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Queen in Lingerie

Page 17

by Penelope Sky

“You want me to be lonely forever?”

  “No. You have me.” His hand moved to my stomach. “You have a family.”

  “Are you going to be jealous too when I spend more time with the baby than you?”

  “As long as I’m there too, no.” His hand moved down and played with the strings of my panties. He felt the lace in his fingertips before he pulled it over my hip. He gripped the material with his large hand and then tugged it over my ass and then down my legs. He moved closer to me on the bed, moaning quietly before he even had me. He must have felt the wetness in my panties with his fingertips, the sign that I’d wanted him for the last thirty minutes.

  He moved on top of me and welcomed himself between my legs. His long cock pressed against my wet folds, moving through them slowly. When he held his heavy physique on top of me, his biceps tightened and the other muscles flexed and popped with veins. He tilted his hips and pressed the crown of his cock inside me, meeting the moisture that already started to pool for him. Then he slid inside, inching all the way until every bit was buried inside me.

  My ankles locked together behind his back, and I stared at the greedy look in his eyes. My nipples were hard with arousal, and my pussy tightened at his large intrusion. Sometimes I knew I was going to come before we even started.

  He started to thrust, moving gentle and slow. “Tell me you love me.”

  My tits shook with his movements, and I felt his cock pierce me deep inside before it pulled out again. When I’d confessed my deepest feelings, it ripped us apart. But now he got off on it, got off on my affection. “I love you…”

  “Tell me you’ll always love me.”

  “Always,” I whispered.

  “Tell me I’m the only man you’ll ever have.”

  My hands locked around his neck, and I moved with him. “Only you.”

  I didn’t feel self-conscious in the lingerie because I was used to being photographed in it. My pregnancy was hardly noticeable, so I didn’t think anyone would see that. None of the other girls said anything, but then again, they still hated me so they wouldn’t mention anything even if I were nine months pregnant.

  They seemed to hate me even more than they did before, probably because they thought I was going to be gone for good when I left for those three months. Having me back was a slap in the face all over again.

  We went through the show from beginning to end a few times, doing it with the lights, music, and smoke machines. I’d only done one show before, so I was nervous about doing this one. I could just tell Conway I didn’t want to do it, but since Lacey betrayed him, I had to make her pay for her decision. I needed Conway to be successful because it was so important to him. Having me on that stage would get people talking—and that’s what he needed.

  These heels killed my feet, but whatever. I could pull through.

  At the end of rehearsals, I yanked the shoes off and let my feet flatten again.

  If my feet could cry, there would be tears all over the floor.

  Conway appeared at the stairs to the stage, dressed in a navy blue suit and looking handsome like always. His hands rested in his pockets. “You look perfect up there. I think this show will be the best one yet.”

  “I’m sure it will be.” I massaged the bottom of my feet then gave them a break. The pair of heels were placed beside me. I was dressed in a black corset with a diamond necklace. It killed my waistline, but it was less torturous than standing on my feet.

  “You alright?”

  “Yeah, my feet just need a break.”

  He eyed me before he bent down and scooped me up into his arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You needed a lift.” He grabbed the shoes then carried me up the stairs and to the backstage area. He moved past the girls as they undressed, hiding their usual glares since Conway was there.

  I never complained about the way the girls treated me because I didn’t feel the need to stoop to their level. Conway was already mine. It wasn’t like I felt threatened by them.

  He set me down at my changing station and placed my heels on the counter.

  “One more day of rehearsals and it’ll be over.”

  “No rehearsals tomorrow.”

  “Really? Why not?”

  “Tomorrow is a day of rest. The girls don’t eat, and they cleanse their bodies to look as skinny as possible.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “You expect me to do that?”

  The only reaction he gave was a smile. “No.”

  “Good. Because that wasn’t going to happen. I wonder what we should do with our day off.”

  “I have something in mind.”


  “You want to take a ride to that hilltop and see Verona?” he asked. “Dante can pack us a lunch. The weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow. Not warm like in the summer, but sunny enough.”

  There was nothing I wanted to do more. I knew my days of activity were coming to an end. My belly would get big, and I’d sit around more as I waited for the baby to come. I wanted to enjoy being outdoors as much as possible. “Yes, I’d love that.”

  He smiled. “I thought you would. We’ll have Carbine take us there.”

  I wore the same jeans I wore to the stables because they were thick and warm. They were perfect for working outside, so they were perfect for riding on the back of a horse. I wore a thick, long-sleeved shirt and a sweater for extra warmth. I hadn’t worn my boots in ages, so I pulled those on too.

  I walked downstairs and noticed the smells in the kitchen. Pots and pans were simmering on the stove, and the oven contained something else. It seemed like Dante was preparing an entire feast rather than a picnic. “Wow, what are you making?”

  Dante held up the picnic basket. “I’ve got a lot of great things for you two on your ride for today.”

  I glanced at all the burners and the oven. “Looks like you’re making Christmas dinner.”

  He smiled and then held up a loaf of fresh bread. “Special bread. Takes forever to make, but it’s delicious.” He dodged the question and didn’t seem like he was ever going to answer it. “Did you need something, Sapphire?”

  “I was going to ask if you could pack some wine for Conway. He won’t drink around me, but I’d like him to enjoy something.”

  “Of course, Sapphire. I’ll think of something nice.”

  “Thanks.” I walked back into the hallway and ran into Vanessa. “Hey, how are you feeling today?”

  “Really good.” Her hair was done, and her makeup was heavier than usual. She wore a black dress with a gold bracelet. The only thing missing were heels. She was barefoot. “It’s the first day when I haven’t needed to pop some painkillers. Those pills are so big and difficult to swallow.”

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

  “Me too. I know Conway wants me out of your hair as soon as possible.”

  “Not true.”

  She laughed. “Yes, it is. And that’s okay. He told me off for hogging you last night.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Ignore him. He’s a weirdo.”

  She laughed again. “I’m glad you finally realize it. So, you guys are going on a ride?”

  “Yeah. There’s this nice spot in the hills where we can see a great view of Verona.”

  “That’s nice. You guys have fun.” She started to walk down the hallway. “I won’t keep you.”


  “Yeah?” She turned back around.

  “Are you going somewhere? You look so nice.”

  “Oh.” She looked down at herself then smoothed out her dress. “I’ve been in my sweats for so long that I just wanted to look nice for a change. I’m feeling really good, you know?”

  “Well, it definitely shows.” I went upstairs to meet Conway, and then together, we walked down to the stables with the picnic basket Dante packed for us. The air was cold but not unbearable. When the sun was right on us, it became the perfect temperature.

  “When I went into the kitchen,
it looked like Dante was making a feast. I hope all that work wasn’t for this lunch.”

  Conway saddled Carbine and placed all our stuff in the pack. In tight jeans, boots, and a long-sleeved black shirt, he looked like a perfect fit out in the stables. He wore a suit better than anyone else, but he could dress down and look just as sexy casual. “He’s probably preparing dinner.”

  “But it’s just the three of us.”

  He shrugged. “Dante takes his chef responsibilities very seriously. Sometimes he makes a simple dinner, and at other times, he likes to make a gourmet feast. Maybe it’s because Vanessa is feeling better. Wants to celebrate.”

  “That’s true.”

  We took Carbine to the trail and then we both mounted the horse. I sat behind Conway, my arms wrapped around his waist. It didn’t rain yesterday, so the soil was fairly dry. We took our time down the trail, slowly moving up into the small hills so we could find the perfect spot.

  I rested my cheek against his neck and kept my arms secured around his hard waist. I felt his back rise and fall every time he breathed. His cologne was potent, and once it was mixed with sweat, it reminded me of sex. “It’s so beautiful up here.”

  “You never get tired of it.”

  We rode for an hour before we reached the hilltop. Right underneath the oak was a spot of soft grass. We let Carbine graze while Conway unpacked the blanket and the picnic lunch.

  It was a clear day after several days of storms, and the view of the city was crisp. The rooftops shone under the light just the way they did in summer. We were too far away to see the details, like people walking to the shops. But we could see the cars reflect the light of the sun as they moved around. “Beautiful.”

  Conway set up the picnic on the blanket, and together, we enjoyed the sandwiches and salads Dante prepared for us. Conway pulled out a bottle of apple cider and poured two glasses.

  “I asked Dante to pack you some wine.”

  “I know,” he said with a smile. “And I told him to take it back.”

  “Con, you can drink around me.”

  “No. I really don’t mind.” He drank his juice without complaint. “There’s plenty of times when I sneak off and have a date with my scotch, so don’t feel too bad for me.”

  “So there is another woman in your life?”

  He smiled. “I guess so.”

  I finished my sandwich then moved on to my salad. I ate more than I should, especially as there was going to be a show tomorrow, but since I was pregnant, I didn’t care. Any extra weight I put on could be attributed to the baby.

  Or, at least, that was how I could spin it.

  We finished lunch, and Conway packed everything up and placed the basket off to the side. Then we sat close together, his arm around my shoulder. Together, we stared at the city, my head resting on his shoulder.

  “Nine months ago, my life was so different.” He stared at the scene in front of us, reliving a distant memory. “Selfish and living a life of solitude, my existence was really simple. All I cared about was success and money. But I can honestly say I was happy. I’d become the man I always wanted to be. I didn’t need to rely on my parents to start my own business. I did everything on my own—and my family was proud.”

  I didn’t understand where this was going, but I didn’t interrupt him because I wanted to find out. Conway was a man of few words. He conveyed his thoughts with his expressions most of the time. Right now, his gaze was unreadable.

  “But then I set my sights on you…and everything changed. Even when I saw you standing on that stage, my life shifted. You became my focal point, my muse. And after that, everything went into free fall. My simple and predictable life was no longer what it used to be. I made exceptions and changes to accommodate you. I fought my attraction to you, worked so hard to hold on to my old life. And then I paid a fortune for you, and I knew in my heart I wouldn’t have done that for anyone else. I could even say that was the moment I knew…the moment I knew there was no going back.”

  My hand moved to his thigh, and I gripped the muscle through his jeans.

  “I don’t know when I fell in love with you. I just know it happened a long time ago, and I kept lying to myself to avoid the truth. I know I loved you when we were in Greece. I know I loved you when I watched you work in the stables from my window. I know I loved you when you asked me to make love to you and I listened.”

  “Conway…” I closed my eyes, touched by his sweetness.

  “And I know I’m going to love you for the rest of my life.” He moved his hand into his left pocket and pulled out a small box.

  Oh my god.

  Anytime a man pulled out a small box, it only meant one thing.

  This was really happening.


  He opened the box and revealed a diamond ring. It was enormous, the biggest rock I’d ever seen in person. At least two karats of a single flawless diamond, along with smaller diamonds along the band. Made of white gold and sparkly, it was gorgeous. It was so gorgeous I wasn’t even sure what to do. “Muse, I would ask you to marry me, but I’m not going to give you the opportunity to say no. So I’m telling you to marry me.” He grabbed my left hand and slipped the ring onto my finger. “You will be Mrs. Barsetti. You will be my wife. And you will be mine.”

  I felt the weight instantly. I’d never worn jewelry, and now I was carrying something heavy and meaningful. I pulled the ring closer to me, examining the way it felt on my finger. Beautiful and perfect, it was something I didn’t even know I wanted. I didn’t care for flashy or expensive things, but Conway wanted the world to know I was his wife by the way he decorated me. “I don’t know what to say…” I didn’t realize I was crying until a large tear splashed onto my hand.

  “Don’t say anything.” He clasped his hand in mine. “Just be mine. The way you’ve always been mine.”

  We returned to the house and handed Carbine over to Marco.

  All I could think about was the ring on my finger. It was a piece of jewelry, but it symbolized so much. Listening to Conway demand I marry him rather than ask was even better. Why ask when he knew what my answer would be.

  He hooked his arm around my waist and walked with me back to the house, his face close to mine. “I thought we would have a romantic dinner.”

  “Dinner?” I asked. “I don’t want dinner.” I stopped walking and circled my arms around his neck. “I want to go to bed with you. I want to make love with your ring sitting on my finger. Dante can leave dinner outside the door. Maybe we’ll get to it…but I suspect we won’t.”

  He stopped walking and pivoted his body toward mine. He circled his arms around my waist, gave me a soft smile, and then pressed his forehead to mine. “As tempting as that sounds, we have other plans.”

  “We do?”

  “Yeah.” He kissed my hairline and pulled me inside the house. When we walked into the dining room, his entire family was there. The table was decorated with beautiful vases of flowers, and there was a sign pinned to the wall that read, “Congratulations.” They all threw their hands in the air and shouted with excitement. Conway’s parents were there, grinning with touched expressions in their eyes. Vanessa held up a half-drunk bottle of wine and yelled at the top of her lungs. Carter and Carmen clapped, and his aunt and uncle looked just as happy.

  “What a surprise…” I clutched my chest, seeing all these amazing people gathered around for us. “Your family is so wonderful.”

  Conway looked down at me, his eyes narrowing in fondness. He pressed his forehead to mine and whispered so only I could hear. “Now they’re your family too.”

  The Barsettis knew how to drink wine and celebrate. The fun didn’t die down until after midnight, so Conway and I didn’t get into bed until one in the morning. Now that this ring was on my finger, I had no intention of taking it off. I dropped my clothes on the ground and got into bed.

  Conway did the same, stripping down until he was just in his skin. He got into bed beside me, and desp
ite how late it was, he was hard like sex was still on his mind. He dragged me to the center of the bed before he spread my thighs with his knees. “The ring looks good on you.”

  “It feels good too.”

  “I was thinking we could get married soon. Something small on the terrace.”

  I hadn’t been engaged for a day, so I hadn’t thought about the wedding. But it didn’t make sense to wait, not when I had so few people in my life. It would just be his family and a few friends. “The sooner, the better. I don’t want to look like a cow in my wedding dress.”

  He glared at me.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “That’s not why I want to get married soon. I just want to be married.”

  My hands ran up his chest, and I locked my ankles together around his back. “Me too.”

  “I want you to wear your ring tomorrow. I’m going to announce our engagement and the baby.”

  After the festivities of the day, the show hadn’t even crossed my mind. “Is that why you asked me today?”

  The corner of his mouth rose in a smile. “Yes. I want to tell the world you’re mine. What would be a better time to do that?”

  “Sounds possessive to me.”

  “So what if it is?” he challenged. His eyes darkened in a sexy way, brooding and powerful.

  Conway had always been possessive of me, but now it was at a more intense level. I loved this man with all my heart, and it felt wonderful knowing he felt the same way. He wasn’t afraid to tell me how much he loved me, to wear his heart on his sleeve. He was the only man I’d ever been with, and I was the only woman he’d ever loved. “That’s fine with me.”



  After the show ended, Conway and Sapphire spent most of their time in their bedroom.

  Getting nasty.

  I felt like I was encroaching on this special time, so I decided to pack my bags and return to my apartment in Milan. It had been nice recovering in my brother’s beautiful home, and Dante did an excellent job taking care of me, but I was feeling a lot better.


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