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Battle for the Amazon (Free Trader Series Book 4)

Page 20

by Craig Martelle

  ‘Maybe attacking is the best thing to do. We didn’t come all this way to sit back and watch the Overlords attack our family and friends. Go, Pik, and find out what you can. We’ll prepare to attack, but we have to give Braden one more turn. We have to…’ Micah’s thoughts drifted off.

  Pik nodded crisply, waited for the others to find shelter, then walked casually forward. He held his head high, using his spear as a walking stick, showing no fear. He continued walking until he was lost from sight. The companions watched, listened, and sniffed the air as they settled in to wait.

  Just a Little Farther

  Braden fired quickly into the attackers, keeping them from getting too close. The Rabbits were behind him, firing to the sides, and Bronwyn was behind them, cowering from the sounds of battle.

  “To your left!” Braden yelled at the swordsmen as they battled a small a group to the rear. One of the women broke off, taking a couple steps to her left to meet the incoming warriors. Her blade whirled before her as she beat the spear tips to the side. With flicks of her wrist, the sword bit lightly into green chests and arms. She refused to move as they pressed in on her, willing to sacrifice themselves to defeat the human.

  She wasn’t ready to die. She started to jump and dodge, lining the Lizard Men up for killing strokes. Her movements became too quick to follow, and the enemy fell one by one until the last, realizing he was alone, turned to run. She swept low, cutting through both of his ankles. He fell face first into the mud and using only his arms, tried to crawl away.

  The swordsman didn’t revel in the kill, as she stepped onto his spear and drove her sword point through the middle of his back. She jumped aside, ready for the next attack, but there were no more. Her three fellow swordsmen gulped air as they tried to recover from the vicious attack.

  One last scream from G-War as he dodged and weaved, keeping two enemy warriors occupied as he slashed them over and over. They fell, as much to his claws as to his unbridled rage. Braden could feel it. Bronwyn rocked herself calm as she crouched behind the Rabbits. She could hear the thoughts of all during the fight. It was wearing her down. Her eyes were hollow and sunken, and her skin took on a gray pallor.

  Braden fired until he saw no more Lizard Men, near or far. Akhmiyar had lost two more warriors as the attack came from the front, where the friendly Amazonians continued to lead the group into the deepest part of the rainforest.

  Akhmiyar was wounded. Braden used the last of his numbweed on the injury while stitching wounds on all three of the Amazonian warriors. When Braden was finished, he pulled leaves from a nearby numbweed bush and stuffed them into his pouch. They would work in an emergency.

  Akhmiyar knew they were near to the Overlords’ stronghold. The enemy attacked with greater frequency the closer they got. They had stopped with the small group ambushes and started attacking with reckless abandon.

  “Akhmiyar says they are close. The Overlords are throwing their warriors away as they try to overwhelm us. He believes that they must be afraid, as they are so willing to waste the lives of their followers,” the little girl said emotionlessly. “Akhmiyar is sad at the loss of so many of his fellow Amazonians. He prays for a quick end to the killing.”

  Braden cradled her young face in his hands and looked into her eyes. “That means this will all be over soon, and we’ll be able to go home. Brandt has gone south to recover his herd. Hundreds of Aurochs should be waiting for us, waiting for you to show them how to be free, how to live. They will need you to nurse them back to health from eating the tainted grasses. They will need you.” He saw a small spark of life in her eyes, but it disappeared quickly. Her sadness tore at his heart.

  Hers was the purest soul he’d ever met, and he put her into the middle of a battle for humanity, a life or death struggle. He caressed her hair and thought of Micah. G-War purred and rubbed against her leg. She petted him, staring into the distance.

  After the short rest, Akhmiyar suggested they find a place to the west to hide while they spent the night. First thing after sunrise, they’d head for the stronghold, find the Overlords, and finish it.

  Loper and Sunny were both limping. Ferrer and Brigitte were still in perfect health. The four swordsmen, all injured, were still carrying their swords and claiming they were ready to fight. Zyena seemed strong and the three Amazonians never let an injury hold them back. Plus Braden. It wasn’t much, but it’s all they had.

  They followed Akhmiyar as he led them from the battle site to a dense part of the rainforest.

  The Herd

  Brandt didn’t bother stopping at Trent or Cornwall. He, two cows, and two bulls, one being Lomen, ran at a steady pace, taking regular breaks to feed as they found grass and bushes to their liking. When they reached Toromont’s Run, the herd was where they left them. They grazed lazily, not taking notice of Brandt and the others.

  Lomen’s eyes crossed as he looked at the lush green of the grass. He lost focus and leaned down to take a bite. Brandt rammed him with his shoulder and knocked the young bull off his hooves. Lomen grunted when he hit the ground, waking up from his daydream.

  ‘We must hurry!’ Brandt told the group as he glared at Lomen. ‘And you, stay next to me.’

  They trotted toward the herd, Brandt in front, then two and two, making an inverted V as they approached.

  ‘Queen! Are you here?’ Brandt asked in his booming thought voice.

  ‘I am, my King,’ came the quick reply.

  ‘Good. You are all coming with us, because this grass is bad for you and holding you back in everything. We have a journey of many turns before us. We will move you to the Plains of Propiscius, where you will return to health, and we will grow the herd until we fill the lands with our people,’ Brandt spoke confidently, standing tall and towering over the others.

  ‘Tomorrow we go. Yes, that okay,’ the Queen said.

  ‘We will leave now, and that will be better,’ Brandt stated firmly. The Queen sighed and ambled toward him. She took a few steps, then laid down in the grass, head drooping as she prepared to take a nap.

  Brandt Earthshaker, King of the Aurochs was incensed. He bugled his displeasure and then bugled more until his throat hurt from his efforts. He ran to those farthest away and with the tips of his great horns encouraged them to run. Eyes wide, they started to panic. The King ran back and forth behind them, driving them toward the mouth of the valley. Others joined the race, then more. The Aurochs who arrived with Brandt saw a stampede approaching. They turned and ran as well. Fear drove the herd forward as if they ran before a wildfire.

  It was only Brandt and he was pleased they showed that much energy. He continued pushing them, noting that the Queen had shaken herself awake and was running with the rest, no idea why but running nonetheless.

  ‘Make sure they turn north when they reach the mouth of the valley,’ Brandt commanded the others, who turned on his order. Two of them ran north to lead the stampede and the two largest of his old Earthshaker Herd stopped and blocked the running Aurochs from turning the wrong way. It only took the first few and the rest followed. They ran out of steam quickly, slowing to a walk. Brandt kept them going until they reached the first stream. He huddled them there and let them drink their fill.

  He’d force them to sleep and with the new dawn, they’d continue their journey. He also set up a watch schedule to make sure none of the new herd wandered back to Toromont’s Run.

  Brandt looked at the sea of Aurochs and smiled.

  Where Have You Been?

  Micah was instantly alert. It was nightfall when the casual slopping step of someone approached their position. She raised her blaster, ready to fire. Pik Ha’ar walked into the area, his hands behind him as if taking a stroll around the oasis lake.

  He smoothly stepped behind a tree and disappeared in the way of the Lizard Men. Aadi swam over and the two began to talk. The rest of the companions joined them.

  ‘Where have you been?’ Micah asked, at wit’s end from the long wait.

��I’m sorry. They hold a rather extensive position. I walked it all, without getting too close to the stronghold itself. We are in a good position here, if they run. This is the most easily accessible route to the south. I have good news, too. While I was “inspecting” their positions, many warriors were pulled out and dispatched to deal with enemy coming from the north,’ he said and waited for their response. Everyone knew what that meant.

  Micah slapped the Wolfoids on the back, smiled, and nodded.

  “Braden comes,” she said proudly, a glint in her eyes.

  ‘I could not tell if the Overlords were preparing to leave, but I know where the enemy’s positions are. I believe that if I remove a single sentry, we can all get inside their lines and attack the stronghold ourselves without encountering further resistance. We can end this,’ Pik said confidently.

  “We can end this,” Micah replied. The Wolfoids nodded, throwing the ever present water from their hides with every movement. “Tell us what we need to do, Pik, and let us get ready. Go at first light?”

  ‘Yes. First light is best. Even I can’t see a Lizard Man hiding in the dark. I will go first, check to make sure the sentries haven’t moved, then I will create the breach. I will call to you over the mindlink and you will come, exactly along the path I made from here to there. If they have moved, I’ll find a gap, then come back to get you, lead you through where it’s safe. Then we attack the stronghold. From what I saw, it consists of three small buildings of ancient manufacture. They are old, but seem to be functional. They have power like the oasis. Strange lights come from within. Those lights will guide us as we get close. Spare nothing as you approach. If it moves, you must kill it. Only the Overlords and their followers are there,’ Pik ended without emotion.

  ‘You’ve spent a lot of time with Braden, I see,’ Micah exclaimed. ‘This sounds like one of his plans. Well done, Pik! Well done.’

  ‘Sleep now. Dal and I will watch. You need your rest. What we all do in the next daylight will determine the course of the war.’

  Micah nodded, her earlier anxiety replaced with new concerns. She tried to sleep, but found it elusive as she worried about Braden, Bronwyn, and the rest of the companions. Even without the neural implant, she expected that she’d know if Braden had been hurt or worse, killed.

  When she did sleep, her dreams were haunted with pain and sadness from Bronwyn, a stream of images with the blood and horrors of war.

  Prepare to Attack

  Braden’s dreams were interrupted by Bronwyn’s descent into darkness. She was surrounded by lakes of blood while green-skinned creatures pointed sharp sticks at her. Screaming faces bared their fangs, prophesying her doom.

  The little girl tossed and turned, despite Ferrer, Brigitte, and G-War’s best efforts. Bounder and Gray Strider slept like they were dead. Braden worried, until he nudged them and they struggled awake, blinking bloodshot eyes at him. Maybe they hadn’t slept that well either.

  Braden could never tell with Akhmiyar. After all this time, he was still unable to read the body language of the Amazonians. If there could be a bright spot in their journey, they had plenty of rations remaining. They recovered food from those who had fallen and still carried a comparable amount to when they started. It was the bleakest bright spot he could think of. Braden was ashamed of himself.

  Akhmiyar joined the rest as they ate. He leaned toward Bronwyn to ask her to interpret, but decided against it. He stood up straight, looked at Braden, and pointed in the direction of the stronghold. He raised his spear and made a thrusting motion, then waved at the group to follow. Braden put a hand on his arm to hold him up for a heartbeat or two.

  The others all looked to him for approval. He closed his eyes and said to himself, For you, Micah, and Ax and ‘Tesh. We finish this war now.

  ‘Braden? Are you there?’ Micah’s thought voice came through loud and clear to all of them. Bronwyn perked up, her eyes sparkling at the sound of her second mother and revered friend.

  Braden held up his hand for all to hold their positions. Bronwyn told Akhmiyar that Micah and her group were near.

  ‘We are just north of the stronghold. Where are you, lover?’ Braden asked, feeling instantly refreshed and full of energy.

  ‘We are just to the south of you. Pik has already walked around their lines–they thought he was an Overlord. I’m sorry, we couldn’t bring the Aurochs, but we have everyone else, for better or worse,’ she said.

  ‘No Aurochs for us either. As for the rest, we have enough,’ was all Braden responded with. He looked at G-War, who nodded to let Braden know he was talking to both groups. ‘Here’s what we need to do…’

  With corrections from Micah regarding Pik and Dal’s roles, the plan took shape. Their chances of victory had just vastly improved.

  Micah and her group waited while Braden kicked off the attack.

  Akhmiyar and his two warriors were a few paces to the front, and Braden followed with the Wolfoids to his side. The Rabbits were behind with Bronwyn between them. The female swordsmen were arranged in an arc around the Rabbits.

  Akhmiyar set off at a quick pace, spear point forward. The others had their blasters, laser pistols, and lightning spears ready to fire. The swordsmen held their blades in hand, ready to cut any enemy within reach. Zyena circled through the branches overhead, waiting to dive on an unsuspecting enemy.

  Braden’s group rushed forward into the front lines, catching the enemy as they prepared to attack. Braden’s blaster mowed down the bunched Lizard Men. Akhmiyar and his two warriors drifted aside to protect Braden as his single blaster cut through the enemy without mercy. When it ran out of power, he calmly holstered it and pulled his second blaster, firing anew.

  Thrown spears came at them from the shadows. They dodged, continuing to fire but slowing their pace so they wouldn’t expose Bronwyn and the Rabbits. Enemy Lizard Men started to regroup and came at them in small waves.

  Like We Belong Here

  Micah and her companions followed at a distance, waiting for Pik to wave them forward. Pik and Dal walked with purpose, comfortable in the rainforest and seemingly unafraid. They inspired the others who fingered their weapons nervously. Blasters and spears were charged and ready to fire.

  Micah bobbed anxiously as she waited. Her partner and their friends were somewhere ahead, preparing to fight the enemy, distract them so Micah could sweep in from the hopefully unprotected south. They intended to catch the Overlords between them, preventing them from escaping. Braden believed that the Lizard Men were overconfident and wouldn’t run. Micah assumed she would have to shoot them in the back as they watched their forces fight Braden.

  She was angry after having traveled for so long in the rainforest. She was wet and fed up and most importantly, the Overlords forced this war. If they hadn’t attacked Braden and Micah using the cold-water crocs or their Lizard Men warriors, none of this would have happened. It wasn’t her usual way to shoot an enemy in the back, but these were unusual times and these were not her usual enemies.

  The Overlords commanded an army that they unleashed on her family. It was time to make them pay. She talked herself into being okay with shooting them however she could.

  She knew that Braden wouldn’t approve, but she couldn’t shake her anger. A dark smile transformed her face. She was delivering justice for those who only wanted peace. For them, she fought the life and death struggle. Now they Overlords would understand how they’d gone wrong.

  A Lizard Man joined Pik and Dal in a clearing ahead. They all looked as the newcomer pointed. When Pik looked back, he nodded, then in a flash, had the other by the throat, driving him backwards until he fell. She heard the splashing as he fought, but it was already too late. Pik’s iron grip held him tightly until he was no more. Pik waved while Dal watched something to the side.

  The others walked forward, careful not to trip while their eyes scanned the dark of the dripping rainforest. The perpetual rains seemed lighter here. Maybe that was why the ancients had picked this
place to put their buildings and why the Overlords made it their home.

  Micah carried a blaster in each hand. Her heart raced as her eyes jumped from one movement to the next, water dripping from a leaf, a bird on a swinging vine, ripples in a puddle.

  Pik waved at them to get down. They’d bunched up as they moved forward. The Wolfoids were touching her and she was nearly in arm’s reach of Dal. She was helpless to move and only able to crouch lower. The Wolves laid down, becoming one with the swamp. Their eyes scanned the trees while their spears pointed toward the rainforest. Aadi floated over them, protecting them from above with the armor of his shell.

  The sloshing of a creature moving quickly through the swamp came to her first. She saw two Lizard Men half running as they headed north. They didn’t notice the companions as they raced past. She waited until Pik nodded and motioned them forward a second time.

  Attack the Weakest

  “Bronwyn! Tell Zalastar’s men to move left into that opening. Now!” Braden yelled as he fired his blaster at a shadow that darted between the large trees surrounding the Overlords’ stronghold. He missed, but the Wolfoids had cleared the resistance in one area and the enemy was trying to fill in the gap.

  Bronwyn screamed so intensely he thought she was going to explode. She covered her ears and continued to scream with all the strength her small body could muster. Braden fired rapidly into the trees before him as he moved toward her. She’d fallen from behind a tree and was exposed to the spears the Lizard Men threw.

  Braden was vulnerable as he moved into the open. The enemy appeared from the face of tree trunks and leaned back to unleash a killing barrage toward him. ‘DOWN!’ G-War ordered and Braden dove into a puddle behind a small root. Most spears sailed over his head, one embedded in the root and the other bounced off the armor covering his back. It still hurt, but he wasn’t cut and bleeding.


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