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Douluo Dalu - Volume 09 - Golden Iron Triangle

Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Flender was very satisfied with Qin Ming’s arrangements. Qin Ming immediately brought them to a courtyard on the west side of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s main campus, here everything was already arranged cleanly and neatly. Not only did each person have their own room, but there was also a big parlor, all the articles for daily use were brand new, the whole courtyard was like its own world, everything was far better than at Shrek Academy.

  Not only were the teachers satisfied, the Shrek Seven Devils were also pleasantly surprised, thinking to themselves that this senior Qin Ming’s ability to handle matters was truly powerful. Everything was arranged so appropriately.

  With everything arranged to their satisfaction, everyone gathered in the parlor. Qin Ming sat next to Flender, earnestly asking the teachers:

  “I hope all the teachers and juniors satisfied? After I returned to the Academy to arrange this matter, I looked around and found this to be the best location. Leaving the courtyard you can see the mountain scenery outside, and moreover you can see the lake below. From this side there’s a road that leads directly to the foot of the mountain, leaving for Heaven Dou City is also very convenient.”

  Zhao Wuji smiled:

  “Qin Ming, you’re really quite something. You’ve arranged things very well.”

  Qin Ming said:

  “It’s no more than I should. The time is getting late. Originally I wanted to invite all the teachers and juniors to Heaven Dou City to find a good place to hold a welcoming dinner and wash off the dust, but at this time of night, we can casually eat something in the Academy. Once tomorrow’s matters are settled, I think the Academy will specially entertain all the teachers.”

  Flender said:

  “Qin Ming, you know we don’t care much for worldly ceremonies, you don’t have to go to any trouble.”

  Qin Ming looked at Flender,his eyes colored with heartfelt emotion,

  “Dean Flender, without you and all the other teachers, there wouldn’t be a Qin Ming today. This time I finally have the opportunity to reciprocate, how couldn’t I do it with all my heart?”

  The dinner was even more sumptuous than imagined. Although it was hastily arranged, Qin Ming had still done his utmost to have the best dishes prepared for everyone, and by the time the meal was finished the stars hung high overhead.

  The Shrek Academy members had travelled hard for several days to arrive here and, all somewhat tired, each retired to their rooms.

  After an eventless night, on the next morning, Tang San had just finished cultivating his Purple Demon Eye when Qin Ming arrived, even having the Academy specially engage a chef to bring steaming hot breakfast dishes.

  “Little San, you’re up so early?”

  Qin Ming just saw Tang San jump down from the roof, and smiling went to meet him.

  Tang San laughed, saying:

  “Senior, you’re also up very early!”

  Qin Ming clapped Tang San’s shoulder, saying:

  “Among you Shrek Seven Devils, you gave me the deepest impression. I don’t know how you have cultivated this ability at such a young age. You are more outstanding than I was in those days.”

  Hearing Qin Ming’s compliments, Tang San somewhat embarrassed said:

  “Senior is too kind.”

  Qin Ming resolutely said:

  “I’m speaking from the heart. I’ve been at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy for a few years, and there aren’t a lot of students with outstanding talent. Like Yu Tian-Heng and Dugu Yan, who are both exceptionally talented. But, compared to you they lack a characteristic quality. You gave me the deepest impression, and it’s not even because of your variation Blue Silver Grass spirit, but rather your calm mind. That spirit battle with Tian-Heng’s Emperor Team, rather than saying they lost to you all in strength, it should be said they lost to your intelligence and local battle control ability. In time, you will definitely become one of the world’s top control system Spirit Masters.”

  Pausing, Qin Ming’s gaze became scorching hot,

  “Being able to let teammates display their full strength is already the one requirement for a control system Spirit Master, but being able to control the circumstances of the battlefield, winning from a position of weakness, that is the potential of a first rate control system Spirit Master. You are Grandmaster’s disciple, and while I can by far not be compared to Grandmaster’s instruction, what I can teach you is the word ‘confidence’. Whatever the situation, when you confront the enemy always maintain belief in victory, then, you will be able to display the greatest level of your strength.”

  Saying this, Qin Ming once again patted Tang San’s shoulder,

  “Junior brother, make the effort. To tell the truth, I truly want to see, when you are thirty years old, just what level you are able to reach. I believe you will definitely surpass mine.”

  Shrek Academy’s members got out of bed one after another, as everyone ate breakfast, Qin Ming introduced them to the staff structure of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy in simple terms.

  Heaven Dou Imperial Academy sorted all the students into three administrative level. Students who had just entered the Academy or had strength below the twenty fifth rank were level one, dubbed the Tiny Heaven level[ (天微级) Or “Micro-Heaven”], the level with twenty fifth to thirtieth rank was the Reaching Heaven level[ (天至级) Or “Until Heaven”], thirtieth rank and above subsequently entered the highest Heaven Dou level[ (天斗级) The name of the Empire, city, Academy, etc.]. Like the Emperor Team’s seven members were all well known figure of the Heaven Dou level, and yesterday at the foot of the mountain the Shrek Academy group encountered those Tiny Heaven level students.

  The teachers were sorted into levels the same as students, only the requirements were even higher. Spirit power reaching the fortieth rank was the general admittance threshold for Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and and all advanced Spirit Master academy teachers. At Heaven Dou Academy, teachers over fortieth rank and under fiftieth rank were Tiny Heaven level teachers. Within the fiftieth to sixtieth ranks, they were Reaching Heaven level teachers, surpassing sixtieth rank, they were Heaven Dou level teachers. Sun Buyu they met yesterday was a fifty third rank Reaching Heaven level teacher, and Qin Ming had just recently become a Heaven Dou level teacher.

  Since Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was affiliated with Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial family, the dean was nominally the present Heaven Dou Empire’s emperor, consequently, within the Academy there was no office of dean. As a result the highest seniority fell to the three strongest Heaven Dou teachers who formed a board of education, the senior staff Qin Ming had mentioned were them.

  The majority of the Academy’s affairs was handled by the board of education, only for some important matters were instructions from the Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial household required.

  Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial family attached extreme importance to the Academy, although the Heaven Dou Emperor was too busy to attend personally, he would commonly also assign an imperial family member to take responsibility for affairs on the Academy’s side. For some important decisions, the board of education also had to ask for instructions.

  The present Heaven Dou Academy’s board of education three chief teachers were all over eightieth rank Spirit Douluo, teachers with exceedingly robust strength. There were more than eight Heaven Dou level teachers, extremely rare in the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

  Listening to Qin Ming, Flender smiled:

  “Then you’re saying we will also be the same as Heaven Dou level teachers?”

  Qin Ming smiled:

  “But of course. Heaven Dou level teachers have a very high standing at the Academy, commonly only teaching Heaven Dou level students. And Heaven Dou level students only account for a tenth of all the students. The education work is exceptionally relaxed, but the payment is very high. Besides the Academy taking responsibility for everything required to live in the Academy, each month there is a remuneration of three thousand gold spirit coins. If there are special circumstances
, there will still be other income as well.”

  “Three thousand? Really extravagant.”

  Flender was still used to being the dean, although he was extremely concerned with the issue of income, he never had the cheek to ask. Right now hearing Qin Ming mention the figure ‘three thousand’, he couldn’t help but be greatly satisfied, the smile on his face widening even more. His satisfaction with this Heaven Dou Imperial Academy naturally also rose sharply.

  “Qin Ming, lead the way. We’ll go see those three board of education seniors.”


  Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s board of education was located at the heart of the main campus, in the entire main campus, it was the largest building. Although it was still a single story construction, it was still ten meters at its highest point, giving somewhat of a Spirit Hall feeling.

  Being newcomers, whether it was the Shrek Academy teachers or the Shrek Seven Devils, they were all led here by Qin Ming. Regardless of the good conditions, this was after all not Shrek Academy, not considered their place, naturally they couldn’t be as unconstrained as before.

  Although Flender all along had a smiling expression, after so many years of freedom, in his heart he was still somewhat bitter. While Shrek Academy was small, he was still its dean. While Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was even better, it still didn’t have that kind of familiarity like home.

  However, Flender’s mood very quickly eased a lot. As their party entered the gate to the board of education’s courtyard, the three elders already waited there since earlier.

  Although the three elders simply stood there, they gave people a kind of exceedingly strange feeling, as if they were the core of this Heaven Dou Academy’s main campus, and even of the whole Academy. Even if they wore gently smiling expressions, they were still unable to hide that special temperament that belonged to great powers.

  The three elders were all attired in black robes, on which were embroidered some fantastic designs in golden thread. This kind of robe wasn’t exclusive to them, but rather were received from Spirit Hall by eightieth rank and over Spirit Douluo title Spirit Masters, custom made formal robes representing their status. Second only to Title Douluo’s red ceremonial robes.

  Chapter 059: Connection, First Meridian

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  Generally speaking, this kind of ceremonial robes were very rarely worn by Spirit Douluo and Title Douluo. It represented not only their status, but also solemnity. This kind of exclusive custom made clothes would only appear when dueling an equally leveled opponent, or for extremely important occasions. And since these three elders wearing these robes right now naturally wasn’t for a fight, then, it could only prove one point: that they attached a great deal of importance to the Shrek Academy members. Moreover, these three elders were personally greeting them at the door.

  Even if Flender was even more arrogant, confronting circumstances like these he still couldn’t have helped feeling overwhelmed. He always meant that ‘who gives me one chi of respect, I will give ten chi of respect.’ With the other side revealing such a respectful intent, how could he not also make a display.

  Flender increased his pace, a few steps forward, as he stopped, he already held both hands clasped over shoulder level, slightly bowing,

  “Shrek Academy, Flender, spirit: Owl, agility attack system seventy eighth rank seven ring Battle Spirit Emperor, I greet the seniors.”

  In the Spirit Master world, this kind of action was the etiquette of a younger generation meeting seniors. Although Flender also was more than fifty years old, facing these three more than eighty year old elders, his courtesy of a junior didn’t count as much.

  The elder in the center laughed out loud, coming forward to meet him with big strides, pulling down Flender’s raised hands,

  “There is no need to be so polite, dean Flender, we have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time, truly for a long time! Able to obtain the guidance of all the teachers of the monster academy in person, you bring light to our humble institution. I am the head of administration, Meng Shen-Ji[ (梦神机) “Dream God Machine”], spirit: Black Goblin[ (黑妖) Or Black Witch/Phantom/Demon/Monster], control system eighty sixth ranked eight ring Battle Spirit Douluo. I’ll give you introductions.”

  Meng Shen-Ji was medium height, very thin, as if he didn’t have any muscles, as he spoke his voice was somewhat crafty, but not at all unpleasant, giving people a kind of very familiar feeling, both his hair and beard white. Although he was thin, his spirit was hale and hearty, a red flush on his face.

  While speaking, Meng Shen-Ji indicated the old man to his left, saying:

  “This is the board of education’s second member, Spirit Douluo Bai Baoshan[ (白宝山) “White Jewel Mountain”]. Spirit: Heaven Star Furnace[ (天星炉)], defense system eighty fifth ranked eight ring Battle Spirit Douluo.”

  Bai Baoshan’s build was just the opposite of Meng Shen-Ji’s, not tall but extremely fat. Like four chi tall and four chi around.

  He all along had a gently smiling expression, his fat trembling along with his smile. Hearing Meng Shen-Ji introduce him, he nodded smiling towards Flender.

  Meng Shen-Ji indicated the other old man, saying:

  “This is the board of education’s third member, Zhi Lin[ (智林) “Wisdom Forest”] Spirit Douluo, spirit: Sky Blue Vine[ (天青藤)], control system eighty third ranked eight ring Tool Spirit Douluo.”

  This third member of the board of education’s senior staff Zhi Lin appeared the most normal at a glance, appearance very ordinary, only occasionally a bright light flashed in his eyes that gave people a somewhat unusual feeling.

  Although Flender already knew that they were all eightieth ranked Spirit Douluo or higher, as Mang Shen-Ji did the introductions, he still felt awed. Especially as among these three Spirit Douluo were unexpectedly two control system Spirit Douluo.

  While everyone in the Spirit Master world knew that power attack system had the fiercest attacks, control system was the most difficult to deal with, and also the least willing to confront the opponent. Unless one happened to counter their strength, in a one versus one situation, equally ranked Spirit Masters would find it very difficult to prevail over control system.

  Flender also hastily introduced Shrek Academy’s teachers. As for the Shrek Seven Devils, they were after all students, and he didn’t say much. But Flender noticed that these three board of education senior staff were even more interested in the Shrek Seven Devils than in them.

  Meng Shen-Ji said:

  “No need to be polite, finally coming here, treat it like your own home. Please, come inside.”

  The board of education wasn’t lavish. Just the opposite, the place where these three Spirit Douluo handled business and lived was exceptionally austere.

  Only decorated with essentials and some simple green plants.

  Host and guests took their seats across from each other, since there weren’t many chairs in the board of education, the Shrek Seven Devils could only stand behind the teachers. Right now everyone’s gazes were excited, after all, sitting in front of them were three Spirit Douluo level powers.

  In the whole Spirit Master world, Spirit Masters able to cultivate to this degree were as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, and they wouldn’t lack formidable strength. Even if they couldn’t challenge Heaven, they could still easily scatter a ten thousand man army.

  Meng Shen-Ji let servants serve tea and pastries, his gaze sweeping across those Shrek Seven Devils, smiling saying:

  “We heard from Qin Ming that these children defeated our institution’s Emperor Team. Truly astonishing, the monster academy sure enough is a place where monsters gather. Qin Ming’s accomplishments already amazed me, but I still didn’t expect your institution to cultivate this many geniuses.”

  Flender smiled wryly, saying:

  “The Shrek Academy has already ceased to exist.”

  Meng Shen-Ji firmly said:

  “No, take
a look at these children behind you, their accomplishments hereafter, until successfully graduating the Shrek Academy, will all along belong to Shrek. Qin Ming already explained it very clearly to us. Everyone coming to our humble institution this time is our honor. Unless all you teachers wish for it, the Academy will not assign any teaching duties to you. Here you are all at your liberty, if there is anything you need then don’t hesitate to ask, as long as it’s within the limits of my authority, just say it.”

  Flender was after all also a more than seventieth ranked power, and naturally saw that the sincerity these three Spirit Douluo showed absolutely wasn’t faked. From this it could be seen just how much they thirsted for talent. Even to the extent that they without any questions at once chose to completely trust Qin Ming.

  On the side of the three board of education members, Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin suddenly asked:

  “I heard from teacher Qin Ming that at your institution is an especially outstanding control system Spirit Master, who would that be?”

  Grandmaster calmly smiled, saying:

  “Talent isn’t enough. Tang San.”

  Tang San responded, stepping forward from the Shrek Seven Devils, respectfully saluting the three Spirit Douluo,

  “Greetings three teachers.”

  Zhi Lin smiled faintly, the air around his body suddenly distorting.

  The others didn’t feel anything, but Tang San clearly found the air around his body seemed to congeal, tremendous spirit power fluctuations rushing out, his body already completely unable to move.

  This spirit power was somewhat similar to his Blue Silver Grass spirit power, and although his body was oppressed, Tang San could feel there was no malice within it.

  He understood that this was the other side testing his strength. Without speaking, he silently urged his Mysterious Heaven Skill, resisting the unceasing invading force.


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