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Losing Control II

Page 9

by E. B. Wood

  ‘Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,’ moaned Jason. ‘That was so hot. Oh shit, I’m so close. Please let me cum.’

  ‘Nope, sorry; rules are rules.’ I pushed him back and off me, rolling away and off the bunk. I looked back at him with his cock pulsing and throbbing. It looked so painful and so desperately in need of relief that I almost caved in. Instead I gathered up the parts of his chastity cage and tossed them on the bunk beside him. ‘Put this back on,’ I ordered. ‘No touching, no playing and definitely no cumming.’ I walked to the cabin door. ‘I’m going up to see the guys, all this teasing has given me an itch again. You can come up once you’ve got that thing locked away again.’


  The funny thing about chastity is the longer you’re in it the easy it becomes. Oh sure you get hornier but it tends to be a kind of low-key continual urge which becomes just part of the background of everyday life. You can learn to live with it and after a while it just seems ‘normal’ to be sexual charged all the time. What’s harder is when you’re unlocked and allowed to play. Suddenly all that pent up sexual desire is released and concentrated. This is great if it ends in an orgasm (believe me there is nothing like cumming after a long period in chastity), but if, as now, it ends in denial then the desperation and need for relief becomes incredibly intense.

  It took every single scrap of willpower I possessed not to cheat and make myself cum. I had to resist the desire to even touch my cock as I knew if I did I simply wouldn’t be able to stop going all the way. It didn’t help that my head was filled with all that Bea had told me and every time my cock started to droop a little I would get an image of her impaled on two black cocks and my dick would stiffen once again. It was therefore a long time before my cock became soft enough to stuff it back into its cage and leave the cabin.

  I came into the cockpit, blinking against the light from the setting sun, to find Ray having a beer. He had put his trunks back on and I couldn’t help looking at the bulge his cock made against the material. It was hard to believe that not only had this man recently fucked my wife but that I had not very long ago eaten his cum from her dripping pussy.

  I looked around and as casually as possible asked, ‘Where’s Bea?’

  Ray lifted his head, indicating the front of the boat. I stood up on the raised deck by the helm and looked forward. The bow of the catamaran had a small seat at the very front of each hull. Bea was kneeling on one of these with her arms on the rails looking out over the water while Rob fucked her from behind. From the pace of his thrusts and the rhythmic grunting coming from them both it was obvious they’d been at it for a while and I felt a twinge of jealousy at how quickly Bea had found someone else to satisfy her ‘itch’. I remembered how loose Bea’s pussy felt around my dick and knew she was undoubtedly loving the feeling of Rob’s thick cock inside her so much more.

  As I watched Rob quickened his strokes. He grabbed Bea’s hips tightly and with a guttural shout slammed hard into her for the final time. His body trembled and I knew he was once again flooding my wife’s insides with his cum. Once he’d finished he just held still inside Bea, gently resting his weight against her back. The two of them eventually disentangled and walked back to the cockpit. Bea looked incredible, with that ‘just fucked’ glow to her. I couldn’t help but stare at Rob’s cock was still semi-erect and swung long and heavy between his legs, glistening with my wife’s juices. With my eyes at that level I also noticed a thick dribble of cum slip from between Bea’s pussy lips onto her inner thigh. Bea must have felt it, as looking down, she scooped up the glob with her finger and extended it to me. ‘Here,’ she said.

  I was aware of the two guys staring at me in fascinated horror and felt myself blushing. ‘Go on,’ encouraged Bea. ‘I know you want to.’

  Hardly believing what I was doing I leaned forward and opened my mouth. I closed my eyes as Bea slid her fingers into my mouth but despite my cheeks burning with shame I couldn’t resist closing my lips and sucking her fingers clean.

  ‘Okay, okay, that’s enough,’ laughed Bea withdrawing her fingers. Her laughter was echoed, not unkindly but slightly uncomfortably, by the two men. I opened my eyes to find Bea smiling at me devilishly. ‘So,’ she asked. ‘What are you making the rest of us for dinner?’

  The meal was a lively one with Bea on sparkling form. She sat between the two men and shared her attentions equally between them. I sat on the other side of the table and didn’t say much, simply being content to observe my wife in such a unique setting. No one had bothered to dress and I was mesmerised by the beautiful sight of Bea sitting naked between the two men. Occasionally there was a gentle touch or caress or a light kiss exchanged between them but mostly it was just like any other dinner party (except for the nudity. At least not at dinner parties I’d been to before...). I loved the casualness of the situation and was in awe of where cuckolding had taken us as a couple that we could experience this scene as if it was the most normal thing in the world. It was hard to believe that the woman with whom I had swapped vows of faithfulness with was the same person who was happily flirting with not one but two lovers right in front of me.

  The talk turned, perhaps inevitably, to sex and at the prompting of the boys Bea told them about how we’d gotten started with cuckolding; about my need for denial and exclusion and about her sexual awaking at the hands of Steve. The conversation was light-hearted and the boys had more than a few chuckles at some of Bea’s experiences. Although Rob already knew some of the story from our conversations on the balcony some of it was new to him. In fact some of the stories she told were new to me as well! Things that she and Steve had done without me or things that she had felt that I never knew. She confessed how on a weekend away with Steve she’d promised to be his sex-slave and that she wouldn’t refuse anything he asked of her. She admitted how much she loved him taking complete control and ‘forcing’ her to do things that she’d never thought she would. Bea has always been the dominate one in our relationship and yet through Steve she had discovered the joy of being sexually submissive to a stronger man. It was humbling to discover how little I really knew about my own wife’s sexual capacity and yet I felt stupidly proud that I had enabled her to explore that side of her nature and to experience sexual satisfaction well beyond what I alone could offer her.

  After dinner the three of them went for a final dip off the back of the boat while I cleaned up, listening hungrily to their laughs amid the splashing and fooling. By the time they came back on board I had finished and was relaxing in the cockpit with a drink. The three showered on the stern and I enjoyed the sight of my wife being washed down by the two men again, her body glowing in the soft moonlight while the men were simply darker shadows around her. I sat, chaste, denied and cuckolded but also strangely at peace as they made their way past me and into the cabin. Rob was leading with Bea’s hand in his and her hand in Ray’s who was bringing up the rear. As they passed Bea gave me a wink and said goodnight. I could hear them going down the stairs into the hull and moments later the hatch to the aft cabin which was by the cockpit popped open and I could hear their muttered voices. I listened to their chatter and soft laughter for a while as I finished my drink. I assumed that Bea would have sex with one, or more probably, both of the guys but strangely I wasn’t tempted to stay and listen. Perhaps it was listening to Bea talking about experiences she’d enjoyed with Steve without me but I felt that this, our last night, should be about the three of them alone and not me. I finished my drink and, with my wife’s giggles ringing sweetly in my ears, retired to my cabin at the bow.


  There was no sign of life when I arose and I enjoyed the solitude of the dawn as I sipped a fresh coffee and quietly got the yacht ready for departure. Now and then I couldn’t help but cast a glance over at the still open aft cabin hatch and wonder at what pleasures my wife had enjoyed under it during the night. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and, treading as quietly as possible, I snuck down the stairs and cracked open the door to the
ir cabin. The bunk was elevated so that it was around the height of my chest and I could clearly see the sleeping figures upon it. Yacht berths are not designed for size and by necessity the three were wrapped closely together. Nearest was Rob, with his back to me and his arms around Bea who was sandwiched between the two men and wrapped also in Ray’s arms. Bea was facing me and she looked so serene and beautiful in their embrace that my heart melted with love and desire for her. I knew that no matter how often I held her I could never make her feel as warm and safe as she must feel right now, cocooned in their dual embrace. I felt a momentary flash of sadness that I would never know how it felt to have two other human beings hold me like they were holding her. It was just one of many experiences that Bea enjoyed that would be forever denied to me but in my deepest heart I knew that this was as it should be. I was the cuckold, I was the denied; and I was at peace with this. I shut the door softly and made my way back up on deck, leaving my wife to her intimate lovers’ embrace.

  I was on my second coffee when Rob appeared on deck. We exchanged greetings and I went to fetch him a coffee while he slipped over the side for a morning swim. On his return we sat at the cockpit table and sipped our drinks until Rob broke the silence, asking sincerely, ‘How’re you holding up? You okay with everything?’

  I was absurdly touched by his concern and tried to answer as honestly as possible. ‘I’m okay. I mean, sometimes it’s hard you know...really hard.’ I paused to think. ‘And the thing is you never know which bits are going to be the hard ones.’

  Rob gave a soft laugh. ‘I’m going to take a wild guess and say it’s the bit where she’s got another man’s cock inside her.’

  I grinned back sheepishly. ‘Yeah, you’d think that would do it.’ I shrugged, ‘and sometimes it does. But usually it’s the little stuff, the non-sex stuff.’ I looked at Rob but could see he didn’t get me. How do you explain cuckolding to someone who has never felt the powerful need to be cheated on? ‘The thing about fucking is it’s not intimate.’ I held up my hand to forestall Rob’s response. ‘Okay so it’s obviously intimate in a physical way but I’ve seen Bea cum a dozen times with other men and very seldom does the sight cause a pain in my heart. But other intimacy, real intimacy, the kissing, the cuddling, the soft words and caresses that she shares after the deed is done; they can cut me to the quick. Sometimes it doesn’t even need to be that. Sometimes the worst I’ve been hurt was when it wasn’t about sex at all.’

  Rob shook his head. ‘Not sure I get you man.’

  ‘Let me try to explain it like this. When Bea is fucking you, when you’re inside her and she’s writhing and screaming on top of you, she’s still mine. She’s fucking you but the ecstasy you’re giving her is temporary. Soon you’ll be finished and then you’ll be gone and then it’ll just be Bea and me again. And incredibly soon after that it’s gone, the sex, the orgasms; you. It’s all gone and there’s just Bea and me going about our everyday lives, cleaning the house, doing the shopping, arguing over what to have for dinner. Those are the real intimacies, the daily life that I share with the woman I love. Your cock, as much as I can tell that Bea enjoys it, is just a transient pleasure, a bauble, a trifle, in the whole that is our marriage and love for each other.’

  ‘Hey man, it’s a pretty big bauble…’

  I laughed. ‘There’s no denying that! And there’s no denying that Bea loves fucking you more than she loves fucking me. But when she’s done fucking you it will be me she comes home to. So yes, it can be hard to watch her experiencing more pleasure from another man than I could ever hope to give her in bed but that seldom causes me pain. What does hurt is when she shares, however inadvertently, the little intimacies that are ours, with another man. Let me give you an example. Her ex-lover Steve had stayed over one Sunday night. This was unusual as he had work the next day and it was a long drive from our place, however they hadn’t seen each other for a while and Bea was desperate for a good fucking. So I’d spent the night in the spare room, listening to the pair of them sucking and fucking each other like wild animals. I’d heard Bea cumming over and over and I’d sat there with my cock locked away in this ridiculous cage while I listened to another man enjoying cumming inside my wife. Did it hurt? Yes, a little but not enough that I’d ever consider stopping their fun. But the next morning Bea and I were having breakfast in our robes while Steve showered and got dressed for work. When he was ready Bea met him at the front door with a lunch she’d made for him, gave him a hug and a kiss and said ‘Bye honey, have a nice day.’

  I stopped talking, remembering how Bea had looked wrapped in his arms, her body pressed against his while she kissed him goodbye.

  ‘I don’t get it man,’ said Rob, puzzled. ‘What, were you pissed because she made him lunch?’

  I shook my head. ‘No, it was the ‘honey.’ I could tell he still didn’t get it. ‘’Honey’ is what she calls me. That my name, our name. It belongs to us, to our marriage. It’s our little intimacy and it hurt like fuck to hear her calling another man it.’

  Rob nodded his head slowly in understanding. ‘Did you tell her?’

  ‘Nah, man,’ I shrugged. ‘What would be the point? She didn’t realise what she’d done and why make her feel bad.’

  ‘So you just ignored it, let her get away with it?’

  ‘Not exactly.’ I grinned. ‘I took her into the bedroom and licked her sore and battered pussy until she was screaming for mercy!’

  We both laughed and clinked our coffee mugs together. For a while we just sat in silence, a silence that was eventually broken by the sound of soft groans emitting from the open hatch. Rob and I shared a grin as the moans grew louder and were soon replaced by the unmistakable sound of flesh smacking against flesh.

  ‘So this is what it’s like for you?’ asked Rob as we listened to Bea and Ray fuck. ‘Sitting here doing nothing while someone else pounds your wife? This gets you off?’

  I shrugged. ‘Yeah. It’s weird I know...but you’ve got to admit it sounds pretty hot.’

  It did indeed as Bea’s groans intensified in strength in time to Ray’s thrusts. I glanced over at Rob and saw his cock had swollen and was hanging long and heavy between his legs. ‘Go on,’ I teased. ‘Admit you’re loving it.’

  ‘It’s pretty hot alright.’ Rob conceded. ‘But unlike you I’m not content to sit here and just listen.’ He stood up and stretched, his cock jutting out thick and proud in front of him. ‘Now if you’ll excuse me,’ he said with mock politeness. ‘I’m going to go and get your wife to suck my cock…’


  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying myself. Not only was I the centre of attention of two good looking men, and the satisfied recipient of innumerable mind-blowing orgasms, but the guys seemed to get on alright with Jason as well. Believe it or not this was very important to me, not just because the general harmony allowed me to really relax and let myself be as slutty as I liked, but also because I love Jason and like him to be happy as well. Alright so I admit that since making Jason happy pretty much involves me spreading my legs for other men, this isn’t a huge burden for me to carry!

  I also liked that the guys treated Jason with respect and not like some small-dicked, cuckold loser. Of course there were times when I treated him like that but that’s because I know what pushes his buttons. I’m well aware that out of the two of us I’m definitely getting the lion’s share of the pleasure and to be honest I can feel pretty guilty about Jason being excluded from all the fun. I know he gets excited watching or even just knowing I’m getting royally screwed but I also know that in the long term just me getting fucked would not be enough for him. Jason needs more than to simply see me getting fucked better than he can; he also needs me to confirm that’s happening. And so when I’ve had my fun I make sure he knows it. I make sure to tell him how good the guy was, how big his cock was, how well he fucked me and, most importantly, exactly how much I loved it... I truly believe that hearing me, his loving wife, telling him honestly how much
I love another man’s cock, is more exciting for Jason than the actual extramarital sex I enjoy. By now I also know that if telling him how good another guy was at screwing me gets him hot then with just three little words I can push him over the edge. All I have to do is lean in and whisper softly in his ear, ‘He was better….’ For Jason this is the cuckold trifecta 1) I got laid, 2) I loved it, 3) he knows he can’t compete.

  Do I want my lovers to humiliate my husband? Fuck no. If one tried he’d (or, and I haven’t completely ruled this one out yet, she’d) be down the road faster than Jason goes down on my creampie. Jason is most definitely warped, twisted and odd when it comes to what pushes his sexual buttons but he’s also a good man who is strong enough to gift me with a freedom I never dreamed possible. I might deride and humiliate Jason but it is done with care and from a loving place. When I take a lover we all get fucked; it’s just that for Jason it’s his mind I fuck instead of his dick…

  This is why I figured after a couple of days of the wildest, most-intense and incredible sex of my life, I needed to give him a little something as well. I found him up on deck, sitting in the captain’s chair and smiled to myself as I saw his close proximity to the open cabin hatch. I slipped into his arms and rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the familiarity of his embrace.


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