The Nanny

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The Nanny Page 4

by Vera Roberts

  “Okay, whatever, big-shot music video director,” Tiana laughed. “Whatever.”

  “Don’t hate the player, hate the game,” Tim turned to Kieran, “what’s up, man? I’m Timothy but you can call me Tim.”

  “Hi, Tim. I’m Kieran and I’m Tiana’s…”

  “…friend!” Tiana blurted. “He’s my friend. I just brought him along with us.”

  “Nice to meet you, Tiana’s friend, ” Tim rolled his eyes. “Anyway, man, do you want a drink?

  Let me hook you up with a soda. Follow me.” Tim and Kieran left.

  Rocio and Erin appeared from behind Tiana. “Yeah, that wasn’t obvious,” Rocio mentioned.

  “I am not going to have Kieran introduce himself as my nanny here in front of everyone,” Tiana stated. While she had no problem with Kieran being her nanny, she was still getting used to the fact she had to refer him as such. “That is embarrassing.”

  “For you or him?” Erin asked.

  “I am trying to protect him,” Tiana dropped her shoulders. “I know how a man’s pride can be.”

  “Kieran didn’t mind being called your nanny, TeeTee,” Rocio commented. “You’re the one with the issue with it.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean?” Tiana folded her arms.

  “Should I tell her?” Erin asked Rocio.

  “Yeah, I think you should tell her…” Rocio replied back.

  Tiana folded her arms. “Tell me what?”

  “Please remove that giant stick from up your ass,” Erin suggested. She turned to Rocio. “Was that good?”

  “Yeah, that was good,” Rocio nodded. “Straight to the point, I think.”

  “I do not have a giant stick up my ass! I am just…just…protective of my brand.” Tiana defended as they walked over to the bar.

  “TeeTee—I’m still allowed to call you that, right?” Rocio asked as Tiana shot her a death look.

  “You’re among friends, people you have known since middle school. Let it go and have some fun today. Let loose.” Rocio handed Tiana a drink. “Drink up.”

  “I’m not drinking with my son around,” Tiana said.

  “Kieran is here to watch Tyson and he’s not drinking. Have one. Have two.” Erin poured a half-glass of lemonade and topped it with Grey Goose. “Please, for my sake. You’re killing my buzz and I’m not even drunk yet.”


  “So how did you and Tiana know each other?” Tim asked.

  “I’m her nanny,” Kieran replied as he managed to fix a plate of food while holding Tyson.

  “Her nanny, huh?” Another man, Jeremy, chimed in. He was an Hispanic male who looked like he could be a model instead of a movie producer, with his chiseled body and structured jawline.

  He was happily married to his high school sweetheart. “I wish I got paid to watch my kids. I would enjoy it more.”

  “How many do you have?” Kieran asked.

  “Two and that’s plenty.” Jeremy added. “Two-year-old twins.”

  “Ouch,” Kieran added.

  “Exactly. Ouch.” Jeremy nodded. “I have an empty wallet and I get no sleep. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world, though.”

  “I hear that,” Kieran followed the men to a picnic table. “So you all have known each other since middle school?”

  “Yep. We all grew up together in Baldwin Park. We were all involved in the arts or what-not and just stuck together.” Another man, Matthew, joined in. He was a Black male with an athletic build and bald head. He was a pediatrician and engaged. “We were called the Us-8 in high school because well, it’s always been us eight. Me, Tim, Jeremy, Chad, Tiana, Rocio, Erin, and Denise. No matter what we all do, we always get together every couple of months for a BBQ to kinda check in on one another.”

  “That’s cool you all kept in touch throughout the years,” Kieran held Tyson on his lap while he began to eat lunch.

  “We can’t get rid of each other, though we tried with some,” Matthew added as he spotted Chad and Denise walking together. “Like those two.”

  Kieran looked up and saw a Black man dressed in the flashiest clothes he had ever seen and a light-skinned Black female in short-shorts and an equally short tank top and high heels. “Who are they?”

  “The broke-ass Brad and Angie,” Tim commented.

  “This generation’s Ike and Tina,” Jeremy commented.

  “Wouldn’t that be Chris Brown and Rhianna?” Matthew asked.

  “Oh yeah, it would be,” Jeremy agreed.

  “Fellas,” Chad approached the picnic table with Denise on his arm. “I see you have started without me, as usual.”

  “The picnic started two hours ago, Negro,” Tim commented.

  “The party starts when I arrive,” Chad flashed a smile.

  “There are no cameras here, man,” Tim replied. “You can cut that out now.”

  “Hi, there,” Chad made his way over to Kieran and sized him up. “I’m Chad. You may know me as the greatest running back of all time.”

  “The greatest over-hyped and former running back of all time,” Tim chimed in.

  “That’s until I get a deal with a team. It’s still early so anything can happen,” Chad licked his lips and smiled. “That’s all.”

  “Day-dreaming ain’t just for kids,” Matthew commented.


  “So TeeTee, who’s the man holding Tyson?” Denise asked as she fixed a plate.

  “That’s Kieran. He’s my…” Tiana felt Erin’s and Rocio’s eyes on her. “…he’s my nanny.”

  “Your nanny, huh?” Denise looked back at Kieran. “Is he single?”

  “He is, but you’re not,” Rocio added.

  “Thank you,” Erin nodded.

  “What? Me and Chad are just friends,” Denise examined a piece of chicken before putting it on her plate.

  “Oh, so y’all broke up again?” Erin asked. “This would be the fifty-eleventh time, right?”

  “If you two broke up, why did you come here with him?” Tiana asked.

  Denise scoffed. “My Benz is in the shop and I wasn’t about to take the bus,” she tossed her blond mane behind her. “Besides, he owed me a favor and offered to take me.”

  “Do you want to know?” Erin asked Rocio.

  “No, but she’s about to tell us, anyway,” Rocio rolled her eyes.

  “I pulled some strings to get him an audition,” Denise smiled like she made a major announcement.

  “Did those pulled strings require knee pads?” Erin asked.

  “And some toothpaste for afterwards?” Rocio smiled.

  “Anyway,” Denise dismissed their comments, “we’re still friends and occasionally have sex but we’re free to see other people.”

  “I’m glad you two are friendly,” Tiana sipped her lemonade.

  “Yeah, me too,” Denise sat next to her, “so tell me more about Kieran…”


  “So, you’re Tiana’s nanny, eh?” Chad bit into his ribs and eyed Kieran. He didn’t know too much about the man but already knew he didn’t like him. Anyone he didn’t know, Chad already didn’t like. “How much do you make?”

  Kieran studied Chad’s demeanor. He knew who he was the moment Chad approached him. Chad Thomas. The darling running back of University of Texas. Heisman trophy winner. Number one NFL draft pick. Spent fourteen long years in the NFL, eventually winning two Super Bowl championships. Was as notoriously known for his womanizing, wild parties, and illegitimate children as he was for his performance on the field. He still had hopes of being back on the field, despite just scoring a lucrative gig as an analyst.

  Furthermore, Chad was particularly interested in Tiana—either her body or her money, Kieran couldn’t quite decide which one came first. “Quite a bit,” Kieran bounced Tyson on his lap.

  Chad chewed his ribs and continued to eyeball Kieran. “How much is that?”

  “I don’t discuss money matters,” Kieran replied.

  “Well, I do,” Chad let out a loud burp, caus
ing the other men to look at him with disgust. “I know who much every nigga at this table makes but you.”

  “Negro, you don’t know how much I make,” Tim shook his head.

  “Same here,” Jeremy agreed.

  “Sign me up on that list,” Matthew added.

  “Well, I know the ballpark,” Chad took a swig of his beer. “And I want to know who’s the guy around my money!” His admission caused an amusing smile from Kieran. “I mean, Tiana’s money.”

  Kieran’s eyes narrowed on Chad. He knew his type without getting to know the man. He was all talk and little substance. He also had a feeling Chad’s interest in Tiana wasn’t that of a kind friend, but a dejected love interest looking for a come-up. “Out of curiosity, does Tiana know about your interest in her?”

  “No,” Chad took a swig of his beer.

  “I will make sure she knows,” Kieran smiled. “Excuse me, gentlemen. I need to change someone’s diaper.” He got up and left.

  “Make sure you wipe Chad’s ass nice and clean,” Matthew chimed in to laughter around him.

  “That’s not funny, brah,” Chad glared at his friend.

  “No, you begging for Tiana’s money kinda is,” Tim added.


  Denise watched Kieran go inside the home and saw an opportunity. “Excuse me, ladies. I’ll be right back.” She went inside the home.

  “Please take your time,” Erin commented. She waited until Denise was out of earshot. “She has her eyes set on Kieran, TeeTee. Watch out for that one.”

  “She has her eyes set on every man she meets,” Tiana rolled her eyes. “Kieran is no different.”

  “And what if he likes her back?” Rocio asked.

  “And Kieran brings her over while you’re at work?” Erin prodded.

  Tiana swallowed the lump in her throat. She thought she felt something for Kieran the other day but was convinced it was just the weather change. “Well, I told Kieran he could only have visitors at the guest house.”

  “And what if Tyson is not being properly cared for because Kieran is mesmerized with fake titties in his face all day long?”

  “All day long,” Rocio added.

  Tiana felt a swell of jealousy. Her breathing became constricted. “Fuh…fuh…forget it!”

  “Damn!” Erin snapped her fingers. “Almost got her to say fuck!”

  “Next time, though,” Rocio patted Erin’s shoulder. “Next time.”

  “Besides, Kieran would never blatant disrespect me like that! He would never do anything so rude, so vile, so…” Tiana’s eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the sight before her.

  Erin and Rocio looked over to see what stopped Tiana’s soliloquy. They both smiled at the impending drama. “Oh, it’s about to be on!” Rocio smiled.

  Kieran and Denise walked out of the home together. Denise was holding Tyson while Kieran carried the diaper bag. Denise gave Tyson to Chad while Kieran set down the diaper bag. She then grabbed Kieran’s hand and walked him over to an empty spot by the DJ booth and began dancing.

  As they seductively danced, Kieran placed a firm hand on the small of Denise’s back as their legs intertwined and their bodies ground against each other. Denise’s hands held onto Kieran’s muscular arms and her eyes were closed. She was mouthing something, Tiana figured. It was something wrong. It was something naughty.

  Denise was mouthing, fuck me, Kieran.

  Tiana’s eyes widened. She gulped some more of her vodka lemonade. Jealousy sliced through her body like a knife. “Who does that hussy think she is? Flirting with my nanny? And holding my baby? I’ll show her!” Tiana took another swig of lemonade.

  Erin poured some more vodka in Tiana’s glass. “Do it, girl!”

  Rocio removed Tiana’s hoop earrings. “Kick her ass, girl!”

  Tiana finished the last of her drink. “I’m going to!” She marched over to Kieran.

  Rocio and Erin watched the impending drama from the sidelines. “You think she’s going to do it?” Rocio asked.

  Erin shook her head. “Not a chance.”


  “Excuse me!” Tiana said in a tone that was just short of yelling. “Can I interrupt this dance?”

  Just when Denise was about to tell Tiana where to go with the horse she rode on, Kieran interrupted her. “Sure, Tiana. Excuse me, Denise,” Kieran offered a hand to Tiana, who took it and gave a smarmy smile to Denise.

  The hypnotic beat of Patra’s “Worker Man” blared through the speakers. Tiana swayed her hips to the beat, closing her eyes and caressing her skin as she felt the rhythm take over her mind. She felt Kieran’s hands on hips and they moved together in unison, dancing together as one. She felt his breath on her neck and pushed more into him, wanting to get closer and closer to him.

  Tiana turned around and locked eyes with Kieran. It was as if they were the only ones at the BBQ. All she heard was the music and the pounding of her heartbeat. All she smelled was his cologne with notes of musk, earth, and wood, intoxicating her nose. All she felt were his eyes drinking her in, his sporadic breath fighting to keep steady, and his strong hands wrapped around her body, daring to go lower but holding steady at the small of her back.

  I want you, Tiana. I want you. Tiana hoped Kieran’s eyes were sending the signs she desperately wanted read.

  It’s yours for the taking, Tiana’s eyes spoke back to him.

  They inched closer to each other’s face, their lips touching but not kissing. They were so close, so close and…

  “Oops, my bad!” Chad waved. “Sorry about that.”

  Tiana and Kieran glared at the man. He somehow bumped into the DJ booth and scratched the record, sending them both crashing back down to a harsh reality.


  The hustle and bustle of the morning hours never got old.

  After settling into a routine, Kieran knew Tiana’s schedule like the back of his hand. Sometimes she’d be home after seven, but never later than eight. They made weekly outings to the farmer’s market and he would cook dinner for her the same night as they reminisced over past loves, youthful mistakes, and current topics.

  Every morning was always the busiest. Kieran would wake up and shower quickly. About thirty minutes later, he arrived at Tiana’s front door and opened it with the key she had given him. He always made a bee-line straight to Tyson’s nursery and made the little boy his breakfast of pureed pears and formula.

  Then he just waited.

  He listened intently as Tiana rushed back and forth between her walk-in closet and her bedroom, all the while muttering to herself about something. Sometimes she talked about a presentation.

  Sometimes she complained about one of her colleagues or competitors. Mostly, the utterances were about her looks. She couldn’t find the right blush. She couldn’t find the right pair of shoes.

  She swore she’d ironed a particular pair of pants.

  Kieran found it amusing.

  It reminded him of when he dated and how he would wait for what felt like hours for the woman to get ready. When she was finally ready, all Kieran would think about was how soon she was able to get out of the same outfit she spent so long trying to get into.

  He loved Tiana’s professional look. She would wear the sharpest business suits and heels with bright, beautiful colors such as orange, yellow and red to contrast with her milk chocolate skin tone. She never wore her long locks down and always had her hair up in a bun. She was the epitome of looking like a million bucks.

  Her makeup was nude and only enhanced her beautiful almond-shaped eyes and full lips. And the walk she had; she walked around as if she ruled everything. Kieran never thought he could be so enamored with a take-charge woman.


  He could admit he was attracted to Tiana the moment he saw her. She was graceful, elegant, intelligent, and beautiful. She had an aura about her and her sensuality smoldered underneath her designer garb. He often fantasized about her during many masturbation sessions when he was alone in hi
s home, wondering how hot her mouth would be on his cock and the swell of her breasts as they bounced when she would ride him. He wanted her to wrap her legs around his waist as he moved inside her, taunting her with his words, hands and mouth as he pushed in and out of her heat.

  She was also out of his league. A multi-millionaire woman doesn’t fall in love with a guy from Staten Island. Her ex-husband was a hip-hop producer and several of her other exes were wealthy and prominent like she was. He had seen her wardrobe, which boasted of many designer names—half he couldn’t pronounce. Her home was probably worth more than what he would make in his lifetime.

  And when they seductively danced against each other…he felt how soft and lithe her body was.

  The way she ground against him, as if her body was begging and daring him to touch her, taste her, and please her. All Kieran wanted to do was pick Tiana up and take her inside Tim’s house, spending the rest of the afternoon making love to her.

  It was a nice fantasy. After the dance, they avoided each other for the rest of the BBQ until it was time to leave. When they arrived home, Tiana had sobered up and acted like the dance never took place. She returned to her professional demeanor and that was that.

  He hated how he fell in love. He fell hard and fast, almost to the point of ridiculous. After a failed marriage, Kieran made it a point to not get too involved with any woman and kept a rotating door of dates throughout the years. He didn’t mind bringing up the subject of marriage and children but when the woman brought it up, Kieran quickly lost interest. He felt suffocated and had to leave.

  He made the mistake of living with his last girlfriend at her home. When the relationship ended, Kieran found himself out of a permanent residence. The nanny position was a good thing for him. He could live in his own quarters and not worry about anything else.

  Still, the thoughts of wanting to be with Tiana weren’t making it easier. The kicker was that Tiana insisted Kieran go out and find a date. She was persistent in telling him that; despite Kieran hinting he wasn’t interested in dating.


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