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The Tenth Cycle: A Thriller (A Rossler Foundation Mystery Book 1)

Page 42

by JC Ryan

  Daniel had stopped speaking, and a long, uncomfortable silence ensued. Finally, the President spoke. "Gentlemen, and Ms. Speaker," he said with a hint of some dark humor, "it appears the jig is up." To Daniel and the rest, he said, "I'd hate to have to play poker with you, Rossler. I apologize if I came on a little strong, there. It was the consensus of our party," indicating the members of Congress, "that we attempt to simply seize the information. Given your response, and the fact that you have political asylum here and it would be extremely embarrassing to try to extract you, we concede your conditions. There is no question that the United States must be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Tell us what your government can do to help you."

  The reversal was so swift that Daniel was once again left reeling. Again, he looked at the others in a silent request for help, and received encouraging nods and smiles. "Well, Sir, if you put it that way..."

  Hours passed as Sarah and Daniel and Sinclair showed them how they had translated the code and what they had discovered. The outsiders couldn't quite get their heads around the facts; that some tens of thousands of years in the past, a civilization more advanced than ours had existed and been destroyed so utterly that only the Great Pyramid at Giza remained. That within that pyramid were secrets that would revolutionize science, beginning with nearly free, clean energy and including the likelihood of unthinkable medical advances. And that, along with the science that would greatly benefit mankind, would come revelations about the history of mankind that were likely to topple churches and historians alike. They sat stunned as the presentation finished.

  Bertrand the head of the CIA, was consulted as Martha, Daniel and Sarah related the events of Mark's murder, Barry's murder, the elder Rosslers’ hostage taking, Sarah's kidnapping, as well as their escape from the USA. Sinclair asked about the Orion Society, and Bertrand’s face darkened. His opinion was that if they were involved, it was a good thing that the group had been as careful and secretive as they were. Bertrand’s gaze came to rest on Raj, who paled and resolved not to ask about Area 51 after all. He was still leery of these people, and coming to the notice of the head of the CIA was the last thing in the world that he wanted. After consulting with the President in a separate room, Bertrand assured the party that if they would agree to return to the US and set up the foundation there, he and the President would personally guarantee their safety and the safety of their families. Lewis had briefed Bertrand on the rogue agent, Johnson.

  The meeting was punctuated by a sumptuous lunch prepared by the President's own chef, before all the details were settled.

  After lunch, they got down to the business of negotiating what role, if any, the United States government could expect to play in the work of the Rossler Foundation. Martha and Sarah had put their heads together, and now requested permission to present their suggestions. The Foundation was seriously underfunded, having only the three million dollars that the New York Times had paid for the exclusive story in its coffers. They could use either more funding or help in fundraising.

  The Congressional party held a quick conference and announced that they would cooperate in introducing a bill which would provide permanent funding, though it couldn't for a variety of reasons be the only monies that came in. They suggested that the President speak to other heads of state to provide some funding as well, both to prevent the appearance that the US was receiving special treatment and to spread the burden of what looked as if it could become an expensive operation.

  Daniel mentioned that they intended to seek the philanthropic assistance of a wealthy benefactor, and received assurances that names of such people would be made available to him, as well as letters of endorsement from the President and others.

  It was only after discussing the fantastic sums needed that the President thought to ask what they intended to do with it all.

  "We need to hire an army of translators to start with," Daniel stated. "Sinclair, do you have a presentation ready?"

  "Sure, and I do," Sinclair affirmed.

  "Roll it," said Daniel.

  The President's party watched with open mouths as Sinclair's presentation made it clear to them just how massive the data was, and how much information it could hold. It then went on with a slide show of the index, and what he'd translated so far.

  Into the silence, Daniel spoke. "We have every intention of exploiting this information for the good of mankind. With that in mind, we need scientists to interpret and replicate, historians to make sense of what must have happened, and above all, as I said before, an army of translators. Sinclair has done a phenomenal job, but he's only one man. It would take him several lifetimes to translate it all. We need physicians to compare symptoms and understand what diseases we now have the cure for." He trailed off, almost overwhelmed himself at the magnitude of the task.

  Now, the President spoke. "Rossler, you do realize that some of this information could be very dangerous in the hands of some parties, do you not?"

  "Yes, Sir. It's one of the reasons why we have chosen to appoint a board that will fairly represent all political persuasions. The Board will see to it that dangerous information is suppressed unless and until other information is translated that ameliorates it."

  "I'm glad to hear it. I wouldn't want a country that we're now at war with to have the secret of fusion weapons, for example."

  "I understand, and neither do I. However, I'd rather no one had that information, not just countries that harbor terrorists. Mr. President, in some parts of the world, we are considered the terrorists." Daniel asserted.

  Now Sarah spoke up, the dire prediction of the greeting always on her mind. "Mr. President, one other thing is of urgent importance. We have to determine where we are in our cycle. And if the secret to ending war is in those records, we have to find it as soon as possible. Whatever destroyed the civilization of the Tenth Cycle, and presumably those that went before it, could still be in operation in our civilization."

  "Agreed. All right, I see your point. Now that I've guaranteed your safety, are you prepared to come back home and get started?"

  Daniel grinned. "Articles of Incorporation were filed in Colorado several weeks ago. All we're waiting on is 501(c)3 status."

  "Young man, I think I need to appoint you to my negotiations staff. I'll see what I can do to speed up that approval. The IRS owes me one. I'll try to get that pushed through for you within the next forty-eight hours."

  With that, the meeting was adjourned, but it was now late enough that the President's staff had taken it upon themselves to prepare dinner. The entire party retired to a large salon next to the formal dining room, there to have cocktails while waiting for dinner to be served.

  Daniel and Sarah were standing to the side, watching the others interact. Sarah asking Daniel about that smile. When he told her she broke into an uncontrollable laugh hitting him on the arm, “Daniel Rossler I hope you were not contemplating actually saying that to the President were you?”

  Before Daniel could answer, President Harper who has made his way through the others to join them said, "Rossler, I'd like to congratulate you once again. You and your team did your country proud, not only by making this discovery, but by planning a fair and balanced way to share it. Speaking not only as your President, but also as a human being, I'm proud to be a part of it. But I have one condition."

  Daniel raised one eyebrow, thinking that they had already hammered out all the conditions. "What would that be sir?"

  "I'd be honored if you and Dr. Clarke would join Mrs. Harper and me at the White House for dinner from time to time. We'd love to have a personal update of your work, and Dr. Clarke, I know my wife will be as excited to meet you as I have been to make the acquaintance of your outstanding team."

  Color flooded Sarah's face, as she stammered an acceptance in behalf of both of them. Unless she had mistaken the intent, she and Daniel had just been invited to become friends with the President and First Lady of the US!

  “Oh, by the way,”
Harper said. “I understand that you two are engaged? You make a very nice couple. Without being presumptuous, may my wife and I look forward to an invitation to the wedding?”


  For Harper, it remained only to meet with the Israeli president. He owed a debt of gratitude, and it never hurt to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. Accordingly, after a comfortable night's sleep at the US Embassy, he presented himself to the formal meeting that had been prearranged. In flowery diplomatic language that was nevertheless sincere, he thanked Israel, and its president personally, for the staggering effort and care they had extended to his citizens. Assuring him that the US would ensure that the discoveries made would be shared equally with Israel, and that anything that posed a danger would be carefully considered before it was released to any country, President Harper exhibited his statesmanship. However, when Harper offered compensation for the monies expended in the operation, a gratified head of the Israeli state clapped him on the upper arm and said, "It was our pleasure." Thus, an obligation was incurred by the US, and Israel was assured of a place in the new world, whatever that would bring.

  Three days later the Rosslerites arrived at JFK in great secrecy away from the prying eyes of the press and taken to an unknown location, where all their family and closest friends were waiting for them.

  ~ The End ~

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  We spend a lot of time researching and documenting our past, yet there are still many questions left unanswered. Our ancestors left a lot of traces for us, and it seems that not all of them were ever meant to be understood. Despite our best efforts, they remain mysteries to this day.

  Inside you will find some of the most fascinating and thought-provoking facts about archaeological discoveries which still have no clear explanation.

  Read all about The Great Pyramid at Giza, The Piri Reis Map, Doomsday, Giant Geoglyphs, The Great Flood, Ancient Science and Mathematics, Human Flight, Pyramids, Fertility Stones and the Tower of Babel, Mysterious Tunnels and The Mystery of The Anasazi

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  JC Ryan

  More Books In The Rossler Foundation Mysteries

  The Tenth Cycle




  The First Book in the Rossler Foundation Mysteries “The Tenth Cycle” is a full-length novel, a provocative techno thriller about human history, conspiracies and an ancient society with power and money that will stop at nothing to reach their sinister goals.

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  Ninth Cycle Antarctica



  Is There An Ancient City Under The Ice Of Antarctica?

  The Second Book “Ninth Cycle Antarctica” is a full-length novel, a stimulating thriller about an attempt at uncovering true human history in the face of adversity and is a follow on from The Tenth Cycle.

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  Genetic Bullets

  A Catastrophe Of Biblical Proportions 35,000 Years In The Making.

  The World We Know Is On The Verge Of Destruction ...

  There Is No Escape. Or Is There?

  The third book Genetic Bullets is a full-length novel, a stimulating medical thriller about genetic engineering human persistence and resolution in the face of destruction.

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  The Sword of Cyrus

  200 Million Souls Are Screaming For Revenge.

  The Sword Of Cyrus Will Exact That Revenge

  This Time There Is No Escape.

  The fourth book The Sword Of Cyrus is Book 4 in the Rossler Foundation Series, a full-length novel, a stimulating techno thriller about the danger of nanotechnology to human existence. This book is a follow up of Genetic Bullets.

  Coming in October 2014




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