The Nanny

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The Nanny Page 5

by Vera Roberts

  “Okay, I should be home sooner than seven tonight, but I’ll call once I know for sure,” Tiana yelled out as she walked downstairs, “and then you’re free to do whatever.”

  “Good,” Kieran wiped Tyson’s mouth. “I have a date tonight at eight so I’ll need the extra time to get ready for it.”

  Tiana stopped shuffling and felt a strange sensation. Her lips turned downward and a tight squeeze set upon her heart. Was that her fists clenching tight? Why did she suddenly feel the need to hand out a beat down? “A date, huh?”

  “Yeah, I finally took your advice and got me a date,” Kieran looked up at Tiana, “I’ll let you know how it goes.”

  “Yeah,” Tiana swallowed her pride, “please do.”


  “Is everything okay, Ms. Morris?” Allison knocked on her door.

  Tiana shook her head. How long had she been staring into space? How long had Allison been there watching her? Why was she so preoccupied with Kieran and his date? All day she had been wondering if he was still going to go out with that chick. She didn’t even know the girl’s name but she already labeled her as that chick. She was probably stuck-up and fluffy and had no ass.

  What the hell? Where was that attitude coming from? Tiana was amazed with herself—how mean and catty she had become. She never cared this much about her ex-husband; and here, all of a sudden, Kieran was bringing out the worst in her. Ooh, he was oh-so bad for her in an oh-so good way. “Yeah, I’m fine. I have a lot on my mind. What’s up?”

  “Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see if there was anything you wanted me to do before I leave tonight?” Allison asked.

  Tiana looked down at her watch. It was almost 5:30 and by the time she got home, she would be seeing Kieran get ready to leave for his date. There was that uncomfortable feeling forming in the pit of her gut, now accompanied by her rapidly beating heart. What was that? “No, I’m fine.

  Thank you, Allison. Have a good night.”


  “And there’s mommy!” Kieran handed a giggly Tyson over to Tiana and gave her a light hug.

  “How was your day?”

  “It was…” Tiana barely got any work done and she had Kieran to blame. “It was…productive.

  How was your day with this one here?”

  “It was good. We played, napped, and had fun between us bros. Ain’t that right, little man?”

  Kieran tickled Tyson, who simply smiled back at him.

  Tiana’s heart warmed upon seeing the interaction between Kieran and her son. She wanted that forever. Wait, what? What is going on with my feelings? “Good! I’m glad you had fun.”

  “Well, I should be going now,” Kieran grinned, “I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay,” Tiana secretly wanted him to have a bad date. “Have fun!” Please don’t.

  Kieran smiled at Tiana. He wished he was going out on a date with her instead of some floozy he met online. “I’ll try.”


  Kieran sprayed some cologne on himself before doing a quick glance over in the mirror one last time. He chose a simple attire of a shirt and jeans. It was dinner and a movie-type of date with a woman he met online. It wasn’t a date he was particularly looking forward to. The woman was nice enough and very attractive but that was it.

  She didn’t have the same passion and intensity Tiana had. She didn’t have that fire. She didn’t have the aura, the sensuality, the warmth, the intellect of his employer.

  Get a grip, bro, Kieran said to himself. He could be attracted to Tiana all he wanted but he knew his role in her life. He was her child’s nanny; an employee. Tiana was not going to date the help.

  He could only hope and fantasize that she would make an exception.

  Kieran grabbed his keys and headed out. Maybe he’d get a little lucky tonight. It would certainly take his mind off Tiana.


  Tiana sat at the kitchen counter nursing her Merlot and going over a financial report. She had given Tyson a bath and put him to sleep a short while before and was enjoying her quiet time. It was just her thoughts and work keeping her company.

  Tiana glanced over the financial report one last time and put it away. It was time for her to have some nonsensical fun. She was going to purchase something expensive and frivolous just because. She was in the mood to spend a ton of money and she had a disposable bank account.

  Plus, it would take her mind off Kieran for the time being.

  She wondered how Kieran’s date was going. He had been gone for two hours and she couldn’t help but steal glances at the clock every so often. She imagined he probably took his date out dancing, maybe they took in a flick. Maybe they went for a stroll along the beach.

  She quietly imagined it was her on a date with Kieran.

  “Are you enjoying your evening, bella?” Kieran asked as he fed Tiana a chocolate-dipped strawberry.

  “Mmm, very much, baby.” The fire softly crackled as the pair lay on the bearskin rug.

  “I can’t wait until later,” Kieran opened his mouth and let Tiana feed him a strawberry.

  “What’s for later?” Tiana smiled. Kieran nodded towards the bedroom and winked at her. “Well, if that’s the case, why wait?” She grabbed Kieran’s hand and led him to her bedroom.

  He pressed his body against hers and reveled in her softness. His hands caressed her back and he forcefully pushed her face away, exposing her neck. He caressed the hollow of it with an index finger, eliciting a soft moan and shivers from Tiana. “Kieran…” she breathed.

  “Shh…” His crushed his lips against her neck and Tiana moaned in pleasure. Kieran softly kissed along her jawline, eventually meeting her lips with his. His tongue waltzed with hers and she had never felt such a yearning inside her body before. She loved the soft roughness of his tongue and how experienced his lips were as they kissed all over her body.

  “Damn, Tiana,” Kieran moved her hand to his cock, “you feel that, bella? You feel what you did to me?”

  “I want you inside me,” Tiana whispered.

  Their clothing disappeared and the next thing Tiana knew, she and Kieran were sitting naked in bed, facing each other. He was guiding her as she rode his cock, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck. He captured one breast in his mouth and flipped Tiana on her back, thrusting hard inside her, his balls caressing her pussy with each stroke. Their lips captured each other’s as their bodies steadily climbed to their orgasms.

  The mood was so perfect; if only Tyson would stop crying…

  The sound of her son being fussy brought Tiana out of her fantasies. She knew it was too good to be true.


  Kieran arrived home from his interesting date. Although his date was entertaining enough, he didn’t foresee them dating in the near future. He should’ve known better than to hit on a chick who was barely eighteen and acted like it.

  He noticed Tiana’s living room light was still on and he took a chance on seeing if she was still up. He entered the key in the door and quietly opened it. He found Tiana quietly sitting on the sofa with her reading glasses on and perusing her laptop.

  “You’re still up?” Kieran smiled as he entered the front door.

  “Looking at overpriced handbags,” Tiana took off her glasses and smiled back. She had grown to love seeing his face every day. “How was your date?”

  Kieran shook his head and took a spot next to Tiana on the couch. “The last time I will date anyone younger than I am, ever again.”

  “Ouch,” Tiana nursed her sweet wine. “That bad, huh?”

  “Great girl, but she’s eighteen. Other than a good time in bed, I really don’t know what I’ll be able to do with her.”

  “I’m sure you can do some things with her.”

  Kieran cocked his head to the side. “Name one.”

  Tiana thought quickly. “You can take her to the eighteen and over clubs.”

  “Oh yes, so I can spend more time at Romper Room,” Kieran chuckl

  “At least you found out early enough,” Tiana pointed out.

  “Saves me a lot of heartache and B.S. down the line, that’s for sure,” Kieran sighed. “Tyson asleep?”

  “Soundly and peacefully.” Tiana smiled. “Thank God.”

  “You like your quiet moments, I take it.”

  “I love my son. Absolutely in love with him.” Tiana took another sip of wine and finished her glass. “But when it’s quiet, it’s soooooo nice!” She chuckled.

  “I bet it is,” Kieran smiled.

  Tiana took off her glasses and closed her laptop. “I want to thank you for being here. You don’t know how much it means to me to have someone in the house to take care of my son while I’m away at work. I don’t have to worry if he’s okay or getting adequate care. I just focus and concentrate on my job.” She reached over and grabbed Kieran’s hand. “So, I thank you for doing that.”

  “Tiana, it’s my job to make sure you don’t worry about home when you’re away,” he slightly rubbed her hand. It felt like satin. “I wouldn’t be doing my job if you were checking in all the time.”

  “Thank you, Kieran.” Tiana moved closer to him and climbed on top of him. “It means a lot to me.”

  Kieran felt Tiana’s heat through her skin. Her breasts pressed against his chest and he felt his mouth water just thinking about how wonderful they would feel in his mouth. Her sensuality screamed aloud and he knew if he made just one movement, Tiana would be naked and writhing underneath him as he pleasured her, licking her heat, playing with her pearl and her nipples, and caressing her toned legs as they pressed against his chest.

  Kieran also knew Tiana was drunk off her rocker. She may have been calmly sipping from her wine glass when he stopped by, but he could tell by the empty bottle on the table, it wasn’t her only glass that night. “Tiana, you’re drunk,” Kieran stated as a fact.

  “Mmm…maybe this much.” She pinched her fingers together.

  “I think a little more than that,” Kieran smiled at her.

  Tiana began grinding against Kieran’s lap, anxious to feel him inside her. “Tyson is asleep,” she said in a sing-song fashion.

  Kieran briefly closed his eyes as he felt Tiana’s movements against his lap. He was hard as steel and it was taking every bit of energy to not flip Tiana over on the couch and release her tension.

  But he knew his boundaries and if Tiana truly wanted him, she would proposition him when she’s sober. “I need to put you to bed, Tiana,” he softly spoke.

  Tiana softly kissed Kieran’s neck, emitting a low moan from him. “Do you want to come with me?” She whispered.

  Kieran briefly closed his eyes as Tiana continued to kiss his neck and grind against him. Oh, he wanted to bed her, alright. But he had another idea in mind; something they both wouldn’t regret.

  “Sure,” Kieran motioned for Tiana to stand up and he followed her to her bedroom. She began to undress in front of him. “Let me go take care of some business and I’ll be right back.”

  “Sure thing, baby,” Tiana took off her shirt and yoga pants, revealing a toned body. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Kieran stared a long time at Tiana’s figure. Her body was shaped like an hourglass that was just out of control. Her breasts were full, not too big and not too small. They would fit perfectly in his hands and mouth. Her thighs were thick and she had a bit of a tummy but it accentuated her body. Kieran already imagined what positions he would twist Tiana’s body in and he quickly had to put a lid on the rising nature of his cock.

  He rushed out of her bedroom and went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face.

  He looked at himself in the mirror and just wondered how drunk he had to be to pull off the next stunt. He couldn’t tell his brothers about this at all. They would never let him live it down.

  Kieran returned to Tiana’s bedroom a short while later and found her naked and passed out. He softly kissed her forehead as he covered her body with a blanket. Kieran glanced at Tiana one last time before leaving her bedroom. He was determined the next time he was going to tuck her into bed, it would be after they finished making love.


  Oh…so dizzy…what…what day is it?

  Tiana stumbled out of bed as she tried figure out why on Earth she had to finish that entire bottle of wine last night. And by herself, to boot! She was fortunate she chose to get blitzed on a Friday night. There was no way she would’ve been able to go to work in the condition she was in.

  She went to the bathroom and freshened herself up. She looked at herself in the mirror and couldn’t believe the sight. Dark circles encompassed her eyes and there was a little crust in the inner corners. Her normally pressed hair was stringy and looked like awful bedhead. She had brief reminders of her youth, when she would party into dawn with her college roommates and return home sometime before noon.

  But she was young, dumb, and full of cum back then, some fifteen years prior. She was currently 32, intelligent, and well, she had never been in a drought so long like she currently was.

  The prior night…it was fuzzy. Things were clear when Kieran arrived home but it got blurry when he sat next to her on the couch. They talked…yes, they talked. They laughed and kidded around about something. And then… oh God…

  Tiana gasped at the memory. She propositioned Kieran. She climbed on top of him and...she couldn’t quite remember what happened after that. She was naked, though. Something did happen. Did they make love? Why couldn’t she remember that? She would’ve remembered that, right?

  Tiana was getting dizzy again just thinking about everything. She managed to put her long mane into a ponytail and rushed into Tyson’s nursery. He was gone but there was a note in his crib.

  I took him with me today. You looked like you needed your rest.


  Tiana jumped in the shower and scrubbed her body clean. She dried off and hurriedly put some clothes on. She practiced how she was going to approach Kieran. Should she be casual about it?

  No, that would be awkward. Maybe she should be strictly professional with him, as if he was one of her colleagues? No, she would come off as if what happened last night didn’t mean anything.

  Maybe she could be lovey-dovey with him? No, she wasn’t sure if that was appropriate since Kieran clearly didn’t spend the night. The thought just occurred to her. Why didn’t he spend the night? Was she that bad in bed? Did he not like her body? Did she hog the covers? Did she snore?

  Tiana rushed out the door to Kieran’s home. She was going to settle everything once and for all.

  If they made love, she needed to know how to approach him and not compromise their working relationship. It was the best course of action.

  Tiana walked over to Kieran’s home and knocked on the door. She heard grunting and shuffling from the outside. Am I interrupting something?

  Kieran appeared at the front door a short time later. He was sweaty and out of breath. “Tiana,” he greeted her, “Good Morning.”

  Tiana looked at the god before her and momentarily stopped breathing. A hand clutched her necklace and she lightly wetted her lips. Kieran was shredded. His ebony hair was lightly wet and brushed against his shoulders. Sweat beaded against his tawny skin and his nipples were erect. Was that an eight-pack he had? She quickly counted. It was. How was that even possible?

  Tiana imagined flicking her tongue on his nipples as she straddled his body, his cock pressing against her thighs as she slowly lowered onto his body, taking all of him at once and…

  “Is everything okay, Tiana?” Kieran asked.

  Tiana shook her head to relieve her thoughts. “Oh yes. Everything is fine.” She cleared her throat. “I was just wondering what you were up to.”

  “I was just finishing up a workout while Tyson is taking a power nap.” Kieran wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner later. I’m making spaghetti. I’m su
re it won’t be as great as your mother’s but it’ll be a close second, I hope.” Tiana offered an olive branch.

  “I would love to,” Kieran smiled. “Just let me finish up here and I’ll be right over.”

  “Cool,” Tiana glanced down at her feet, “um, I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night?”

  “Tiana, it’s cool.” Kieran smiled. “Nothing happened. I tucked you in bed and left. I picked up Tyson this morning because I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to.”

  Tiana wasn’t sure if she was relieved or embarrassed. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Kieran flashed his warm smile again.

  “Um,” Tiana wasn’t sure how to approach the next topic on her mind. “About my clothing…”

  “It’s fine,” Kieran replied, “I didn’t see anything I wasn’t supposed to see.”

  Tiana felt her shoulders drop. Kieran didn’t see her naked. She couldn’t understand why she felt disappointed. “Good to know. Well, I guess I better get going and start that spaghetti.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you in about an hour?” He asked.

  “Sure,” Tiana tightened her lips. An hour wasn’t nearly enough time but she could work miracles like she always had. “I’ll see you later.” She left Kieran’s home a short time later. She didn’t know why or even how her legs started running as fast as they did but she found herself sprinting back to her home.


  “Wow,” Kieran’s nose was tickled with mouth-watering aromas when he entered Tiana’s home.

  “This is very nice.”

  Tiana wasn’t sure how she was able to do it but she managed to pull off a meal of salad, spaghetti, and garlic bread within her hour timeframe. Thank goodness for easy to follow directions on the packages. “It’s nothing, really,” she half-lied. “Have a seat and relax.”

  Kieran put Tyson down in rocking crib chair and made himself a seat at the bar as he watched Tiana in action. He wanted to be honest with her about what really happened the night before; how he admired her body and lusted after her just as much—if not more—as she wanted him.


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