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Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance

Page 44

by Sienna Parks

  “As amazing as that was, do you want to tell me what’s going on? Why did you want to see me?” I nuzzle into his chest, trying to find the right words.

  “I read the last letter you sent me while I was missing.” His arms tighten around me.

  “I was sitting in the park reading your beautiful words and I was just completely overwhelmed by the intensity of the love I feel for you. You’re my world; my better half. I love you with all of my heart, with all that I am. I need you to know that.” He lifts my chin with his fingers, pressing a tender kiss to my lips.

  “I love you, too, sweets. It’s you and me now… okay?”

  “That’s all I want.”

  “Then that’s what you shall have.”

  I suck his bottom lip into my mouth before he devours me – not with a wild, desperate kiss, but one so sensual and heartfelt that it resonates in my bones.

  Xander grabs some work that he still needs to finish due to my… interruption. We decide to forego dinner in a restaurant and get takeout on the way back to the penthouse.

  We have a great night eating Thai food, laughing, and watching old movies. It's great to just be together and enjoy each other. We’ve been through so much already; we’ve definitely learned to appreciate the little things.

  Friday in the office is excellent. I know this sounds nerdy, but I really enjoy the morning meeting; hearing what everyone else has been working on this week, sharing my own work and getting to know everyone a little better. By lunchtime I’ve uploaded my blog for the online magazine and sent my article to the editor for the published version. I can’t wait to buy a copy with my first ever article in it.

  I send a quick text to Xander before heading out to lunch.

  Me: Just submitted my first article for publishing. Yay me. Love you. X

  Almost immediately I hear back from him.

  Mr. P: So proud of you. I love it when you SUBMIT. Can’t wait to see you. 5:30 p.m. sharp! Love you, too. X

  It amazes me how he always makes time to respond. I know he must be extremely busy with work, and it warms my heart. I have a nice lunch and head back to the office to get a jump on my assignment for next week.

  The afternoon goes by in a blur of downloads and research. When the clock hits 5:30 p.m. I’m out the door and on my way to Xander, the butterflies taking flight at the thought of being back in his arms.

  I’m not disappointed when I see him leaning against the SUV, his tie loosened, his top button undone. I can feel his magnetism drawing me to him. He grabs me and kisses me, pushing me against the car, his body pressing into mine.

  “Hi, baby.” He has such a carefree smile - it’s contagious.

  “Hello, yourself. I missed you.” He nibbles on my neck.

  “Then you won’t mind coming for a walk with me and we’ll get some dinner? The one we were going to have yesterday.” That sounds like a perfect way to start the weekend. He puts my bag in the trunk before ushering me into the car.

  “I thought you might want to change into something more comfortable so I brought you some clothes to choose from.” Nothing I own; all brand new. He’s unbelievable.

  I take advantage of the blacked out windows, changing into a cute lemon sundress and ballet pumps before fixing my hair and makeup. I open the door for Xander.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t come in for the show.” I smirk at him.

  “I would have, but we’re on a schedule and we definitely would not make it to dinner if I got into the car with you half-naked.” He bites his lip and I know he’s wiggling his eyebrows behind his aviators. I put on my sunglasses and leave David behind to go for a walk in the evening sunshine.

  Xander pulls me to his side, his fresh scent and cologne assaulting my senses, sending tingles down my spine. As we walk and talk, laughing and planning our weekend, neither of us notices the person standing directly in front of us until she speaks.

  “Oh, honey. You took him back after what he did? That’s just sad. What lies did he tell you this time?” Natalie. The smug, bitchy grin on her face makes me want to slap her. Xander’s body tenses as he moves to put himself between me and her.

  “Natalie…” I stop him, pressing my hand to his chest; his heart beating wildly beneath my fingertips. I slowly lift my mouth to his, placing a feather light kiss on his lips; his cheek cradled in my palm.

  “I’ve got this. Let me deal with it.” He looks wary, but nods his agreement. I whip round to see her staring daggers in my direction.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Natalie.” My voice is calm and controlled. It ruffles her. “I’ve heard so much about you. None of it good, of course.”

  She opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off.

  “No, Natalie. I think you’ve said and done enough. It’s my turn now.” Xander’s hand moves to the base of my spine. “I should really be thanking you for sending me those photos.”

  She sneers. “And why is that?” Venom drips from her every word.

  “Well… it made me realize just what a colossal BITCH you are. I now understand just what Xander had to put up with, and what you put him through. After all of that, you managed to show just how amazing he really is, that he would even help the likes of you if you were in trouble.” Her jaw almost drops to the sidewalk as I continue. “You see. I actually love Xander, and he loves me. Nothing you could ever do will change that. It’s pathetic really, that you had to resort to lying and scheming just to be in the same room as him. I can understand your desperation. It must sting to realize that you threw away the best thing that will ever happen to you in your sad little life, and for what? To get your tits out on a magazine cover?”

  I’ve got her now. There’s anger bubbling in her eyes.

  “You don’t know anything about me, you little whore. He’ll get bored of you soon enough and come crawling back to me.” Wow. This girl is delusional. Xander makes a move, rage emanating from him in waves, but I speak up before he wades in. He doesn’t need to stoop to her level.

  I throw my head back and laugh. “Wow. You really are a crazy fucking bitch, aren’t you, Nat? I’m only going to say this once, so listen up… You are nothing to us. You are less than nothing to Xander. He hates you. I hate you. I’m pretty sure that most people who meet you… hate you. Now, here’s the important part.” She looks scared now. Let’s dial up the crazy. “The next time you see us in the street, you better cross to the other side. If we walk into a shop or a restaurant that you happen to be in, you better make yourself scarce… because… Natalie… if I ever see your evil little face, or hear another word coming from that forked tongue of yours, I will… rip your fucking head off. I will ruin your pathetic excuse for a money-maker. Do we understand each other? So much as breathe in Xander’s direction and I will end you. Got it?”

  She knows better than to answer. One more word from her and I won’t be able to hold Xander back. She turns on her heels and crosses the street. My entire body is shaking, vibrating as Xander spins me in his arms.

  “That was… amazing. I didn’t think you had that in you. You’re so… sweet, and so... badass! That was such a turn on. No one has ever done anything like that for me before.” He cradles my face, his mouth capturing mine in a passionate kiss.

  “God, I love you so much.” I wrap my legs around his waist, not caring that we’re in the middle of a busy street.

  “I love you, too.” We stay like that for a few minutes before he lowers me back to the sidewalk and we continue our walk to the restaurant. We hold hands, exchanging loving smiles and longing glances as we go.

  We arrive outside a great looking Indian restaurant, and the smell coming from inside is positively mouth- watering.

  “Come on. You’re going to love it in here.” He excitedly pulls me through the door, and there, at a table in the far corner, are Addi and Carter. I turn to Xander.

  “Happy? I thought you might be missing your friend.”

  I throw my arms around his neck. “This is fantastic. Thank you.

  We’re quickly seated with our friends to enjoy an evening of laughs, good food, and great company. It’s lovely seeing Xander and Carter together – they’re so… boyish. Xander relays the events on the street with Natalie to whoops and hollers from Addi and Carter high-fiving me for my bravery. We all have a giggle at my out of character tirade.

  They seem to be getting along well. I recognize the way he looks at her. I see it in Xander’s eyes every time he looks at me. I’m so happy Addi has found someone who appreciates her. I’m not going to mention it because I’m worried she’ll freak out again, and mess things up with a really great guy.

  After a fun evening we agree to make a plan to go to the Hamptons at some point before the summer is over.

  Xander and I enjoy a leisurely stroll back to the penthouse, the buzz of the city surrounding us as we revel in our own little bubble – our real life fairytale.

  Xander seems a little off this week. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but he’s been a bit on edge. I’ve asked him about it but he just blows it off and changes the subject. He’s also been pretty cagey on the phone which is odd. Usually I would offer to give him privacy for his calls and he’s the one that pulls me into his lap while he talks. This week he’s been closing the door behind him.

  Saturday morning arrives, and the weirdness continues. Xander says he has to go to the office for a few hours, leaving abruptly. I get a sinking feeling in my gut - his behavior reminiscent of when he was lying to me about Natalie. I try to shrug it off, spending the morning lazing around the apartment, curling my hair, giving myself a feel-good makeover. When I’ve done all the girly primping I can justify for a day to be spent in the house, I receive a text.

  Mr. P: Miss Tate. Could you come and meet me in South Field? X

  That’s odd. We hadn’t planned on going out anywhere. Oh, maybe we’re going to have a nice picnic. It’s a perfect day for it. I quickly text him back.

  Me: I’ll be there in 15. X

  I grab my purse and sunglasses before heading out to meet him.

  When I arrive at South Field, it doesn’t look the way I remember it. A pathway has been carved out amongst a sea of roses as far as the eye can see, in every color imaginable. It’s absolutely breathtaking. As I follow the path I see an opening to a pond filled with water lilies. It’s more beautiful than any Monet. As I continue on my way, I realize that I’m the only person here. My phone beeps in my pocket.

  Mr. P: Keep following the path, sweets. X

  It never ceases to amaze me when he reads my mind at the exact moment I'm think something! I keep going, taking in the beauty that surrounds me. Every ten meters or so there are plaques with some of my favorite quotations from classic literature including the one Xander had engraved on the notebook he gave me.

  As I get closer to the library I come to an archway of flowers and foliage with Xander’s trademark pearls and crystals interwoven throughout; it’s a stunning sight. I notice charms, just like the ones on my bracelet, hanging from the top of the archway. It’s magical; I don’t think I’ve taken a breath since I set foot on campus.

  On the ground in front of me is a phone that looks exactly like mine. I lean down and pick it up. The lock screen shows one of the funny selfies we took when we were in London. When I slide my finger across the screen I notice there is a text on the phone. I open it, tears misting my eyes at the effort he has gone to for me today.

  Mr. P: This is where it all began, Miss Tate. Look up. X

  I lift my eyes as I step forward into what feels like secret garden. Xander is standing in front of me, looking like a vision sent from heaven. His hair is mussed - as if he’s been wringing his hands through it; his chiseled features are beyond beautiful as a panty-dropping smile splits his face. I can’t take my eyes off the perfection walking toward me.

  I am lost for words when he stops mere inches away from me, his smell intoxicating my senses – clean laundry and cologne. He cups my face in his hands, searching for… something. Our lips meet in a passionate kiss, our tongues caressing - my hands sliding up and down the length of his muscular back.

  Before I get a chance to speak, Xander drops to one knee at my feet, reaching into his pocket and removing a black velvet box. My heart is hammering in my chest as I stare down into his beautiful ice-blue eyes; the love I feel reflected back to me in his unwavering gaze.

  “Lily Tate. We’ve only known each other for three months, but I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. The day our worlds collided here in South Field changed my life in every way imaginable. You’ve given me hope for a future I never thought I would have.”

  Tears stream down my face as I listen to his words - my emotions overflowing.

  “Every day, you show me love that I never thought I would find. Every hour I spend with you, you bring me joy, every minute I get to call you mine, I cherish, and will never take it for granted.”

  He is more eloquent, more beautiful, than anything I’ve ever read. I’m overwhelmed.

  “Lily… I love you with all my heart. I have since the moment I looked into those stunning green eyes. I felt like I was looking into the other half of my soul. If you’ll let me, I will love you, cherish you, protect you, and do everything in my power to fulfill every one of your dreams in this life and the next.”

  He opens the small elegant box, holding up the most breathtaking ring. A large solitaire brilliant cut diamond in a high four claw setting with diamonds running down either side of the band – it’s more perfect than I ever could’ve imagined. He is more than I could ever imagine. I am overcome with pure, unadulterated joy as he continues.

  “Will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife? Marry me, Lily.”

  My hand flies up to my mouth, holding in the sob I know is trapped in my throat. I watch as he lifts the ring from the box, taking my left hand, holding the ring at the tip of my finger.

  “May I? You’re killing me here, sweets. Please, say something.” There is unease in his eyes as he awaits my answer.

  “Yes, Xander. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  I sob tears of joy as he places the ring on my finger and stands up, pulling me into the most intense kiss. Every fiber of my being reacts to him, to his touch, his scent, and his heart, that beats in time with mine.

  “I love you so much, Lily.” He continues to shower my face and neck with kisses as I melt into his body, holding tight to stop my knees from giving way underneath me.

  “I love you, too. More than I could ever express. You’re my… everything.”

  Standing in the spot that changed my life on an average Monday afternoon in May, I knew that I had finally found the missing piece of myself; my better half, and the love of my life.

  Wherever life takes us, I know that every chapter will be amazing with Xander by my side, writing our story together, hand in hand, hearts entwined; two halves of the same soul - forever and always.


  Four Months Later

  Why do I feel so fucking nervous? I’ve been waiting for this day since the moment I met her. I’m almost as nervous as the day I proposed, but it was worth a week of feeling sick to my stomach to hear Lily say “Yes.”

  Lucky for me she did say yes, because I’d arranged a party afterwards at Jason’s restaurant with help from Addi. Both of our families were there, Addi’s family and some of our close friends. My mom was a crying mess as soon as we walked in the door to a roar of applause!

  It was lovely to see Lily enjoying herself as everyone fussed over her, ogling her ring, giving me the thumbs up. Her face is so fucking beautiful when she’s happy. I want to put that smile on her face, every day for the rest of our lives.

  It’s been a full on four months getting ready for this wedding. There has been so much going on, but most importantly, Lily and I are deliriously happy together. She also started her novel, which is amazing and I’m so fucking proud of her. She decided to use her experiences with Peterson and try her hand at a crime th
riller. I think she surprised herself with that decision, but she’s the happiest I’ve ever seen her when she’s sitting writing on her laptop.

  I think it’s been somewhat cathartic for her.

  Since she started putting it all down in print, her nightmares have become less frequent. It’s been so hard watching her relive those horrors night after night. I just want to take it away for her. I’m in awe of her strength - she’s the strongest woman I’ve ever met. She’s been through so much, and yet, she has such a gentle and loving spirit that just calls to me to protect her.

  The decision of where to have the wedding was a no brainer for me, and when I suggested it to Lily, she absolutely loved the idea. So here I am, four months later, standing in the center of L’Arena in Verona, Italy; waiting for the love of my life to arrive.

  Carter is my best man and from what I understand of the role, he should be calming me down right now. Is he? Fuck no. I think he’s more nervous than I am. I’ve given up trying to work out what he and Addi have going on. One minute I think things are getting really serious between them, and the next I have to listen to Carter piss and moan about her blowing him off.

  I love her, she’s Lily’s best friend and she would do anything for her, but I’m not convinced she’s what’s best for my best friend. He puts on a good front, but I know it’s taking its toll on him.

  A few months back we managed to make some time to go up to Carter’s place in the Hamptons for the weekend with them. We had a great time. Well… Lily and I had a fantastic time; I managed to whisk her away for a few hours to the secluded cove where we shared our first kiss. I can remember how fucking perfect she looked writhing underneath me, the sunset as a backdrop, and the last vestiges of sunlight kissing every curve and line of her amazing body. If there is such a thing as heaven, that was it. I’m hard just at the memory.

  I need to adjust myself without drawing attention. How the fuck do you do that while standing at the altar with your family and friends staring at you? I’m just going to have to think about something else! One glance at Carter and that does the trick. He looks like he’s going to vomit.


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