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Mr. Darcy's Secret

Page 12

by Jane Odiwe

  Elizabeth was not going to give Miss Bingley the satisfaction of knowing just how dreadful she felt at her report. She chose to stare steadily back at her foe with an expression of contempt, so it was Miss Bingley who chose to depart swiftly without another word. No, Lizzy was sure that Darcy would be mortified, not only that Miss Bingley had told her, but also that she knew about any of the circumstances. When Elizabeth recollected the letters in the library, she now almost certainly knew who had written them. It had all happened some years ago, she was certain, if Mrs Eaton had some knowledge about the affair. Perhaps Fitzwilliam and Viola had not been as discreet as they should; youthful love was inclined to be rash. Perhaps the theatricals had brought them together and maybe that was the reason Darcy could not face performing again, especially if subsequent performances had brought back painful memories of Viola. That the whole episode must be put out of her head was paramount, Lizzy decided. It had all taken place before she had met any of them and to dwell on such things might drive her mad. Caroline Bingley clearly had been unable to control her desire to provoke a rift in Elizabeth's relationship with her husband, but she had realised in divulging such information that she had taken a step too far. Of course Lizzy would say nothing to Fitzwilliam; what was in the past must stay there. And for now she had more pressing matters. Georgiana must be spoken to with tact and reason.

  When Elizabeth explained to Georgiana how she was concerned that her behaviour might appear to be too particular, she was pleased to see that her young sister-in-law understood her worries.

  "Oh, Lizzy, what have I done? I did not mean to confine myself to dancing with Mr Butler only, but he has been so kind to me and I did not want to disappoint him. I do love to dance with him and he makes me laugh."

  "I do not think there is any real harm done, but perhaps it would be wise not to dance with him again this evening. People do love to gossip and I would hate to see you at the mercy of some of the less agreeable people here."

  "Do you think I have distressed my brother by my behaviour? I would not upset Fitzwilliam for the world," Georgiana said, looking most anxious. "Oh, thank you, Lizzy, for advising me in such a lovely way. I will not dance with Mr Butler again. I am quite mortified to think that my behaviour might have caused you both pain. I hope Fitzwilliam is not cross with my friend."

  "Of course not," lied Lizzy, thinking how overcome Georgiana would be if she really knew the truth. "Now, we will go back to the ballroom and you may dance the night away with all the other young men who are waiting to have their chance to dance with the most beautiful young lady at the ball tonight. This is your very first ball, and I'm sure you will not be found wanting a dancing companion."

  Georgiana knew that the one thing that would please her brother would be to dance with Hugh Calladine. She kept her distance from Mr Butler, avoiding that part of the room where she knew he stood, and when Mr Calladine presented himself again with an offer to dance, she accepted willingly, making sure that Fitzwilliam was witness to some very enthusiastic dancing. Mr Calladine begged that she join his family party afterwards, and so despite her feelings of trepidation she submitted herself willingly into their circle. Nervous and shy amongst company she did not know well, her thoughts turned to Tom as they talked over the top of her. She hoped he would forgive her for ignoring him. Lost in reverie, Miss Darcy was brought back to the present by the shrill tones of Mr Calladine's mother asking her a question. Once Lady Calladine had finished interrogating her she almost sighed with relief. On looking about the room again searching for a glimpse of Tom, his cold expression told her all she needed to know as their eyes met. He turned away at the soonest opportunity and Georgiana felt grieved. Torn by duty to her family and her feelings for Tom, she nevertheless wished that she could rush over to him and attempt to bring back the smile to his lips.

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Elizabeth and Darcy stood side by side at the edge of the ballroom watching the dancers. To the rest of the room Lizzy fancied that they looked as happy as everyone else. The ball was a success, she knew, but whilst she was most grateful for this fact, Mrs Darcy was desperately upset. She felt most disquieted, for all her efforts to set aside those thoughts that Caroline Bingley had inspired. Recognising the wisdom of speaking to Georgiana, she was pleased with the outcome, yet still she had witnessed a certain disappointment in the girl's eyes. Worst of all, there was a distance, a silent uneasiness between Elizabeth and Darcy which seemed to hang in the air above them. She could not think how to talk to him. That he was gravely disappointed in her she was absolutely convinced. All she could do for the present was watch the company, who in contrast were excited and happy. The country dances were starting next, beginning with an Irish reel.

  "Do not you feel a great inclination, Mrs Darcy, to seize such an opportunity of dancing a reel?"

  Elizabeth smiled but made no answer. Fitzwilliam repeated the question wondering if she would remember a conversation they had had long ago that he was sure would provoke a laugh on recollection. He wanted to make her smile, but his pride inhibited him still. He knew he was wrong to have been cross with Lizzy over Georgiana, but saying sorry was not easy.

  "Oh!" said she, instantly remembering, "I heard you before, but I could not immediately determine what to say in reply. You wanted me, I know, to say 'Yes,' that you might have the pleasure of despising my taste; but I always delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of their premeditated contempt. I have, therefore, made up my mind to tell you that I do not want to dance a reel at all--and now despise me if you dare."

  "Indeed, I do not dare. Mrs Darcy, I can only beg you to reconsider." He held out his hand and she took it gladly. "Please, will you dance a reel with me?"

  "Nothing would give me greater pleasure," Elizabeth said with a smile and a toss of her curls as she allowed her dashing husband to lead her onto the floor.

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  There was a very late breakfast on the following day. Everyone was in good spirits and all arrived downstairs at once with the exception of Caroline Bingley, who was late and appeared to be in ill humour when she did make an appearance. Elizabeth made a point of saying good morning, giving her also the benefit of her widest smile and asking if she had slept well. Miss Bingley muttered something back that was hardly audible. She looked most shamefaced and took her seat, remaining unusually quiet.

  "I think last night's ball was quite the best I have ever attended," said Jane generously. "Oh, Lizzy, you have so many affable neighbours, and everyone adores you and says how lovely it is to have a new mistress at Pemberley."

  "To be sure, Lizzy is admired wherever she goes now she has such a handsome husband as Mr Darcy," observed Mrs Bennet. "Of course, looks are not his only endowment; no one has more friends than the rich, and how many friends you have, Mr Darcy. But if we are talking of looks, as I recollect I was at the start, in my opinion Miss Georgiana was the belle of the ball. You were never without a beau, were you, my dear? You were Mr Calladine's first choice and Mr Butler's first choice and I daresay every other young man's first choice if they could only have got near you. I thought it very amusing to see Mr Calladine and Mr Butler fighting for your affection. It quite put me in mind of dear Colonel Millar and Mr Bennet sparring for my attention in the old days. Well, you enjoy it, my dear. When you are no longer in the first flush of youth, you'll look back on these times with fondness."

  Georgiana, who was sitting on the other side of the table, blushed scarlet at this outburst. Lizzy felt mortified and glancing over at her husband could see his dark eyes clouding under the black brows, his expression changing gradually from amused indifference through indignant contempt to a composed and steady gravity. Elizabeth noted that Caroline put her hand to her mouth and coughed loudly, her expression displaying a half-hearted attempt to disguise a snigger.

  "I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed yourselves. I must say that everyone was so warm and friendly," Lizzy spoke up, determined to change the subject
and wishing her mother would be silent. "All the old families who have always lived in these parts were particularly kind, saying that they were reminded of the good old days at Pemberley and all of them remarking how like his great father is Mr Darcy."

  Mr Darcy's features softened a little and a smile played about his lips. "It was a splendid ball," he began, "to rival the greatest events of the past. I must thank my wife for the success of the evening; she has endeared herself to the people of the neighbouring villages, town, and county in a very short time and I am insufferably proud of her."

  "Hear, hear," came the cheers from Mr Gardiner and Mr Bennet, jovially thumping on the table, with all the little Gardiners joining in and clapping loudly too.

  Mrs Darcy glowed with pride. She looked across at Fitzwilliam with adoration. He had continued to make further amends after the ball and a night of such sweetness had followed that made Elizabeth wonder if vexing one another might be a pleasurable occupation that she would not mind repeating regularly if the outcome was always to be as blissful. Out of the corner of her eye she was aware that Miss Bingley was regarding her with a mixture of envy and dislike, however well her countenance was arranged in an expression of good humour. And there was a certain satisfaction in knowing that Miss Bingley had been a witness to Mr Darcy's praise.

  A servant bringing in a large parcel with a note for Mrs Darcy was a welcome interruption, though as soon as Lizzy guessed what the package might hold she felt most grieved. It could only contain the book of plans that Mr Butler had produced. That he had not brought it himself would, she knew, be devastating to Georgiana. However biddable Miss Darcy had been in regards to partnering other suitors, Elizabeth knew how fond she was of Mr Butler. She glanced over at her sister-in-law and saw the disappointment in her eyes. It was not necessary for Elizabeth to say anything; Georgiana had already guessed what was held within the mysterious parcel. Lizzy's only hope was that the note accompanying it might contain a crumb of comfort for her sister.

  "Oh, Lizzy, whatever is it?" cried Mrs Bennet. "Open it at once, girl, do not hesitate. How exciting, I wonder what it can be."

  But Elizabeth was not to be drawn. "I am afraid that I cannot oblige you, madam," she said with a knowing smile at the gathered assembly. "It is a great secret which cannot yet be exposed. If you will excuse me, I promise that all will be revealed in time. Georgiana is the only person privy to the mystery, and so, my dear family, we will leave you for the present. Come, Georgiana, we have much to do."

  "You quite delight in vexing me as much as your father, Mrs High and Mighty," professed Mrs Bennet as she watched Elizabeth and Georgiana heading for the door. "As if I should breathe a word. Everyone knows I am the very soul of discretion! And, I'd like to know, why does it have to be such a secret? To my mind, there's something very underhand about such clandestine operations."

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  "Lizzy, it is the book of Mr Butler's designs, is it not?" asked Georgiana as she watched Elizabeth undo the letter in the privacy of her comfortable sitting room. "What does he say? Why did he not bring it himself?"

  "He was not able to come because he has had to go back to London early this morning, to see about some new work," said Elizabeth, handing her the note. She was not looking forward to seeing Georgiana's reaction. Even though the letter was written for Lizzy, she knew Georgiana would be searching for any reference to herself and there was not one.

  "He did not even come to say good-bye," said Georgiana in a small voice.

  "Perhaps he did not have time to come. He is still making his way in the world, Georgiana, and he cannot afford to delay if he is needed, nor is he in a position to turn work away. I expect we'll see him again soon when he visits his mama."

  "But he gave no hint yesterday that he was about to leave."

  "I do not expect he knew himself; perhaps his patron summoned him urgently. I'm sure we will have the pleasure of his company soon enough. In any case, Georgiana, I know you are fond of him, but you are very young to be forming such a serious attachment. Time apart never did any harm where true hearts are concerned. Love and affection will be sustained if it is really lasting, and besides, one cannot live on love alone. If Tom is serious in his intentions he will want to secure his prospects and finances first before he considers taking a wife."

  "But Elizabeth, I have money enough for both of us; there is no financial impediment to a match between us. I could marry any man I wish with my fortune."

  "Tom is a proud young man, Georgiana. I am not sure he would wish to take such a step. I think he would want to provide for a wife and family himself."

  Georgiana nodded. "Yes, you are right." She paused in contemplation of the matter. "There would be no other obstacles to a marriage between us, do you think, Elizabeth? Except that I know precisely why I am asking you that question. I do not think Fitzwilliam would really approve of such a match."

  Elizabeth could not respond. Georgiana, she felt, already knew the answer to that question.

  "No, it is quite hopeless," Georgiana said at last. "And I think Mr Butler realises the futility of our situation. That is why he has taken himself off to London. We cannot all expect to marry for love. Well, I daresay he will forget all about me in a day or two. Indeed, I wonder if I have not been mistaken about him in any case. How could he go away like that without saying good-bye if there were much affection in the case? I am fooling myself to think differently."

  At a loss to know what to say for the best, Elizabeth could see that Georgiana was becoming most distressed. Instead of saying anything at all she joined her sister on the opposite sofa and put her arm round her in a comforting gesture. Georgiana's tears flowed as she sank against Lizzy, giving in to her emotions. "Georgiana, please do not be upset. Everything has a way of working out in the end. Life has a way of turning out in the most unexpected ways and sometimes even for the better."

  "Oh, do not worry about me, Elizabeth, I am more trouble than I am worth. I shall get over Tom Butler; indeed, I have already put him out of my mind."

  "Dear Georgiana, I do not believe a word of it, but I admire your spirit. That's the way. Now, let us think of something pleasurable we can look forward to doing together. Employment and diversion are what we need and something to get us through these gloomy winter days."

  Georgiana dried her eyes. "I always find comfort in drawing, Lizzy. Perhaps we could do some sketches of one another."

  Lizzy laughed. "Now, that is a novel idea! I'm prepared to try my hand, though I warn you, drawing was never considered to be a talent of mine. Sketching it shall be then. And talking of which, are you feeling strong enough to have a look at the designs yet?"

  "I think I would prefer to delay that for the moment, Lizzy, if you do not mind. Not that I should be distressed to see them, but I do not care for them at present. I do not think I am very interested in Tom Butler's designs now. He could not be bothered to show me them himself and I do not care to see his efforts."

  And rising swiftly to her feet, Georgiana immediately excused herself after planting an affectionate kiss upon Lizzy's cheek.

  Before she had reached the door, however, she was checked by the appearance of one of the housemaids.

  "Begging your pardon, ma'am," she said with a curtsey, "but the master asked if you and Miss Georgiana could come downstairs. Mr Calladine has called and he is most anxious to pay his respects to you."

  Chapter 15

  Mr Darcy and his guest were waiting for them in the drawing room. Mr Calladine did indeed pay his respects to the ladies and was gentleman-like and courteous. Georgiana sat on the sofa next to Lizzy in her usual state of nervous fear at the prospect of being spoken to by a comparative stranger and kept her eyes diverted. Elizabeth was happily engaged in the small talk she knew was necessary for such occasions and hoped that the call would not be of too long a duration. For all her brave words, she knew that Georgiana was most upset and she wished to spare her any unnecessary misery.

  After an interv
al of five minutes, Mr Darcy stood up and, addressing his wife, requested that she accompany him. There was a small matter he wished to discuss with her if Mr Calladine would excuse them for a few moments.

  Elizabeth was horrified. To leave Georgiana on her own was highly imprudent, she thought, and gave Mr Darcy the benefit of an expression of disapproval from those fine eyes he loved so much. But her husband appeared either not to notice or had decided to ignore the frown wrinkling between Lizzy's brows. He took Mrs Darcy's arm without further delay and escorted her from the room.

  As soon as they were out of earshot Elizabeth protested. "Fitzwilliam, what do you think you are doing? Georgiana will be terrified. How could you leave her on her own like that with a gentleman she hardly knows?"

  "She'll know him soon enough, Mrs Darcy," he said, leading her down the corridor and into the library. He closed the door firmly before adding, "Everything has been arranged most satisfactorily."

  Something in his tone of voice made Lizzy most apprehensive. She could not for a moment find her tongue to speak.

  "I had expected Mr Calladine to call this morning after he requested to see me last night," he continued. "We have been discussing Georgiana's future and also that of his own. He made an offer that anyone would be a fool to turn down. Hugh Calladine will be bringing a fortune of considerable size to add to that of my sister's, an alliance which shall make her the richest woman in the county, if not all England."

  Elizabeth was stunned into silence.

  "He has come to make his intentions clear to Georgiana. I am sure they will both be happy in time. He is a gentleman, Elizabeth, a very respectable, straightforward sort, who on first addressing me was most keen to advise me that all past relations with a certain young woman he has been associated with are at an end and have been for some time. He is very taken with Georgiana and believes himself in love."


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