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Talon (Galactic Cage Fighters Book Two)

Page 13

by K. D. Jones

  “What brings you to my bed?” he asked silkily, opening his eyes to look at her.

  She smirked. “I won’t ever be in your bed, human. I simply came to check on you for Talon’s sake. The healer said that you threw yourself in front of him to protect him from the bullets.”

  Trig tried to shrug, but the heavy sedation meds prevented him from moving. It was frustrating as hell. “Didn’t do it for your gratitude.”

  “Well, you have it. Talon is a good friend of mine and if something had happened to him—I would have been bothered greatly.” Zara tried to distance herself from everyone, even her friends. But those rare few who broke through her defenses meant the world to her.

  “If you are so grateful, how about a kiss?”

  “Not going to happen.” Zara tried not to laugh. Even though the man was shot and had gone through surgery and was heavily sedated, he was still trying to put the moves on her.

  Instead, she updated him on Talon and Lindy and about Lindy’s unexpected pregnancy. There was a bit of sadness in her voice when talking about the pregnancy. It was faint, but Trig could tell. He wanted to ask her about it but knew she would just brush it off as nothing. He enjoyed their conversation, though most of it was arguing and throwing insults at one another. He didn’t want her to leave when she stood to go.

  “I’ve got to check in with Talon before I head back to the GCFA circuit ship.”

  “Hey, Amazon!” Trig called out, stopping her at the door.


  “Next time, I’ll collect that kiss.”

  “We’ll see, human.” She left the room smiling.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lindy decided to go back to her parents’ home to recuperate and to makes plans for the baby. Her family had been anxious to get her back. There was a lot of tension between Talon and her family. Lindy felt like she was being tugged in opposite directions. Her parents and uncle were used to controlling Lindy’s every move. It was hard for them to let Lindy make her own decisions when it came to Talon and the baby.

  Talon was being overly protective. He hardly ever let her out of his sight. Sometimes she had to yell at him to give her some space. He clashed the most with her father. Two men who meant the world to her did not get along.

  They had not had the opportunity to be intimate with one another since her rescue. It was partly her own fault. Lindy suffered from nightmares of her ordeal. She refused to talk to Talon about them. She flinched sometimes when he reached for her. They slept in separate bedrooms and Lindy insisted on leaving a light on at all times in her bedroom.

  Her parents arranged for counselling to help her work through the issues she was having. Talon went with her to as many sessions as she would allow. But there were times she preferred him to not come because he would get angry at Nautilus and interrupt the session. She had to ask him not to come.

  She was grateful to have the baby to think about. It gave her a purpose. The baby was healthy, though it took several healers to reassure Lindy of that. She was worried the things done to her would affect the baby. It worried Talon, too, when she had talked of the dungeon rations she had been given. The healers put her on a strict dietary regimen to help her gain the weight that she needed and wanted her to take it easy. Talon used it as an opportunity to spoil her, but he could sense that Lindy was pulling away from him.

  Talon could tell that Lindy was still bothered by something, but she would not talk to him about it. He felt guilty. She was taken because of him, and she and their child suffered because he lost his control. How did he make up for all that?

  The GCFA was demanding that Talon fulfill his contract. He didn’t want to leave Lindy, but he needed to earn his paycheck so he could support his family. He wanted to give Lindy a home of their own to raise their child. He didn’t ask Lindy to come back with him to finish the circuit. He was afraid it would bring up too many bad memories for her. Her parents practically packed his bags for him when he told them about returning to the circuit. Lindy didn’t say anything. Maybe she had wanted him to leave this whole time but didn’t have the courage to tell him. It tore at his heart.


  A few days later

  “Lindy, you have a visitor,” Lindy’s mother, Janet, told her as she let a tall man into the room.

  Lindy panicked at first thinking that somehow Nautilus had gotten free. Then she recognized the man from the GCFA circuit. He was a friend of Talon’s, the trainer that had raised him. He didn’t care for her much.

  She stood and shook his extended hand when he offered it. “I am not sure if you remember me, I am Lesak.”

  She noticed that his eyes were glued to her slightly protruding belly. The diet regimen was working for her and the baby. She rubbed her small belly bump with pride. “I remember you. Talon speaks nothing but great things about you. Would you like to have a seat?” She walked back over to the couch to sit down.

  “It’s true then, you are pregnant with Talon’s baby?”


  A broad grin spread across his face. Lindy felt more at ease. “I helped raise Talon when his parents died. I think of him as my son. It would be an honor if you would allow me to be a part your child’s life.”

  Lindy smiled warmly. It amazed her how babies brought people together. “Of course. What brings you here? Is Talon okay?”

  “He misses you. I think he will be quitting the GCFA soon.”

  “Why would he do that? He loves fighting.”

  “He loves you more.”

  Lindy looked to the side. She still had doubts. He had only told her that he loved her that one time, in the Healing Facility. She had started to think that maybe he had only been saying that because he felt obligated. To hear someone else say that Talon loved her was too good to be true.

  “You do not believe me?” Lesak asked.

  “I…know that he sincerely cares about our baby and me.”

  “Damn it, woman! He fell apart when he found your letter and thought you had left him!” Lesak lost his patience. His raised voice had brought Lindy’s mother and protective father back into the room. “Sorry, didn’t mean to yell.” They refused to leave her alone with him after that.

  “I didn’t leave a letter. I was abducted against my will.” Lindy had tears in her eyes. Tipin and Resa must have made it look like she left him. Oh, Talon.

  “We figured that out later. But at the time, Talon thought you left on you own. There was even a security video that showed someone who looked like you leaving by herself.”

  Lindy thought for a moment but was confused. “I was put in a traveling trunk and smuggled out.” Her mother started crying. It was the first time she heard any of the details. “It’s okay, Mom. I’m okay.”

  “We found out later that it had been Resa that transformed to look like you. Talon truly believed you had left him and he lost his will to live,” Lesak told her.

  “Do not blame my daughter!” Lindy’s father looked ready to beat the crap out of Lesak. At least he would try.

  “I’m not blaming her. I am trying to explain to her why Talon could not come for her sooner.” He turned his attention back to Lindy. “He was a wreck. He wanted to die. The first fight after you—disappeared would have been his last if Rage hadn’t stepped in. He refused to fight back during his match and nearly died in the cage. Out of concern for his mental state, I had him admitted into a rehab facility for a couple of months. While he was in rehab, I went to the IDJ for assistance in trying to locate you. Turned out you had not been the only victim of the slave ring. The IDJ was already preparing an investigation on it. They sent Special Agent Rachel Kegan, who helped Talon discover the truth. He came for you as soon as he could.”

  A sense of relief filled Lindy. Talon did not forgot about her. He really did care. She needed to talk to him. “Could you excuse me for a moment.” Lindy went in search of her phone. What was she going to say to him? Sorry, I doubted you. I thought you moved on and didn’t care about me?
Did she really want to say all that over the phone?


  The next day

  “Talon, get your head out of your ass and concentrate!” Zara yelled at him from outside of the cage.

  He was practicing with Rage and getting his ass handed to him. He had a hard time focusing on what he was doing. His thoughts constantly turned to Lindy and their baby. He wanted nothing more than to quit and go to them. What kept him from doing that was that he didn’t want Lindy or his child to see him as a quitter.

  He tackled Rage, throwing him to the mat and mounted him. Rage nodded in approval. “It’s about damn time.”

  That was when a sweet scent drifted to him. Lindy? He turned his head and watched the woman he loved walk into the room. Rage used the distraction to throw Talon off him. Both men stood and looked at Lindy.

  She was so beautiful. Her long, dark hair was braided and hung down her front over one shoulder. Rachel was standing on one side of her and Lesak stood on the other side. There were two large men standing protectively behind her. They must be the security detail that he had discussed hiring with Lindy’s father and uncle. He felt it was important to include them. He looked down at her small belly bump and pride filled him. Everyone else in the training facility seemed to fade away.

  “I think we’re done for the day,” Rage told him as he patted him on the back.

  Talon took the towel that Zara threw at him to wipe off the blood and sweat. He made his way to Lindy slowly. Why was she here? Was she okay? Is the baby okay? Concern for her and the baby made him walk faster. He stopped a few feet away. “Lindy?”

  She took a step forward, then another, before she launched herself into his arms. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she cried against his neck. The words were like a balm to his soul. He lifted her and carried her out of the training facility. He headed to the elevators. He needed to get her alone and naked. Rachel and Lesak made the security detail stay behind. He knew that they would eventually be waiting outside his suite. However, for now, he would have Lindy all to himself.

  “I didn’t know about the rehab. You should have told me,” Lindy whispered to him when they were alone in the elevator.

  “I was ashamed that I fell apart. I didn’t want you to know that about me.”

  “I fell apart, too. That’s when I had become so desperate that I threw myself in front of that shuttle,” she confessed for the first time that it had been done on purpose.

  He squeezed her against him. “You will never do that or anything like that again.”

  “I swear it. And you will never give up and put yourself in a position like that either.”

  “I swear it.”

  When they reached the suite, Lindy swiped the key to open the door. She laughed, “Put me down, I’m getting too heavy for you to carry me.”

  “You are light as a feather, too light. Have you been eating? I can call for room service.” Talon didn’t sit her on the couch but took her directly to the bedroom.

  Lindy shook her head. “Do not worry. I have a very healthy appetite.”

  Talon growled from need when hearing the double meaning behind her words. He laid her on the bed gently then stood back up. He just stared at her on the bed. So many nights he had dreamed of this. So many.

  Lindy shifted to her knees. She started to unbutton her red blouse. She smiled seductively when he did nothing but watch her every move. “Are you just going to watch or are you going to take your clothes off, too?”

  Talon reached up and yanked his shirt over his head throwing it across the room. He reached for his jeans and pulled too hard making the buttons pop off. Lindy laughed. She couldn’t help herself. He was as needy as she was. Maybe more so as she got a look at his protruding member. It was bigger than she remembered.

  Talon was completely naked, but he didn’t make a move toward her. He stood there letting her look at him and adjust to his aroused state. “I won’t hurt you.”

  She nodded her head and finished removing her shirt, throwing it to the floor as well. She left her bra on while she wiggled to remove her skirt. She kicked off her shoes and settled back on the bed. All she had on was her bra and panties. She felt a little self-conscious about her stomach bulge. Without clothes, it was even more noticeable. She placed her hands in front to shield herself from his view.

  Talon growled. “Don’t hide from me. I want to see all of you.”

  “Soon there will be a whole lot more of me to see,” Lindy commented nervously.

  “I will love every inch.” Talon placed a hand and knee on the bed and started crawling up toward her slowly. The closer he got, the stronger the scent of her arousal became. It grew so thick and strong; it was as if he was bathed in her scent. He loved it! He loved her! “Lindy.”

  “Talon,” Lindy whispered with all the longing she felt inside. She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. He lowered his head bringing his lips to hers.

  The gates of passion sprung open and everything they had been feeling for one another poured out into that one powerful kiss. Talon deepened the kiss and opened his heart to her. “I love you,” he told her and then showed her with the pull of each kiss and the velvety flick of his tongue.

  “I am completely in love with you,” Lindy told him, as she arched her back allowing him easy access to her neck and then her breasts. They had been sorely neglected. When Talon’s hot mouth closed over one extended nipple, her whole body started to vibrate with pleasure. That had never happened before. It felt so good. “Yes!”

  Talon growled against her nipple then and was pleased to feel Lindy’s nails dig into his back. He stroked her body with his hands as he stroked her breasts with his tongue. His fingers traveled down and felt the wetness between her legs. “You are so wet for me,” he whispered, trailing kisses down her ribs and pausing above her small-protruded belly. He cupped her baby bump with gentle hands and reverently placed small kisses on it.

  The sweet gesture brought tears to Lindy’s eyes. “I love you, Talon.”

  He looked up and smiled. “I love you, my sweet Lindy.” He continued down until his breath fanned over her pussy lips.

  Lindy shivered. “I want you.”

  “You shall have me, but first I must have you, all of you.” He plunged his tongue deep into her depths. The taste of her was so powerful it acted like a drug going straight to his head. He fought through the dizziness so he could pleasure her. Her needs would always come before his.

  He pumped his tongue in and out of her, swirling it around, making her whimper with need. He sucked on her hood while using his thick digits to fuck her slowly. He had three fingers in her and curled them slightly to hit her pleasure point within. She shattered in his hands and mouth. Talon licked her juices up hungrily.

  When he was done, he climbed slowly up her body. She opened her legs wide for him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders when he reached her. He kissed her and she could taste herself on him. It turned her on even more.

  He pulled back from the kiss and looked down into her dark warm eyes. “I love you.”

  “As I love you,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Then he entered her slowly, carefully. He didn’t stop until he was seated all the way inside. It was heaven being inside of her. Nothing felt as good as Lindy. He pulled out slowly leaving just the tip inside, then plunged back into her. They both moaned from the sheer pleasure. His pace increased more and more as he found a rhythm that they both loved. When Lindy had her next orgasm, he spread his seed deep inside her. He didn’t pull out immediately. He stayed within her depths, holding her close to him. All the missing pieces of his soul reformed and he felt for the first time since his mother died that he was whole again. He was with his Lindy, which was all he needed.


  “Come on, Taurus, pick one.” Zen nudged his friend who had remained silent through the whole audition.

  How did he get roped into doing this? Oh yeah, Zen volunteered him. Damn it! Thi
s was not what he wanted to be doing, auditioning new ring girls. He would rather be helping Zara train the replacement fighters. This was a joke.

  The GCFA had reserved a conference room at the local space station hotel for them to use to conduct their ‘interviews.’ There wasn’t much interviewing going on. Zen was having the women parade around on top of the table. Some of them took it as a clue to start removing their clothes. Against Zen’s protests, he had to tell the women to put their clothing back on. It was embarrassing for him to watch, but Zen was in heaven. He was about to call an end to this whole fiasco.

  The door opened and a small figure tumbled through. The clumsy person straightened up and Taurus felt every breath in his body leave him. He had never seen such a beautiful woman in all his life. She had light brown hair with a widow’s peak that had a natural curl. Her eyes were light green and her facial features were delicate.

  “Am I too late?” she asked breathlessly.

  The sound of the woman’s voice went straight to his groin. That did not please him at all. He grunted with disapproval. The sound carried to the young woman who then pouted her lips. He knew in that one instance that this woman was going to be trouble for him. She was big trouble—wrapped up in a small package.

  Books by KD Jones

  Katieran Series

  Katieran Prime

  Prime Commander

  Prime Medic

  Kiljorn Prime

  Prime Deliverance – May 2013

  Galactic Cage Fighters Series



  Taurus - Coming Soon

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