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Page 9

by Marina Blue

  “Got it,” Liam said.

  “No problem,” added Jamie.

  “Alright. Thanks,” I said. “For everything. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I saw everyone out of my home, then retuned to the study, and reflected on everything that had happened.

  It was an interesting week. Professionally, it had been a rollercoaster. I’d been offered my dream job, then had it snatched away from me by Sue, then gotten it back thanks to Jamie, only to have Randy try and destroy it.

  Also, on the personal front, it had been wild. I’d broken so many taboos I sort of lost count.

  But I’d never been happier, really. Never been more satisfied sexually. Plus, they turned out to be sweet guys who, together, almost filled out my trifecta of needs for the perfect man.

  And as I sat there, I wished I had kept one or more of them around for the night. I was tense. And frustrated. And-

  Just then my doorbell rang.

  I got up, took the long walk to the front door, and opened it.

  Outside was Liam. His sandy blond hair and green eyes were soft. And he was smiling. “Hey, I forgot my phone.”

  I smiled. Perfect.

  Chapter 11

  “Come on in,” I said.

  Liam stepped inside. We walked to the den, and he grabbed his phone.

  I said, “So, do you think the plan will work?”

  “I think it’s got a good chance. Jamie’s great on the computer, Hiromi’s got nerve, and all I have to do is send a few texts. It’s you who’s really going to have the hardest part.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “I can handle myself. Besides, if I need to keep Randy around longer I’ll just blow him.” I laughed.

  “Really?” Liam said.

  “Hell no! Randy’s a pig.”

  “Well, that’s still a good fallback position. But while the promise of your body is one thing, if you really want him to hang around, I’d play him something on the violin.”

  “What?” I said. “How do you know I play?”

  Liam smiled. “I saw you on stage at the Watershed Concert.”

  And for a moment, my heart stopped. “You went to that?”

  “I worked it. I was an usher in the off season, so I got to listen to all kinds of concerts for free.”

  I looked at his chest. It was broad, and ripped. His arms, too, were thick as tree trunks. And his thighs were as mighty as any athlete’s. “I’m sorry, I never took you for the classical music type.”

  “Oh, I love it! Opera, too. Not ballet. I never could understand that.”

  “Me neither,” I said.

  “But the music there? It was great. How many football players can boast they spent four years listening to the best orchestras in the world?”

  “Not many.”

  “Probably not. And I never told anybody I did it. Not the cheerleaders I slept with, or the guys I played with.” He took a deep breath. “But I have to say, as violinists go, you were the best I’d ever heard.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I was really amazed you didn’t turn it into a profession.”

  “My father was more into me taking over the business.”

  “I get that. Do you still play?”

  “Not really.”

  “That’s a shame. Even through you were in college at the time, you really outclassed the other performances that year.”

  I laughed. And blushed. “I can’t believe it. I always thought they gave me the slot that night because my father bribed them.”

  “Maybe. I couldn’t say. But if he did, it didn’t mean you didn’t deserve the spot. You were great.”

  I sighed. Liam was a surprise. I didn’t expect him to have any depth. “Thanks.”

  “So you really don’t play anymore? Not even for fun?”

  “I still have my instrument, but I haven’t used it in years.”

  “Would you mind playing a little bit? I’d love to hear some Mozart live. It’s been forever.” His eyes were filled with wonder, and wore an expression of nearly boy-like enchantment.

  It was that innocence. It made me feel like a girl again. Though I could tell, he may’ve wanted to listen to some music, but there was also lust in his eyes. But I said, “Ok. Come upstairs.” After all, I needed something to help calm me down, too…

  I led him up the sweeping staircase, down the hall, to my room. We walked in and Liam said, “Wow.”

  I looked around, and realized it was probably impressive to someone who didn’t see it daily. My bedroom was massive, and full of very expensive furniture, a lush, cream carpet, and the walls were an eggshell hue that bespoke of taste. On the far wall was a huge bed.

  “Yeah, it’s alright. I really should move out. I just like living in a-”


  “Yeah. A mansion. It’s great.” I walked over to the bed, knelt down, and pulled my old violin case out from under it.

  Liam jumped onto the bed. “This is so amazing.”

  I opened the case, pulled out the violin, and tucked it under my chin. “Prepare for disappointment.”

  He smiled. “Not a chance.”

  I drew the bow across the strings and the first notes flowed forth. And I had to admit, it sounded pretty good. So it was with some confidence that I continued, playing with passion and letting my hands and fingers bring forth the sound. In fact, the longer I played, the more I lost myself in the music, until I finally finished.

  But Liam didn’t clap. Instead, he was staring at me.

  “No good?” I said.

  “It was amazing. You’ve got a gift.”

  “No I don’t.”

  Liam stood up, strode over to me like a panther stalking prey, and said, “I think you’re amazing. And I can’t believe I’m finally standing in your room. If I told my eighteen-year-old self that this day was going to come, he never would’ve believed me.”

  “Stop it.”

  “No.” He leaned down. “You can stop me anytime you want, but only after I kiss you once. For real.”

  Liam’s mouth moved towards mine. His lips were open. His green eyes locked on to me.

  Then we kissed.

  His lips were firm. And I could smell the clean soap and water scent on him. I dropped the violin and bow, and closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me. We stayed tangled for a long time. Our bodies pressed against one another’s. When we finally stopped, he held me tight. I rested my head on his wide chest.

  And I felt a stirring in his pants.

  I pushed him away. “Listen, I-”

  “I’m sorry,” Liam said. “That was an involuntary reaction.”

  “What? No, it’s fine. I just wanted to tell you, I’ve sort of hooked up with Mark again. And Jamie.”

  Liam’s face was blank. “What?”

  “Jamie and Mark. We’ve fooled around.”

  “Oh. Ok. So you don’t like me?”

  “What? No. Strangely, I like all three of you for totally different reasons.”

  “Huh.” Liam had a queer smile on his face. “So why do you like me?”

  “Because you’re sweet.”

  “No girl’s ever called me that before.”

  “Well, I’m a woman. But the thing is, I don’t want you to-”

  “You think I’ll think you’re easy?”

  “Maybe,” I said. “Kind of.”

  “I don’t. I think you’re amazing. And frankly, why shouldn’t you get to do whatever you want with your body? Guys have been doing that for centuries without anyone questioning their virtue.”

  He made a good point.

  “Besides,” Liam said. “I was dating two girls last week, so I don’t have much room to talk.”

  “Really? What happened?”

  He blushed. “That night in the office. After I had you wrapped around me, I knew I didn’t want anybody else. I actually bought you a bouquet of roses the next day.”

  “So why didn’t you deliver them?”
  Liam stared down. “It was a weird way to try and start a relationship, don’t you think? I mean, the guy you had a threesome with swings by your office… Hey, surprise, I work for you, here are some flowers, want to have dinner?”

  He made another good point.

  Liam smiled. “But I’m here now. And I don’t care who you do what with, as long as I can have you sometimes.” He pulled me in close, and I let him. Taking me in his powerful arms, I swooned a bit. Then pushed him back to the bed.

  We tumbled on to the sheets, like teenagers, and it didn’t take long before we were completely naked, with him on top of me.

  I gazed down at his torso, and it was as perfect as I remembered. Liam’s chest was broad and smooth, without any hair, and both nipples had those beautiful, silver hoops through them. His waist was thin, and tight, and the V that ran down from under his abs pointed to a perfect cock. No veins, trimmed hair, and a beautiful head.

  I reached down and wrapped my hands around him. He was already so hard. And as I worked his dick, he leaned over me, and kissed my neck. Ticklish pinpricks ran up my body. I twisted away, but Liam kept his face nuzzled in my neck.

  “Stop, it tickles,” I said.

  Liam quit it. “Ok. Then what should I do?”

  “Oh God, fuck me.”

  My sandy blond Viking didn’t waste any time. With a quick lick of his fingers, he had some saliva on the tip of his cock, and the tip of his cock inside me.

  “Ooooh,” I moaned. “That’s nice.”

  Liam slid his hands up my body, and grabbed my breasts. He cupped them gently, and slowly kneaded them. “You feel great.” He edged forward, moving another inch into my tight, wet pussy.

  I tilted my hips up, to give him the perfect angle.

  And Liam took it. He dropped his hips down like he was drilling for oil, plunging his cock into me.

  “God yes!” I yelled. “That’s it!”

  Liam slid out and in as he pawed my tits. Both of them were fully engulfed in his large hands. His palms were so rough, so dominant. But he was gentle as he played with me.

  And he slid out. And in. He moved hard, but was careful not to crush my pussy with his weight. It was only his cock making contact. Grinding. Thrusting. Penetrating… And his body held me down in the most delicious way. I could feel so much heat coming off that naked, smooth skin. I wrapped my arms around him. Then my legs. And I pulled, pulled, pulled.

  Liam’s body responded, and he kept tight to me, making sure not an inch of my flesh went untouched. He was like a second skin. Smooth. Hard. Hot. And his hips bucked up and down, as he pressed deeper and deeper into me.

  “You feel so amazing,” he whispered.

  All I could say was, “Don’t stop.”

  “Never,” he said.

  And he didn’t. He kept thrusting with stamina few men possess. Out and in he went, up and down. I looked over his shoulder. His back was muscular. And his ass, perfect. It flexed as he lifted up, and dropped it lower. Over and over again he crashed into me. All I had to do was lie there, rotate my hips, and drink in his soap and water smell while I kissed his soft lips.

  It was ecstasy. Every sense I had was being fed. Then Liam straightened up. He pulled me with him. Sliding his legs beneath me, I was now straddling him as he sat upright. I kept my arms wrapped around his neck tight to keep my balance.

  Liam grabbed my ass, and lifted me up. His cock slid out of me. All the way to the tip. Then he lowered me, and I fell down as his thickness invaded me.

  As he lifted me again, I looked past his round chest, and tight abs, I could see his thick cock inside of me. I stared at it, transfixed. So much of him would slide out, and as it did, my soft lips would cling to his rigid shaft. Then, he’d lower me, and his big cock would plunge back in, disappearing into my body.

  It was beautiful. Hot. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

  And as I continued to stare, I’d swivel my hips around and around, working his cock deeper inside of me.

  I started to pant. Small beads of sweat formed on my brow. I gazed at Liam.

  His crystal green eyes were staring back at me.

  And a familiar heat grew between my legs. But this time it was different. When I came with Mark and Liam, it was from being taken. Owned. Dominated.

  But this orgasm was from a deeper bonding. That next level where strong emotions live. It came bubbling up, like a geyser. No, more like crack in the earth’s mantle where magma burst forth. And with it came an indescribable warmth.

  Liam’s cock was inside of me, pointing straight up, hard and smooth and thick, and from it I could feel massive waves of soft heat rising. Rising. Rising…

  And the two arms that held me squeezed tight. “I’m cumming!” he screamed.

  I held onto Liam as tight as he held me. And looked into his eyes. They were wide open. He was so full of lust and passion. I held him tighter. And couldn’t tell where his skin began and mine ended.

  I tried to say, “Me too,” but all I could do was shriek as my climax reached crescendo, detonating inside of me. Shock waves ran through my body. I shook. I twisted. But I could barely move because of the iron grip he had me in.

  And as I quivered, Liam came as well. Hot and warm, he flowed into me. His wetness rivaled my own, and I ground against the cock it came from with everything I had, trying to get as much of the man in my arm inside of me as I could.

  After a few moments, we relaxed. Our heartbeats slowed. And we tumbled onto my bed.

  Liam kissed me. “That was incredible.”

  “You’re incredible,” I said. “And surprising.”

  He laughed. “You’re the surprising one. God I love-” He froze. And looked at me. “Never mind.”

  I touched his face. “I don’t mind. Now let’s get some sleep.”

  “Should I go?” he said.

  I reached over and clicked off the lights. Then I snuggled up next to him. “No. You’re not going anywhere.”


  Liam and I woke up early. He headed home to change, while I slipped on a black suit, and hopped into my Lexus. I stared at myself in the rearview mirror. The plan was to get to work by eight, set up a meeting by flirting with Randy, get him into my office, and keep him there for as long as I could. While that happened, Jamie would get me the information I needed to save my ass. And of course, Liam and Hiromi would back me up in case things went wrong. I took a deep breath. It was a good plan.

  Another good plan…

  Twenty minutes later I was pulling up to our office building, but when I stopped outside of the parking garage, the yellow, wooden arm stayed down. I honked my horn.

  The security guard came out of his booth. “Oh. Uh. Hello, Ms. Breitling.”

  “My parking pass isn’t working. Is there a problem?”

  He looked embarrassed. “I’m sorry, but your parking privileges have been revoked.”

  “By whom?”

  “By Mr. Timely himself.”

  Randy. My heart sunk in my chest. Did he know about our plan? If so, how? And what would-

  Just then my phone buzzed. I grabbed it. On the screen was a message from a number I’d never seen. Come to the coffee shop around the corner.

  “Ms. Breitling. I’m so sorry, but you can’t park here,” the attendant said.

  “Right.” I put it in reverse, found a spot on the street, and called the mystery number. “Hello?’

  “Hi, Talia. It’s Jamie.”

  “What’s going on?” I barked.

  “Bad news. Come to the coffee shop, quick,” he said. “We’ll tell you everything.”

  I rushed to the small cafe, and when I walked in I saw Mark, Jamie, and Liam all sitting in the corner with dour expressions. I marched over and said, “What’s up?”

  Jamie said, “It’s Randy. He fired us all.”

  Chapter 12

  “Why?” I said.

  “He figured out who the two guys in your video were,” Jamie said.

  I thought
back to the video. “But your heads were cut off from the screen.”

  Liam said, “We know. But still... Somehow he guessed.”

  Jamie added, “Yeah. So he called us in first thing, and fired us. He seized our tech, and our passes, then escorted us out. I had to go buy this burner phone, to let you know.”

  Suddenly the room started to spin. I had to sit down. “No.”

  Liam said, “I’m afraid so. He even barred you from the building. He’s got you dead to rights.”

  “I’m so, so sorry,” Jamie said.

  “Me too,” Mark said. “If only I had waited for your call.”

  “No point in crying,” I said. “Now keep your traps shut and think. There’s got to be a way around this.”

  The three men looked at me. But they kept quiet. I could tell they were out of ideas.

  But I wasn’t going down without a fight.

  I ran through the information they’d given me. Jamie was fired. So was Liam. It was a disaster, but… Suddenly, an idea came to me. “There’s still a way.”

  “How?” Liam said.

  “Hiromi. I can use her to gain entry to the building, and then make my way to Jamie’s office. There I’ll use the master key to copy the files on Randy’s computer, and offer it as trade. He keeps my secret and I keep his.”

  “That’s easier said than done,” Jamie said. “My office is being guarded by the security team. I saw them post a giant guy there, before they kicked me out.”

  “Also, there’s no guaranteeing the master key was delivered,” Liam said.

  “Plus,” Mark added, “how’re you going to get in? There’re men covering the front and back.”

  “I know how to deal with men in the front and back.” I pulled out my phone and texted Hiromi. I need help. Are you in the office?

  The message came back instantly. Yes. I heard about the team. What do you need?

  “Face it, Talia,” Jamie said. “Randy’s got you.”

  “No he doesn’t.” I smiled and stood up. “Leave it all to me. I’m taking control.”


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