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Mortok Page 2

by C. R Corbin

  "Alright everyone be quiet or you shall be tossed into prison! The prince is making his selection!" the mayor screamed into a microphone and we all stood at attention. The result of disobedience in this scenario could get you killed no matter how good the prince was said to be. Morelen's treated this process with the utmost sincerity and seriousness.

  I look to my right and see Cindy standing there with a wide grin on her face. I didn't even bother to smile since my chances were already slim as is. I see the rest of my sisters striking similar poses to Cindy and I have to resist the urge to follow. Peer pressure, peer pressure, why did things have to be so complex? It was embarrassing standing amongst all of these beautiful women when I was so-

  "Hmm." I heard a deep rumble as a man began to make his way through the rows and rows, I could see a set of ebony horns point upwards and a pair of golden eyes shine through the crowds of women. He was so much taller so it wasn't that hard to spot him, 7 feet tall, much taller than my humble 5 '3.

  The women have to resist the urge to squeal or shake as he made his way through the rows and rows of girls. He is allowed to do whatever he wishes but only ogles, perhaps he had some sense of class after all, no matter how dehumanizing this entire process was. We were in the middle so it would take some time before he reached us, I just cursed this damn dress and it's tightness. At least the day wasn't that bad, neither too hot nor too cold so that was a plus. Maybe if I was lucky Cindy would get picked and all her wishes would come true.

  It takes a while but he eventually reaches our row and I finally get a good look at him. No matter how many times I have seen him on TV or on papers I never quite saw him like this. He was obviously incredibly well built judging by his figure and posture, one could only imagine the kinds of muscles that lurked under that purple robe that he was currently wearing. His golden eyes glowed as he surveyed the row but he stops as soon as his eyes land on me. He bites his lip and I can only feel my heart flutter at the action. His jawline was so defined, his ebony horns shone, his deep blue skin contrasted greatly with the red shades of this world. His hands were kept behind him and his luxurious dress shoes squeak as they dash along the ground. His robe didn't flow behind him like a cape but was kept bound to his body rather tightly. Perhaps he was feeling just as stuffy as I was in this damn dress.

  He slowly makes his way forward, staring at each of the women before he arrives at Cindy. He didn't even give most of the girls a second glance and I hold my breath as he passes my sister. I look into his eyes and hope to find some measure of excitement or wonderment but all I see is the same look that he has granted all the other girls. Simple, cold assessment, nothing more, I could almost see her face fall as he merely passed her before he got to me.

  And this shocked me the most.

  He actually stopped.

  I looked at him with my soft brown eyes and I could see something in those golden orbs that made me quiver for but a second. He looked absolutely shocked, absolutely taken, there was a great weakness that reveals itself at that moment and he bites his lip. His deep blue skin was akin to the waters of the ocean, his golden eyes held a heat that could only be found in the cores of stars, those ebony horns of his shone and were obviously well cared for. Only now did I realize how small I am in comparison to him. I only stood up to the bottom of his chest. He could do anything he wanted to me and I wouldn't be able to stop him, oh my knees were getting a bit weak just thinking about it.

  I didn't really want him to pick me, did I?

  The things that he was doing to me physically should have been a crime. I was cowering for him as all the women were but mentally I wasn't onboard with the idea. I was perfectly content to be let go right now thank you very much. I was content to go back home and live the rest of my life in mediocrity but ...something about him just changed me physically.

  And to my mind's luck, he simply walks on by, passing down the line without giving anyone else a second glance.

  I wasn't chosen. I wasn't chosen!

  A wave of relief washed over my mindscape but I couldn't deny that a part of me was a bit disappointed. I couldn't believe myself at first but I slowly convinced myself that it was only due to his charms and his physical appearance that I was acting in such a way. I really didn't want to go with him did I? That was such a silly thought, I didn't want him.

  The process takes about another half hour and by the end of it, it's safe to say that I was rather bored. I knew that I wasn't going to get picked so I might as well shuffle on home. I looked to Cindy who seemingly regained her composure and reeled in her disappointment. There was such mysticism about how the entire selection process went that no one really knew how he selected his mates. I think Cindy was relieved in that she thought she still had a chance. Lauren and my younger sisters were as well, all of the women were.

  Was I the only one that just wanted this painful process to end? I could feel the jabbing stares of the women around me, telling me that I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't as pretty or as charming as them. Being here only reminded me of my own insecurities.

  "We have a decision!" called out the mayor.

  Everyone's ears perked up.

  "The prince has made his selection! Will number 0201444 step up please?" called out the mayor and everyone glanced at their cards that hung from their belts to see if they were chosen. Apparently, the prince had checked the card of the woman that he had chosen, I thought he would have simply remembered her face and-

  "Holy shit...." I said as I gazed at my card. Written on it was the number 0201444 in both human and Morelen numerals.....

  "Oh my god." said Cindy as she stared at me and I stared back.

  There had to be a mistake.

  "0201444!" Called the mayor again and I shook myself out of this little state of shock that I was in and made my way through the crowd.

  I nearly tripped on my way over to the podium at the front of the crowd. I could see the prince standing there, watching me with hungry eyes as I made my way onto the stage and practically fell onto my knees in front of him and the mayor. I looked up and sure enough, there was a hand in front of me, Mortok's.

  "Thank you." I whispered and accepted his help up before I began to stammer.

  "T-there must be a mistake. I couldn't have been the one chosen." I stumble over my words as I looked at the prince and the mayor. They both looked at one another and the mayor simply said:

  "Is this the woman that you have chosen my prince?" he asked.

  "Yes." the prince said in a deep rumbling voice, apparently he knew English.

  "Well then there was no mistake then was there my dear?" the mayor asked, looking me up and down and almost looking a bit...disappointed. I could only sour as I felt my self-esteem take yet another dive.

  "Are you doubting my choice?" the prince rumbled as his golden eyes flashed red for but a moment while glancing at the mayor who shook his head vigorously.

  "No, no, no..." the mayor states and hangs his head. I look to the prince and bite my lip.

  I really was dreaming, wasn't I? I wasn't so sure if I should be happy or heartbroken. On one hand I would live the rest of my life in luxury and I wouldn't have to worry about a thing but on the other hand...I've lost my ability to choose, to be free. That stung quite a bit and I can only frown with a degree of bitterness as I glanced at the prince. He almost looked puzzled by my expression, disturbed even.

  "Well that concludes the selection process. Madam if you will come with us I'm sure the prince will be glad to take you back to his planet." said the mayor and I looked back into the crowd, suddenly feeling sad for my sisters.

  "Can I say goodbye first?" I asked.

  "We will return later. For now, you should be excited to come with me." said the prince in a gruff voice and I only scowled. He wasn't nearly as nice as they said he was. Was he expecting me to leap into his arms the first chance I got?

  "I want to say goodbye.." I growled out and the prince on
ly deepened his frown before sighing.

  "Very well." he stated and waved his hand.

  "Thank you." I said through gritted teeth as I made my way into the crowd. My four sisters were there in front of me, all of them with stars in their eyes.

  "I can scarcely believe it..." Beth said, I took a bit of solace in the fact that she had to eat her words. Cindy looked absolutely gutted, however.

  "Well... I'm happy for you. Be sure to come back the first chance you get alright? We want to see you...." said Cindy through sobs and I only nodded.

  And then my mother approached.

  "I'm so proud." she stated as she hooked her arms around the back of my neck and pulled me in for a hug. I can only sigh and let the tears run down my cheek.

  I didn't think about what it would have been like to be picked and only now was it hitting me. The loss of a life that I have known for all eternity in order to be thrust into a life that I didn't want, a life that I didn't even choose.

  It was awful in some respects.

  I split from my mother and only sigh as I looked towards the rest of my sisters and nodded. I stumble back up the podium and looked Mortok in the eye. He seemed puzzled and a bit ...frightened. He glances me over and clenches his hands.

  "Why are you crying?" he asked sternly although I could detect a hint of fear in his voice. Was he concerned?

  "I think you can tell why..." I muttered and hung my head.

  He reaches out to take my hand but I gently pull it away. He frowns and frustration runs its way through his face before he beckons for me to follow him. We stand there and I am barely able to hold in my tears as he walked me over to the spot where the photos were taken. I was a mess and he did his best to keep up appearances as he gazed at the camera and stared coldly while the images were taken. Soon after he leads me down the podium and a variety of servants immediately swarm me. I looked back into the crowd and wished that I was back there now, I wished that someone was here in my place but I couldn't change the future one bit.

  "Grozi pak pak urie." said one of the servants as they slipped something into my ear. I shut my eyes and grimaced as something was squeezed into my eardrum before was taken out.

  "There. Can you hear us now?" I heard one of the servants say.

  "What? How-"

  "A translator. You are required to be fitted with one. It's one of the highest qualities one's on the market so you still understand how I sound. My voice isn't replaced with a robot or anything like that." the man said to me and I glanced at him with a shocked expression.

  "I....I..." I began, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes. I was currently in sensory overload. Even the prince looked a bit amused at my shock.

  "It's not that common so I understand why you're so shocked. Don't worry it doesn't have any health effects or anything like that. Now. if you will follow this nice lady to the medical office to get your vaccinations that would be lovely." said the assistant, one with greyish skin and small black horns, he had quite the nervous air about him and his black eyes were darting back and forth in a constant state of frenetic worry.

  "Oh um...okay...I thought I would be able to go home first and maybe pack my things?" I asked in a hopeful tone. It was a long shot but I m-

  "Sorry but that won't be possible. Now please follow the doctor onboard." stated the man as he pointed towards this slender woman with a lovely face and teal skin. She glances me over with her red eyes and bowed slightly so I got a good view of those shining white horns.

  "Follow me dear." she stated.

  I am led into a large building and ushered into a small hovercraft. I lost track of the prince as he had to stick around for a bit to attend to...whatever he had to attend to. I didn't even know anything about the man that I was being sent off to marry, how fortunate. After we reached the destination where the ship was docked on the outskirts of town I was ushered out. The ship was absolutely massive, it was about a quarter mile long and was about as wide as 50 feet. It towered above me at about the same height as a four-story building and looked to be a collage of black metals more than an actual spacecraft. There were metal plates on top of plates and massive thrusters sat at the back that glowed a shade of warm orange. I was led up this small ramp and through a series of hallways and large chambers until we reached the central area of the ship.

  "This is the prince's area. Here is where you will be spending most of your time. Now come into the med bay and sit down for a moment so that I can examine you. I promise it won't be painful." the woman said and I only nodded before sitting down on this "bed" which had ends that curved upwards. It looked like a U that was made out of foam and fancy materials more than a medical bed. I sit up straight and wait for her to approach me with her tools.

  "Hold still. She muttered and held up this gun like tool, I froze in fear as a series of lasers shot out and darted over my body.

  "Okay, well that's good. No germs or pathogens. All that's left now is the shots." she said

  Oh great!

  "All 100 of them." she stated and I frowned.

  Oh...not so great.



  Did I do something wrong? Was I not handsome enough? Did I come off a certain way? Did I pick the wrong woman? No that couldn't be right, every fiber of my being was telling me to pick her and I knew for a fact that I wasn't wrong.

  I stared at myself in the mirror of my ship, sighing and shaking my head as I looked around my living quarters. I'd been granted everything, three moons, a planet, all of it was given to me and now I had messed up somehow. This woman...she didn't even show the slightest bit of interest in me. What had I done wrong?

  "Maybe it was my horns." I muttered and stroked them, perhaps I didn't shine-

  "My lord. She's just washing up and will be here in a second for dinner." my servant said and I nodded with a nervous grin

  "Thank you Otono." I stated and he stepped back outside in the hallway, leaving me to ponder as I plopped myself down on the chair. I laid my head down on the soft fabric and sighed as I thought of all the possible mistakes that I have made. The couch curved backward slightly so I could rest my head on it, I plop my feet up on the rock in front of me, digging my claws into the granite and letting the dust fall downwards onto the vent below. I hoped that she wouldn't be disturbed by such a thing, I knew humans usually put tables in front of their chairs but Morelens prefer boulders or materials that we could sink our claws into.

  Gradually my thoughts shifted to her and just how...beautiful she was. She was practically glimmering when I saw here, that warm brown eyes and that soft brown hair that brushed her cheek was enthralling. Oh, I was growing excited just thinking about those curves, her ample bosom pressed up in that black dress of her's. When I was walking through the row behind her I even caught a glimpse of her backside, I knew that this was unbecoming of a prince but I couldn't help it. I just wanted to pin her down and run my hands along all of those curves before making her mine forever.

  Control man! You need control!

  Every thought that went through my mind was involving her and I in less than proper positions. I wanted to strip every piece of cloth off of her body and have her for myself, to initiate the mating already but I had to wait, there must be subtlety and patience. After all, she didn't even accept me so such an action wouldn't even be indicative of a proper mating bond. I grimaced and stared at my hands as I waited for her. Perhaps I should turn on some human entertainment to-

  "Here she is my lord." said Otono as I looked to the doorway. She stood in front of me in a simple shirt and some shorts, standard human attire, even so, she was incredibly beautiful with the way the orange light of the hallway fluttered through her hair and the back of her body. She looked to be tired, sad, even a bit bitter. I maintain my stoicism and stand at attention in front of her.

  "I believe we haven't ever been properly introduced during all of this. I am ...I am prince Mortok." I said,
bowing in front of her, my heart brimming with confidence.

  "Julie Paton." she muttered under her breath while only giving me a slight bow. Such insolence! That was not what a mate should be! Where had I gone wrong?

  "Would you like dinner?" I asked her and she averted her gaze. She seemed to ignore the question and I only grew more incensed.

  "Will I ever get to go back?' she asked and I realized what she was speaking of. I only let her continue speaking though.

  "Will I ever get to go back home? Will I get to go wherever I wish and ...not be tied down here? I never wanted this. I don't want to be your mate but you chose me and most girls would kill for this position. Honestly, this is all a bit....desensitizing I don't agree with it and I never will." she growled before glaring at me. I was taken aback by the fury that she was displaying but paid it no mind.

  "You...don't want to come along?" I asked her in a shocked voice.

  "Of course I don't! I wanted you to just pass me over so I could get off of Islani and go wherever I pleased. I wanted to be my own person but I guess I'm just going to be yours from now on? You want that don't you prince?" she asks me in a dour tone and I can only grimace.

  "Enough of this insolence. It is an honor to mate with me! You sho-" I began half-heartedly, honestly I was almost in...agreement with what she was saying deep down but didn't know how to express it.

  "Ugh... I'm sorry. I know you're used to women throwing themselves at you. I suppose I should be happy to get such an opportunity...." she said and hung her head as the tears began to fall once more.


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