chosen me. I was betrothed, promised, and I felt an irrational desire for Camille. I couldn’t explain it. I wanted to grab her in my arms and never let her go. Somehow my mind found the strength to override my heart’s urges.

  When I returned to Bianca, I expected her to be furious with me. Not only had I touched another woman, I had touched her in front of two hundred others. Bianca surprised me with a sweet smile and a gentle caress on my cheek. “Thanks so much for catching her. That was such a kind thing to do.” I was floored - she wasn’t upset in the least. Bianca caught me watching Camille several times through the ceremony. Never once did she show the slightest concern that I was so obviously captivated with the newcomer.

  After the ceremony, Bianca prodded me to pay attention to a conversation between William Strayer and Kyle Richardson. The conversation had been strained initially, then Camille said something hateful to Gage’s dad. Without thinking it through, I sprinted to her, gathered her in my arms, and ran as fast as my legs would take us. I stopped a mile away, set Camille on her feet, but didn’t back away from her. As I stood looking in those milk-chocolate eyes, I felt my world starting to unravel. I tried to tell myself that I would have done the same thing for any woman about to be attacked by a Centaur.

  Seconds later, Brent arrived and reminded me of Bianca waiting at the reception. I knew I had screwed up; there would be repercussions. I had touched a woman Centaur, twice, in front of my fiancé. Without another word, I ran back the way I had come, trying to think of a plausible excuse for my actions. Any other Centauride in the world would have threatened our engagement, or at the very least chastised me, but Bianca seemed both thrilled and approving of my stepping in to help Camille.

  Yesterday it had been easier to hide my eye’s interest in Camille where there were so many others. But today, on the boat, with Bianca, Camille, and Brent, it would be impossible to conceal. I needed to find a reason not to go, to keep away from Camille, to keep from losing Bianca.

  I heard the doorbell ring and knew I was out of time. I’d just let Brent kno
w something had come up. I eased my front door open, fully prepared to tell Brent I couldn’t go when I looked down into those same captivating, milk-chocolate eyes.

  She wore a wide smile, “Hi, Drake. Brent’s on the phone, so I thought I’d let you know we’re here. I’m so glad you’re going with us today.”

  My heart leapt trying to escape from my chest, and all excuses I’d found to stay at my apartment evaporated in front of me. She stood in a swimsuit covered by a see-through wrap that left nothing to the imagination. She seemed oblivious to the way she looked, standing an arm’s length away. In that moment I didn’t care about my blood line, my engagement to Bianca, my parents, or anything I valued as a Centaur – I was filled with blind lust. My arms ached to pull her to me. I froze, unwilling to say or do anything – I didn’t trust myself.

  Camille waved her hand in front of my face with an enormous smile. “Hello? Are you feeling okay?”

  I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. I was sure my heart had forgotten how to beat. When I hadn’t responded quickly enough for her, she placed her palm on my cheek, and whispered, “Drake, do you need to lie down?”

  Explosions went off in my head, and electric pulses raced through my body. I stepped away from her, nearly tripping over a pair of shoes patiently waiting by the door. I wasn’t at all in control of my motor functions but knew I couldn’t possibly trust myself to be near her.

  “You know, I think you guys might need to go without me today.” I could feel my face flushing bright red.

  “Are you sick? Do you need to go to the doctor?”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing. You have fun today.” I closed the door gently while she still stood there. I backed up against the wall and slid to the floor, trying to get a handle on myself. After just a few seconds, I realized I could breathe again, my pulse was slowing, and I squatted there with my back to the wall for support while my body came under control again. What in the hell just happened?

  “Drake, we aren’t leaving you,” Brent’s voice called through the closed door. “I’m giving you to the count of three, and I’m coming in.”

  I shook my head, knowing I could create a decent explanation for my absence to Brent. I opened the door and was fully in control. “Sorry, man, I can’t go today.”

  “Camille said you looked sick. You don’t look sick to me.” Brent furrowed his brows, his instincts telling him there was more going on than what his eyes saw.

  I made an effort to sound normal, “I’m fine. I just have a lot to do today.”

  “Hello-o-o-o, Bianca’s coming. Tell me you don’t want to see her on a deck chair! Grab your shorts; let’s go.”

  I should have punched him for his comment about my fiancé, but she wasn’t the one my eyes were interested in seeing, and I couldn’t bear for him to know that I didn’t trust myself around Camille. “Yeah, I don’t know how her father would feel about us out to sea without an escort.”

  “What are you, dense? Camille and I will be there. You have an escort. Let’s go.”

  “I’ve got a ton of work to do around here today. Maybe next time.”

  Brent knew something was up. He turned his head to the side, considering possibilities. “Drake, is there something you aren’t telling me?”

  “No, I’m just not a Strayer. I can’t go for a sail whenever the mood strikes me.”

  “Look, you know the rules as well as I do. I can’t take your fiancé out on the boat without you. Camille doesn’t have any friends, and Bianca was nice to her last night. Do this for me. None of us want Camille to go back to California. If she and Bianca hit it off, she’ll be less likely to leave. I promise you can hang out in one of the state rooms and do whatever work you need to. Just come along.”

  I wasn’t accustomed to deceit, but when Brent said it was possible Camille might go back to the west coast, I felt my heart lurch again. Even if she were never to be mine, I knew I would go through withdrawals with her so far away. That was all the coaxing I needed. “Give me two minutes.”

  Within an hour we had picked up Bianca, made it to the Yacht Club, and were out on blue water. Brent wasn’t kidding; Camille and Bianca were fast friends. Although Brent and I had never been extremely tight, he was fun to be around, and it was great to hang out with another guy since I’d lost my closest friend following the news of my engagement to his covert girlfriend. The ladies were tanning on the deck while we talked about the upcoming Clemson / Game Cocks seasons.

  “Hey, Drake,” Bianca called, “why don’t you two come and join us?”

  We were on the upper deck, and I waved down my acknowledgement, then said to Brent, “I guess duty calls.”

  “Maybe for you.” Brent said with a smirk.

  “You’re going down there with me.”

  “Who’s going to drive the boat, Dumb Ass.”

  I looked in all directions. We were easily five miles from shore with not another boat of any kind within sight. There was no way I was going down there by myself. “Just anchor it and come on.” Brent cut the engines and turned up the music as the waves rocked the boat gently in the breeze.

  The four of us made small talk for about thirty minutes. Then Bianca said, “So Camille, how are you holding up? This is all new for you.”

  Camille answered, “I love it here. I’m a little in awe of everything. A week ago I thought I was all alone in the world. I’m still a little surprised every morning that I wake up to find out I really do have a family, I’m living on the east coast, and . . . the other stuff.”

  “The other stuff, you mean – being a magical, mythical being?” Bianca, Brent and I couldn’t help but laugh, and Camille looked flustered. I felt bad for her. This was a pretty astronomical shock, but she seemed to be taking it all in stride.

  “Yeah, something like that.” Camille readjusted on her deck chair. When she did, she stretched her long tanned legs out, pointed her toes, rested her head on her palms, soaking up every bit of the sun’s rays. In my mind I started fantasizing all sorts of things that were grossly inappropriate, and forced myself to look adoringly at Bianca. Although Bianca was absolutely beautiful with her pale blue eyes and blonde hair - my eyes continued to wander to Camille. I was ashamed of myself. I was acting like a hormone-filled teenager – not the way an engaged Centaur should behave.

  “Hey, Brent,” Bianca asked, “Do you have any video games on this thing?”

  “There’s an Xbox Kinect in one of the staterooms.”

  “Oh, I love those. I need to get out of the sun for a little while. Could we go play?”

  Brent looked at me as if it were my responsibility to object. I agreed. “We should all go.”

  “Don’t be silly! You stay up here and keep Camille company. She’s got the complexion of a Mayan Goddess. It’s good for her to keep working on her tan – she’s still got a man to find.”

  Brent stammered, “Bianca, I don’t think it’s such a great idea for us to be alone in a stateroom.”

  “Oh, do you have feelings for me, Brent?” she asked sarcastically.

  “No! I mean . . . it wouldn’t be appropriate. I mean, I don’t think Drake would. . .” Brent was stammering and looked like he needed a life preserver.

  Bianca’s angelic voice asked, “Drake, you don’t mind if Brent and I play the Xbox for a little while, do you?”

  “Uh, no, that’s okay with me.” I should have objected. I should have insisted we all go below deck together, but I didn’t.

  She squealed and leapt from her deck chair, “Great! Okay, here, keep Camille company,” she motioned for me to take the seat she had just vacated. Before I even had a chance to protest, she was through the cabin door with Brent reluctantly following her down the stairs.

  I was so nervous I thought I was going to get sea sick. I couldn’t think of anything clever to say, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Camille. She mu
st have sensed my vibes because she didn’t seem comfortable making eye contact with me either. I knew I needed to say something before she realized how I ached for her.

  “So, do you miss California?”

  “I do, but not as bad as I thought I would. Gretchen and Will are pretty amazing. It’s a little like every day’s a vacation.”

  “I know it isn’t any of my business, but are you a full-blooded Centaur?” I knew from what Bianca had told me that she was, but I had to keep myself distracted. It was possible for a Centaur and human to marry and have a family, but those children were shunned from our community. Will would have never had Camille at Bruce’s wedding if she weren’t pureblood.

  “Yeah,” she answered with a chuckle, “but I think I’m a defective one.”


  “I’m told I’m supposed to be able to communicate with spirits. I can see my mom sometimes, but I can’t hear her. I’m supposed to be able to see the future, but I can’t even tell if that cloud over there is going to produce rain. I definitely can’t read minds either. Too bad I didn’t come with a receipt; Will might want to return me.”

  “I doubt that. I think all that just takes practice.”

  “I hope so.”

  “It’s all still new. Bianca told me you only found out about everything a week ago.”

  “Not even a week ago. I called Will Tuesday night and was on a plane a few hours later.”

  Her eyes were so kind and full of life. I envied her for not having grown up like the rest of us. From the time I was a toddler, I knew what I was, knew that I had to hide my strength and speed from humans, deny who I was. I longed to touch her skin, feel the warmth of her flesh; I shook off my irrational desires and tried to stay on subject. “But you didn’t know you were a Centaur?”

  “Uh, no. I thought I’d found my long lost father. I wasn’t expecting any of this.”


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