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The Nanny

Page 13

by Vera Roberts

  Tiana told Faith she wanted a haircut but Faith didn’t realize Tiana was actually referring to a big chop. “You can’t be serious, Ms. Tiana? Look how long and beautiful your hair is!”

  “I need something different and what better way to be different than to cut it all off!” Tiana smiled. “I have a baby son and I don’t have the time, or want, to be fixing my hair when I’m chasing him all over the house.”

  “Girl, I hear that,” Faith replied through the mirror. “Short and sexy is the only way to go. Okay, darling, I’ll fix you up. How short are we talking?”

  Tiana studied Faith’s hair through the mirror. “Like yours. I like your cut.”

  Faith nodded and bent down to Tiana’s ear. “It’s those D’Amato boys, huh? Have a girl be all twisted up and cutting off her hair and shit,” she winked, “I’ll hook you up, girl. You’re going to be looking so good, Kieran is gonna put it on you tonight!”


  “How’s Staten Island?” Erin asked over the phone. “Are there any gangsters there?”

  “Girl, you need to stop watching so much Hollywood,” Tiana replied back. “That’s how people get in trouble. They see something on TV and think everyone from that group really acts like that.”

  “Well, am I right? Are his family guidos?” Erin asked.

  “Girl, I’m about hang up on you in a minute if you don’t quit.”

  “But for real…his family is cool with you, right?” Erin inquired.

  “They are the craziest bunch of people I’ve met but they are so wonderful,” Tiana sat down on the bed. “I mean as an only child, I guess I could never imagine the love and camaraderie between Kieran and his brothers. They all protect and love each other. And the way they acted towards Tyson? Forget it! They simply love and adore him. I mean, I really lucked out with Kieran.”

  “So you meeting his family, feeling all lucked out…” Erin trailed off.

  “Spill it, woman,” Tiana sighed.

  “That means a trip to your family is in the works, right?” Erin asked.

  “It does,” Tiana paused, with uncertainty and nervousness. If her mother smarted to Kieran when she knew he was just the help, Tiana could imagine her reaction once she discovered the fact he moved from the guest quarters to her home. “It does.”

  “Now, one more time with passion and believability, please?”

  “I know how my mother is going to act once she realizes that Kieran is no longer just my nanny but also my boyfriend,” Tiana already knew her mother’s reaction. She was still seething from the union with Christopher.

  “So? Why does her opinion matter?”

  “Because it always has,” Tiana sighed, “you know how she is. Nothing else was or is important as long as she has the last say.”

  “You really think she’ll have that big of an issue with you and Kieran being together?”

  “Honestly, yes,” Tiana admitted. Her mother was open-minded enough to accept the race difference but that was it. Tiana knew her mother was going to have a real big issue with Tiana dating someone who is still on her payroll. “I think she’ll get out the Holy Water and rosary beads.”

  “So, let’s say she will be Telenovela dramatic with her reaction, because we both know she will,” Erin replied, “what are you going to do about it?”

  Tiana thought carefully about her answer. “I’m going to do something I should’ve done a long time ago—stand up for myself.”

  “So you say,” Erin wasn’t as confident as Tiana was, “are you really going to do it?”

  “Yes,” Tiana held her ground, “I’m a grown woman. I can’t have my mother dictate my actions for the rest of my life.”

  “All righty, then,” Erin replied, “just promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Make sure all of it is on video. I need proof!”


  “Where are we going today?” Tiana asked as she climbed into the SUV.

  “We’re going to a few places around town,” Kieran secured Tyson in the car seat and made sure he was bundled up. Joey let him borrow his truck for the day so he could give Tiana a tour of his neighborhood. “Show you a few of my old stomping grounds.”

  “I’m excited,” Tiana smiled, “I get to see more of who you really are.”

  “As promised,” Kieran got inside the truck and started. He kissed his girlfriend for good measure, to her surprise. “No reason, just because.”

  Kieran drove throughout the city, showing Tiana his old schools, favorite hangouts and even popped by a few old friends’ homes to see how they were doing. He haggled with older members of the community about life and sports and a few shared some embarrassing stories about Kieran to Tiana.

  After a lengthy tour, the trio stopped by a diner for lunch. “So what do you think so far?” Kieran asked. “I haven’t scared you too badly, have I?”

  “I love it!” Tiana beamed. “It seemed everyone knew you.”

  “I helped out a lot around here, plus with me and my brothers, it’s pretty hard to forget us due to our sizes,” Kieran snacked on a French fry, “but this is a good community with good values.”

  “I see that,” Tiana grabbed his hand and rubbed her thumb on the back of it, “I want you to meet my parents—formally—when we return to California.”

  Kieran chewed slowly on another French fry. His first encounter with Barbara wasn’t what he would call pleasant. There was something about Barbara that really rubbed him the wrong way.

  The stories Tiana shared with him about her childhood didn’t help the already-sour image he had of her parents.

  “I will on one condition,” Kieran began, “you be you when we go.”

  Tiana shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  “You said you were tired of putting on a front. You were tired of being something you’re not.

  Now’s your chance. You be you.” He sipped his soda. “Whoever she is, that’s what you need to be.”

  “I can’t,” Tiana took back her hand, “forget I even said anything.”

  Kieran thought about dropping the subject but he couldn’t let it go. “So you’re an actress and a runner?”

  “Kieran, you don’t get it, all right? You don’t get it.” Tiana shook her head. She hated how strong the feelings were towards the people who gave her life. Her parents seemed to have brought out the very best and worst within her. “I can’t just be who I want to be around them. It doesn’t work that way.”

  “Why not?” He asked. “Why is your image so precious to you that it’s worth sacrificing your happiness?”

  “Because it is, all right?” Tiana said in a tone much louder than she intended. “Because it’s all I have left.”

  Kieran wiped his mouth. “Is it? So that woman from the other night, who told me she was naked and raw and professed her love to me, who was that? Was that the real Tiana Morris or was that her representative?”

  “If you want to change your hair, no big deal. If you don’t want to take on a new client, no big deal. You’ve always had support, Kieran. You’ve always had someone cheering you on and inspiring you to do your best,” Tiana’s eyes became watery again. “I haven’t always had that.”

  Kieran grabbed Tiana’s hand and held it tight. “Your friends seem very supportive of you, Tiana.”

  “Exactly, you just nailed it. My friends. Not my father and certainly not my mother.” The tears began to fall down her cheeks. “And when I announced to them I was leaving Christopher, do you know what their reaction was? Do you even have an inkling of how they reacted? This is how they reacted and quoting, ‘Well, that was a waste of money!’”

  Kieran held tighter onto Tiana’s hand as he tried to quiet his anger. “I’m so sorry, bella.”

  “All of my life, Kieran, all of my life, I’ve wanted their approval. I wanted them to say, ‘Hey, good job!’ or ‘Way to go, Tiana!’ My entire life I’ve wanted that. I created this image just to make them happy and I still get g
rief!” She let out a deep, emotional sigh. “So, when I say I don’t know if the “real me” is going to show up at my parents’ home, I honestly don’t know.”

  Kieran leaned in closer and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, who softly cried into his chest. “Don’t feel you have to pretend with me, okay? You never have to be someone you aren’t while we’re together.”


  “You know, mamma, you really didn’t have to do this for me,” Kieran looked around the table.

  Nicola pulled out all the stops for her son’s birthday. There was food and drink to last for days from the carbonara, spaghetti, and tortellini to all the salad and garlic bread one could handle. In the center of the table was a huge chocolate birthday cake his mother made just for him. His cousins, uncles, and aunts began to pile into his mother’s home and even they brought food with them.

  “Oh, hush, il figlio. Today is your birthday and I always celebrate birthdays, so hush.” Nicola announced to all. “Everyone! Everyone, come closer! Kieran is going to blow out his candles now!”

  Kieran sat down at the table and looked up at the sight around him. He was surrounded by his brothers, and so many other relatives. The most important sight was seeing Tiana right next to him, holding Tyson. His birthday was extra special that year.

  “Well, make a wish!” Nicola cheered. “Hurry up and blow the candles before they spoil my beautiful cake!”

  Kieran closed his eyes and made a wish. He then blew out his candles to cheers and camera shots from his family. He stood up and kissed Tiana. “Did you make a good wish?” She smiled.

  Kieran grabbed Tyson from her and held them close to him. “I already have what I want.”


  “I’m sure I have a ton of things I need to catch up on,” Tiana entered her office and placed her laptop on the dock, “so I’ll carefully go through the e-mails later. Anything pressing I need to know?”

  “Your hair?” Allison appeared at Tiana’s doorway “I love your hair!”

  Tiana shook her natural curls a little. The transitioning process had been tougher than she imagined but she knew it would be worth it at the end. She already loved not having the scabs on her scalp from accidentally leaving the relaxer in too long. “Yeah, it’s a new style I’m going to keep.”

  “It looks great. No pressing matters to report on.” Allison smiled. “How was Staten Island?”

  “It was wonderful!” Tiana beamed. For the first time in ages, she felt she could let her hair down and not have any false pretenses on who she was or what she was about. She’d bonded with Nicola and Faith, who treated her like she’d been a part of the family for years. It was something Tiana needed. “We’re going back in a few months.”

  “In a few months, huh?” Allison folded her arms. “It sounds serious between you two.”

  “As serious as it can be,” Tiana added.

  “So, does this mean I’m going to start seeing wedding planner appointments in your calendar?”

  Allison teased.

  “I think you have some work you need to catch up on,” Tiana replied back.

  After Allison left her office, Tiana got on the phone with her mother. “Hi, Mother. Sorry I didn’t call when I got in last night but it was already too late to call.”

  “I’m glad you’re back home and away from the ghetto,” Barbara commented.

  Tiana rolled her eyes. It was too early to deal with her mother. “I just wanted to check in with you so I’ll talk to you later—”

  “Christopher has been asking about you,” Barbara mentioned. “He’s been coming over here a lot.”

  Barbara’s revelation disturbed Tiana in more ways than one. Her ex-husband, who refused to see his child, was making special guest appearances at her parents’ home. “Why would my ex be coming around there?”

  “He wants to see his son.”

  “He has my number,” Tiana mentioned. “He also knows I don’t live there.”

  “You should applaud Tyson’s father for wanting to be a part of his son’s life, Tiana,” Barbara mentioned over the phone. “He has the ability to be a good father for Tyson.”

  “He has the ability, he just doesn’t want to.” Tiana added.

  “Nevertheless, he wants to see his son so I invited him over for dinner on Sunday. Bring Tyson along.”

  “Y-y-you invited him for dinner?” Tiana was astonished. Her mother had lost whatever sense she had left. “Why on Earth would you do that after what I’ve been through with him?”

  “I just told you, and I don’t need to justify my actions to my daughter,” Barbara replied. “Dinner will be at five-thirty p.m. so I expect to see you over here. I’ll talk to you then, Tiana.”

  Tiana slammed her phone down and felt her fists curl up into tight balls. No matter how good a mood she was in that particular day, it seemed her mother would find that one good nerve of hers and pounce on it.


  “We have dinner with my mother on Sunday,” Tiana began over dinner. Her mood hadn’t

  improved over the day and she took it home with her, something she tried hard not to.

  Kieran picked up on Tiana’s somber tone. She barely kissed him hello when she arrived home and she was going through the motions when they talked over dinner. “Let’s not get excited,”

  Kieran fed Tyson in his high chair.

  “I wanted you to meet my parents but not under these circumstances,” Tiana played with her mashed potatoes. “Christopher is going to be there.”

  Kieran nodded as if he accepted the information. He knew the man revered as Champagne Cris and his reputation inside the studio and out. Tiana didn’t have to tell Kieran the story about her marriage; it was common knowledge she stayed in much longer than she should have. Still, he respected the fact Tiana had reservations about introducing him to her parents. “I can stay home, Tiana.”

  “No, I’m not ashamed of you and you’re my partner,” she declared, “I just wanted to prepare you for what was to come.”

  “You think it’s going to be that bad?” He asked.

  “In a word, yes,” she replied.

  Kieran took off Tyson’s bib and removed the high chair table. He then began to burp the infant.

  “So what’s your course of action? Are you going to go there with full artillery or watch carefully and see what happens?”

  “I’m going to be packin’ like one of those hip-hop ga-ga-gangstas,” she then burst into laughter.

  She walked over to her boyfriend and kissed him and her son. “I can handle my parents. I’m allowed to make my own decisions and not consult them for advice any longer.”

  “If you don’t want to go over there, Tiana, we don’t have to.”

  “And what for? To keep running away from my parents forever? To be this perfect little child who was always seen and never heard? I’m tired of that. I can’t promise it’ll be a great time but I can’t stay away.” Tiana picked up Tyson. “It’s time to give little man his bath and set him down for the night.”

  “Did you want me to help?” Kieran offered.

  “No, I got this. You rest and relax. I need some mother-son time with Tyson,” she smiled back,

  “I’ll take care of you when I’m done.” She winked before she left.

  Kieran began to clear off the plates and put food away. He knew Sunday’s dinner was going to be unforgettable. He just wondered how he was going to react to meeting the infamous Champagne Cris in person.

  He would somehow find the urge to resist knocking the man out.


  Christopher heard through the grapevine that his ex-wife had a new boyfriend. A new boyfriend she didn’t want to admit to in public. For weeks, he wondered what he looked like and already assumed everything about the guy.

  He concluded Tiana’s boyfriend was probably a nerd and weighed a buck-fifty, soaking wet with two bricks. He was probably in the financial sector as well and didn’t know any slang and spoke proper English a
ll the time. And knowing Barbara, Tiana’s new boyfriend was more than likely a Black man.

  So when the mammoth, also known as Kieran, showed up to dinner, Christopher was scared shitless. Kieran was huge. His collared Polo barely fit his arms and the hard look on Kieran’s face suggested in no way, shape, or form should Christopher even think about fucking with him.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Kieran extended a hand to Christopher.

  Christopher glanced down at Kieran’s hand and contemplated if he should shake it. He wasn’t too sure Kieran wouldn’t break his arm. “Nice to meet you, too, man,” he shook his hand. Kieran had a firm grip and Christopher quickly snatched his hand away and massaged it.

  He turned his attention to Tiana. She was as beautiful as ever. She recently cut her hair and it was a short do. Way too short for his liking. When they got back together, he would insist she get a weave. “Tiana, darling.” He kissed her cheek.

  Tiana remained still as fire flashed in her eyes. Christopher had some nerve pretending everything was cool and civil between them, especially after the mud-slinging party he invited her to during their divorce proceedings. She kept her cool. She didn’t want to be there, let alone make a scene. “Christopher,” she said it in a tone that gave no indication of her feelings one way or another.

  Christopher pulled back and admired his ex. “You look absolutely beautiful, Tiana.”

  “Thank you,” she forced a grin, “where are my parents?”

  “Your dad is out picking up some liquor for us,” Christopher sniffed and rubbed his nose, “your mama is in the kitchen.”

  “I’ll go see her,” Tiana headed towards the kitchen.

  Christopher looked at Kieran before him. He was holding Tyson and it seemed the boy had a great deal of affection towards his caretaker. “Let’s rap for a moment, brah,” Christopher walked towards the outside porch. He opened a beer and offered it to Kieran, who politely declined.

  “So, you’re Kayron, huh?” Christopher sipped his Bud Light.


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