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Haunted (A Secret Salem Novel 3)

Page 20

by J. N. Colon

  “What?” I didn’t like the tone of her voice.

  “Well, I heard about some strange things happening in English with Laney.” Her dark brow arched questioningly while her gaze seared me. “What do you know about that?”

  My cheeks flushed red. “Nothing,” I squeaked. I couldn’t have sounded guiltier.

  Her expression turned skeptical as she propped her hand on her petite hip. “You know, you shouldn’t ask ghosts to do that sort of thing for you.”

  It was pointless to deny it. And I knew it! There was some cosmic rule about it. “Because it’s immoral?”

  Celestia bit her lip pensively. “Well, that too, but mostly because if they do you a favor, they might want something in return.”

  Oh crap. I didn’t think about that. I’d hate to know what kind of favor Madison would want. She’d probably ask me to give myself over to the hunters. Yeah not happening—unless of course Laney becomes my roommate.

  “You see my point?”

  I nodded. “No more favors from Casper.” I held up three fingers. “Witch’s honor.”

  Her laughter tinkled like bells.

  Since I wasn’t actually a witch I didn’t exactly promise not to do it. Madison’s not the only ghost that visits me. I’m sure there are some with less wicked motives.

  Chapter 26

  I skipped into the dining, my stomach singing a happy tune because it knew food was on the way. I gave Daedalus the slip earlier—well really I pleaded with him to stay by the water fountain outside while I went in to get some food. I wanted to at least feel a little independent even if it was a lie.

  Whispers assaulted my ears, instantly slowing my steps. At first I thought it was the ghostly kind I was getting used to, but an actual conversation with distinct voices and words was coalescing.

  “She has to be the one.”

  I halted at the sound of creepy Melody’s voice. Crap. Why is she of all people in the dining hall when I’m hungry? I was suddenly second guessing leaving Daedalus outside.

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  My brows shot up my forehead. Professor Reilly? Why’s he talking to her? They don’t exactly seem like they have a lot in common besides working at Mossgrove Academy. And who are they talking about?

  “I don’t believe that stupid story anyways,” he continued. “We can’t believe a word that came out of her mouth.”

  I tiptoed closer and peered around the corner to see them standing barely a few inches apart steeped in shadows.

  Melody crossed her arms against her chest, swaying her chin length dark hair. “We should still be careful. I don’t like her one bit. There’s something off about her. Her eyes aren’t normal.”

  Who could scare Melody? I certainly didn’t want to meet her.

  Professor Reilly tsked and grabbed her arms, unwinding them. “Relax Mel.” He smiled, his eyes crinkling around the corners and lighting with mischief. “I didn’t bring you here to argue.” He unexpectedly leaned forward, brushing his lips against hers.


  I clamped my hand over my mouth to keep the gagging noises inside. Melody the dining room attendant and Professor Reilly! Holy hamburgers. Gross.

  I pivoted on my heels and quickly and quietly scurried out of the kitchen. As I exited the swinging doors into the dining hall I smacked into someone.

  Gees. I’ve got to start learning to use my vampire senses.

  “Oh, Rubi, dear are you all right?”

  Yikes. Headmaster Morgan was staring down at me with concern and he said my name so loud I know the two sucking face in the kitchen heard.

  “Yep fine.” I darted around him and out the door before Melody could stomp around the corner with her evil glare.


  “The stone was a little bigger,” I said pointing to the sketch pad in Mac’s hand.

  His charcoal pencil moved over the paper. “Like this?”

  “Yeah. Perfect.” Staring back from the page was the exact ring I saw in the dream/vision I had with Sara. The thick silver band was intricately carved with a delicate crown centered on each end, pointing to the oval ruby stone.

  We were sitting outside under a weeping willow while I described the ring for Mac to sketch. A gentle breeze blew, shifting the leaves and stirring the air around us with jasmine. The warmth of summer still lingered, but beneath the shade was cool enough.

  “I really think it might be a royal ring,” he said, smudging a line with his pinky. “You still can’t remember the vampire from your dream?”

  I shook my head. “He was tall with broad shoulders and blonde hair, but that’s it. His face is all fuzzy.”

  “My dad was already king in 1954 and we’re wearing the rings from the previous rulers.” Mac bit his bottom lip in thought. “If it’s a royal ring, someone pretty old must have given it to her. If it’s the same vampire from your dream than he gave her some pretty powerful blood.”

  My brow arched curiously. “More powerful than Whitmore’s?”

  “Possibly.” He slid his phone out his pocket. “But we won’t know until we do some more research.” He snapped a picture of his sketch. “Hopefully my dad will be able to identify the ring and maybe who it belonged to.”

  “And then what?” I asked, crawling over and leaning against his chest.

  “And then maybe he kept tabs on Sara’s daughter and he can point us to her current relative with psychic abilities.”

  I nodded. “That would be too easy, wouldn’t it? We’ll probably have to fight tooth and nail to stop these hunters.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. “I thought once you were a vampire I wouldn’t worry about your safety so much,” he murmured. “But I realize I’ll never stop worrying no matter how strong you are.”

  “Nothing’s ever easy with us, is it?”

  “We wouldn’t have as much fun if it was.” His deep chuckle rumbled through his chest, vibrating against my back.

  Demy stepped out of a building, my eyes immediately locking on his tall, lean form as he stalked through campus like a predator. His inky black hair blew in the wind around his tan, sculpted face and those intense violet eyes. His black t-shirt was tight, showing the outline of his sinewy muscles.

  I imagined driving my fangs into his neck, his hot blood spilling down my throat. Without realizing it my fangs had grown and eyes melted silver.

  Mac shifted until he was in front of me. My cheeks burned with embarrassment and shame because he knew why I was suddenly thirsty. I averted my gaze to the ground, my fingers nervously shredding blades of grass.

  “Rubi, look at me.” When I wouldn’t he grabbed my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Look at me.”

  I had no choice as he forced my face up. His jade eyes danced with silver and a storm of emotions raged in them as if he was waging an internal war. His jaw clenched tight before releasing it with a sigh. “I want you to go spend time with Demy.”

  Confusion struck my chest. “What?”

  “I want you to do whatever you want to with him.”

  I stared at Mac stunned for several seconds as my heart slammed against my ribcage. So many feelings rushed through my brain I wasn’t sure which one to grab. My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, having trouble formulating words or coherent thoughts for that matter. “I-I don’t understand…”

  He cradled my face between his hands, the intensity of his eyes making me shiver. “I want you to bite him and do whatever else you want.”

  I yanked away from him, anger and hurt rushing to the surface. “What! Why?” The urge to bite Demy was simmering under the surface, but I didn’t want to cheat on Mac. Unless of course… “Are you breaking up with me?” My voice was high, cracking with panic.

  “Of course not. I love you.”

  “Then why would you tell me to cheat on you?”

  Mac rubbed his temples and blew a frustrated breath. “You’re a vampire now Rubi. A new one. You have needs and emotions y
ou didn’t before. I don’t want you to suppress all these urges right now and have them explode later. It’s dangerous.”

  I shook my head, appalled at his words—or rather their meaning. “No. I don’t want to go to Demy.”

  He crawled forward and kissed my lips. “Don’t lie. I love you Rubi and that’s why I’m letting you do this. Once.” He growled that last word to make his point clear. He stood, leaving me looking up at him. “Just get this out of your system tonight and you’ll feel better. We’ll both feel better.”

  “But I can’t just…”

  “Yes you can. I want you to. It’s okay with me for this one time.” He dragged his fingers through his hair, his flexing jaw and taut muscles betraying his frustration. “I’ll be staying in Lucius’s room. And then come see me in the morning and you’ll be all mine. Always.”

  Mac turned and stalked away, leaving me staring after his massive form confused as ever.

  Ghostly whispers slithered through my mind, taunting me like a guilty conscience. I couldn’t really make out what they were saying, but I imagined the worse. They were calling me a slut, a horrible two-timing girlfriend, a filthy blood obsessed vampire. It was enough to make me turn tail and run. Almost. Because the urge to taste Demy was so strong it had me cemented to the floor in front of his room. The only direction my body would allow me to go was forward.

  My heart rioted against my ribcage and nape beaded with sweat beneath my hair. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe Mac told me to do this. What if Demy doesn’t even want me to? What if he tosses me out on my ass?

  My knuckles were rapping on the door of their own volition.

  “Come in.” Demy’s sultry Russian voice flowed through.

  He was lying on his bed with one hand behind his head while the other held a magazine. His inky black hair hung in his violet eyes. Without much thought I closed the door, locked it, and slumped against it.

  His studded brow arched, but he remained silent, his eyes surveying me.

  I swallowed hard, my throat filled with sand and began absentmindedly pinching the material of my uniform skirt between my thumb and forefinger.

  Ugh! Why didn’t I change? I’m still wearing this stupid green and navy tartan skirt, white collared shirt, and navy vest.

  “I-uh…” What the hell was I supposed to say? I’m here to bite you and maybe have my way with you, but don’t worry my boyfriend’s cool with it.

  I hooked my finger in the collar of my shirt, yanking it down a little to get rid of this hot, sweaty feeling suddenly engulfing me. Oh man this was a stupid idea.

  “Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to join me on the bed?” His lips twitched.

  My face flamed at his cheeky insinuation. “Well, uh…” I couldn’t seem to get the words out much less move toward him even though his scent was tempting my body almost painfully.

  “Mac already told me,” he admitted. “I know the deal.”

  “What?” I screeched.

  Demy tossed the magazine aside and crooked a finger at me. “Come here Rubi.”

  I peeled myself off the door as my legs moved forward. “And you’re okay with this?”

  He nodded and reached for me. “You can bite me.”

  I backed out of his grasp and bit my lip hesitantly. “That’s not all I want,” I whispered so quietly I wasn’t sure he heard it.

  “I know. You can do whatever you want, have whatever you want.”


  He shot me an incredulous expression. “I love you Rubi. You’re my best friend and I’d do anything for you.” His lips curled in a wicked smirk. “Even if it means letting you have your way with my spectacular body.”

  Despite myself I smiled. “And things won’t be awkward between Mac, you, and me afterwards?”

  “Nope. We’re not human Rubi. Sometimes we needs things and live by different rules.”

  “Oh, okay.” I wanted to. Badly. My gaze was already zeroed in on the veins throbbing at his neck. His scent surrounded me, making my mouth water.

  But I was so freaking nervous tremors were racking my body.

  “Hey, come here.” Demy sat up and reached for me. This time I didn’t resist as he pulled me next to him on the bed. “It’s okay Rubi.” He stroked the hair away from my face, his fingers sliding over my jaw and neck in a soothing way. “You don’t have to be nervous with me.”

  I nodded, but my heart wouldn’t quiet.

  He leaned forward and my eyes widened. “It’s okay Rubi. I promise. Just relax.” Demy brushed his lips against mine in a feather light kiss that made my breath hitch. “I’ll take care of you.”

  Chapter 27

  He kept reassuring me with words, his hot breath blowing across my skin as he gave me soft little pecks. He gently sucked my bottom lip then the top before sliding his tongue between them.

  A shiver wriggled down my spine the same time my skin ignited in flames. A moan tumbled out as Demy found my own tongue, tasting me. It had to be the slowest, most sensual kiss I’d ever had. With him being a shifter and part animal I expected his kiss to be untamed and feral. Not this slow seduction that was working its way through my body.

  “You okay little vampire?” he whispered.

  I nodded unable to remember how to speak. He tasted so good already I could only imagine what his blood would be like.

  Demy’s hands found my waist, gripping me firmly. He picked me up and laid me back on his bed beneath him. He settled his hips between my legs. His violet eyes scorched through his dark strands as he examined my face. “Still okay?”

  “Uh huh,” I breathed, still trembling only not because of nerves anymore.

  His studded brow arched. Then he leaned forward and resumed his slow, deep kisses.

  My hands slipped beneath his shirt, feeling his muscled back. As he shifted against me unexpectedly my fingers dug into his skin, pulling a growl from him.

  It wasn’t an angry growl.

  Demy’s tongue slipped over my teeth, stroking my canines until they suddenly burst through my gums with a strangled cry from my mouth.

  He pulled back, shocked. “Still okay Rubi?”

  I nodded and trembled more. My jaw was aching beyond anything I’d ever felt. I couldn’t even put words to it. But somehow Demy understood.

  He lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor, revealing smooth tanned flesh and muscles. He rolled over, pulling me with him until I was on top. He bared his neck, arching to give me better access. “Go ahead.”

  I slid up his body, eliciting a moan from him and his hands tightened on my hips. Oh man, the sound of his heart was thrumming in my ears, hypnotizing me. My mouth sank toward his neck, my fangs pressing into the soft salty flesh.

  “Go ahead,” Demy growled. One of his hands left my hip and tangled in my hair, nudging me forward.

  I was just about to break skin when an image of Mac doing this very thing to Laney flashed through my mind. There was no way I’d be okay with him biting her. The thought of it alone sent a mixture of anguish and anger through my blood.

  Mac controlled his urges when we were separated for months. He was strong enough to not bite anyone else and we weren’t even bonded then.

  I can control myself. For him. I have to.

  It suddenly felt like a bucket of ice water was dumped over me. I pulled away from Demy, tears blurring my vision. “I can’t do it,” I whispered.

  Something like relief flashed in his eyes. “It’s okay Rubi.” He brushed the tears that had fallen away and then slid me until I was lying over half his body, my leg tucked around his.

  A sniffle left my mouth and I buried my head on his chest as his arms wrapped around me. “I would hate it if Mac was with someone else even for one night.”

  “I know.” Demy kissed the top of my head. “You’ll be okay.” His fingers stroked my back. “Just calm down and rest for a little bit.”

  I nodded, grateful for the friend I found in Dem
y. He was a pain in my ass most of the time, but when it really counted he was there. I loved him too.

  I shuffled back to my room, feeling drained. I wanted to find Mac immediately, but thought it better to shower first so I didn’t smell like Demy.

  Before I opened the door I knew someone was in there, an alive someone. It must be my new roommate.

  Please don’t let it be Laney Cavanaugh, I thought turning the knob and stepping in.

  It wasn’t her—only another one of Mac’s ex-girlfriends.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I said, staring at Paisley Collins with my mouth agape.

  “Nope. It’s no joke.” She tossed her empty bag under the bed. “I’m you’re new roommate.”

  “And who the hell thought this would be a good idea?” I motioned my hand between us.

  Paisley sat on the edge of her bed, shaking her straight black bangs from her eyes. “Miranda.”

  I sucked my teeth. Of course Miranda would be the only person to convince Paisley to come here to room with me. And of course I wouldn’t complain about anything Miranda wanted.

  Damn it.

  “Yeah, so you’re stuck with me,” she said wryly. Her cobalt eyes traveled over me her lips curling in contempt. “You look like shit.”

  “Thanks,” I snarled. This is going to be fun. I pointed at her. “Just remember I’m a vampire now. I can kick your ass or just rip your throat out.”

  Paisley snatched a knife out her boot. “You can try.” She flashed a saccharine smile that would put Terry Murray’s to shame.

  Thirty minutes later I was walking across campus looking for Mac. Lucius said he went for a walk. Unfortunately Paisley insisted on tagging along, claiming she was getting a feel for the campus. Rufus and Daedalus were somewhere behind us, unseen as usual.


  “I also heard about your psychic voodoo. Shouldn’t you have foreseen that I was coming?”

  I rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth. “I can’t see the future like that.” Most of my dreams this year have been relegated to the past.


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