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Revelations of the Aquarian Age

Page 32

by Barbara Hand Clow

  “Armando, this is all my pleasure. I’ve heard so much about this house; everybody has in Rome. It’s even more wonderful than I imagined. I’m feasting my eyes on the two stories of bookshelves with high ladders, delightfully medieval. Thank you for inviting me.”

  All six sat around a large round coffee table. Simon began since he’d invited Lorenzo. “We’ve asked you to come because between the five of us, we’ve tapped into some amazing data and reached the point where there is too much to absorb. You could say we are stuffed with too many big issues—The Lost Gospel, the Talpiot tomb, the James ossuary, Grail families traveling in America, even John the Baptist and St. Paul. Unless we can grasp the relationships between these ideas—especially having the world realize that the blood of Jesus and Mary flows in the veins of millions, perhaps a billion people—the remarkable truths that are coming to light now will be lost and fade into the mists of time without making connections. Since we know that many millions have died to keep these secrets alive until now, we feel like our group must get to that next level, that is, grasp the matrix. Nobody is better at weaving connections than you, Lorenzo.”

  They waited for him to begin. “All right, I want all five of you to become a magnificent pentagram of light.” This startled Simon because of the pentagrams he’d been seeing himself. “I’m going to close my eyes and go deep within my inner mind as you breathe with me, please. I will know when you have become pentagrams, and then I will question each one of you . . . ”

  His voice softened and became more deliberate. “You have each experienced this way of seeking at Eleusis in Greece because all five of you were there together during the last time the Golden World manifested on Earth around 550 BC. Each one of you has a wisdom teaching that you will remember now, so let us call them out. I begin with you, Jennifer, because I am having a vision of you walking forward carrying a quartz crystal cup filled with spring water.” He asked in a sensual and alluring voice, “What is this water?”

  Jennifer closed her eyes to remember. “I carry the water of Aquarius. I am above the ecliptic seeing all the water in the universe pouring through my crystal cup, my rhyton. I bring this cup from Knossos on Crete where I’ve held it suspended in the other world, that is until now.” When she said that, Simon saw a vision of the Earth riddled like Swiss cheese with great aquifers deep under the surface that were filling up with pure, crystalline water. Sarah closed her eyes because she was seeing the library filling up with pure water, water that was etheric not liquid.

  “Jennifer,” Lorenzo said in a soft voice, “where are you going with your rhyton?”

  “I go . . . I go to the altar of the wind here at Eleusis. As I bring my water to the wind, I pull the switch that releases the waters of Aquarius.”

  “Thank you, Jennifer. Excellent. Next, I speak to you, Armando, because I see you are painting.” Lorenzo said in a commanding, slightly loud voice, “Why are you painting on a surface in the air that is not really anywhere? How do you paint in the air, Armando?”

  “I do it all the time, Lorenzo,” he said with eyes shut and a hand drawing in the air as if he held a brush. “Every time I hold a brush, I paint the murals that I once created here—in Eleusis. I think I’ve been in a box my whole life painting the interior walls of this exquisite turtle temple, but now my box, my lovely cube, is superimposed on the temple, Eleusis—a giant cosmic cube.”

  “Yes, Armando,” Lorenzo said in sweet voice. “Yes, you are in the cube there; I see you. Yet, what are you painting? Tell me.” Lorenzo was enthralled by the sight of a beautiful diaphanous cube that was turning and turning within Eleusis shining refracted starlight onto columns and stone floors.

  Armando put his palms out and began raising them as if he was praying. Simon was watching with amazement because he could actually see a quartz cube enclosing Armando. Simon closed his eyes to avoid having his retinas burned as the cube expanded to contain all of Eleusis and the surrounding forests and hills as Armando moved his hand back and back. “Now, Armando,” Lorenzo demanded, “I want you to tell me what happens with the undersurface of the painting by Teniers of St. Anthony and St. Paul. Tell me, Armando—now!”

  “I, ah . . . it is where it is. I mean there is a spot, a place where keys are buried deep in the ground here. The keys tell the story of what’s going to happen when enough people—a critical number—realize that the divine mind of Jesus is deeply imbedded in the fields of the planet in our blood. As Jennifer pours the water out of her crystal bowl, millions feel overwhelming love, love that is so powerful that people can’t cheat, attack, use others, or abuse anymore. The Eleusinian cube holds the form of the Aquarian breakthrough.”

  “Simon,” Lorenzo said in a delicate, determined voice. “You know some things, don’t you? You always do. So, are you going to tell us now?”

  Simon, who had never had a session with Lorenzo, felt intense air pressure pushing on him from all sides, like being in a decompression chamber after deep diving. Sarah watched her husband with fascination because his body was moving in a snakelike sinuous standing wave. He said, “As we became more complex—from archaic humans to magical beings to great storytellers, and then so acutely rational that we could not see anymore—we bred with each other according to the logic of our evolutionary origin. The more we’ve been in control, the more we’ve controlled our mating, and now we’ve hit a wall. There is a secret lineage, the lineage of the snake, and in this lineage, all breeding is for supporting the reemergence of the goddess. She is the one who holds us in her womb in balance. She is the one who knows what Earth requires. As we embrace ourselves within her, we transfigure.”

  Lorenzo rose up slowly startled by Pietro walking into the library. He seemed to be in a trance and looked like he was going right into the group! He wasn’t invited, so Lorenzo reset his boundaries to hold the new charged etheric field, since the people in the group were already on an amazing edge. As Pietro came closer and Lorenzo scrutinized him, it was clear he was not in his physical body—he was a crystalline essence of himself while somewhere else in the house, probably asleep. Lorenzo shifted his inner eye to register a closer reality when he realized that what he thought was Pietro was actually a golden cat! “Sarah,” Lorenzo said in a sweet and imploring voice. “You are layered on nine levels, and your ninth level sees Pietro. Would you like to speak to him?”

  Sarah, who had been very present and watching everything, suddenly felt intense air pressure pushing into her body from all sides as the icosahedron formed around her. When it totally surrounded her, her feet rose a few feet off the floor where she found herself with Pietro also above the floor. “Pietro, you have come. Why are you here? What would you like to know?”

  Pietro faced Sarah and raised his hands, which emanated strong rays of light. As he raised his hands, Sarah’s feet lowered to the floor where she followed Dante over to a nearby bookcase and pulled a lever that made it swing around and roll open. Simon couldn’t take his eyes off her because he realized she was going right for the reliquary, yet he was sure she had no idea it was there. Lorenzo was watching very carefully monitoring her spine to make sure she was okay, since the level of energy coming in to her body could harm her adrenals; she was fine. She reached in with both hands inside the back of the bookcase and brought out an object covered with a blue velvet cloth embroidered with golden edges. She put it on the table and sat down as Armando stared at it in total disbelief and then closed his eyes. Lorenzo watched Pietro rise up high above the group and fly directly over the reliquary as the golden cat rolled around under the table. What in hell is going on here? This scene looks like a painting by Salvador Dalí!

  Simon felt the air on all sides push in on him again making him gasp for air. Since Sarah was sitting down and seemed to be fine, he said, “I was here when Pietro brought this out before, and you were too Armando. Since you are his son, will you please remove the cloth?”

  Armando’s eyes had closed, yet he removed the cloth. Lorenzo’s eyes locked
on the silver and bronze Templar sword embedded in the top of a small crystal skull that rested on an exquisite pure gold carved base. “Armando. What is this?”

  Armando’s eyes were still closed, yet he knew what was on the table. Claudia opened her eyes to see the sightless Armando gazing at an exquisite reliquary, a crystal skull set in the top of a golden bee’s nest. Armando said in a low, masculine voice, “I see it, I see it now. When this sacred reliquary came to us, we changed. I see my own family changing radically over the last five hundred years preparing for this time just like the Medici. I changed myself, in spite of my own hideous pain. I changed myself because of her, Mary the goddess. Her patience overwhelms me as I see how long she waited for me. She endured genocide and horrible abuse, just like we have endured the Church abusing innocent children. I see . . . ”

  “Yes, what do you see, Armando?” Lorenzo said in a loving voice.

  “I see that if I could transcend myself, then we all will transcend. We will crawl out of our old snakeskins. I have to say something to you, Simon. Do you realize what it meant to me three years ago in this room when you came to me and forgave me? Do you know what your friendship and love mean to me? You are kind, Simon. You are a truly kind and good man.”

  “Armando,” Lorenzo broke in. “What is inside this beautiful reliquary? I see something glowing in the little glass box. What is it?”

  “That, Lorenzo, is a bone from the body of Mary Magdalene, the great goddess who was born to be with Jesus. She united with him long ago, and now her power flows in our bones and blood. She has been with our family for five hundred years. Her bones and the bones of Jesus are all over the planet in sacred places waiting for Earth’s transcendence—the Age of Aquarius. Everyone is prepared and waiting. We will all experience her emergence by forgiving ourselves for anything we have done, since we never stopped waiting for her to return, the real Messiah. We all have divine blood in our veins creating new paths from everything that has come before.”

  “Yes, Armando,” Lorenzo said softly. “Now, Claudia, tell me what you know.”

  “I am archaic woman encoded with planetary intelligence traveling out into the stars to gather my knowledge of the universe. I return from cosmic realms in the morning and weave the stories of all time in my mind. All these levels are in my body, and I feel these levels in everyone I touch. I am the goddess holding the hearts of the suffering people. I am joy.”

  They sat with the beautiful reliquary for a long time. Lorenzo felt delicate yet whole as Claudia gazed at him, a soft, lovely, and wise man. It was time to say good night. They knew they would gather together many more times to greet the Aquarian dawn.

  About the Author

  BARBARA HAND CLOW is an internationally acclaimed ceremonial teacher, author, and Mayan Calendar researcher. Her numerous books include Revelations of the Ruby Crystal, The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind, and The Mayan Code. She has taught at sacred sites throughout the world and maintains a website,

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  Copyright © 2018 by Barbara Hand Clow

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Clow, Barbara Hand, 1943– author.

  Title: Revelations of the Aquarian age / Barbara Hand Clow.

  Description: Rochester, Vermont : Bear & Company, [2018]

  Identifiers: LCCN 2017013250 (print) | LCCN 2017018391 (e-book) |

  print ISBN: 9781591432951

  ebook ISBN: 9781591432968

  Subjects: | BISAC: FICTION / Occult & Supernatural. | FICTION / Romance / Paranormal. | FICTION / Visionary & Metaphysical.

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