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Flaming Sun Collection 2: Marriages Made in India (Box Set with 5 novellas)

Page 29

by Sundari Venkatraman

  “What?” She stood up and waved when she saw Bharat looking for her. But she was sure he wouldn’t be able to see her as the light was brighter where he was.

  “Do you see the chairs clustered in one corner?”

  “Okay, I see you now.” He continued to whisper nonsense in her ear and Dia turned redder by the second as she watched his tall form eating up the distance between them in but a few strides. He stopped within a few feet of her, disconnecting the phone, when he was interrupted by one of the beauties who had shot the ad with him.

  Dia’s smile left her face as the model walked along with Bharat towards her, her tinkling laugh ringing out.

  “Hey,” said Bharat again, pulling Dia into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “How have you been?” He moved her away to check her out from top to toe and realised that her smile was missing. He immediately knew why; also the exact reason why he’d asked Bina to join them. It was time Dia understood the world he moved in.

  Dia nodded. “I’m good. And you?” Her voice was subdued.

  “Don’t I get a kiss?” he grumbled, tilting her chin with a hand. But she wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Dia?”

  She lifted her eyelids suddenly to gaze into his hot brown gaze. “We’ve company.”

  “Of course we do,” said Bharat, before bending down to capture her lips in a hard, but too brief a kiss. He raised his head to watch with satisfaction as colour rushed up her cheeks, her silver eyes promising retaliation. Good! “Dia, meet Bina, my colleague.” He turned to the other woman, his arm still around Dia’s waist, ignoring her effort to pull it off her. “And Bina, meet Dia, the love of my life.”

  Bina’s grin was wide as she hugged Dia warmly. “It’s great to meet you Dia. I’ve been working with Bharat on and off for four years. He’s a wonderful guy and handsome too. You’re truly lucky.”

  Dia tried her best, but couldn’t fault the other woman’s behaviour. Though one couldn’t call her a conventional beauty, Bina looked amazing, her russet coloured hair tumbling like a river down her back, her sharp features perfectly made up. If she was attracted to Bharat, she wouldn’t show so much warmth towards his girlfriend for sure. Dia smiled at Bina, hugging her back. The other woman was obviously a friend.

  “Phew,” said Bharat, winking at Bina. “Would you like to join us for dinner, Bina? We…”

  Bina shook her head. “You don’t want me to play kabab mein haddi, I’m sure.” She turned and winked at Dia. “You lovebirds go on and enjoy yourselves. I’m going home to soak my tired muscles in a bathtub. No date night for me.” She grimaced, stretching her aching body.

  “If you’re sure,” grinned Bharat. “Excuse us then. I need to get all this makeup off before hitting the town. Come along, Dia.” He waved to Bina and with a hand at Dia’s elbow, he walked towards the door he had kept appearing from, each time after a change of costume.

  He had a green room to himself it seemed. It was brightly lit with a wall that was covered with a single sheet of mirror. “You’ll need to wait for twenty minutes. Hope you don’t mind. I’ll get the makeup off and have a quick shower before I’m decent company. I…”

  Dia reached him in a couple of strides and put her arms around his neck, pulling his head down to her, and kissing him on his mouth. She traced a tongue over his lips, seeking entry. He opened his mouth with a groan, kissing her back with fervour. “I don’t mind waiting. But are you sure you want to go out? Bina said she’s tired. Aren’t you? We…”

  “I wanna go dancing with you,” he growled into her neck, nibbling on her skin. “Do you like dancing? It’s Friday night. Let’s go paint the town red.”

  She nodded, thrilled to be his girl.


  The next day was Saturday. While Dia had a holiday, Bharat was to go for a night shoot. They had spent the morning in bed. When Dia wanted to get up, Bharat wouldn’t let her.

  “Come on baby, I want you in my arms.”

  “But Bharat, I haven’t done anything the whole week. The apartment needs cleaning and loads of clothes to wash. I also need to buy provisions and cook as the fridge is nearly empty,” protested Dia.

  “Hmm.” He nibbled the curve of her jaw line, his scruffy face tickling her skin. He took her hand and placed it against his manhood. “Feel that? My body craves you.” He nipped her lips. “We’ll be up soon, I promise, and I’ll help you with the housework.” He raised his head to look down at her when he heard her laugh. “What? You think I’m no good around the house? Just wait and watch. But first things first.” He bent down to close his lips around an engorged peak of her breast, stroking it with a moist tongue, making Dia forget her own name, let alone cleaning her apartment.

  That day, Dia saw a different side of Bharat that was most unexpected. He vacuumed the apartment for her and cleaned the kitchenette, leaving it spotless. He insisted on doing the shopping for vegetables and provisions. “Give me your shopping list and go wash your clothes. I’ll get all that you want.” He slapped her hand away when she tried to give him money. “Don’t be silly, Dia. Now that I’m officially your partner, allow me to share some of the expenses,” he insisted, before leaving with a wire basket in tow.

  She stared at him from her window, blowing him a kiss when he turned to look up at her with a grin on his face. He made her heart thud with excitement, the noon sun lighting up his glowing features, his unshaven face looking handsomer than ever. He needed the scruffy look for today’s shoot, he claimed. Well, she didn’t mind at all. Actually, she thrilled to the sensation when he rubbed his fuzzy face against her sensitive skin.

  And she was glad that he had insisted they spend a lazy morning in bed. Staying all alone, Dia had realised that the only way to live a comfortable life was to ensure that all housework got done by Saturday afternoon. But today had been a lovely change from routine. Bharat had brought her coffee in bed, that too after making steamy love to her just before that. Bringing her a tray with two mugs, he’d said, “Well, that’s the extent of my skill in the kitchen, making instant coffee.”

  Taking the tray from his hand, Dia placed it on a side table before hugging him. “I don’t care about what you can manage in the kitchen. I appreciate you more for your expertise in bed,” she whispered naughtily in his ear, nibbling on the earlobe.

  Bharat laughed, his body vibrating against hers. “Now you’ve to admit that a have-been Casanova has his advantages.”

  She hit him with a fist before succumbing to his love making, the coffee growing cold as they feasted on each other.

  Bharat returned in forty-five minutes, loaded with all the items on her list, plus two bottles of wine and—Dia’s heart flipped—a huge bunch of red roses.

  “They look so lovely. Thank you Bharat,” said Dia, giving him an adoring smile, before burying her face in the roses.

  “Do the flowers get all your kisses?” grumbled Bharat, hugging her from behind, nuzzling her neck.

  Dia laughed, moving out of his arms. “I think I’d better look for a bigger apartment with a separate bedroom, just to stop you from tempting me to bed every few minutes,” she teased.

  Bharat quirked an eyebrow at her, his eyes roaming over her slim body that was covered by only a t-shirt—his. “Do you really believe the distance will discourage me?”

  Dia shook her head at him. “On second thoughts, no.” She turned to look for a glass jar that she kept on a shelf under the kitchen platform. Removing it, she filled it with water before placing the roses in them. She stood back to admire the lot before lifting the jar and placing it on the desk near the window where it caught the light. “I love them, Bharat.”

  “I’m still waiting for your ‘thank you’ kiss,” he grumbled, removing the t-shirt he was wearing.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” asked Dia breathlessly, her eyes clinging to his naked torso. God, he was a hunk. “I need to cook.” She turned away, determined to finish her work.

  “What do you think I’m doing? Just getting cool so I can
help you. So, tell me what you want done,” he said, removing his shopping from the basket to place them all on the platform. He looked at her with a roguish grin on his face. “Ms. Mathur, you need to get your head out of the bed that’s dominating your flat. Come on,” he slapped her bottom, “let’s get this show on the road.”

  Cooking had never been such fun with Bharat getting in her way whichever way she turned. Yes, he did help as promised, but managed to make the whole process long drawn. He had no clue as to which end of the knife to hold when it came to chopping veggies. But his enthusiasm more than made up for his lack of prowess. And Dia didn’t mind the hot necking they indulged in every few minutes. It was past two when they sat down to a Chinese lunch of hakka noodles and veg Manchurian gravy. A week’s worth of food was cooling as it was spread over the kitchen platform.

  Dia watched Bharat fork some noodles and gravy into his mouth as she sipped on chilled wine. She raised a brow in query as she saw him munch. “What’s the verdict?”

  “Will you marry me?”

  “What?” Dia jumped, the mouthful of wine spurting out. “Are you mad Bharat? Get serious.”

  He looked at her with puppy dog eyes. “What did I do? Why are you calling me ‘mad’?” His coffee brown eyes danced mischievously, looking at the confusion on her face.

  Dia placed her wine glass with a thump on the dining nook, standing up to place her hands on her hips, her arms akimbo. She looked at him with molten silver eyes that spat fire. “All I wanted to know was how you liked the food, and…”

  He pretended to look innocent, raising his palms in a gesture of peace. “I know. And I said…”

  “And you proposed marriage. Is this a joke?” She was snarling now, furious.

  Bharat got up from his chair, his eyes grave. He walked close to her, standing toe to toe. “I’ve never been so serious in my life. The food’s amazing. Shall we eat it before it gets cold?”

  Dia stamped her foot in fury. Just like a man to evade giving a straightforward answer. When she asked about the food, he proposed marriage. When she questioned him about it, he was complimenting her about the food. He was just impossible! And just when she was about to say something, he smothered her lips with a mind-blowing kiss. Dia was rattled, her anger having sublimed to desire in the matter of a couple of seconds. She clung to his shoulders, stepping on his feet to reach out better, kissing him back with equal fervour.

  Bharat raised his head to look down at her flushed face. “Did I tell you how gorgeous you look when you get angry?” he winked. “No, no, please don’t go off like a rocket again. Let me explain myself. I love the food and I love the woman who made the food even more. Since I want both of you in my life, I’m asking you to marry me. Got it?”

  Dia shook her head. “You want to marry me for my cooking…?”

  “Well, there is this renowned saying, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. I thought that maybe you…”

  She hit him with both her fists, raining blows on his chest, even as she laughed out loud, her whole body shaking with mirth. “You are mad. And I love you.” She fell into his arms, hugging him close. “And yes, I’ll marry you.”



  Bharat checked his phone during a break during shooting to see missed calls from most members of his family. He speed-dialled Shatru’s number, wondering what must have happened. “Shatru…”

  “Congrats, bro. We’re both uncles now. Ram and Sapna’s baby girl was born at 7.05 in the evening,” yelled Shatru, obviously excited.

  “What are you saying? That’s damn cool. How’s Ram? Is Sapna fine? And how’s the baby? Is she cute? I…”

  “Whoa!” laughed his twin. “Everything’s good. Ram was kind of rattled after holding Sapna’s hand during childbirth. But otherwise, all great. The little one looks gorgeous with a head full of hair and the cutest of little faces. So when are you coming?”

  “Will try to make it tonight if there’s a flight available. OMG! I can’t believe this. This little baby is the first of the new generation of Maheshwaris.” There was awe in Bharat’s voice. “Is Ram there?”

  Ram came on the line. “Hello Pappa,” said Bharat. “Congrats. You must be feeling on top of the world.”

  “Bharat, yes. Missing you. She’s the most beautiful baby in the world.” There was so much joy and pride in Ram’s voice.

  “And how’s Sapna?” asked Bharat.

  “She’s fine now, sleeping. So when are you coming?”

  “I’m checking flights as we talk. I’ll see you tonight. Please bribe the nursing home staff for my sake, Ram. I want to see the baby ASAP.”

  Ram laughed. “I can try. See you.”

  Bharat disconnected the call before going to meet the director of his shoot. He explained the situation and requested to leave immediately. The main segment of his shoot was already over. So the director let him go. Booking the flight for 9.50 pm, Bharat quickly changed into his Bermuda shorts and t-shirt. Wearing his sneakers and picking up his backpack, he booked an OLA and left, waving to the rest of the team.

  He called Dia on his way to the airport. “Hey, I’ve some awesome news to share.”

  “Tell me,” said Dia, a smile in her voice.

  “Ram and Sapna had a baby girl today. I’m on my way to the airport. Can you believe it Dia? I’m an uncle.”

  “Wow! That’s splendid. Congrats Bharat. You have a safe flight and send me pictures of the baby.” While Dia was thrilled for his sake, she was disappointed that he wouldn’t be spending Sunday with her.

  “Tell you what. Why don’t you come over first thing tomorrow? I’d have taken you along with me if there had been a later flight. You…”

  “Are you sure?” Dia’s heart went dhak dhak. “Won’t I be intruding?”

  “Don’t talk crap, Dia. Of course not. You’re family. It’d make me happy to have you with us.”

  “Fine, let me book…”

  “Shall I book the 8 am flight for you?” asked Bharat.

  Dia grinned from ear-to-ear. “Yes, please. Though I’ll have to return late Sunday or early Monday.”

  “Okay. Will ping you the details. This is superb! I can’t wait to reintroduce you as my fiancée to my family,” said Bharat. “I’ll miss you baby.”

  “I’ll miss you too.”

  They chatted till he reached the domestic airport and had to disconnect. Her meeting with Bharat’s family would be very different this time. Dia hugged herself, a dreamy smile on her face.


  Shatrughan was waiting for Bharat outside ‘arrivals’ at the Jaipur international airport when the latter got out a few minutes before midnight. A wide grin split Shatru’s face when he saw his twin. “So, what’s up, bro?” he asked, hugging the other man.

  “Life’s awesome,” said Bharat, grinning too, returning his brother’s hug. “I don’t suppose they’ll let me into the nursing home, not at midnight.” He was disappointed. He couldn’t wait to hold his baby niece in his arms.

  “No way. But I’m glad you’re home. Do tell me you don’t need to rush back,” said Shatru, getting behind the wheel of his car—a brilliant blue Audi.

  Bharat got in from the passenger side after throwing his backpack on the back seat. Pulling the seat belt around him, he said, “I’m free for the whole week.”

  Shatru said, “Am I glad to hear that! And what’s happening with you and Dia?” He reversed the car out of its parking place and got out of the airport speedily.

  Bharat grinned wider than ever. “She’s agreed to marry me.”

  Shatru righted the car that went out of control for a couple of seconds before slapping his twin on his leg. “Congrats! And he tells me now. When did this happen?”

  “Today afternoon.”

  “Oh, like that. You must be feeling terrible leaving her back in Mumbai.” Shatru commiserated with him.

  Bharat shook his head. “Not for long. She’s coming over tomorrow, to see the baby and al
so to be reintroduced to everyone as my girl.”

  “Perfect.” Shatru turned the car into the gates of Nakshatra, riding further to park it in the 5-car garage to the left of the main bungalow.

  “So, have they thought of a name for the little one?” asked Bharat, getting out of the car.

  “They’ve been oscillating between Rakshita and Samaira. But if Ram has his way, they’ll settle for Samaira.” Shatru winked at his twin. “And I’m sure he will. Do you know that Sapna listens to every damn thing Ram says? Yeah, we know he’s smitten with her. But she simply adores the ground he walks on. Whatever, just whatever Ram says, Sapna follows blindly. Without an argument. Amazing!” He shook his head in wonder, a look of awe in his eyes.

  “You’re just jealous,” teased Ram, though he couldn’t but agree with Shatru. It was almost three years since Ram and Sapna had been married—an arranged match at that. While it was love at first sight for Ram, their relationship had taken some time to kick off. Nowadays, it was as if Sapna almost worshipped the path Ram walked on.

  “Of course I’m jealous,” grinned Shatru. “Of Laki too. Yeah, Pappa’s given up insisting on everyone calling him Lakshman since he became Ruma’s Laki. He’s a lucky dog for sure. The two are as cute as two peas in a pod—working together, eating together…”

  “Sleeping together,” laughed Bharat. “So, why don’t you get a partner for yourself? I thought you were enjoying puttering around the world?”

  Shatru grimaced. “I’m, most of the time. I’m also happy with my short-term affairs.” His grimace turned to a grin as he winked at his twin again. “But all this love floating around me is making me feel lonely.”

  “You’ve been too long at home, I suppose. What’s it been, three weeks?”

  Shatru sighed. “Hmm. Feels like the longest three weeks of my life. I was better off staying back for just one week at a time.”

  “Do you want to go back with me to Mumbai for some time?”


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