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Douluo Dalu - Volume 09 - Golden Iron Triangle

Page 11

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Dugu Bo suddenly made a strange chuckle,

  “How many years, how many years has it been since someone dared talk to me like that? Kid, aren’t you afraid to die? You actually dare doubt an old man’s poison? Don’t you know that even other Title Douluo would change color when talking about my poison.”

  Tang San snorted disdainfully,

  “Your poison? It’s just trash, that’s all.”

  “What did you say?”

  Green light suddenly set off in Dugu Bo’s eyes, with just a flick of his hand, Tang San was flung away by an irresistibly powerful force, heavily smashing into the rock wall behind him and almost losing consciousness again from the pain.

  “Kid, if you dare wag your tongue like that in front of me again, even if your poison interests me, I’ll still immediately kill you. My poison is trash? I can instantly affect every living creature within a kilometer, not even a blade of grass would grow. If I want to kill you I don’t even need to use my hands, I can kill you with poison at once. In this world, there is still no Spirit Master who has been able to compare to me in the poison attribute. You actually dare doubt my poison.”

  Tang San struggled to stand up, resisting the pain and straightening his back,

  “I want to wag my tongue in front of you? As far as I’m concerned, what’s even the point of that? Your poison is indeed ferocious, but it’s still trash. A poisoner uses poison on his enemies, but you’ve even poisoned yourself, don’t tell me your poison isn’t trash?”

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  Dugu Bo looked distracted a moment, he waved his right hand and the entire surrounding cavern immediately lit up with a dark green flames.

  Under the illumination of the green fire, Tang San clearly saw that he was in a round thousand square meter cave. Dugu Bo was dressed the same as during the day, right now simply standing ten meters in front of him.

  “Truly laughable. I would poison myself? This year I’m seventy eight, and I’ve always only poisoned others, and still never been poisoned by others.”

  Dugu Bo looked coldly at Tang San. Strangely, this time he didn’t attack.

  Tang San snorted disdainfully,

  “Really? Then let me ask you, when the sky is overcast and raining, isn’t there an ache over two of your ribs, moreover one that gradually grows stronger, flaring up around noon and midnight? In your current condition, it should persist for two hours or more each time. Also, late every night, approximately around midnight, on top of your head and your heart should have a pricking pain like a pincushion. Your whole body spasming for at least an hour. That kind of pain that makes you wish you were dead doesn’t need my description. If you’re not poisoned, then would you have symptoms like these? You’re not just poisoned, the poisoned has even entered your bone marrow. But what baffles me is how you still haven’t died. The poison within you isn’t something that can be suppressed with spirit power.”

  “How-, how do you know?”

  Dugu Bo no longer held back his shock, speaking subconsciously.

  Tang San described it as if he’d seen it himself, and this could be said to be Dugu Bo’s biggest secret. Even his closest granddaughter didn’t know, so how couldn’t he be startled when now hearing it from Tang San’s mouth? Killing intent flared in his eyes, seeming to pierce Tang San.

  A Title Douluo’s strength really was too powerful, the murderous aura released from Dugu Bo was essentially the same as a strike at Tang San’s chest. Tang San made a retching sound, spouting a mouthful of blood, retreating three steps before with difficulty standing firm. Blue Silver Grass abruptly appeared under the pressure of Dugu Bo’s killing intent, even his external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances immediately unfolded from his back, releasing its terrifying energy to protect Tang San.

  “That’s the way to do it.”

  Dugu Bo had already calmed down, he believed that by relying on his already substantial murderous aura, hitting and killing a mere thirtieth ranked Spirit Master was easily done, he had killed people to silence them more times than he could remember. But he hadn’t expected Tang San would actually be able to stand up to his attack. Even though he spit blood he didn’t seem to have suffered any serious injury. This kind of physique clearly wasn’t something a thirtieth level Spirit Master should possess.

  “Let me see. This is the spirit that injured my granddaughter?”

  Dugu Bo’s figure flickered, already appearing in front of Tang San as he raised a hand to grab him.

  Blue Silver Grass acted automatically. Tang San’s first spirit ring abruptly flared, and the first spirit ability, Binding, activated.

  Tenacious Blue Silver Grass frantically wound around Dugu Bo with all of Tang San’s strength, in just a moment wrapping him up entirely.

  But terrifyingly, those Blue Silver Grass that just now wound about Dugu Bo suddenly melted away like ice and snow.

  Sure enough, they were melting, like snow in a fire, without even pausing. Even to the extent that they didn’t even slow Dugu Bo’s rising hand. The next moment, Dugu Bo’s large hand had already grabbed Tang San’s shoulder.

  Dugu Bo’s hand was firm, holding on to the shoulder like an iron hoop. The Eight Spider Lances on Tang San’s back thrust out practically simultaneously, with sharp sounds of splitting the air piercing at Dugu Bo. Purple light broke out, toxin already activating.


  Dugu Bo was surprised. At his level of strength, without even meeting the attack, his aura alone was enough to sense that the Eight Spider Lances attack power was far beyond that of Blue Silver Grass. Green light spread from Dugu Bo in a flash, but his spirit still couldn’t be seen. Eight Spider Lances thrust at the green light, but could only cause eight ripples in the dark green light and were unable to penetrate deeply.

  “So it’s like that. It was actually an external spirit bone. No wonder, no wonder Yan-yan wasn’t your match.”

  Dugu Bo had a flash of insight, looking at Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances his eyes had an avaricious light.

  An ice cold spirit power transmitted from the big hand on Tang San’s shoulder. Tang San suddenly felt his whole body going numb, unable to amass his spirit power.

  That ice cold stream spread through his body in a moment, just like he had fallen into an ice cellar. Despite Tang San’s astonishing gifts, his strength outstanding among his peers, as well as battle experience and cool head, these were all useless before the absolute gap in strength. Before Dugu Bo’s spirit power, let alone resisting, right now he was even unable to move his little finger.

  Dugu Bo clearly also didn’t consider Tang San to be a threat, with a casual motion he threw him to the ground, somewhat disappointed saying:

  “Unfortunately it’s already fused. Otherwise this kid would have brought me a great gift.”

  Dugu Bo stared at Tang San with the green light burning in his eyes, as if he was looking at a rare treasure, the greedy light flickered in and out,

  “I have to admit that you are much stronger than my granddaughter, and even stronger than that kid Yu Tian-Heng. Thirteen years old, more than thirtieth ranked spirit power, external spirit bone, strong poison. It’s a pity, truly a pity.”

  Due to the immense gap in strength, Dugu Bo didn’t bother with sealing Tang San’s spirit power, and Tang San once again struggled to crawl up from the floor, coldly saying:

  “I didn’t expect I would actually die at the hands of an old freak using trash poison. It’s a pity, truly a pity.”

  Dugu Bo’s eyes emitted a viper-like ice cold light,

  “Do you want me to kill you on the spot? As far as I’m concerned, killing you is as easy as crushing an ant. However, I won’t be in a hurry to kill you. I’m a bit interested in a spirit bone from a Man Faced Demon Spider, I’ll drain all the poison from your spirit bone, and then I’ll kill you slowly.”

  Tang San’s eyes displayed a strong unwillingness. He knew that he wouldn’t have the slightest chance against this old freak even if he used h
is latest hidden weapons. Going up against an opponent like this was only possible if he could master the top three hidden weapons in Hidden Weapons Hundred Separation, otherwise the outcome would only be death.

  He was unwilling to see Tang Sect’s knowledge die without even mastering it, and even more without transferring Tang Sect poison to this world. He was unwilling because he hadn’t even had the chance to cultivate his second spirit. He was even more reluctant to leave this brightly colorful world than that time at Tang Sect.

  Since coming to this world he had at last come into contact with the outside, and gained far, far too many attachments.

  Seeing the unwillingness in Tang San’s eyes, the old freak couldn’t help but laugh heartily,

  “Not reconciled to it? I’ve seen this kind of expression in countless eyes. What I like the most is strangling this kind of reluctance. Perhaps in a few more decades you truly would be able to surpass me. However, now you won’t have the chance. You say my poison is trash? But you’re still going to die by my hand.”

  Tang San coolly said:

  “This is my greatest regret. If I had time, even without using my spirit, I could still threaten you. A trash poisoner like you basically isn’t equal to farts. Not only did your own skills put you in misery, but you’ll still leave behind calamity for later generations. Trash among trash.”

  “What did you say?”

  Dugu Bo suddenly became agitated, unexpectedly extending an arm in an instant, grabbing Tang San’s neck and pulling him close.

  This time Tang San didn’t even resist at all, only looked coldly at Dugu Bo. Even though it was difficult to even breathe, he still forced out the words:

  “You think you will have a good ending? Your symptoms will constantly worsen, even though I still don’t know just how you’ve restrained this toxicity from flaring up, it’s probably by eating some heavenly treasure material. But that heavenly treasure won’t help you forever. Within a few years, even if you’re not killed by poison, the torment of the poison backlash will still torture you to death. You’ll die even more miserably than me.”

  In Dugu Bo’s eyes flickered a gloomy uncertain light, what Tang San had described were precisely all his greatest pains right now. Behind the formidable strength he endured torment beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Each time that torment made him unable to choose between life and death, that kind of pain basically couldn’t be described with words.

  Chapter 063: Ice And Fire Yin Yang Well

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  “You can dissolve the poison in my body?”

  Dugu Bo finally abandoned his face, unable to keep from asking.

  Tang San calmly said:

  “I won’t dissolve it for you even if I can. You can only be even more miserable than me. Kill me. You might not fear your own death, after all, people living past seventy is already quite rare. Unfortunately, that delicate little granddaughter of yours might not be able to endure for as long as you. She might not have your strength of will to endure the growing torment. Her poison will only flare up even more violently than yours, since she was immersed in this kind of poison even from the womb.”

  In order to live, Tang San began to make his last effort. Originally he had been somewhat suspicious ever since the first time he saw the Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit Master Dugu Yan, since according to what he knew, that kind of hair and eye color didn’t exist in this world. Adding the Jade Phosphor Serpent poison Dugu Yan later used, and he could confirm it to some extent

  Today meeting Dugu Yan’s grandfather, this old freak in front of him, Tang San was even more certain. Dugu Yan had admittedly inherited her grandfather’s spirit and formidable poison, but at the same time she had inherited the side effects of that poison. Everything Tang San had said was fact, and even a proud and aloof senior like Dugu Bo was unable to refute it.

  Relaxing his grip, Dugu Bo let Tang San slide from his hand, coldly looking at him,

  “How would you have me believe you can remove my poison?”

  This time Tang San no longer tried to stand, sitting crosslegged on the spot,

  “Do I need to prove it to you? In any case you still want to kill me. Someone like you is only a plague on the world while you live. If I helped you it would only be like taking the side of the villain.”

  As Tang San said, Dugu Bo didn’t care much for his own life, but he couldn’t not mind his granddaughter’s future. Dugu Yan had just turned twenty and still possessed a beautiful tomorrow. More than that, he already knew the taste of his close relatives dying from before. He absolutely didn’t want the same thing to happen in front of him again.

  Dugu Bo had toyed with poison all his life, he had no way out from the poison in his own body. He had still made countless attempts, but in return had only earned even greater suffering.

  The gloomy uncertain expression gradually growing stronger, Dugu Bo slowly clasped his hands behind his back. The tone of his words eased somewhat,

  “I heard from Yan-yan that you’re called Tang San, right?”

  “A man of character doesn’t change his name. Since I’ve never changed it, you’re correct.”

  Tang San calmly raised his head.

  Dugu Bo snorted disdainfully,

  “A thirteen year old baby is still a man of character? Alright, I won’t mince words. If you truly are able to remove my and my granddaughter’s poison, then I will not only let you live, but I’ll even promise you three favors. Three favors that don’t offend me.”

  Tang San calmly said:

  “You won’t kill me? Like you said just now, why should I believe you? Killing me is as easy as lifting a finger for you. For someone like you, biting the hand that feeds you is no novel experience.”

  Dugu Bo stared blankly a moment. He hadn’t expected that this seemingly teenaged youngster would actually be so unreasonable. He couldn’t help angrily saying:

  “Then ask around for my reputation. Even if I’ve never considered myself a good person, I still put stock in my word. No one has ever dared belittle my honesty like this.”

  Tang San closed his eyes,

  “Those are just empty promises. I won’t believe you unless you swear under poison.”

  An ominous glint flickered in Dugu Bo’s eyes, almost unable to restrain his anger. But recalling his granddaughter, in the end he still forced down his temper.

  “Fine. As long as you can prove you’re able to remove my poison, I’ll swear.”

  The chance came at last. Tang San secretly loosed a breath, the jacket on his back drenched with sweat. Any person would fear death, and Tang San was no exception. He was even more unwilling to die a death without any value.

  Standing up once again, he withdrew Eight Spider Lances,

  “How do you want me to prove it?”

  Dugu Bo restrained the ominous glint in his eyes,

  “Prove your ability with poison is greater than mine, then you’ll convince me.”

  Subconsciously he didn’t have one whit of trust in Tang San. After all, on the surface this youngster was just thirteen. How could a thirteen year old child compare with him who had been immersed in the poisoner’s arts for decades? But Tang San had just described his condition, and still without missing any symptoms. Confronted with this opportunity, Dugu Bo had no choice but to take it. Killing Tang San or not didn’t really concern him. Even if Tang San was even more gifted he would still require several decades to be able to threaten him. After so long he would probably have died from old age. What was there to fear. And if he truly was able to detoxify him, especially the hereditary toxicity affecting his granddaughter, that was most important to Dugu Bo.

  Tang San spread his hands, helplessly saying:

  “I don’t have anything with me, how do I prove my ability with poison is better than yours?”

  Dugu Bo coldly said:

  “Like this. Here at my home grows a wide range of drugs, whatever you need you can go find on your own. I’ll give you one day
, within this day you create every kind of antidote yourself. After one day I’ll use three kinds of poisons on you. As long as you can use your own antidotes to withstand my poison, you will have proven you’re my senior in detoxification. Otherwise, you’ll die.”

  Creating antidotes in a day might sound like plenty of time, but in fact, there were countless types of poison, and each kind had its own properties. The poisons used by a master of poison like Dugu Bo absolutely wouldn’t be ordinary. Creating something capable of reducing the poisons he used in one day, such a task was monumental.

  Dugu Bo assumed that Tang San would try to bargain with him, fight for more time, or perhaps try to stall. But Tang San’s reply made him somewhat astonished, and even increased his confidence in Tang San.

  “Fine. Bring me to your medicinal garden, then don’t disturb me for one day.”

  Brushing off the dust from his clothes, Tang San easily agreed to Dugu Bo’s demands.

  Dugu Bo swept his gaze up and down over him, then turned around and walked towards the cave entrance,

  “Follow me.”

  Leaving the cavern, Tang San discovered he was in a lush forest and that their current location was at the foot of a five hundred meter tall hill in the forest. Since it was night time he was unable to see much of the scenery.

  Dugu Bo advanced along the mountain path as if he was walking on level ground. While he appeared to be walking slowly, each step he took moved him more than ten meters, and the distance between each step was also extremely uniform. The whole time he climbed the mountain he seemed perpendicular to the ground.

  Tang San hurriedly gathered his spirit power to follow behind Dugu Bo. He of course didn’t believe he would be able to escape out of the cave, escaping from a Title Douluo, that was a jest.

  Very quickly Tang San, led by Dugu Bo, reached the hilltop. Here, Tang San couldn’t help but start with alarm from the terrain. In front of him was unexpectedly a conical mountain cavity. They stood at the edge of this cavity as dense steam rose from within, hot and extremely moist, as well as smelling distinctively of sulfur.


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