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Bound (Bound Hearts #1)

Page 16

by S. N. Garza

  I knew this topic would get her talking. She lifted her head onto her chin and looked at me with wonder. I saw a little redness around her eyes, but didn’t say anything about it. Yet.

  “I don’t really have a favorite book per se. But I have been known to have a favorite book from each series an author has. That’s a lot of books. I’ve been writing so much, I don’t have much time to read, but the last book I read was Convincing Constance from Tabatha Vargo. AH-MAZING! I actually met her once, a while back when I was more reader than writer, and she’s totally laid back and awesome. Then, there’s Touching Fire by Airicka Phoenix. That women killed me with that cliffhanger at the end. She likes putting it to a sister like a pop tart.”

  “I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean. But I love seeing your eyes shine when you talk about them. Sound like good books. Favorite food?”

  She opened her mouth but I cut her off, “Can’t say mac and cheese. Please?”

  “Ha-ha. Why not? It’s simple, cheesy and noodly.”

  “You’re cheesy.”


  “That’s mature.”

  “I’ll give you mature.” Then she reached back for something and the next thing I know, I’m being splashed from a water bottle. Damn stuff went right up my nose. Then, Addy jumped up and started running.

  “YOU’RE IN FOR IT NOW!” I shoved myself up and started after her.

  She screamed with excitement and saw JR walking with Gram and she thought she could hide behind him.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Save me JR! Courtland got himself in trouble and thinks to pay me back from splashing him with a little water. Isn’t that silly?”

  She peeked over JR’s shoulder and I shook my head at her.

  Gram just laughed.

  “Alright Addy. You win. No retribution.”

  I turned and began walking back to the umbrella when Addy ran around them and headed my way said, “What are you? Chicken? BWAK! BWAK!”

  Did she not think I wouldn’t catch her this time? She was wrong. I turned and her eyes were full of mischief. “Oh Addy. What am I gonna do with you?”

  “Oh,” she looked at JR and Gram settling by our things, then said, “I could think up some things you could do with me. Only question is-are you ready to play a little game?”

  I got close so I could look down into her smiling eyes, saying “What little game?”

  “Hmmm,” she curled her mouth into an impish smile, then yelled, “TAG, YOU’RE IT!” Then, she ran. She was easy to catch this time, my longer legs had her beat and I lifted her into a fireman’s hold and ran with her into the salty sea water. I got in just deep enough so she’d be able to stand, then I lifted her above my head and tossed her up high and into the water. I stood waiting with my hands on my hips and when I didn’t see her come up, I started to worry.

  “Adelaide!” Just as I was about to start diving in, the little minx pulled my board shorts down. Then came up sputtering water and laughing a full bodied laugh. Never have I heard her let go like that. Her laugh was mesmerizing. It seeped into my soul and brightened every dark nook and cranny. Damn, I could listen to her laugh for the rest of my life and never be unhappy.

  I held onto my shorts and made the few steps until I was in front of her. Her eyes were sparkling with mirth. “Well, I got you. What’s my reward?”

  Her laughter died, but her smile turned shy and a blush stole her cheeks.

  “A kiss?”

  “Just a kiss?”

  “Do you want more than a kiss?”

  “Do you want more than a kiss?”


  “A kiss it is.” She lifted her lips to mine, but I only gave her a sweet and gentle one. I wanted her to learn to start trusting me. I couldn’t do that if all we did was have sex. I didn’t even want to call it that, because each time it’s been more than that. “Adelaide?”


  Her eyes were heavy lidded and I knew she wouldn’t have any problem with me taking it to the next level. My dick was hard and she was willing, but I wanted more. I pulled my shorts up and fixed the strings so they wouldn’t fall.

  “Why did you cry when I said you were and always will be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen?”

  Quick as a cold shower, the sexual haze she was in sobered. The smile in her eyes turned into what I’ve always seen in them. Pain and despair. Hurt and sadness. Why won’t she tell me what’s bothering her?

  “Why don’t you tell me what’s bothering you? What’s been bothering you for so long?”

  It was barely audible but I heard her say, “What?” Then with more strength she said, “What are you talking about?” Her voice became hard and unyielding.

  Sighing, I knew I shouldn’t push her, but I couldn’t let it go. Someone put that pain in her eyes and it made me want to kill the one who put it there.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Did some guy say you were ugly in some way? Tell me, so I could find him and kill him.” That fact that I was dead serious should have had me pausing, but not for a second did I think I wouldn’t hurt the one that made her feel ugly.

  “Some guy? Ha. Courtland. I’m fine. You see nothing. There’s nothing wrong.”

  “You’re lying to me.”

  “What? You-

  “Why are you lying to me?”

  “Excuse me? You wouldn’t know it if I lied to you.”

  “Ha. Yeah fucking right. It might have been ten years, but you’re still that innocent little girl you were. You could never lie to me. It’s right there in your eyes.”

  “I am not that girl.”

  “Yes, you are. You are still that beautiful sweet girl I met twelve years ago. Yeah, you grew up to be a beautiful sexy woman-

  “Just stop it!” The vehemence in her voice made me falter.

  “Adelaide. Tell me. This silence will get us nowhere. You’re locked inside your head and I’ve seen whenever someone says you’re beautiful, you shut off. The walls are firmly raised. A fake smile appears and it’s like you’re waiting to get away.”

  “Stop pushing this. Please. Back up, and let me breathe.”

  It took everything inside me to step back and give her enough space to breathe. “Is that enough? Or would you rather I back way the fuck up? All the way to the sand? Or would you just like me to take you back to the hotel? I mean, don’t let me stop you from leaving. Again.”

  “Again? Are you serious? You left me.”

  “I didn’t have a choice! It was either enlist in the Marines and head straight to boot camp, or go to fucking jail for trespassing! You know that!”

  She shook her head with anger. “No. You never told me you were being shipped off to God knows where. You abandoned me. I needed you. I needed you and you just left.”

  “I never abandoned you.” Fuck. I could feel my eyes start to burn. How could she think I’d ever abandon her willingly? Just as I was about to start talking, she held her hand up to stop me.

  “Let’s just enjoy this. I don’t want to argue. You are one of my best friends. I don’t want to ruin what we have.”

  “Have? Like what we’re doing now? Fucking each other until what? You leave?”

  “Don’t ever talk to me like that.” She walked around me and started back to shore. Without a tear and with her walls firmly in place.

  Fuck. Asshole of the year award goes to none other than me.

  I turned and swam to catch up with her.

  “Please. I’m sorry. That was a dick move. God, I keep saying the wrong shit to you. Please, Adelaide, forgive me. I don’t want to ruin our friendship either. I’m sorry I jumped all over you. You know how I am when I get a stupid thought in my head.”

  She scoffed, but wrapped her hand on the inside of my elbow as we walked back to shore. “Yes, I do know. But I also know when I need to stop you from pushing. I can’t-

  “It’s okay. Forget I said anything. Let me make it up to you. How about that
movie date?”

  “Ha. Well, Divergent isn’t out quite yet. But Frozen? Are you ready to get your musical on?”

  “Anything for you, Adelaide Claudette.”

  I knew the crisis had been diverted when her lips curved at one side in an easy smile.

  “I hate it when people say my middle name. I hate it that you know it.”

  “Can’t help it you showed me your school ID when you showed me the quote-unquote, ‘horrendous’ photo they snapped of you. It really was your own fault.”

  “That really was a bad picture. They wouldn’t even let me retake it. That’s in my senior yearbook!”

  “Maybe I should’ve found them and punched them? Maybe then they would have done you justice.”

  “You should’ve.” She laughed and sighed. “I’m just not ready to burden you with my crap.”

  It took everything I had inside of me, to not press her further. We got back to the umbrella where JR had his earphones in as he laid out in the heavy sun and Gram was half in and out of the umbrella tanning her legs as she read a book.

  I got us comfortable on the sheet under the shade. We could still feel the heat and we ate a few snacks and drank some cold water before settling down on our backs, with her head tucked into my chest.

  “I understand, Adelaide. I only want to tell you that you can. I’ll never judge you. Never hurt you. If you ever want to lay your burdens down on my shoulders, trust me enough to tell you they are strong enough to weather any storm or hell you’re carrying.”

  Sighing, she cuddled up a little more to me. I wasn’t complaining. Not one bit. I knew it would take time for her to open up to me and I needed to give her the time she needed. Hopefully I could get her to talk to me before she heads back to Georgia. I really wanted to take that sorrow and sadness away from her. I wanted to carry all the weight she was carrying. I notice how it brings her down.

  “The concept you need to know, Courtland. Never say never.” In my periphery, she closed her eyes, shutting out the world. But she still cuddled up to me. And for now, that was enough.



  “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Courtland’s looking down to me as I’m lying in a grassy yard reminding me of my home back in Georgia.

  It was the yard in Georgia.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “What do you mean, babe?”

  “In Georgia? What are you doing here in Georgia?”

  “I live here,” laughing, he straddled me and blocked the sun. Looking at him, he seemed different. He had laugh lines that I don’t’ recall ever seeing. His eyes were alive with mischief. The sharp lines and angles on his handsome face seemed a few years older than I remember. He still looked magnificent as ever though. He bent and kissed me with passion, but there was a gentleness to it I don’t remember.

  He lives here in Georgia?

  “How do you live here? You live in Houston.”

  “Oh, did you fall asleep? Let me remind you, love. We’ve been married for five years and today is the day you gave birth to our beautiful baby girl, Courtney. You’ve been baking out here a little too long, babe. Let me wake you up.”


  Courtland shook me awake. My eyes shifted in the warm heat and Courtland was peering down on me as he rested his head on his elbow.

  Woot! It was only a dream. That was some dream.

  “Everything okay, babe?”

  A warm smile appeared on his face and he stroked my face with his warm fingers.

  “Yeah. Everything’s okay. How long was I out?”

  “Oh. Only about thirty minutes. You looked so peaceful while you slept. I bet you dreamed of something beautiful. Just like you."

  There was a truth in his eyes that I knew I could lay everything down for him. My dreams, my burdens. I knew he’d raise hell and do whatever he had to, to make me happy, but some things are better left kept inside. That dream was only that, a dream. However beautiful it was.

  Courtland would never give up all the hard work he’s done here and uproot his entire life and for what? Life in Georgia? I don’t think I could ever move back to Granville. Too many bad memories here.

  “Thank you, Courtland. Now, what are we gonna do?”


  Our day at the beach came to an end a few hours later and between JR, Courtland and myself, we were nice and tan. I had written another six pages while JR and Courtland threw around a Frisbee. Gram stayed close to me, somehow sensing I needed her strength.

  Then Courtland loaded up the truck while Gram and I changed into our clothes.


  I just finished rinsing off the oil, sand and grit from the day, when he knocked on the stall.

  I creaked open the door as I wore a towel and he didn’t even look in, but shoved his hand inside with his shirt in it.

  “Wear it. It’ll be big so you need to tie it around your waist.” I grabbed the shirt and he closed the door behind him.

  I brought his shirt up to my nose. It smelled of beach, soap and masculinity. Just like Courtland. I didn’t think he wore cologne, so it must be the soap he used. I took another large lungful and I heard Gram giggling in the background.

  “You trying to inhale that shirt?”

  “Ha. No, of course not silly. It just smells so good.”

  I pulled out a clean bra, panty and spandex shorts that stopped at mid-thigh. I knew my thighs would be rubbing, and denim would suck when it rubbed against the redness of my suntan.

  I tanned easily, luckily, so in a few days, all the burn I had would fade into a nice golden color. I tied his shirt into a knot in back and Gram and I made our way back to the boys by Courtland’s truck.

  JR helped Gram in, then as he said he would do, went to the other side and sat by her. I knew better than to try and hop into the lifted seat, so I waited for Courtland to finish settling our belongings under the back cap. He came around, opened the passenger side door and lifted me easily inside without a second thought.

  I loved his strength. It amazes me every time he picked me up. I felt so delicate and small. I was short but he made me feel feminine and special.

  I buckled in, Courtland walked around, got in and settled behind the wheel and cranked up the AC, to cool us off. We then made our way back from Galveston and our mostly peaceful day at the beach.

  “Let’s go eat some dinner.”


  When Courtland parked, JR got out and hugged both me and Gram, telling us he’ll see us Saturday.

  “It’s so good to have you home baby-girl. Don’t be a stranger.” Then he laid his forehead on mine, “I really missed you Addy.”

  “I missed you too.” He kissed my temple, then took Gram’s hand before placing a charming kiss on the back of it.

  “Pleasure meeting a fine lady like yourself Gram.”

  “Likewise, you handsome devil.” JR went back to sit in the truck and she made her way inside.

  Courtland walked me in, just as Gram was heading up the elevator. We stopped short of the elevator and into a hidden grove.

  “When can I see you again Adelaide?”

  His hand skimmed down my arm, caressing me and forming goose flesh. “Tomorrow there’s a conference between all the authors and inspiring authors, and bloggers. Where we talk about the differences in each genre, criteria and knowing your market and stuff like that. Then, there’s a banquet ceremony in the evening. I plan on writing in between so I can get some work done.”

  “Alright. How about we have that movie date Thursday night? What’s going on then?”

  His hands stilled at my waist and he brought himself closer.

  “Thursday and Friday are the book signings. Open to all the public. Then Friday night is the VIR, uh, that’s ‘Very Important Reader’, after-party. Which there’s a dinner and provides an intimate behind scenes for reader and author. So, Thursday sounds great! Disney’s Frozen it is, huh?
You have that in your DVD repertoire?”

  “Ha. No babe. I’ll pick it up.”

  “You are so-

  Then, his lips were on mine. Licking at the seam, begging me to open. I was only too happy to oblige. I love kissing him. There was something about the way he kissed me that I couldn’t resist. His lips were enticing and sensual and I was helpless. His touch ignited my veins and sent heat down my spine and settled in my core, making me desperate for relief.

  I felt the heat and slickness gather between my legs and Courtland’s hand traveled to my ass, squeezing and kneading. I felt my breath catch and his tongue reached in, mating and tangling with mine. He lifted me easily, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. One of his hands stroked down the middle seam of my shorts until his thumb pressed into my crotch, where I knew my entrance was soaking wet. He pressed up and I gasped out his name.

  “Courtland, we-

  “No one’s looking Addy. Let me take care of this ache for you.” He brought me down so I massaged along the steel hard length of him, bringing the hand that rotated against my clit to the front so I could dry hump him through our clothing. His hand manipulated my clit as we imitated sex and my vagina was scouring up and down his shaft. It didn’t take me long with the thin frailness of our clothing bringing me to release. There was a thin sheet of sweat at my hair line and he groaned, before puffing out air at my neck.

  Licking the salty sweat off my neck he sucked down hard. Geez. I’ll be wearing his marks for days, if he didn’t stop.

  “What about you?”

  “Me? I just jizzed my shorts babe.”

  “Oh my goodness, that’ll be an embarrassing walk back to the truck.”

  “Ha-ha. Not too much to be noticeable. But enough to be satisfied. I’m all good. This was about you, Addy.”

  I nodded my head and took deep breaths until they were calm and even.

  “Thursday, then?”

  “Yes, Courtland. Thursday.”

  “Will you let me pick you up? I’ll bring you back in the morning before you have to get ready for the signing Friday.”


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