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Catching the Baron

Page 6

by Jenn Langston

  When she could bear it no longer her legs buckled, allowing her body to crumple to the ground. Sobs rose in her chest. Although the action intensified her pain, she could do nothing to stop the onslaught of emotion.

  In one instant, she’d jeopardized her job and destroyed her life. Darkness tinted the edge of her vision and earned her gratitude. She welcomed the void and hoped she never woke to see the light again.

  Kenneth paced his office, feeling like a caged animal. Nothing was right anymore. Conversation swirled around him, but he took no notice. It had been two days since the confusing kiss from Sam, and he’d been unfocused ever since.

  “What do you think, Berwick?” Froste interrupted his thoughts. “Are you going to join us?”

  Staring at the expectant faces of his two friends and his mother, Kenneth knew he couldn’t admit to his inattention. He scratched his face as he contemplated the question. Clearly his friends hoped his answer would be affirmative.

  “I’d be happy to.”

  “Excellent. The women will be plenty and the company stellar,” Hockley assured.

  His mother harrumphed. “I’ll never understand why you men drag yourselves to those types of events. Do you have any idea what those women have in store for you?”

  Dread sliced through him. What had he agreed to? And why did his friends disrespect his mother by speaking of it in front of her?

  “Come now, Lady Berwick. There’s no harm in attending a simple ball. Not only does it please the ladies, but eventually one must marry. Isn’t it wise to see what we will be up against?” Froste winked at the baroness, who turned her nose up at him.

  “I don’t see any reason why young gentlemen should waste their time. Marriage is something for older men to amuse themselves with.”

  “You don’t wish for me to wed?” Kenneth asked her, his voice not hiding his incredulousness.

  “I do, my son.” Her eyes turned soft as she looked at him. “Just not yet. You are much too young and should enjoy yourself first.”

  He barely managed to keep his mouth closed at her statement. He’d never heard of a mother so understanding in regard to her son and marriage. However, in his case, he couldn’t remain unmarried long. The estate crumbled around him. He needed an influx of capital.

  Memories of the cabin assaulted him, making him clench his jaw. He still could not believe his father had neglected the place. It had held such importance in his heart, and he’d mistakenly believed his father felt the same.

  Then his mind conjured Sam. What had possessed the boy to kiss him? Kenneth wanted to ask, to clarify matters, but he couldn’t bring himself to seek the boy out. Did his absence please Sam? Or was Sam hoping he would go to him? Kenneth’s stomach rolled in unease.

  “You seem preoccupied.” His mother’s voice took on a tender quality, a sound missing for most his life. “Why don’t you go out for a ride and put this marrying business behind you.”

  Biting back the turmoil brought on by the suggestion, he nodded and left the room. His mother could entertain his friends. They appeared happy in her company, although he could barely stand her confusing attitude any longer.

  Realizing he couldn’t put off a confrontation with Sam for long, he decided now was as good a time as any. After taking in a long breath and letting it out, he marched to the stable.

  “My lord.” Oliver paused in his task of cleaning out the stalls. A job a stable boy should be doing. “If you’re looking for Sam, I haven’t seen him. He didn’t show up today.”

  Kenneth’s face hardened. So the boy intended to ignore him? He wouldn’t stand for it. “I came for my horse.”

  Oliver turned red. “I’m sorry, my lord. I’ll have him readied at once.”

  Before Kenneth knew what he was doing, he found himself tearing across the fields, seeking out a certain dilapidated house. He hoped Samantha wasn’t home. His furious words wouldn’t be appropriate for a lady’s ears.

  In the short time to Sam’s house, his temper hadn’t cooled. He couldn’t allow any of his employees to desert their post without proper notification. At least, that is what he kept telling himself had brought about his anger.

  At the house, he banged on the door for far too long before he heard movement inside. Blood rushed wildly through his ears, demanding he burst the door down. Forcing his way in didn’t prove necessary as it slowly creaked open. To his surprise no one appeared in the opening. Confused, he pushed on the door in time to see Sam’s retreating back.

  His rage pulsed hotter as he stepped forward. “You can’t even spare the common decency to greet me at the door?”

  The stale smell of sickness assaulted his nostrils and slowed his step. Reminders of how Jonathan insisted on fresh flowers spread about Catherine’s sickroom entered his mind. What was going on?

  Sam dropped himself down on the straw mattress positioned on the floor before looking at him. Kenneth gasped. The small pale face gazing at him barely resembled the strong boy from days ago. Dark purple smudges around Sam’s eyes were the only color on his face. Clearly Sam wasn’t well.

  “Sorry, my lord,” Sam croaked.

  “What happened?” Kenneth dropped to his knees beside the bed. Fear sliced through him along with anger at Samantha. How could she leave her brother alone like this?

  Sam weakly raised his head and tapped on his chest. “Got hurt.”

  Immediately he recalled the sight of the bloody piece of wood in the cabin. At the time, he’d been so mad and confused to pay much attention. Besides, he never imagined an insignificant puncture would bring out such a reaction.

  “Let me see.” As he reached down to the hem of Sam’s shirt, the boy caught his wrist. “What?”

  “I’m fine.” A shudder wracked his petite body as if to prove his words false.

  “I won’t hurt you. I only want to help.”

  Kenneth brushed Sam’s hand away and drew the dirty shirt up. A bloody bandage ran across his chest. Did he not know the dressing should be changed?

  “Don’t.” Sam’s voice came out weak, but he didn’t move.

  After grabbing a knife from the table, Kenneth slid the cold metal beneath the tight bands and sliced upward. The fabric bounced away as if bound too tightly.

  Breath whooshed out of his chest as he gaped at the unbelievable display before him. Sam didn’t possess the chest of a young boy, but that of a woman. An ugly red welt on her left breast oozed slightly.

  He blinked, trying to connect his mind with what his eyes were seeing. Sam was . . . a woman? How could this be? He reached his hand out, needing proof that his vision wasn’t faulty.

  Sam moaned, breaking his reverie and allowing him to reclaim his wits. Kenneth brought his gaze up to the wide eyes watching him. She held her lip between her teeth as sweat beaded on her forehead. He couldn’t deny those luminous pleading eyes.


  “I’m sorry, my lord.” Her voice was barely audible, then her eyelids fluttered close.

  He wanted to ask her why she apologized. Relief penetrated every pore in his body. Sam was a woman. Every feeling, every emotion, and every desire now made sense. Although he’d been unaware of it, his body had known the truth.

  A smile spread across his face. He wanted to exalt. To grab her and spin her in a circle. But he contented himself by running a finger down her cheek. She was hot. Too hot.


  She didn’t move.

  Fear pierced through his happy haze. He shouted her name, but was only awarded with another moan. Jumping into action, he pulled a blanket around her exposed chest and flew out the door.

  His stallion bucked at his tight grip on the reins, but he couldn’t ease his fingers. Kenneth’s entire body remained rigid as he focused on retrieving the doctor.

  He’d come to consider both Sam and Samantha as friends. He couldn’t allow anything to happen to her. She would soon be on the mend. He would see to it. For the first time in his life, he realized money wasn’t ever
ything. He would take care of her, no matter the cost.

  Samantha slid down the wall behind the stable, allowing her weak muscles a much needed break. She’d been back to work for three days, but she began to believe she’d returned too soon. However, she didn’t want Baron Berwick to come home only to see her lazing around. He’d seen enough of that over the past week.

  Knowing he paid for her care and checked on her daily still surprised her. Even more confounding was his lack of acknowledgment of her secret. Had he known all along? Or did he just not care?

  “What are you doing?”

  The stern voice of the baroness had Samantha jumping to her feet. Over the time she’d been working in the stable, she’d only seen the woman emerge from the house a few instances. Her appearance now was terrifying.

  Samantha bowed her head. “Taking a short break, my lady.”

  Lady Berwick sniffed disdainfully and flicked a fallen leaf from her shoulder. “So you feel the baron should pay you to lounge around? You are young, but not too young to learn to work for your payment.”

  “You are right, my lady. I’m sorry and will strive harder.”

  With pinched lips and a cocked head, Lady Berwick examined her. “I wish I knew why my son developed an interest in your future. Although I’ve been watching you, I still can’t seem to understand it.”

  Samantha’s gaze snapped to meet the formidable woman’s. Never had she felt so violated.


  “I don’t like you. Not only have you kept my son away from the manor, but I don’t care for your attitude.”

  “It is not my intention to offend you, my lady.” Samantha kept her back straight and eyes focused on the horrible woman.

  How could the baroness be so thoughtless when speaking to someone she believed to be a young child? Samantha could barely stand it. A reprimand for Lady Berwick balanced on the tip of her tongue.

  The thought made her drop her head in shame. She needed to remember her place. All her time with Lord Berwick made her feel too comfortable in the presence of her superiors.

  “Your apologies are wasted on me.” Lady Berwick crossed her thin arms. “I’m not stupid. I see right through you.”

  Samantha froze as her heart doubled in speed. She knew. Would the baroness expose her to everyone? Samantha would be forced to move away. Setting herself up in a new location would be difficult and expensive. In addition, her heart couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing Baron Berwick again.


  Lady Berwick held up her hand. “I don’t want to hear it. Why don’t you tell the usurper who sent you that his ploy will not work?”

  With the parting remark, the lady spun around and left Samantha feeling confused and off balance. What did the baroness mean? Apparently she recognized Samantha had a secret, she only guessed wrong. Samantha wasn’t sure if she should be grateful or not. After all, the truth could still be revealed.

  Dragging her feet, she moved back into the stable. If the lady had been watching her, she didn’t anticipate her stopping any time soon. Samantha would have to be extra careful from now on.

  Too focused on our thoughts, she nearly ran into the baron. With his back to her, she retreated a step, hoping to sneak out, but he turned around. The disappointment on his face was almost tangible. Even so, her eyes drank in the sight of him. She’d missed him over the past week he’d been gone. Her heart pounded to think of those days he’d taken care of her.

  “What are you doing here?” Fury sparkled in his eyes and rang in his words.

  “Working, my lord.” She dropped her gaze, unable to take in his rage any longer.

  “No. Not anymore.”

  She gasped as her hand flew to her heart. He never indicated she would lose her position. She couldn’t understand how he could be so insensitive. Anger pulsed through her body, burning off the shock. How dare he treat her like this? They’d been friends for months, making this turn of their relationship strike her in the chest.

  Balling up her fists, she opened her mouth, but he held his hand up to silence her. Unwilling to be quiet, she glared at him.

  “How dare-”

  He grasped her upper arm, cutting her off, and drew her out of the stable.

  The urge to argue, to yank away from his hold, surged within her, but she resisted. Causing a scene while his mother hung about would not serve either one of them. She would wait until they had more privacy before she made her opinions known. And she fully intended to do just that.

  Instead of taking her to the ledge, which was his usual location, he continued past it into the garden. The sweet scent of the flowers invited while the wildness of the untended garden warned of danger. The uneasiness snaked through her, all the way down to her toes. She felt it in the air and in the rigid body of the man beside her.

  “Now.” He faced her with crossed arms once he stopped them deep into the foliage. “Tell me what possessed you to return to the stable when I specifically told you to remain in bed while I was gone?”

  “I feel much better and see no reason to prolong my time at home.”

  “That doesn’t mean your body is completely healed. Besides, it isn’t appropriate for you to work as a stable boy.”

  She raised her chin in defiance as her chest rose and fell rapidly. “Why not? I’ve been doing it for months.”

  Lord Berwick sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I know. Even so, it doesn’t mean you should have. Why did you lie? And allow me to take you on all those stupid trips?”

  “They weren’t stupid.” She took a step closer to him, extending to her full height, which fell pitifully short of his. “I enjoyed every minute of it. I did what I had to do by becoming Sam, and your interference made it more bearable.”

  The corners of his mouth twitched. “So, girls like boys’ outings too? After our fishing fiasco I never imagined you would look favorably upon our adventures.”

  She smiled, remembering her pet worm. “How could I be dissatisfied when I adopted a friend? He lives on my table now.”

  “I know.” His voice was gruff as his gaze fell to her lips.

  Memories of when she kissed him at the hunting cabin trailed through her mind. The sensation of his mouth on hers had been divine. Everything else, however, had been horrific.

  “Lord Berwick, I-”

  “Kenneth. I’m Kenneth, and you’re Samantha.”

  She licked her lips, unsure if she could say his Christian name. It would only increase the feeling of intimacy between them, and she wasn’t sure doing so was a good idea. However, she couldn’t block out the hopeful expression on his face.

  “Kenneth,” she breathed as he moved closer to her. Her body tensed, and she couldn’t think straight.

  His strong, warm arms wrapped around her and pulled her into his embrace as his lips touched hers. Relief made her weak, encouraging her hands to find his shoulders. The strength she felt in him resonated within her. Securing her hands behind his neck, she pressed her body closer to him.

  A tingling sensation spread through her as his lips moved on hers. She followed his direction, reveling in the pleasure each motion brought her. Kenneth held her tightly to him as he ran experienced fingers across her back.

  When he deepened the kiss, the longing building within her became too much, yet not enough. She wanted more. Her body tensed in anticipation of some unknown delight. As if in desperate search for it, her heart escalated as her hands dove into his hair, securing him to her.

  Suddenly, Kenneth pulled away and took a few steps to the opposite side of the path. Her lungs urgently pulled in and released air as she felt the absence of his warmth. Part of her wanted to close the distance between them once again.

  “So eager.” His words hinted at amusement, but his tone was strained.

  Heat crawled up her neck, but she refused to give in to her embarrassment. After all, he’d been the one to initiate this. And taken it away. She put her hands on her hips, partially in anger and
the other part an effort to keep her hands to herself.

  “No more than you,” she retorted with her head held high.

  He chuckled and returned to stand in front of her. “It’s time to get you home.”

  “No. I have work to do.”

  “Not any longer. As I told you, you can’t work in the stable.”

  She glared at him, although her body rejected the action. She felt too raw right now to harbor anger toward him. Her body demanded she throw herself back into his arms and experience the wondrous feelings again.

  “So, you intend to take my livelihood away simply because I’m a woman?”

  “I intend to do no such thing. There are many available positions within my house not requiring you to change who you are.” His voice pleaded, melting her anger.

  Itching to feel his warm embrace once again, she slid her hands up his chest to his shoulders. “That’s where you’re wrong. I’ll be changing myself no matter which position I take.”

  Before he could comment further, she pressed her lips to his for a brief kiss before pulling back.

  “Samantha, I-”

  “I believe you’re right. I returned to work too soon. I’ll head home at once.”

  Although she hadn’t wanted to give in to him easily, her limbs weighed on her too heavily to continue standing here, let alone working.

  Turning away from him, she kept her body rigid. She’d do as he bid for the rest of the day and possibly another. However, she had no intention of giving up her position as a stable boy.

  Chapter 6

  “What about that one?” Hockley pointed to yet another simpering miss who looked like all the others at the ball.

  “She has no chin,” Froste complained. “Honestly Hockley, if you intend to find a bride for Berwick, you should at least attempt to locate a girl with promise.”


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