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Flaming Sun Collection 2: Marriages Made in India (Box Set with 5 novellas)

Page 11

by Sundari Venkatraman

  “Get her to send you a mail since you are her boss. I’m sure we can do something about the salary if she’s doing a good job as your assistant. I’ll take your word for it,” Ranveer smiled.

  “You have my word. She’s excellent,” grinned Abhi.

  “That sure is a surprise. I’m glad to hear it though. You obviously understand her well.”

  “Aah…that I do.” Abhi’s grin turned wider.


  Every single member of the 54 staff was present in the large conference room of RS Software when their CEO walked in. The intermittent chatter came to a stop when they saw Ranveer take a seat.

  “Hello guys! How have you all been?” asked Ranveer, smiling widely at them. If the staff were surprised by their boss’s over bright smile, they kept it to themselves.

  They all nodded while some muttered, “Great, awesome, fine, not bad…”

  Ranveer nodded before continuing, “Well, I’ve an announcement to make that’s actually personal.” A bit of colour ran up his cheeks as he said, “I got married last week.”

  A roar went up across the room as everyone clapped and cheered, shouting their “Congratulations”.

  Ranveer sat back with a smile, waiting for them to calm down. Once there was a semblance of quiet, he said, “Does anyone want to know who my bride is?” He gestured across the room for someone to step forward. Everyone turned in the direction he was pointing in to see Chanda get up and walk to the empty chair that was placed next to Ranveer. A surprised gasp broke from almost everyone. Shikha watched the scene unfold with cynical eyes, a sneer on her face. What drama! And see how the simpletons lapped it all up. Suckers!

  Chanda sat next to Ranveer, blushing to the roots of her hair, a wide smile on her lovely face. Ranveer raised his hand again and the crowd fell silent. “Actually, Chanda and I had been married fourteen years back, as kids. Yeah, I know it sounds strange, but we both originate from villages in Rajasthan. She was eight and I was thirteen when we tied the knot.” He grimaced as he continued. “I ran away immediately after the wedding and we got estranged. By a quirk of fate, we met again when Chanda came to work for RS. And well, we just decided to get married again. And so, my friends, I invite you all to a party at Country Inn & Suites on Friday. More details by mail.” He nodded that the meeting was over.

  Abhi noticed Shikha staring contemptuously as everyone rushed to offer their best wishes to Ranveer and his wife. When most of them had left the conference room, they went up to the newly married couple. “Congratulations!” gushed Shikha, her smile totally fake. “So, Ranveer, you were telling me the truth when you insisted that you’re married. And you, Chanda, are a deep one.” She hugged them by turn and air-kissed them.

  Ranveer smiled back genuinely. If Abhi was going to marry Shikha, then she was a friend too, no questions asked. “I knew you didn’t believe me. And I hear that we’re to hear wedding bells again pretty soon. Congratulations to you too!”

  Shikha was startled at the blush that stole up her cheeks. Ranveer knew that she and Abhi were getting married. That meant it was for real. She would never have admitted to a feeling of insecurity. But she was unable to believe that her life had truly changed with Abhi’s marriage proposal. She still hadn’t been sure that he had meant it. “Thank you,” she said in a choked whisper, a sudden shyness overcoming her when she felt Abhi’s strong arm go around her waist.

  Abhi in turn congratulated Ranveer once again before giving Chanda a hug. “I’m so happy for the two of you, that you found each other after all these years.”

  “Thank you, Abhimanyu,” said Chanda, smiling up at him. Her eyes were wary when they rested on Shikha. She never knew when that woman was going to bite. Was the gentle Abhi really going to marry this monster? “Have you both fixed a date?” she asked, more to keep the conversation going than out of genuine interest.

  “Whenever Shikha’s ready,” said Abhi, his arm tightening around her possessively.

  “So, Shikha, are you ready?” asked Ranveer. “Do tell us when.”

  “Next week?” challenged Shikha, feeling reckless. The sooner they tied the knot, the more secure she was bound to feel.

  This was exactly what Abhi had been hoping for. He knew that Shikha would rather run their lives and had wanted her to commit to a date rather than he suggesting it. At Ranveer’s raised eyebrow, Abhi said with a smile, “Next week it is. Will get a suitable date with the marriage registrar and keep you all informed.” He pressed his lips to the top of Shikha’s head in a rare public display of affection.

  Chanda was startled to see the transformation on the devilish Shikha’s face at Abhi’s gesture. She looked beautiful as a shy but genuine smile broke out on her face, her sneer having disappeared. It looked like Abhi was doing a good job of taming the beast.

  “So, we can expect another party next Friday it seems,” said Ranveer. He slapped Abhimanyu on his shoulder. “It’s on me.”

  Abhi smiled back at his friend, raising his hand in a high-five. “Thanks, Ranveer. We’ll look forward to it.”


  “Imagine being married at eight and thirteen.” Shikha shuddered as she chatted with Abhi on their way home. “Are they mad?”

  “I don’t think they had a say in the matter,” said Abhi.

  “But still, it’s so ridiculous. Do their families belong to the Neanderthal age, I wonder?!”

  Abhi chose not to reply. Shikha was on her high horse and in a judgemental mood. She had been scorned by Ranveer and it obviously rankled that he had chosen Chanda over her. He let her vent as she went on and on till he parked the SUV in the basement of the building they lived in.

  “I can see they are your best friends and mean the most to you. That’s why you’re keeping quiet. What would you’ve said if it was someone else?” she grumbled, feeling cut up that he hadn’t sided with her.

  They were inside the elevator when Abhi replied, “The same as what I say now, that it’s none of my business.” He pulled her into his arms, pressing his lips hard on hers. It hadn’t been easy keeping his arms to himself through the day when they worked in such close proximity. His laptop bag dropped to the floor a second before Shikha’s handbag fell on it as she threw both her arms around him. Abhi pressed a button to stop the lift midway. What the hell! It was past midnight and there were three more lifts for the others to use. He swiftly pulled her panties down, even as she opened his fly and freed him from his briefs. Abhi groaned as he buried himself in her in one swift stroke. “Shikha…”

  She clung to him, her legs going around his waist, the very ground rocking as he pounded into her. This was a first indeed, making out in an elevator. She hadn’t imagined it even in her wildest dreams as she climaxed quickly. “Abhi…,” she moaned in response.

  Abhi pressed his forehead against hers, grinning. “Don’t know what the hell they say about the excitement of making love in an elevator. It sucks. I can’t wait to get to bed.”

  Shikha laughed throatily. “Bed is better. But this was fun too.” She went on tiptoes to kiss him on his mouth as he hit the button and the elevator began to move again.

  They had a quick shower together before falling on the bed, both feeling needy as they explored each other. Abhi pushed her down on the bed, kissing her on her forehead. “Just lie down and watch me slave over you,” he said, his brown eyes slumberous as they feasted on her body that was laid bare before him. She was a perfect 36-24-34, her breasts inviting his touch. He pressed his lips to her eyelids, kissing them one by one before moving to trace the shape of an ear. Shikha moaned with need as the wet tip of his tongue ran over the whorl, bringing her nerves alive. Her hands moved restlessly on his muscular shoulders as he turned his attention to her neck. He nipped her there, saying, “You taste delicious, my love.” His hands caressed her breasts as he traced a tongue over her slender shoulders, his lips moving down further.

  Shikha held his head in her hands, guiding him towards her breasts as her nipples perked up. She groane
d as she felt his thumbs tracing the tips. “Abhi,” she called out demandingly. “Kiss me there, Abhi. I need your mouth on me.”

  He obliged her by taking a hard nipple into his mouth, suckling softly, driving her crazy with need. Shikha felt tremors building in her womb as she felt him suck harder, her legs moving restlessly against his. His right hand moved down to her hip, his touch firm. Shikha held him tight against her body, feeling his hard manhood pressed against her stomach. She touched him, holding him in her hand as he turned his head to suckle her other breast. She felt wet with desire when she felt his hand reach the apex of her thighs. “Abhi…” she moaned as she felt his fingers within her, pleasuring her.

  She came apart in the next few seconds, a cry on her lips.

  Abhi raised his head to look down at Shikha’s flushed face, her eyes wild with his lovemaking. He moved down further, exploring her stomach, his tongue dipping into her navel, bringing a whimper of pleasure from her. The rough texture of his cheeks on her silky skin drove Shikha wild. She jumped off the bed when she felt him kiss her womanhood. “Abhi…”

  He moved back up, locking his lips with hers, pulling her leg around his waist as he entered her. This time he let it last longer as their lovemaking in the elevator had been rather dissatisfying to both. Shikha felt the powerful build-up as she felt herself soaring yet again as he rode her, their bodies slick with sweat, despite the air-conditioning.

  She bit his shoulder hard to stop herself from screaming when she felt an orgasm rip through her. Abhi seemed to have no qualms as he roared his joy when he climaxed.

  She held him tight as he fell against her, shaking her head when he said, “I don’t want to crush you.”

  “You’re not,” she insisted, refusing to let him go.

  After their breathing had settled down, Abhi moved, turning to the drawer next to his side of the bed. He removed a small jewellers’ box and handed it to her. “See if you like it.”

  Shikha opened the box eagerly and gave a startled shout when she saw the ring nestled there against the velvet. A huge two-carat square-cut ruby surrounded by two rows of diamonds winked at her from their setting of gold. “Is that for me?” she squealed in delight, her eyes sparkling with joy as they looked up at him.

  “Yes, my love. It’s yours,” said Abhi, removing the ring from the box and lifting her left hand to place it on her ring finger. It was a perfect fit.

  “Abhi, it looks simply awesome,” said Shikha, her voice on the verge of breaking. She threw her arms around his neck to kiss him. “Thank you so much.”

  “Thank you for agreeing to become my wife,” said Abhi sincerely, returning her kiss with equal fervour. He lifted her slim hand to kiss the finger wearing his ring, bringing a blush to Shikha’s cheeks. “It looks perfect on you.”

  Shikha buried her face in his bare chest, almost in tears. She couldn’t believe that someone really cared so much for her.

  Abhi turned around to open the drawer again, this time pulling out a bigger box. “There’s more,” he whispered into her hair.

  Shikha shook her head against him. “I love the ring and it’s enough for me. I don’t want anything more,” she surprised herself saying that. His love for her had sublimed her greed for things, it seemed.

  Abhi smiled. “I’m sure. Only I want you to have more.”

  He clicked on the lock and the jewellers’ box sprang open to reveal a matching necklace, bracelet and earrings in the same design, bringing a gasp to Shikha’s throat as she turned to look at them. “This is too much, Abhi. Why do you want to waste so much money on me?” she sniffed, trying hard not to cry.

  Abhimanyu laughed. “I don’t think it’s a waste. I know you look the most beautiful in your birthday suit,” he crooned in her ear, “but there’ll be times when you can look awesome wearing these with some matching clothes.”

  “You’re crazy, Abhi.”

  “Yeah, I’m crazy, about you.”


  That Friday, the party Ranveer and Chanda threw for some 150-plus guests, was a roaring success. The Eden Lawn sparkled with fairy lights, decorated with huge bouquets of asters and gladioli. The multi-cuisine buffet included both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes that would tempt the most jaded of palates.

  But it was the bar that attracted Shikha as she kept going back for refills. Abhi played the quiet escort, not saying much until she finished her fourth peg. That’s when he stopped her on her way back to the bar. “I think you’ve had enough, Shikha.”

  She turned to scowl at him. “Fuck off, Abhi,” she said, continuing to walk towards the bar. She came to an abrupt stop when he held her arm firmly and wouldn’t let her move. “Are you mad?” she snarled, glaring at him.

  “Let’s go have dinner.”

  “Later,” she insisted, making an effort to pull out of his tight grip. But he wouldn’t budge. “Let me go,” she ordered.

  “You’re going with me, either to have dinner, or back home. You choose.” His voice brooked no argument.

  How the hell had she landed up with the most pig-headed person on earth? He was anything but the mild guy he appeared at the first, second and third glances. Shikha gritted her teeth, trying to hold back the temper that gushed forth from within. She just couldn’t stand anyone, just anyone, who came between her and her drink. Just because they were engaged, did Abhi think he owned her? “That’s no choice, Abhi,” she replied, choosing to be sweetly sarcastic. “You’re probably in your dotage. But I’m still young and want to have some fun.” She pulled at her arm again, to no avail.

  “If having fun is making a drunken fool of yourself, then it’s no go. Are you going to come with me? Or do I carry you?” His voice was menacing.

  Shikha’s light brown eyes went wide with shock. “Are you threatening me?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head. “I’m giving you a choice. Either you come with me of your own volition or I carry you away,” he explained as if to a retarded child.

  Shikha stamped her foot, rage overcoming her. She raised her free hand to slap him, only to have it caught deftly by his left hand. “Let me go,” she snarled, “unless you want me to make a scene. You don’t really know what I’m capable of. By the end of it, you’ll feel ashamed of being associated with me.”

  Abhi looked down at her defiant face, amused by the way she threatened him, even as a sheen of tempestuous tears filmed over her eyes. He shook his head, bending down to kiss her, his lips touching her cheek as she turned her face away from him. “Shikha,” he whispered in her ear, turning her face with a finger under her chin, kissing her gently. “I’ll never feel ashamed of you. I love you, remember?”

  She did her best to hold on to her temper in the face of the love shining in his eyes. He continued to hold her back, his expression adoring. Shikha melted in his arms, forgetting to be angry. In the end, the quietly stubborn Abhi had his way, getting her to the buffet and insisting on feeding her morsels from his plate when she refused to get food of her own.


  Both Abhimanyu and Shikha decided to have a court wedding on the next Friday morning. Abhi had completed all the formalities required before they presented themselves at the marriage registrar office in Connaught Place at 10 am along with Ranveer, Chanda, Parth and his girlfriend Megha, and two of Shikha’s friends—Dev and Syed.

  Shikha appeared gorgeous in a golden silk sari, heavily embroidered in gold thread and a blouse of gold brocade. She also wore the ruby and diamond jewellery that Abhi had gifted her. She glowed with the inner fire of a woman truly loved. Abhimanyu looked dashing in a wine-red, sleeveless Nehru jacket over a rich cream churidaar-kurta of silk. Ranveer carried the matching wedding rings made of gold with a fine filigree design. The bride’s ring was engraved with Abhimanyu’s name on the inside while the groom’s ring sported Shikha’s name.

  The marriage registrar checked that all the papers and forms were in order before he looked at the couple standing in front of him, along with their friends. “Are
we waiting for anyone else or can we start the proceeding?” he asked.

  The wedding was over in ten minutes when the couple signed the register along with the six witnesses. Shikha had moved her engagement ring to her right hand and sported the wedding band proudly. Abhi looked at his wife tenderly before bending down to kiss her on her lips. “Congratulations!” he whispered in her ear. “I love you.”

  Shikha threw her arms around his neck and clung to him. “Congratulations, husband,” she whispered.

  The whole lot of them left the registrar office to have breakfast at Hotel Saravana Bhavan. Immediately after, the others left to go to work, while the newlyweds went home. “See you all in the evening,” called out Abhi to his friends, driving off with his new wife next to him.

  “Well, Mrs. Mehra, welcome home,” said Abhi, lifting her in his arms to cross over the threshold of their home. Shikha kissed him on his cheek, smiling widely.

  He took her directly to the bedroom and unwrapped her sari as if she were a delicate gift parcel. Shikha revelled in his lovemaking, matching his passion. He held her close later, kissing her forehead. “I love you, my wife.”

  “You’re the best!” she said, burying her face in his chest.

  He poured two glasses of chilled red wine and brought it to her in bed. He also took out the guest list for the evening to check that all had been invited. That’s when he noticed the list of names given by Shikha. There were eight of them, seven male friends and the wife of one of the guys. He turned to look at her, his right eyebrow up in query. “Have you missed anybody?”

  Shikha took the paper from him and ran her eyes through the names, shrugging. “Of course not. Why?”

  “You have no female friends?” he asked, grinning. “They are all guys.”

  “Very funny,” she grumbled. “Can you think of any woman who’ll want to be my friend?” she asked.


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