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They'll Call It Treason

Page 27

by Jordon Greene

  “Fear, that’s the great motivator though. Fear keeps it all in check. Fear of one’s neighbor. Fear of those who don’t look like you. Fear of those who live in some barren desert halfway across the globe,” Sean continued. “Domestic terrorism, just as much as fear of those abroad has helped people accept more intrusion into their everyday lives. To accept less freedom as freedom itself.” Sean peered into Ethan’s eyes, smiling deviously.

  “We’re winning Ethan, you’re losing.”

  “You’re sick,” Ethan mumbled back.

  Sean gently laughed at the idea, looking out into the open warehouse, “You’re probably right, but it’s a delicious disease.”

  Realizing the monster facing him, Ethan looked over to Kate. She sat helplessly just a few feet away from Abrams. With his eyes he apologized to her for not being there for her. It seemed Gray would not make it in time. Even if he did, would it matter in the end against this monster, against Cerberus?

  “Well, it looks like it’s time to say goodbye now Ethan,” Sean said as he placed his pistol to Kate’s head.

  “No!!” Ethan yelled. His eyes locked with Kate’s sad brown eyes.

  Bang. Bang.


  January 31 at 8:13p.m. EST

  Winchester, VA

  Ethan closed his eyes refusing to watch. Kate!

  “Ethan move!” He knew that voice.


  He had made it. Ethan forced his eyes open, immediately locking his eyes where Kate sat as he jumped to the side. She was still in the chair, eyes wide with confusion. Alive. Sean lay on the floor with a small pool of blood around his shoulder.

  Before Ethan could turn to find Gray, he caught sight of Ju-Long lining up his pistol for a shot. Ethan ducked to the floor and rolled. The bullet grazed by, followed by a second. Ethan landed just in time to see Ju-Long pitch backward from a shot to the upper chest, a spurt of blood escaping his back.

  Dazed and confused the two guards had taken up posts behind a set of wooden crates behind Sean. They has abandoned their keep, firing off pot shots in Gray’s direction.

  Ethan wanted to run to Kate, but until Abram’s men were contained it would be a fool’s errand. Instead, he willed himself in the opposite direction, sliding past a set of crates opposite the two guards.

  He peeked around the corner to find Gray waving him on. I hope that means he’ll cover me. Ethan took one last glance toward his captors. Wood splinters exploded next to the taller guard’s head. They both jerked back behind the crates for cover. That was all Ethan needed. He bounded to his feet and sprinted toward Gray across the open expanse, keeping his eyes firmly on Gray. As another volley of shots rang out from behind him, he dropped to the ground and slid the rest of the way around the crates that shielded Gray.

  “I’ve never been so glad to see your ugly face man,” Ethan nodded to Gray. “Good timing.”

  “Sorry, one of the guards earlier wanted a big hug,” Gray attempted a joke, but his voice still quivered. “How about we get you out of these,” Gray said while slicing open the plastic straps holding Ethan’s hands together.

  Ethan rubbed his wrists, thankful to be free again.

  “I think I just injured Abrams. That other fella ain’t getting back up though,” Gray assured him as he took up a defensive stance behind the brown wooden crate. He sighed, “Speaking of Abrams, looks like your friend is getting back up.”

  Ethan patted Gray on the shoulder, “He’s mine.”

  Gray pulled out Ethan’s Glock and handed it to him with a solemn expression. Ethan took the weapon and looked back up at Gray.

  “Cover me.”

  Ethan glanced around the edge of the crate. He spotted Abrams getting to his feet about ten yards ahead. By his left collarbone Abrams black suite showed a hole where Gray’s bullet had bitten through. Abrams icy eyes were ablaze with pain and choler. Petulantly he ripped off his coat and rotated his arm, gritting his teeth with the painful movement. On his white button up the black hole was now a reddened splash.

  Behind Abrams sat Kate wrapped up tightly. Ethan could not risk firing at this angle. He had to get closer. Ethan lifted the back of his shirt and placed the pistol snuggly behind his back and jeans.

  “I’ve got you Ethan,” Gray assured him, keeping a solid aim at the guards across the opening.

  Ethan rose to a crouch, took a deep breath and bolted forward. His attention focused as he saw a gun in Abram’s hand coming around. Everything seemed to move slowly as the weapon swung in Kate’s direction.


  Ethan lunged forward, putting every ounce of energy he had into his legs. Oblivious to the fire fight going on around him. Wood cracked and disintegrated. Sparks scintillated and popped around him.

  As Abrams squeezed the trigger Ethan slammed hard into his chest, his head down, shoulders braced. Abrams toppled to the ground with a harsh thump. The air rushed from his lungs as Ethan’s full weight bared down on him. His pistol toppled end over end onto the floor, clambering to a stop several yards away.

  Without hesitation Ethan pounded his fist into Abram’s jaw, earning a grunt. He jerked back but quickly slung a fist hard into Ethan’s side, knocking him to the ground.

  Sean got to his feet, reasserting his dominance. Shots rang out in the corner as the gun battle continued behind the crates. With Ethan still on the ground, Sean buried his shoe into Ethan’s side. Ethan recoiled in pain as spikes of agony pierced up his side like lightning bolts.

  Ready to end it, Sean left Ethan on the floor, running toward his pistol. Ethan reached out and gripped on to Sean’s foot and yanked backward, sending Sean to the ground.

  Ethan jumped to his feet, pain throbbing up his side. Sean quickly regained his footing and turned, only to receive a swift blow to the face and then another to the chest.

  Sean replied with a blow to Ethan’s chest, followed by another, and another. Ethan stepped back with each blow, air refusing to stay in his lungs. He took another volley to his arms held over his chest. Ethan held his footing, grunting with each blow.

  Not only was the man cold hearted, his fists were brutal. Catching a moment of reprieve Ethan struck out, catching Sean by the jaw. A spurt of blood trailed behind the blow. Not willing to be trapped in Sean’s deadly fists again, Ethan railed into Sean again and again.

  Sean jerked back. Ethan jabbed at his stomach, sending Sean curling forward while his feet pulled back. Abruptly, Sean fell backward to the ground, tripping over Ju-Long’s lifeless shell.

  Ethan preyed on Sean's misstep. He leapt over Ju-Long's body and landed a knee into Sean’s diaphragm. Sean gasped hard as the air rushed from his lungs. Ethan let his fists loose on his prey.

  Suddenly a bullet grazed Ethan’s back. He lurched up in pain, shooting his eyes to the left where the short guard with a limp crouched. As if by karma the man jerked back as a bullet penetrated his skull. Ethan let his eyes dart back to Gray for a brief second.

  With Ethan distracted, Sean glimpsed the six inch dagger sheathed to Ju-Long’s body. He stole the blade and slashed out at Ethan.

  Ethan screamed out as the knife sliced thinly through his thigh. Instinctively he grabbed his wrist as Sean thrusted the knife at him.

  He used his forearms to swipe Abram’s strikes away from his body. Weak from the repeated blows, he put every ounce of strength he had into his arms. Ethan got a grip on Sean's wrist, holding the knife just inches away from his chest. He strained his arms, balancing the knife between them.

  Sean jerked his wrist down, sending them both crashing to the ground. Sean scrambled around as Ethan lost his grip and placed his body over Ethan, making him bare his entire weight. With the advantage he forced the knife down toward Ethan’s face.

  Without a second to lose, Ethan stopped the knife’s advance a mere inch from his face. He stared up at the sharp edge and the cold eyes behind it. His arms shook as he held his grip tightly around Sean’s hand, trying to keep the knife from gravitating downward. Sean was
stronger though. The knife’s tip slowly inched closer to Ethan’s open eye.

  His eyes shone with intensity, the knife a mere inch away. He pushed with all his might, barely holding Sean back. Sweat poured from his brow. He stared at the tip of the knife, glimpsing his life.

  “No!” Kate screamed.

  Ethan glanced away for a split second to see her face, distraught, tears unyielding, her lips begging for Sean to stop. Something clicked in Ethan. He jerked his weight to the side, sending Sean tumbling over his body, and twisted the knife from his grip. Ethan let his body follow Sean, trading places. With all his weight he fell down on Sean, shoving the full length of the blade up through Sean's jaw and into his skull.

  He locked eyes with Sean. They were confused, scared. His breathing came fitfully. Blood seeped from his lips. Ethan stared into Sean’s eyes, breathing hard.

  “Ho… H… How?” Sean garbled between blood filled breaths. Blood seeped down his check, his pale blue eyes iced over, detached from the world. Ethan felt Sean’s body go slack through his grip on the dagger.

  Realizing it was over, Ethan let go and rolled over onto his back, letting his breathing relax. The gunfire had stopped.


  He jumped to his feet, immediately regretting the sudden motion as pain shot up his side. He met Kate’s eyes, hurting but relieved. He rushed to her side just as Gray reached her and cut the straps from her hands and feet.

  Kate jumped from the chair and wrapped her arms around Ethan. It hurt as she grasped tightly around his waist, but having her in his arms again, out of danger, outweighed the pain. She sobbed bitterly.

  “Are you okay?” Ethan asked desperately.

  Between sobs Kate replied, “I… I’m alright.”

  He knew she was lying, but that could wait. He needed to hold her, be there for her.

  “Austin,” Gray called over his earpiece, “We did it, all’s good here. Be ready to pick us up.”

  Kate turned to Gray, surprise in her face. “I thought you were dead.”

  Shamed by the memory of Greensboro, Gray diverted his eyes, “No, they must have thou… I’m so sorry Kate, I…”

  “You tried,” she said breaking him off, tears streaking her face again, “I’m just glad to see you alive.”

  Ethan smiled at Gray, thanking him, “You came just-in-time Gray. I didn’t think we were going to make it for a second.”

  Shrugging, Gray diverted the conversation, “We all did our job. Now let’s get the hell out of here.”


  February 1 at 7:55a.m. EST

  Washington, D.C. – FBI Headquarters

  Outside the storm had passed. The bright warmth of the morning sun contrasted vividly against the busy snow-covered streets below.

  Richard gazed out the window over the District. Snow still draped the building tops and melting icicles hung precariously from the light posts. Below, life moved busily among the plowed out paths at its normal pace, unaware of the dangers that had been afoot.

  He turned to look at the television screen hanging on the wall. He watched the words scrolling on repeat below. Ethan Shaw Innocent, FBI Mole Uncovered.

  “In a stunning turn of events, a voice recording from the formerly alleged domestic terrorist, Agent Ethan Shaw, has cleared the Agent’s name of wrongdoing and shed light on a mole within the FBI, an Agent Sean Abrams.” The tall brunette news anchor explained.

  Richard had already heard the news, but had been surprised when the news stations were already running the story. He would have preferred the matter be maintained and dealt with within the Bureau. Having the public eye peering in made things more problematic.

  “FBI Special Agents Ethan Shaw, Grayson Whitaker, Austin Conway and Dante Mercer uncovered a domestic terrorist cell claiming to have far-reaching influence within the United States and foreign governments. Unfortunately, it took the lives of several men and women to uncover the cell, including Agents Jason Phelps and Dante Mercer.”

  “Former Agent Sean Abrams explicitly admitted to the existence of the organization, known only as Cerberus, and to lulling Agents Shaw and Greer to Geor…”

  Richard pressed the OFF button and the screen went dark. He breathed deeply, trying to fend off the desire to knock something over.

  Why could Shaw not have brought them the information and let them handle it? The less media attention the matter got the less of a nuisance it would be for the Bureau. The media would expect a statement soon.

  Ring. Ring.

  His eyes went to the phone lying on his desk. He picked up the phone and checked the screen. Blocked Call.

  “Dammit!” Richard exclaimed. He knew who it was. He closed his eyes and answered the call, rubbing his eyes in irritation.

  “It’s me,” Richard answered, more angry than nervous.

  “Your recruit failed us,” the voice was cold and synthesized. Richard had no idea whose mouth moved behind the other phone, and he had no desire to find out. “You failed us.”

  “I apologize for the setback,” Richard replied. His voice remained smooth and confident.

  There was a pause, Richard wondered if the connection had dropped.

  “Don’t fail us again,” then the line went dead.


  July 18 at 12:25 p.m. EST

  Cary, North Carolina

  “Relax Ethan,” Gray tried to steady his friend. “You look more jittery than a ten year old boy about to get his first kiss.”

  Ethan smiled, “I’m trying, and it definitely won’t be my first.”

  The warm summer breeze wafted through his hair. The leaves were out again, and life blossomed around them in the natural garden of oaks and pines to the east and patches of wild flowers to the north. Just beyond the grassy knoll, set among the gently rolling hills, lay a lake sparkling in the sunlight.

  Ethan was dressed in a black suit with a corsage pinned to his breast. Gray stood by his side in the same attire in front of an archway decorated in white flowers that Ethan could not name.

  Rows of white folding chairs lined either side of a simple grass path, each decorated with flowers and ribbon. Behind them stood Kate’s pastor, Bible in hand.

  Ethan stepped to the side again, unable to remain still. His body surged with emotions. Love, anxiousness, even a remnant of fear. He loved Kate, but he feared not being enough for her, of taking such a big step.

  Yet, he dreaded not being with her more than anything else in the world. He needed her just as she needed him.

  Gray placed a hand on Ethan’s shoulder steadying him, with a kind grin. “Hey, my ex even showed up,” he laughed, nodding toward a tall woman with blond curls cascading down her shoulder taking a seat near the back row.

  “Your ex. How wonderful,” Ethan joked.

  “Ah, I think we’re beginning to get along better,” Gray said as the music shifted to a classical piece that Kate loved. Cannon in D if Ethan remembered correctly.

  Rhythmically the bridesmaids and groomsmen began to saunter down the aisle. Ethan raised an eyebrow and grinned as Austin made his way down with a cute red headed friend of Kate’s. Austin returned the smile and shook his head.

  The wind blew gently, ruffling the nearby leaves. Ethan grinned as Kallie appeared around the bend and walked down the aisle clothed in a purple dress, tossing flowers along the path. A single tear escaped his eye. He missed her father, his friend. He pushed back the memory, knowing Jason would want him to be happy.

  As Kallie took her place along the front, Ethan glanced over to Amanda and smiled. She smiled back. Finally the music changed to the familiar bridal tune. Ethan locked his eyes on the end of the aisle as everyone rose to their feet. Taking a deep breath, Ethan prepared himself.

  He knew he was imagining it, but he swore there was a glow around Kate as she walked onto the path, her arm interlaced with her father’s. She was dressed in a simple white dress, her shoulders bare, her face uncovered. Her wavy brown locks hung gently behind her shoulde

  Immediately his eyes caught hers and he refused to look away. Those deep brown eyes gleamed back in all their intensity.

  Oh, how he loved her.

  He took Kate’s hand from her father, nodding to the older gentleman. Ethan smiled and looked into Kate's eyes.

  “Hey,” it was all he could muster.

  Kate giggled, “Hey.”

  Ethan stared into Kate’s eyes as the pastor began to speak. Today was a new day.



  Jordon Greene is a full stack web developer for the nation’s largest privately owned shoe retail company. A graduate of UNC Charlotte, he spends his time watching Star Trek, singing along with his favorite hard rock bands in the car like no one is watching and writing that next novel. He lives in Concord, NC with his cats, Shiloh and Data.

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