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In My Life (3) (The Mile High Club)

Page 9

by Jade Powers

  “Challenges,” Kendall snorted.


  “Every third rate interviewee says they like a challenge.”

  Lauren rubbed her eyes. She really needed sleep, and talking to Kendall added a whole new level of stress she wasn’t prepared for. She feared making a mistake. She said, “I got the job. How about giving me a chance to prove myself?”

  “And pass information onto your buddies? In one week you’ve managed to shut down one of my bases.”

  “That wasn’t a base. And if it was, you need to hire better ops.” There was no way out of this. Nothing Lauren said would convince Kendall to let her go, to let Tom go.

  He surprised her then. He said, “Here’s the thing. I don’t have Tom. That’s someone else’s game. McFarland has been yanking Drake around for months.”

  It all came down to trust, Kendall or Lucas. Lucas said that Kendall had Tom. He had reasons to lie, but so did Kendall.

  Now came the sacrifice, Lauren digging her grave. But she might be able to put pressure to bear. She took a leap of faith, hoping she didn’t end up in the bottom of a chasm or the swamp, tangled in mangrove roots. She said, “We both know you’re the one holding Tom. I’m the only one in this room who knows what a lost cause it is. The sphere was destroyed in Spokane, burned up with all of the records. You have me. My knowledge of what went into that technology, and my intellect. If you want to keep me, you have to let Tom go.”

  “Loyal to the bitter end.” Kendall didn’t sound happy about it, but at least he wasn’t calling for his goons to take her away.

  Lauren crossed her legs and leaned back, forcing her shoulders to relax. God, this negotiating stuff was tough. No wonder Drake had always returned from New York a grumpy bear. She focused on Kendall, watching him for any tell-tale signs, waiting for him to add to his casual observation. Hell, yes, she was loyal. That was supposed to be a positive trait in a new employee.

  The moment of silence stretched. Kendall perched like a falcon on his side of the couch. He shifted closer to Lauren, now taking the middle cushion. Lauren jumped up. Vice President Kendall lifted his chin, “I will contact McFarland and negotiate for Tom’s release. You will return to work for me, and I’d better see progress in the tech you offer.”

  “And Lucas?”

  “They will both be released. You look dressed for bed. I have a King size. Get some sleep and I’ll have someone give you a lift to work in the morning.”

  Lauren’s mouth felt like sandpaper. The idea of sharing a bed with her creepy boss gave her the shivers. “I’m not comfortable with sleeping up here.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” Kendall said. As if reading her thoughts, Kendal gave her a leering grin and said, “Not to worry. I’ll take the other bedroom.”

  “How do I know you’ll actually set them free?”

  “Call Sven in the morning. He will confirm Tom’s freedom. Hell, I’ll let you and my driver go to the airport and see them off. Tell him that you are staying in Miami and working for me. I can’t even imagine the depths of Drake’s disappointment when he hears that you’re working for SpaceTech. Get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.” Kendall picked up the phone and said, “Send Chard back in.”

  Kendall pointed to one of the rooms and said, “Go.”

  His eyes were cold. Lauren would never forget that uncomfortable feeling as she walked to the bedroom, the fear that he would follow her in. Her neck prickled as she passed through the double doorway.

  The doors were wood-framed with glass and billowing white curtains that opened to the inside. The bed was King-size with a white duvet. She shut the door, carefully turning the latch. It wouldn’t stop anyone serious about coming in, but Lauren would hear the glass breaking when they tried.

  The balcony doors were closed. Outside, Miami’s night life would be in full swing, a few hours before closing. Lauren didn’t want to sleep in the bed. If anyone wandered in unexpectedly, they would expect to find her there. She would have to go with the unexpected.

  Lauren explored the room and found a blanket and a few spare pillows in a chest. After dropping them on the pristine plush carpet just in front of the arm chair, Lauren removed her shoes. Several lamps lit the room in a blaze. Turning them each off one by one, Lauren had time to consider the ramifications of her actions. She had no idea the extent of the deal she made.

  Her eyes were gritty, and her heart pounded with fear and worry, but in the end exhaustion won out. Lauren fell asleep on the floor in a strange hotel suite, thinking about how sharp a turn life had taken.

  Chapter 8

  IN THE MORNING KENDALL’S goon, Chard, accompanied Lauren to her own room several floors down to change into clothes. The room showed evidence of a scuffle with a smashed mirror and overturned lamp. Chard waited while she packed. Lauren slammed the lid of her suitcase down with force, “Are you going to follow me for the rest of my life?”

  “Until your chat with Sven, yes. When Sven flies home, we’ll stop watching.”

  “How convenient. And then you dump me into an alligator-infested swamp.” Lauren wore a pair of sleek black pants and a long-sleeved red blouse. Her second week in the office, and she had already made an enemy...her boss.

  “You’re the super-star scientist. If you’ll let me give you some advice? Not all of us get second chances. Don’t screw this up,” Chard said. He stood in front of the wall beside the bed with his arms crossed as if he were some museum guard or something.

  Lauren wanted to say, I’m not the one kidnapping people. But the less said, the better. SpaceTech needed to forget that she knew. She needed to learn how to blend into this company without ever forgetting who and what they were. No, she would never trust Kendall. And she damn sure didn’t want to give him anything useful to use against an unwitting population.

  Sven and Drake’s idea for retirement was starting to sound pretty good. It was a shame Lauren still had student loans to pay off.

  She murmured, “I won’t, thank you” to Chard because it was the first nice thing any of Kendall’s men had said to her.

  Chard led her to a black car with black interior, a flashy car, expensive but not in the Ferrari or Lamborghini price range. The rims probably cost a few thousand dollars. Chard opened the passenger door for Lauren as if she were his date.

  He smiled grimly, “We’re going into the belly of the beast now. You need to come back with me. Kendall is a hard man, but he’s fair. You play this right, he’ll leave your friends alone. You screw him, and he’ll screw you harder.”

  Lauren felt the flutter of anticipation in her gut. Carrying the team had always been Sven or Drake’s thing. Now Tom’s survival depended on her. Laura gripped the door handle when they passed the turn-off to work. She glanced at Chard, to consider where they might be going.

  “You missed the turn to work,” Lauren said softly. Suddenly the air-conditioned car felt just a little too warm, the palm trees that passed a final homage to her bon voyage. Lauren felt a sense of the end. Even with her hand on the door, they were traveling fifty miles an hour. She’d be torn up if she jumped and an easy target for Chard.

  Chard cleared his throat, glancing at Lauren as if he could read her thoughts, “Do I look dressed for murder? If you throw yourself out of this car, we’ll both be in deep doodoo.”

  “My ears aren’t virgin. I’ve worked around military men. They like their swear words. They even have favored acronyms with cuss words in them,” Lauren tugged on the bottom of her blouse, pulling it away from her skin. The slight lift moved just enough cold air to make the now-sticky shirt bearable.

  “When I get home, the kids have virgin ears, so I practice.”

  “And when they ask what Daddy does for a living? What do you tell them?”

  “The truth. I’m Security for SpaceTech.”

  “Convenient.” Lauren readjusted her seat. She said, “You know, this isn’t how I planned my first month to go. I hope I can survive my boss.”

  “Sorry,” Chard turned on the blinker. The coward didn’t say a word about Lauren’s boss comment. He added, “Almost there. See? You’re completely safe with me.”

  Lauren had been so involved in her own drama that she hadn’t even considered Chard as anyone other than the jerk who held her captive. That he could be a legitimate security guard with family had never occurred to her. He hadn’t been one of her kidnappers. She had been working through so many scenarios that Lauren hadn’t really noticed his blue linen shirt and dress pants, complete to the dress shoes that tied.

  They drove to the private air strip that Drake and Sven preferred. Lauren recognized Drake’s plane on the runway.

  Chard pulled into a parking space at the airport and shut off his car. He turned to Lauren, “I’ll wait for you here. Look, I’ve always tried to work within my choices to do the right thing. Kendall owns me, just the same as he owns you. The only difference is that I know it. Your friends at AIT are going to try to convince you to go home with them. You can. But Kendall is the devil himself. He will pay you back with interest for the betrayal, and whatever you imagine it to be, it will be just that bad.”

  “Why the temptation then? Why not just take me to work and let me call Sven and tell him I’m okay?” Lauren picked her purse up from the floor while she waited for Chard’s answer.

  “Your friends have to believe you’re free to come back with me. You have every reason to betray Kendall. Don’t.”

  “If Lucas and Tom are safe, I’ll come back with you. I gave my word, and I’m not afraid of Kendall.” Ha. Not afraid. What a lie. But it sounded tough. It even sounded right.

  Sven was there, as was Tom and Lucas. Tom’s son, Bryce had driven up from the University of Miami. And a half-dozen men and women she’d never met before. After a few short hugs with Sven and Tom, and a long one with Lucas, Lauren settled into one of the executive seats with Sven.

  She gave him a short and grossly edited version of everything that happened, then said, “I have to get back. Kendall lent me his driver so that I could check in with you.”

  Sven didn’t miss anything. Like Sherlock Holmes without the British accent or pipe, Sven knew exactly who had kidnapped Tom. He said, “Lauren, you don’t believe that slime, do you? Lucas himself said that SpaceTech was behind the kidnappings.”

  “And Kendall said it was McFarland. I went to him about Tom and he said he’d negotiate with McFarland for his release.” Lauren’s attempt was half-hearted.

  “Kendall is known for extortion. If he’s causing you any trouble, we can deal with it.”

  God. Like Tom? The turf warfare had to stop, and Lauren wanted to give this a shot. Maybe she could make peace. She said, “I’m a big girl. I can handle myself. Speaking of which, Kendall’s driver has instructions to wait. I shouldn’t keep him too long. Lucas, would you like a ride?”

  Lucas opened his mouth, made a strange expression and then closed it again. He said, “I should probably find my own way back, but thanks. Tom, are you okay?”

  “I’m alive and in good health. Sounds like Bryce has plans to stay in Miami, so I miss my son already, but I’m free.” Tom said, with an affectionate glance toward his son. He’d lost a lot of weight, and the worry lines in his forehead had deepened into a craggy feature, handsome on Tom. His wife would be glad for his return. Tom’s captivity had not been kind to either of them.

  Sven added, “Bryce will specialize in law with a double major in art.”

  Bryce added, “I really just want to go to school for the art. Dad wouldn’t approve of a degree in graphic design and illustration.”

  Tom watched his son with a smile while he spoke. There was something caged about Tom, a restless feeling that would only be satisfied with fresh air and a blue sky. Too much time in shackles will make a person crazy to be outside. Tom sighed, “I’d approve if you could make a living. If you get a Ph.D. and a professorship you’ll be okay.”

  “Drake has already arranged for a full scholarship for Bryce to go to any school he chooses under any major for four years. As long as he doesn’t switch majors his senior year, college is covered. It’s the least the company can do after what you two have gone through.” It was more than generous. Much of Drake’s personal wealth came from investing in a couple of software companies, but even with high returns, it was still a limited resource.

  “You know I don’t blame the company or Drake,” Tom said.

  Sven broke in. “Let him do this. He’s already signed off the sale of the company and reinvested in stocks. He doesn’t want you to have to worry about Bryce while you’re job hunting. Having you home safe is our last mission. Drake and I will be headed to Montana.”

  “Drake, too?” Lauren couldn’t help but feel caught up in a strange sense of loss and wonder. She had tried for years to get Drake to make a permanent base in Miami back when they were together. In her old dream-world, she and Drake would have been married, working together amidst palm trees and warm breezes. Apparently his dream was Montana. Maybe they really weren’t meant for each other.

  “We’ve already bought houses. We’re an hour drive apart,” Sven said.

  “I wish you well. It looks like we’ve all gotten what we want,” Lauren said, her gaze flickering to Lucas. Lauren gave everyone hugs again and said her goodbyes before she could get misty-eyed. No sentimental crap for Lauren. She was a scientist. She said, “Be careful. There are still too many nut jobs out there.”

  Lauren greeted Chard as if he were a coworker and a friend rather than her new captor. She understood at a soul level from her moments on the plane that this was a choice. She could have easily strapped herself into one of Drake’s fancy seats and flown to Denver or New York or Spokane to start a new life. Regardless of what Kendall might say, Drake did have enough wealth and power to help her disappear. She wanted Miami. This was her dream even if the edges of her dream were tattered and darkened.

  She climbed into the car with a smile, “Hey, Chard. Let’s get to work. I’ve got research to do.”

  “You made the right choice.”

  A light rain pattered in the sunshine, as warm as bathwater. Lauren ran to SpaceTech’s front door, wishing for her umbrella. Pulling her keycard out of her purse, Lauren slid it through the card reader, her heart tripping as if she were a thief.

  Lauren waited for something to happen, anything. To be called into Kendall’s office. To have her card suddenly stop working. For a ‘security’ officer to request firmly that she accompany him on a ride. None of these things happened. She finished the day and left the office, feeling let down, as if her heightened anxiety and fearful tread into the office had been a paranoid reaction.

  Trouble had not overtaken her yet. She should feel relaxed, and yet a sense of anxiety and foreboding accompanied Lauren to her apartment.

  Chapter 9

  THE BLINKING RED LIGHT on the answering machine could have been anyone. Lauren almost crashed into a much needed sleep before playing the messages. The first was Sven. The second was her sister. The third was Lucas.

  Lucas. She’d practically ignored him when they were all together at the airport. That first hug felt good, though.

  Lauren picked up the phone, dialed the area code, and then hung up before he could answer. Not yet. Lauren wasn’t ready.

  She opened the refrigerator door, hauled out turkey, Swiss cheese, a tomato, and lettuce. The bread was also in the refrigerator, the mark of a single woman. She dipped a butter knife into the mayonnaise and attacked the bread, ignoring the message on the answering machine, ignoring Lucas. She had no idea what to say to him. Her tomato slicing left ragged edges. Lauren tore the lettuce and buried emotions that made no sense.

  Anger. Why?

  She carried her sandwich to the couch, flipping through channels until she found a rerun of Cheers. Lauren savored the taste of the sandwich, each flavor a blessing. She was alive. What the hell was she doing watching television?

  Lauren turned off the television. Damn i

  Before she could think too hard about what she was doing, Lauren dialed Lucas, her fingers wrapping around and around the cord as if she could strangle her own feelings with it.

  Lucas picked up, “I thought you weren’t going to call back. You were so distant on the plane.”

  Lauren remembered back. She had hugged him, but then all focus had gone to Sven and Tom with hardly a thought to Lucas. Well, that wasn’t true. Lauren had always been aware of Lucas, no matter what the conversation or where. Hyperaware and awkward. She said, “I didn’t know where we stood.”

  “What do you mean?”

  It was nice that Lucas was confused. But now she was going to have to tell him how little she trusted him. Lauren took a deep breath. She said, “I wasn’t sure if you were just using me to get what you needed for McFarland or if you actually like me. If I acted like we were together in front of Sven and Tom, and you pulled away, it would have killed me.”

  “Wow. Okay. I see how it stands. You don’t trust me at all. Thanks for the fun times.”

  Lucas hung up on her.

  Lauren bit her lip. If she left it standing, he wouldn’t call back. She knew something about pride. That was the final nail in the coffin where she buried her love for Drake.

  Finally, she rang Lucas up again.

  He didn’t answer.

  She rang again. This would be the last time.

  As if he heard her thoughts, Lucas picked up.

  Lauren said, “Why did you hang up on me? I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on.”

  “When we made love at my office, I felt a connection. There was nothing more real to me, and now you’re telling me that all along you thought I was using you. Which pretty much tells me that you were using me. So that doesn’t leave us anywhere. Not to mention that our companies are rivals and likely want us to spy on each other. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  He sounded hurt. That was good. Wasn’t it?

  Lauren grabbed the phone and carried it to the table, sitting down heavily in the kitchen chair. This was going to be a long explanation. She said, “Lucas, my last relationship crashed and burned because the guy I was with completely misread me. It’s not the first time and probably won’t be the last. What we had, it was good. I didn’t use you, and in that moment, I knew you weren’t using me. It’s just not been clear, I mean, I just didn’t know if you wanted a momentary thing or the whole package.”


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