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Angel of Mine

Page 21

by Jessica Louise

  “I will always go above and beyond for Ally, Carol,” Theo says. Alex may have been joking when he introduced Theo as a smooth talker, but I think there was something to it.

  “I know you will Theo. That’s why I trusted you earlier.” Is she just going to hang around out there until we finish this bath? Time to be on your way Mum. I’m horrified she is on the other side of the door while I’m in this position.

  “Okay Mum you can go now.” Please leave, I’m so humiliated.

  “So you are still alive in there Ally, I thought you might have died of embarrassment for a second there.” The sound of her laughter fades away down the hallway, and I cast a curious glance at Theo.

  “What exactly did you say to get her to change her mind earlier?”

  “I told her not to worry, and that I would be right here to mend your broken heart. That I would always be here for you and that I would always love you, for the rest of time.”

  There are no words to express how I feel about him right now, so instead of telling him, I show him. The feeling of dread has completely left my body, and the only cold temperature that affects me is from the bathwater after being in here too long. I’m too happy to care though.

  “Gross Alex, go take a shower,” Alex’s new girlfriend Kinley complains. He just finished playing his first football game at his new school. The jersey he wears is caked in mud, and he is covered in sweat. While she sits on the couch, he leans over the top of her trying to get a kiss.

  Maybe I haven’t done my job as a big brother well enough. Did I teach him nothing at all? I thought he was smoother than this.

  “You love me all dirty,” he teases in a suggestive tone while wiggling his eyebrows. Oh, man. I slap myself in the forehead. Shoot me now. I can’t watch this disaster.

  My brother certainly didn’t learn his pickup lines from me. Maybe from one of those porn movies he has stashed under his bed. He better get rid of those before Kinley finds them hidden there.

  “No, I like you clean; clean enough to eat off of.” She winks at him. Well crap. I think Alex has finally met his match.

  He leans in to kiss her, and she shoves at him playfully. “Shower, go.” He gives his head a shake and sweat from his hair goes flying everywhere. That can’t be pleasant for the poor girl. I can smell him from here, and it’s disgusting. Maybe I should rescue her.

  “Care to join me?” Alex asks while trying to pull her up.

  She just laughs him off. “How about you just pretend I’ve joined you? I’m sure your imagination can conjure up something better than anything I’d actually be willing to do with your family in the next room.” She puts him in his place and doesn’t even blush. That is one fiery red head. I chuckle in amusement.

  “Enjoying the free show over there brother?” Alex jokes.

  I snort and roll my eyes, and Kinley gives him a light slap across the arm. “It was more like a train wreck that I couldn’t look away from.”

  Alex grins like an idiot, and I just know something stupid is about to come out of his mouth. “Admit it; you were trying to learn mad skills off of the master.”

  I hear the front door open while he is talking and I get up off the couch shaking my head. “Yeah mad skills at being a douche, a big smelly douche, go take a shower. You reek, man.”

  Ally walks in to the room and scrunches up her nose. “Eww, what smells?”

  Alex looks up in mock offense, a fake frown on his face that he isn’t quite pulling off. “Okay, okay, I get the hint,” and he finally makes his way to the shower.

  I turn my attention back to Ally, giving her a brief kiss and pulling her into my side. “Hey, I missed you last night.” Ally and her mum found a new place on the other side of town, somewhere where the media wouldn’t find them. For the most part, the amount of reporters we see out and about have died down. Ally is lying low and doesn’t heal people anymore, so there is no story there for them.

  “You ready to go?” We are heading into town to check out the university campus today. I enrolled back into my course studying architecture. Ally was accepted into a broad range of subjects that will help her get a job behind the scenes in film and television. She decided being a doctor really wasn’t a practical option, not when she would want to heal all her patients with her ability. I have no doubt she is happy in her new choice though. She has a passion for film; she sure watches enough of them.

  “I don’t know,” Ally ponders. “Maybe I should visit the spa and get that Mohawk before we go. First impressions count, and I want to fit in. What do you say Kinley, girls day at the spa? I’m sure they would still have some free appointments this afternoon.”

  Even though I realize it’s a joke, I still tense beside her. I like her hair the way it is. Kinley smirks, enjoying my discomfort. Those two have gotten along famously ever since they first met, and are always conspiring one thing or another.

  “Sure,” Kinley plays along. “I can get that nipple ring I’ve always wanted while we are there.” Is she is being serious? I cough into my hand to cover up my embarrassment.

  “I’m just messing with you Theo. I’m no more getting a nipple ring than Ally is getting a Mohawk.” We all laugh at the absurdness of the situation. This girl couldn’t be more perfect for Alex.

  We gain a lot of information of what the following semester will entail while at uni. It turns out that Ally’s building isn’t far from mine. We will be able to coordinate classes so that we can run a similar schedule and be here at the same time.

  On the way home, Ally is still talking animatedly about everything involved with the courses we will be doing. “Will you design me a house with a movie theatre in it?” She asks. I would design and build a castle from the ground up with my bare hands for this girl.

  “Anything you want angel.”

  In the past month, our lives have changed in leaps and bounds. A couple of weeks ago, Ally received a parcel in the mail. Her father had arranged for it to be sent to her if he were ever to pass away.

  Apparently, Jeff had been busy over the years doing research on the ability that Ally and he shared. It turns out, they aren’t the only ones who have it. He has scrapbooks filled with different documents, names, and contact details.

  After reading everything over, we decided to start contacting the people in the book one by one. They were hesitant to speak to us at first, but once we mentioned Ally was Jeff’s daughter, they opened up.

  No one seems to know why they can do what they do. There are not many of them, but working together, they have found a few things out. It helped greatly to know that seeing injured people and not coming to their aid will become easier over time. The longer Ally resists her urge to heal someone, the more she will be able to control her reactions in front of someone who is hurt. Eventually, her hands will only tingle and glow when she wants them to. Ally is thrilled at the fact she won’t have to wear gloves everywhere she goes.

  “So I was thinking,” Ally interrupts my thoughts. She sounds a little nervous and my curiosity peaks. What could this girl possibly ask for that I wouldn’t want to give her? Nothing, that’s what. “Do you want to go apartment hunting? Move in together closer to uni?”

  Do I ever. “Nothing sounds more perfect than waking up to your beautiful face every day angel.”

  Our lives are officially back on track, and I couldn’t be happier.

  Lights flash and people scream out Ally’s name, but for an entirely different reason than a few years ago.

  After about a year at university, Ally got a part time job behind the scenes of a popular television show. She showed so much potential by the end of her work experience that they decided to keep her on full-time. I was so proud of her.

  During shooting one day, she got a huge break when she was discovered by a big name director. He said her look was perfect for the part, and the rest is history.

  Recently, her third film, Dark Days and Bright Nights, wrapped up. You know the typical scenario; boy meets girl under devasta
ting circumstances, but they fall in love and it all works out in the end. Just the kind of movie Ally loves.

  So right now, the media can’t get enough of her. She is a picture perfect goddess in a little black dress that outlines all her gorgeous curves. Her chocolate hair flows around her face as if a fan is following her everywhere she goes. She looks exactly like the movie star she is. I’m in awe of every minute that she chooses to spend with me. How did I ever get so lucky?

  We have just finished a romantic dinner, and the restaurant staff helps to keep the crowd at a distance as we go back to the car. Lucky for us the driver has pulled up not too far from the door.

  Ally waves graciously at the cameras, and I try to plaster on a smile so none of the reporters can guess how nervous I am. I’m pretty sure I’m starting to sweat though. I take a deep breath and wipe my sweaty palms across my jacket, then help Ally into the car before hopping in myself. I check my jacket pocket, for the hundredth time tonight to make sure nothing has fallen out, and then give the driver the address of where I want to go.

  I raise an eyebrow at Theo; I thought we were going home. “You’ll see,” he says. Then he immediately back tracks, “Actually, no you won’t.” He pulls a familiar green scarf out of his pocket and wraps it around my eyes.

  “What are you up to?” My heartbeat picks up in anticipation. I love Theo’s surprises.

  “Be patient,” he chuckles as he pushes a button that causes the window between the driver and us to go up. He lifts my hand up to his lips and applies light pressure as he continues to kiss softly up my arm. A trail of goose bumps forms as he skims along my collarbone and down my other arm.

  “You are not helping me feel very patient,” I try to complain, but it comes out breathless. The blindfold isn’t the only thing I want to rip off right now.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get you all worked up. I’ll be good.” He shuffles over a bit but keeps a hold of my hand.

  “No, don’t stop. Come back over here, you’re too far away,” I gripe.

  I give his hand a tug, and he moves right up against my side and whispers in my ear, “We’re here.” Excitement flutters in my stomach and spreads outward until it reaches my face where a radiant smile breaks free.

  “I’ll be right back, no peeking okay?” My feet start to bounce up and down, and I nod my head, but I must not look convincing with this huge smile that just won’t leave my face. “Okay Ally?”

  “Okay,” I reply hesitantly. I’m wearing the rustic Amethyst necklace that Theo gave me for my eighteenth birthday. I fidget with the gem between my fingers, so I’m not tempted to lift the blindfold as he slides out of the car. Within moments, he is back and opening the door beside me. He carefully manoeuvres my feet and helps me out of the car.

  We stop after only a few meters and I hear the chauffeur drive the car away. The only sound we are left with is crickets in the distance. Cool air tickles my skin, and it feels like we are somewhere remote. The drive here wasn’t very long, so it can’t be that far off the beaten track.

  “Where are we?” I wonder aloud.

  Theo moves up behind me and undoes my blindfold. “Welcome to our new home.” My breath catches in my throat as my eyes adjust to the sight. I’m staring at the dream house we envisioned together years ago.

  After completing his studies, Theo worked his way to the top of a small architectural firm. About a year ago, he opened his own business. He has been extremely successful, designing mansions for the rich and famous all over the country. I can’t believe he has designed a house for us, just as we talked about back in university. He remembered everything, right down to the seven dwarf gnomes in the garden.

  “Theo, it’s amazing.” I fling myself into his arms and hug him tight, then turn around in a circle to take it all in. Lush green lawns go on for at least a kilometre, and a tall white fence surrounds the whole place. The dream was a picket fence, but I like the privacy this one provides. It’s too dark to see the details of the flowers in the various gardens, but I can smell their sweet scent all around me.

  Wide steps lead up to a large porch that wraps around the entire house. Large windows will allow plenty of light in during the day, and the tin roof means we will hear the rain easily when it falls. This is the perfect modern Queenslander home.

  When I look at Theo to tell him how much I love it, I catch him glancing at his watch and shifting from foot to foot. He seems on edge. Maybe he is nervous that I won’t like the house? “Are you okay honey?” I ask.

  He blows out a breath, and as he takes my hand, I notice that his are shaking.

  “Theo?” My voice wavers. What has gotten into him? He is starting to worry me.

  He takes another breath and collects himself somewhat before revealing, “I really want to show you around the whole house, but there is a movie starting inside in five minutes.”

  My jaw drops. “You built me the movie theatre I always wanted?”

  His warm green eyes melt into mine, and he moves in a little closer. “I will always try to make your dreams come true Ally. No matter how big or how small. I will never take you for granted because you make my life worth living. I want to bring the same happiness to you that you bring to me.”

  I don’t know whether to smile or cry tears of happiness. My body is all choked up, and I can’t get a grip on my emotions. Theo wipes a few tears away that have escaped and kisses me lightly on the forehead. “Let’s go inside. I have something to show you.”

  He leads me up the steps, and when we get to the top, he sweeps me up in his arms to carry me through the doorway. “Put me down, silly. You don’t have to carry me over the threshold. That’s a newlywed thing, not a girlfriend/boyfriend thing.” He stumbles at my words but regains his footing and continues on. He doesn’t put me down until we enter a room that is a real life replica of a movie theatre.

  Plush red velvet recliners are in a semi-circle around the room. A thick, dark carpet covers the floor and surround sound speakers sit on the wall.

  The beginning notes of KC and Jojo’s ‘All my life’ starts to play as the curtain at the front of the room parts and a giant screen lights up. Images of the two of us from over the past four years play out like a movie. My legs grow weak, and my heart thumps wildly in my chest.

  Theo moves in behind me and holds me up, and I couldn’t feel more cherished. He brushes my hair away from my ear and serenades me, whispering the sweetest words I have ever heard.

  “Ally, since the moment I first saw you I knew you were special. You stole my heart, and I don’t ever want it back. It’s more content in your hands than anywhere else. You are the reason I live, love and smile every day. Not just because you healed me, but because of who you are. You make me want to be a better man. I couldn’t imagine my life without you.”

  He spins me away from the picture on the screen to face him and sinks down on one knee. Holding out the most exquisite diamond ring I have ever seen he asks, “Ally Chambers, I promise to love you for the rest of time. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, yes, I will marry you. I love you Theo. I can’t wait to be your wife.” Tears freely fall down my face as he slides the ring onto my finger. He kisses it, then makes his way back up my arm, continuing the journey he started in the car.

  “Can you give me that tour of the house now?” I ask. He looks up at me, his eyebrows furrowed in disappointment that I want to walk away from this perfect moment. “How about we start with the bedroom?” I wink at him.

  He sweeps me back up in his arms in an instant, and carries me away to start our new life in our new home.

  Over the years, I have kept my promise to my father, and never once used my ability. The research I am doing is going well, and I hope one day to find a way to help others without bringing harm to myself.

  I never give up hope. What I have been through is proof that miracles happen every day. As Theo and I stroll through the park where we first met, posing for our wedding photos, I ponder these thoughts and a
m thankful for how my life turned out.

  I bend down and pick up a dandelion between my fingers, and then gently blow. I don’t make a wish like most people do. I hope to breathe my healing powers into the spores, and that each one will float away to work a little of my healing magic on someone who needs it.

  Kimi – You’re not just my critique partner; I consider you one of the most incredible friends I have. Without your constant guidance and support, this book would not have made it past page one. It’s an honour to be able to work with someone as talented, genuine and loyal as you every day.

  Katie – You have a heart of gold that touches everyone you meet and I consider myself lucky to call you a friend. Thank you for putting a smile on my face each and every day. You mean the world to me.

  Heather - Thank you for all your support. It was a joy to hear your bright and bubbly voice on the phone every day as you helped me get through this journey and gave me strength not to give up. I couldn’t have done it without you girl.

  Debi and Elle - I will never be able to show you just how much I appreciate the endless late nights and early mornings you spent working with me, but I will try. The complete devotion you showed in helping me finish this book did not go unnoticed. This story would not be what it is without you. Love you girls.

  Steph - Thank you for making me laugh more than I ever thought possible; you have a way with words. I loved reading all your wonderful notes after hours of hard work.

  Lea - Thank you for all your Photoshop help along the way. I really appreciate it.

  Teri - Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement that helped to keep me going.

  Angel – Thank you for all you your help on the Australian side of things, I would be lost without you.

  Allie, Jolene and Nyrae – You inspired me to follow my dreams. Your books bring joy to my life. I aspire to one day be able to write with as much skill as you all do.


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