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Haunted (A Secret Salem Novel 3)

Page 14

by J. N. Colon

  Laney absentmindedly played with the straw in her cup. “So… where’s Mac?” She cleared her throat. “I didn’t think he’d leave your side with you dressed like that.”

  My mouth nearly hit the floor. The irritation must have shown on my face because she immediately tried to recover.

  “Oh, I don’t mean that in a bad way.” Her widened gray eyes traveled over my dress as her cheeks flushed. “I only meant you look really great. That dress fits over all your curves perfectly… definitely shows them off.” A forced laugh slipped out her mouth. “Where did you get that dress by the way?”

  I took a deep breath to staunch the urge to lung at her fangs and all. “I don’t know. It just appeared in my closet. I think Demy put it there.”

  Her blonde brow arched. “Oh? You two sure are close.”

  I nodded.

  “How does Mac feel about that?” A definite accusatory note laced Laney’s voice.

  “It doesn’t bother him.” I crossed my arms against my chest defensively.

  “Are you sure because when we were dating he would get so jealous if another guy simply talked to me? You and Demy, well, I’ve heard sometimes you guys sleep together… I mean just sleep but in the same bed.”

  Anger coiled in my chest, ready to spring out and bitch slap Laney Cavanaugh. Why doesn’t anyone see the shiesty little harlot underneath that sweet southern exterior?

  I opened my mouth to insult her when she abruptly waved goodbye.

  “Well, I’ll see ya’ later. I just wanted to chat and say hello.” She quickly pivoted and strode back into the throng of students, leaving me staring after her with a shocked expression.

  “What a bitch.” A girl I didn’t recognize was standing next to me, following Laney’s path.

  I tossed my hands in the air. “Thank you. No one else seems to think that. They’ve apparently all drank the Laney flavored Kool-Aid.”

  The girl laughed and turned toward me, leaning against the window. Her auburn hair framed her heart shaped face and coiled down her back. Something about her reminded me of Aspen.

  I bet she’d see right through Laney.

  “Someone should teach her what an actual compliment is.” She motioned toward my dress. “She’s jealous you’re like a million times hotter than her.”

  “Yeah right,” I scoffed and glanced out the window, seeing a layer of frost crawling over it. That’s weird, I thought. It’s not even cold outside.

  “I’m serious,” she insisted.

  “Laney looks like a freaking supermodel.” I scratched at the frost on the window, noticing it was coming from inside.

  “Who are you talking to?”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Demy eyeing me funny. “Her…” I pointed to the girl next to me… suddenly realizing I was the only one who could see her. “Oh man. You’re a ghost?”

  The girl shrugged. “I thought you knew.”

  Demy chuckled and grabbed my hand. “Well if Casperina doesn’t mind, I’m stealing you away.”

  The ghost smiled sheepishly at him. “Only because I can’t have my way with him.”

  I snorted on a laugh.

  “What did she say?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing.”

  He started pulling me toward the moving bodies on the dance floor. “Let’s dance.”

  I groaned, but let him drag me anyways. Honestly I was glad not to be by myself, talking to dead people or the girl who wants to steal my mate.

  We weren’t dancing long before the fast songs made way for a slower one with sultry beats. I eyed Demy suspiciously, wondering if he was responsible for the change in tempo.

  His face was full of innocence, but I could detect the humor glinting in his mysterious violet eyes. “What? You don’t want to dance with me now?” He arched his studded brow. “Are you scared little vampire.” His Russian accent deepened, daring me.

  I tilted my chin defiantly and clasped my hands around his neck, bringing us closer. “Nope.”

  Demy smiled and grabbed my hips, pulling our bodies flush. “This is how you dance Rubi.”

  As we swayed to the beat of the music, the heat from his body was enveloping mine and so was his earthy amber scent mixed with the shifter fire. We were dancing in a way we probably shouldn’t, moving our hips together, shooting sparks of sensations through my insides. Before I realized it our faces were close and I was drowning in his violet eyes.

  “What a lucky bastard,” someone mumbled over the music. “Demy can practically make out with Rubi and not get his ass kicked by Mac.”

  Did it look like we were making out?

  Demy’s lips twitched, answering my question and yet I couldn’t seem to pull away. Instead I pressed closer, watching the surprise in his expression. Everywhere we touched seemed to burn and I was falling further into his smoldering gaze. The silver flecks glowing in my eyes were mirrored in his.

  His heartbeat suddenly throbbed against my skin erratically and pulse quivered. It was maddening and intoxicating. My gaze stared at the blue veins in his neck, mesmerized by their own little dance, a dance to invite me in.

  My fangs tore through my gums with a little whimper of longing that Demy definitely heard.

  A mixture of shock and desire flashed through his expressive eyes.

  In a horrified yet hypnotic way, I realized I wasn’t only thirsty. I was seriously turned on. Did he know that?

  Demy leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “Let’s get you something to drink.” His lips brushed my lobe and warm breath dusted my skin as he spoke, making me shiver.

  I nodded and let him grip my hand, pulling me toward the table with glasses of blood. I averted my eyes to the floor to keep everyone from seeing the silver and kept my mouth closed against my fangs.

  Gees. What the hell is wrong with me? Demy’s my best friend. And Mac’s. I shouldn’t be feeling that way. I shouldn’t want to sink my fangs into his neck and lap up his hot blood even though I know it would taste so, so good.

  Ah! Snap out of it Rubi, I chided myself as I grabbed a glass and immediately downed it in giant gulps.

  How would Mac feel if he knew what I was just thinking?

  I laid the empty glass on the table and licked my lips.

  “Better?” Demy asked when I reluctantly made eye contact, my cheeks flaming scarlet with embarrassment.

  I nodded. “Sorry about that. I don’t know why I…” I shook my head to shatter the image of us dancing. “I guess I didn’t drink enough today,” I lied. I had plenty of blood.

  A smile laced his lips. “No worries princess.” He winked.

  “Come on Mac. Just one little dance. What would it hurt?” Laney’s southern voice flowed over the crowd. I caught sight of her looking at Mac pleadingly, batting her thick lashes.

  Mac flashed a gentle smile and touched her shoulder. “It’s not a good idea.”

  Laney pouted. “But Rubi was dancing with Demy. They’re friends. Why can’t we be friends?”

  Mac blinked and rubbed the back of his neck, searching for an answer.

  Anger slow burned in my veins. You can’t be his friend because you want to steal him from me, I thought, glaring at her.

  Demy nudged me. “Quit growling Rubi and just go over there and save him.”

  I hadn’t realized I was growling. I glanced back at Demy and smiled, the awkward moments forgotten. “Thanks.”

  I marched over, Mac’s jade eyes instantly zeroing in on me. “Let’s dance.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the dancing bodies, leaving Laney pouting after us.


  I woke up to tapping on my dorm door. Mac was sound asleep next to me, looking adorable with disheveled hair and pillow creases on his cheek. My lids lowered again as I snuggled against him.

  Tap, tap, tap…

  I startled awake at the sound. I sat up, debating. Should I answer it? What if it’s a ghost trying to get my attention or simply mess with me? What if it’s the ethereal white one trying to giv
e me a message?

  Why was she the only ghost I saw that didn’t look like a normal person?

  The tapping echoed again. With a sigh I eased out of bed, careful not to wake Mac. I tossed his Highland Academy Basketball hoodie over my head, the hem reaching almost to my knees. When I opened the door, sure enough, the white ghost was floating in the hall, waving me on. I yawned and closed the door behind me. “You know, maybe you could just tell me what you’re trying to show me because we never really get too far. A hunter usually shows up and kills me.”

  She either ignored me or couldn’t answer me, continuing through the maze of halls probably to the door that didn’t exist in reality.

  If I was awake this time, maybe she’d lead me to a real door instead. A flutter of excitement lit my insides, quickening my steps. I felt awake. I pinched my arm, a sharp sting of pain shooting through it.

  That was a good sign.

  We ended up in front of a door again, the gleaming wood and brass handle the same as in every dream. I glanced around, unable to pinpoint my exact location. I was in Radcliff Hall, but where?

  She motioned with a watery hand to open the door. I reached out and gripped the brass handle just as a sting of pain shot through my lip.

  I sucked in air and reached up, pulling my fingers away with smears of scarlet.

  What the hell?

  The metallic twinge of blood lingered in my mouth—my blood.

  I glanced back at the ghost to see her making a shooing motion like she wanted me to run. Before I could understand I felt a presence behind me.

  Oh no, I thought and spun around.

  “Hello lass.” William stood before me, his moss colored eyes wild in his shadowed face while the scar marring his neck glinted ominously in the dim light of the hall. “You got away from me last time. Not happening again.”

  Chapter 19

  Cold fear sliced my heart and shivered down my spine. “Leave me alone. You’re dead.”

  A manic laugh tumbled out his mouth, echoing in the quiet hall. “So are you.”

  Quick as lighting he lunged at me and I found myself on the ground struggling uselessly to get up. I didn’t have my vampire strength or speed.

  What the hell!

  William grabbed me by the hair and started dragging me off, pain pulling on my scalp. Terror slammed into me as I screamed and clawed and kicked. I still couldn’t decipher if I was awake or if this was some horrible nightmare. Was the ghost of William really dragging me off to my death!

  I blinked and was suddenly bound to a wooden chair, silver chains biting into my flesh. I was no longer in Mac’s hoodie, but a familiar knee length navy skirt and white collared shirt—an exact replica of the dark headed girl’s clothing.

  My gaze lifted and surveyed the dim, musty room, recognizing the wooden desk in one corner and the bench in the other. Candles were the only source of light, dancing ominously against the raw wood walls.

  Chills ran the length of my body, prickling my exposed flesh. This was the scene of the girl’s murder too.

  William appeared in my line of vision, his black clothes blending into the shadows while his rust colored hair and beard flamed against them. His mossy eyes shone with manic delight. “You’re not going to ruin all the work we’ve done stupid girl.”

  My brows furrowed, a pain shooting through the side of my face. I remembered him slapping the girl before dragging her off.

  Am I reliving her death again? Except this time I realize I’m not her.

  As if reading my thoughts William leaned closer. “She’s long dead.”

  A gasp tumbled out my mouth, echoing through the small room.

  A twisted kind of humor lit his face. “Aye princess.” With a grin he flashed his sliver knife that could pierce my heart as easy as any silver stake. “It’s you I’ll be slicing open this time.”

  My heart clawed up my throat as panic settled over me. My breathing was ragged and a fine layer of sweat beaded my skin. This can’t really be happening. Ghost can’t hurt you, not like this. This must be a dream. It has to be a dream!

  I slammed my eyes shut and repeated, it’s just a dream. Wake up. Wake up. It’s just a dream…

  William’s laughter felt like a slap in the face. The tip of the cold blade was against my fleshy throat. “She stopped us once. You won’t get the chance to do it again girl.”

  “Stopped what?” My voice trembled. Was he talking about this girl’s descendent? Would finding her really stop the hunters’ mysterious plans?

  “As if you didn’t already know?” He gritted his teeth as he dug the blade deeper, making me whimper. “I’m sure she told you.”

  Shit. Did he know the girl tried to tell me something in the classroom?

  “Bye now princess.”

  Before I could even scream William stabbed me in the chest so violently my ribs cracked. Pain exploded through me as crimson blood leaked down my shirt. A scream tore out my mouth, gurgling sickeningly with my own blood.

  “Rubi! RUBI!”

  Someone heavy was pinning me down as I fought, pain still echoing through my chest. I growled and felt my fangs tear through my gums. I knew something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t clear the murkiness from my brain after reliving another death.

  “Rubi! Stop fighting me. Baby please.”

  His strangled voice finally registered through my ears. The familiarity of it laced with the anguished tone had my heart clenching.

  I stopped struggling, those jade eyes currently flecked with silver came into focus first. Midnight hair hung wild around his sculpted face, making my insides shiver. “Mac?”

  A breath of relief slipped out him and he eased back, scooting off my body. “Rubi, what the hell was that?”

  Oh crap. It had been a dream—a seriously horrific one—and Mac had been here to witness my violent wake up.

  My eyes glanced over to the other side of the room to see Vera sitting up in her bed, her black and purple hair sticking up and dark eyes filled with worry.

  Mac shook me gently to get my attention. “Rubi. What was that?”

  I sat up, wiping the sweaty strands of hair off my forehead. “Just a nightmare.”

  Incredulity entered his face. “Oh come on. That was no normal nightmare.”

  I was about to protest when Madison caught my attention. She was leaning in the corner, trying not to crack up.

  “You should have seen you.” She snorted on a laugh. “You looked like you were having an exorcism. You gave Linda Blair a run for her money.” She motioned throwing holy water on me. “The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Rubi, don’t know roll your eyes at me,” Mac hissed, mistaking my source of annoyance. “That was some seriously scary shit.”

  I waved a hand in the air. “Sorry. I’m just not fully awake yet,” I lied. Oh I was certainly awake and not sleeping again anytime soon. I simply didn’t feel like explaining Madison at the moment. “It was a really bad dream—about hunters. They stabbed me in the chest.” Technically it was true.

  Mac pulled me in his arms, holding me close. “That’s not going to happen Rubi. I won’t let them anywhere near you. I promise.”

  I buried my face in his chest. “I know. Like I said, it was only a nightmare.”

  Vera cleared her throat. “Well, that certainly was entertaining. I haven’t been woken by a banshee before.”

  Mac shot her a glare over my head.


  “I think it’s wicked awesome you’re psychic,” Vera said as we walked down the hall toward our next class.

  “Yeah, not really.” Students’ eyes followed me down the hall, curious murmurs about what happened in Professor Reilly’s class flitting around. The humans all thought I was nuts, but the shifters and vampires knew the truth. I wasn’t sure which was the lesser evil.

  “I’m just glad you’re not crazy.” She brushed short strands of hair out her face, her silver skull br
acelet catching in the sunlight from a window. “You started to scare me there for a while. You were hearing voices and stuff.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whispers, okay. I was hearing whispers.”

  “Yeah ‘cause that’s so much better.”

  We both laughed. And then another laugh echoed down the hall, instantly grating on my ears. Laney Cavanaugh stood in front of Mac as he leaned against his locker, talking to Hudson and Lucius. She flung her blonde hair and touched his shoulder.

  “Oh, Mac. You’re just as funny as I remember.” She batted her lashes up at him and smiled.

  Out of politeness he smiled back.

  Laney didn’t think so. She stepped closer and whispered something in his ear as her hand trailed down his chest.

  Oh hell no she didn’t. A snarl I couldn’t control leaked from my mouth.

  “Oh shit,” Vera mumbled and tried to reach for my arm, but I yanked out of her grasp and marched toward Laney.

  Mac saw me first, his jade eyes widening with trepidation. He blocked me from Laney, but I craned my head around his side and growled.

  “Who do you think you are touching my mate?” I hissed.

  Her gray eyes were glistening and full of innocence—false innocence I was certain. “Rubi, I didn’t mean anything by it.” She touched a hand to her chest. “Honestly.”

  “It’s about to be a cat fight,” Lucius said, swiping his hand through the air as claws. “Rrrrr!”

  Mac shot him a glare before turning back to me. “Rubi, nothing happened.”

  “Seriously Rubi,” Laney began. “We’re just friends.” Her hand had the audacity to lay on Mac’s shoulder.

  A deep growl snaked between my teeth and my fangs tore through my gums, aching to sink viciously into her neck. My eyes were probably pure silver.

  Several humans stopped at the commotion, their expressions curious with a pinch of fear.

  Mac shook Laney’s hand off. “Rubi. Calm down.”


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