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Mortok Page 3

by C. R Corbin

  "Don't cry. Please." I said helplessly

  "I never thought I would end up here and I don't know what to do...." she groaned and stepped forward. I walked forward and gently held her shoulders to guide her over to the couch. She follows unconsciously and nearly falls onto the seat while shaking her head.

  "My lord I brought the dishes. Wha-" began Otono as he stepped inside and glanced at me and then at her.

  "Give her some time...she'll get used to it. The success rate of a mating bond is near 100% is it not? I'm sure she'll come around." he whispered in my ear as he set my meal down in front of me. I looked at him and sighed before nodding and popping myself down to the table.

  She sits there for a while, shaking her head in disbelief before I finally see her move from her spot and sit in front of me. I looked at her and she at me, I try to smile but can't find the energy once I saw her saddened expression.

  "Would you like something to eat?" I asked her.

  "Umm...yes please...." she muttered under her breath as I called out for Otono who granted her a menu. She chose something called "Beef Steak and broccoli", I wasn't even sure what it was compared to my Ethera flank and mountainous green salad but it looked somewhat similar. I glanced over her at times during the meal and wonder if I should say something.

  "Is it good?" I asked her and she only nodded, I sighed and set my knife down, she was eating with something called a "fork" which was rather strange to me.

  "Understand this human. You are going to be my mate. That is a treaty that has been signed between our peoples that have granted me the right to come to that moon and chose you as mine. I will not lie, however, there is a chance that you may get out of this." I smirked as my plan came into focus. I would grant myself a challenge and cut her a deal, with my power victory, was almost certain.

  "I will give you two feros or in terms of human units, approximate three weeks to change your mind. If by the end of that period you wholeheartedly agree to be my mate then you shall stay, if not then you may leave." I stated with a proud smirk. I knew that this was risky and not entirely traditional but I had to think of something to dissuade her tears, besides a part of my heart was telling me to grant this small mercy. She looked up from her meal and stared at me, speechless for but a moment.

  "So you're saying that if I change my mind then you'll let me back out? I thought you said I was your mate whether I like it or not?" she asked.

  "The mating bond cannot form if one party is unwilling..." I muttered.

  "So there's a chance?" she asked with renewed hope in her voice.

  "Don't be so sure human. I am positive that by the end of this you will want this mating bond far more than you realize." I stated and she laughed.

  "Oh, are you that confident...alright then. I suppose I could put up with it for at least a little while. Three weeks though..." she muttered, still frowning.

  "You're still bothered?" I asked her.

  "You take girls from their homes and force them to live with you whether they like it or not. Of course, I'm bothered with that idea." she grunted while chewing her "steak" I only frowned in response.

  "You will never understand the responsibilities of a prince. It is an honor to be chosen and to carry on the royal bloodline." I stated.

  "All because we lost the war. There are better ways to go about it that don't involve forcing someone to be with you." she grunted and I only rolled my eyes.

  "How naive you are. I offer you luxury, wealth, all of these wonders and yet you still oppose me?" I asked her.

  "Could it be that I don't want any of that? What I want is my freedom, my choice back. That is something that you will never be able to grant me due to the terms of this entire mating process." she states in a bitter tone and I silently...ruminate the offer.

  "You will come to understand the offer soon enough, for the moment enjoy yourself. It's all that I can offer you..." I stated and returned to my meal only to hear her speak up a few moments later.

  "You're not as...cold as I thought you would be. My first impression of you was that you were this stoic asshole but really ... I'm kind of glad that the most you are is a royal, kind of stuck up jerk and not some psychopath." she states and my eyes widen in sight amusement while I glanced over at her.

  "Tell me. Most women would kill for this position so why are you so ...hesitant?" I asked.

  "Because I never thought I would have been here. Most men of my race don't go for this kind of body with all of these...curves. I never dreamed of getting with a prince and to be honest the idea of you just shopping for women sounded incredibly...disgusting to me." she stated.

  On a lot of levels...she wasn't wrong.

  I had wanted to abolish the practice and do something a bit more...fair to human women but such a practice would go against all of the standards enacted by the rest of the Morelens. I had no choice, I had to look the part, I was a prince, I meant to be the perfect ruler and the perfect ruler took what he wanted without concern for others. Still, I had to hold myself back at times, sometimes I had to keep that hunger at bay because...well I didn't even know why.

  "I will claim you and I will make you mine. I am sure of it." I stated and she only glanced at me with a hint of humor in her eye, there was much more bitterness than humor at this very moment, however.

  "Whatever you say, prince. I doubt that will be the case but...thank you. I never thought that princes would be willing to renege on their offer of mating after a set time limit...perhaps I've misjudged you as well." she states and for a moment my eyes soften and I felt that cold persona as a prince wash away.

  And then it washes back over me.

  "Don't think that I'm doing this to be soft human. I just did this so I didn't have to hear your pathetic cries any longer." I grunted out and she only smiled while continuing to spoon the meal into her mouth.

  "I suppose I should be grateful ...if I'm not up to your standards then I apologize." she said with a shake of her head and I nodded as I quickly finished my meal and called Otono to clear the table.



  Here I was, as much as I could scarcely believe it.

  It was such a rush of emotions to finally end up on here. I was practically freaking out when they led me away from my family. I sincerely thought that that would be the last time that I would be seeing them. I would miss my home dearly and deep down I suppose I was so upset because...I knew that I wasn't worthy of being chosen. One of the other women should have been picked and besides, this entire thing was a rather gaudy travesty anyways. A man that prances around and picks whatever he wishes? A man that simply claims whomever he wants from wherever he wants?


  So here comes the prince in all his arrogance with that smug, handsome face of his that waves in the air with a commanding aura. He tells me that he'll give me three weeks to fall for him otherwise he's returning me. Alright! Fine! If you really want to give up all of your time like that then sure! I thought it was a nice gesture but it turns out it's just more of his arrogant bullshit I suppose.


  "Come, sit." he beckoned me towards the couch while I rested my elbows on the kitchen table. Was he trying to woo me now? This should be fun. I sighed and looked around for an excuse not to get close to him but there was nothing here that I could use to preoccupy myself with so I reluctantly sauntered over into his grasp. I sit on the couch with him and watch him press his feet into the rock in front of us.

  "What are you doing? Movies?" I asked him somewhat amusedly and he sighed.

  "You really don't find my ship that impressive do you? You want to return home to those concrete huts that badly?" he asked me and I stammered.

  "W-well not ...look. What you do is wrong. You can't just go out and forcefully take whatever girl you want to take." I groaned while inching away from him on the couch.

  "What do you think I should do?" he asked and I almost laughed at his clu

  "Uhh, I don't know. Go and meet them and hopefully woo them into your good graces? That's a good way. That's how we do it back on Earth." I stated and I could see a light shine in his eyes once I said it but it quickly fades.

  "If I tried such a practice here then it would likely result in failure. Unlike humans, we don't have such a large window for meeting a mate. It's only 6 Morelen years so I am not afforded the same luxury." he states and I stared at my hands, wondering if my ignorance has caused me to misstep.

  "That's still a long time. The stories I've heard on the other worlds are ...barbaric. Just ripping girls from their families and forcing them to live with you forever....You don't seem to be that kind of man though." I remarked with a small smile while glancing at my feet. This shirt and these shorts were so comfortable.

  "I know of such tales...Believe me when I say I would never practice such customs."

  "But you still do the same thing. Just a more gentle way. 'Oh let me just take whatever woman I want without any concerns to her wants or her needs.'."

  "I don't hurt anyone!"

  "Yes, you-ugh I don't even know why I'm talking about this with you. I'm not falling for you, plain and simple. You're a stuck up prince that does not understand that some people don't want what he wants."

  "And you're an ungrateful human...fine. Whatever. I was going to put on some human shows but since you want to argue we're going to watch Morelen entertainment." he sighed and flicked his wrist in the air. A projector turned on and the large white wall to my left suddenly flickered to life. I watch as footage of a Morelen climbing a mountain flickers on, he was impossibly high.

  "You watch climbing footage for fun?" I asked him and he grunted.

  "What do you watch for fun? Animals tossing fecal matter at one another? Judging by how you're acting that's likely it." he grunted and I snorted, trying to suppress my laughter.

  "Are you calling me barbaric Mr.'I take whatever I want'?"

  "...He might fall. This is interesting. I haven't seen this one before. Be grateful that you are witnessing it with me." he grunted and I only sighed.

  If it wasn't me then it would have been another woman that would've been all over him now. I wondered how many girls were out there with a prince that claimed them only to take them back and instantly try to mate with them or try to get in their pants. I probably should be thankful that mine simply insults me and watches boring videos for entertainment.

  I slowly shut my eyes while watching him watch the screen. His eyes shone like two suns and his black hair shakes atop his head over the deep blue skin. His fangs peeked out from his lips and I can only sigh while watching him. For such a brute, for such an arrogant bastard he really was...handsome.



  It seems that she's fallen asleep. Oh well. I didn't want to hear more insults hurled at me so I suppose it was time for bed.

  I gaze at her and at my bed which was more than big enough to fit the two of us but...I didn't want her to get the wrong idea so I simply hoist her up in my arms and carry her over to the bed. As I am hosting her over her head nestled into my chest and she moaned softly. I watched her shift in my arms, her ample breasts pressed up against the collar of her shirt and I could feel her ample buttocks against my forearm. I mutter to myself and my eyes glimmer with an intense degree of passion on the way over.

  I could take her right now. I could pin her down and fill her as much as I wanted. She could feel all of me, she could experience a degree of pleasure that is completely unknown to human minds...

  But was it right? Of course, it wasn't.

  I set her down on the white sheets and the impossibly large mattress and she stretches her legs out. I lift the covers and tucked her under and she seemed to nestle into her pillow, groaning softly as her mouth opened slightly and her hands stretched out. I gazed at the bed and was about to settle down when I realized that...she might not be so comfortable with me in the same bedroom. I've been reading about human culture and apparently sleeping in the same bed was considered intimate in terms of romantic relationships at least.

  Very well. I aimed to please. Even if she was acting incredibly strange.

  I walked over to the couch and laid down, sprawling my legs out and sighing while I heard her softly groaning in her slumber. I laid my body down and pondered the nature of her selection to myself.

  She was certainly strange.

  When I first set eyes on her I knew that she was likely going to be the one. She was everything I sought in a woman, curvy, warm eyes, that sort of thing. The unintended factor, however, was her personality. I could sense her aura upon seeing her, it was immediate. She held a fire, a need to fight that I...admired on some level. Even if it did mean that she was trying to fight against me some part of me still did admire it.

  As for the deal that I made with her?

  It wasn't standard practice to give a deadline in order to convince the girl into your good graces. The three weeks that I gave myself to have her fall for me was unheard of and I only offered it because....I couldn't stand seeing her sad any longer. I could stand anger, I could stand her hate but once the tears broke out...I was a weak weak man.

  What was wrong with me? I was supposed to claim her! I was supposed to hold her down and fill her and make her mine through my power alone? I didn't have to wait! I shouldn't have had to wait!

  But past was holding me back.

  I had barely met my father and by all accounts, he was as cold as I wanted to appear. He took whatever he wanted, thousands of women taken to his lair in order to be bred and made into his maidens. I was born from one of his Morelen mistresses and never met the man myself. Instead, I was raised by the workers and the staff of his royal lair. Lilah, one of the maids, was like a mother to me and she had told me something that I never quite forgot.

  "You don't have to be like your father. You're born with something far better than his lust for power, it's your heart."

  I like to think she would approve if I didn't force myself onto her like some sort of animal.

  Why was I so weak? Why was I even trying to live up to the image of a man that I hadn't even met? It was utterly preposterous! No, no, this was who I was. I was prince Mortok, the ruler of Geran and its surrounding moons. I was strong and I would claim what I wanted but not by force...I just couldn't force her away and force her to follow my whims.

  "My heart..." I muttered to myself and twisted while on the couch, huffing and grimacing while I gazed upon the girl.

  She was so frustrating!

  Why couldn't she see that I was offering her a better life? Why couldn't she have accepted me and made this process all too easy? I knew I had a bad feeling when I set off for the moon but I never expected my mate to be so...unwilling.

  No matter, I would convince her to fall for me, and by her own power. I would be stronger than my father, this woman would not be able to resist me once she understood the magnitude of my powers.



  " that was one of the best nights of sleep that I have ever had." I muttered to myself as I sat up and looked around

  I glanced over at the couch and saw him sprawled out. I looked at the bed and saw that there was more than enough room for two people, hell I think four people could fit on here and there would be more than enough room.

  But then I smiled to myself. He was trying to be a little considerate of me at least.

  I walked over to the couch and gazed upon that handsome face of his as he laid out on his back. He slept as a prince would, his arms crossed and his hair gently fluttering over that handsome face of his.

  There goes that compliment again. Handsome.

  I survey his entire body, it looks like he's taken off his shirt during his sleep. I could see his strong arms that were the size of bowling balls practically, his pecs and abs were impossibly geometrical and square,
his entire body looked like the culmination of every human female fantasy that has been imagined in the last millennia of the cosmos.

  And that jawline...oh god.

  What was I doing? This man didn't deserve my attention and I certainly didn't need to swoon over him as I was doing at the moment. This was utterly and completely ridiculous! He had taken me from my home and was going to take away my freedom all because he wanted my body? What was I-

  Oh, I just stared at the spot in between his legs.

  It was impossibly long, longer than I remember any human member being described as. It was incredibly thick and...oh I could already imagine it in my grasp, my mouth, my body. Physically every fiber in my body was telling me to leap upon him and let him do whatever he wanted to me using that incredible body of his, using his superior physique but the man was such a vain, arrogant...and considerate man.

  "A prince huh? Well, he certainly does look the part." I stated to myself and sighed.

  I wouldn't see my mother or sisters for three weeks. I already miss them and I already miss my home. They had told me that I wouldn't be needing anything from my home, I could return sometimes but I would be living with him from now on, that is if everything went well and I didn't fool myself into loving such a bastard in three weeks.

  "GGGG RRRR." he mumbled in his sleep and I almost broke into a fit of giggles

  Had he just snored? Maybe not so much of a prince now.

  I look around the room that was about as big as my house back on Islani. There were holographic paintings all over some portions of the wall, other than that large white slab that was used for the projector. The bed was a platform down from the rest of the room, the bed itself was a bundle of white sheets and was about 20 ft wide and 12 ft long. There was a little roof above the bed from which a variety of fabrics hung in order to grant some privacy, at least I would presume. On the platform above there was a large dining table that had about 4 seats, a large couch with that rock thing that he likes to dig his claws into, and a variety of tables with paintings, decorations, and sculptures around the place at various intervals. There was a door in the corner and I think it was time for me to go.


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