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by David Sloma

  The words sunk in for the Watchers and touched them to their souls, as these others knew them well. They agreed with the words of the Angels and sent out vibrations of thanks in return, hoping their communications would be understood.

  “We understand you,” the Angels said. “We are angels, servants of the Supreme Creator, the same one you serve. Do not be afraid. We are guardians of our Master’s work, as you are. We placed the shield in place around the Earth, as the servants of the Dark One are in control there. But this is a temporary measure and will be lifted one day, when the evil ones trapped within the shield are subdued. But only the creatures of the Earth can do this, as it is their destiny. We will watch and only help where it is not in direct interference. We know you are the same. So, be at peace and know that this barrier is a good thing.”

  The Watchers had long wondered about evil and why it existed in the face of good. They knew the polarity was necessary for the growth of the life forms on this world, in this galaxy—indeed in much of the universe. But what they wondered was why the life on Earth had to suffer so much. It seemed the Earth was a place of such contained evil that the Watchers were having trouble understanding it, even with their vast intelligence.

  “That is the way the Creator has made this world in their Creation, and it is not even for us to question that, or to need to understand it. We only serve,” said one of the Angels, their face as large as the sun, smiling, eyes radiant, looking over the Watchers.

  But the Watchers had a question. If anyone knew the answer, beyond the Creator, it could be these Angels: Who made the Dark One?

  The Angels looked over the Watchers for a time and also over the Earth. Then, one of them answered, “The Creator made all, of course. So, ultimately, it’s as you suspected, that the Dark One was made by the same Creator that made you, that made us. But even we do not know why, and so we cannot tell you.” The Angel fell silent and closed its eyes in a reverent prayer. “We, like you, can pray to the Creator for understanding, but it is not up to us if that understanding comes in a way we would like, if at all.”

  The Watchers put forth their thought of agreement to the Angels and were not eager to ask any further questions. The question they had asked was the one question that they had not found an answer to, and it seemed the mystery of Creation was yet to remain a mystery.

  “Yes,” an Angel said. “Mysterious are the ways of the Creator and even us, most close servants, do not know all the Creator knows. This is the way of things, and we are happy with our place in Creation. We suggest you should be that way, also. We have been called to serve here, in defense of the Earth and so have you been. Do what you can to help the life forms here, as we do the same, careful not to interfere with the free will of the humans as much as is possible. As you know, free will is the Creator’s wish for all, and to go against that, even to assist the humans, would be wrong. We know of your desire to set the DNA of the humans back to what it originally was before the meddling of the forces of the Dark One. That does not violate free will; in fact, it restores it for the humans, so that is good. With both of our efforts, our success is assured. Time will be long for the life forms of the Earth before this battle is won, but for you and us, it will be but a moment.”

  The Watchers agreed and sent their thanks again to the Angels.

  “You are welcome,” an Angel said. “We will contact you again and give you further details as to how we may both assist the Earth and its creatures. Continue with your works. We will speak again, soon.”

  With that the Angels departed, getting smaller and smaller as they sped rapidly away, trailing cosmic stardust winds. The Watchers watched them go, sending good parting thoughts their way.

  Then the Watchers floated around the Earth, looking down at the shield, again. They took a few passes around and even tried to see if they could move into the shield. They could! They had to find a spot where the dark entities were not crowed up against the shield, where they could get through unimpeded.

  Once they had found an area, they dropped to the surface and found that conditions there were much the same as the recent probe ship had reported. There were dinosaurs wandering around, and the early humans had to run, hide, and cower from them.

  With their spiritual sight, the Watchers could see many of the evil, ghostly entities surrounding the humans, even attached to their auras, influencing them. The Watchers witnessed humans with entities attached to them harming other humans. They also found that many of the humans and other life forms had altered DNA, and had begun to spread around the planet. This saddened them greatly, and they knew their work would be much to restore the balance.

  But they knew they could not directly interfere with the humans as the Dark One and his servants were doing; to do so would make the Watchers just as guilty of violating the free will of the humans. The Angels had reminded them of that and even the angels would not cross that line.

  So, the Watchers traveled the Earth and observed, lingering for a short time for them, but a long time on the Earth.

  Eventually the Watchers departed and rose up through the shield again, not wishing to leave the Earth tangled up and trapped, and all of its creatures with the evil ones there. But it was the way of things for now. Perhaps, with the Watcher’s help, the tide would be turned one day. And they felt hope for this, as the Angels had said it would be so.

  Strengthened by this faith, the Watchers left the Earth’s solar system, bidding farewell and taking a moment to bask in the rays from the Sun once more before turning to the myriad worlds between there and their home planet.


  Time hadn’t passed much on the Watcher’s world when the scouting party returned. They relayed their findings to the rest of the Watchers, and it was agreed that it had been a successful mission and worth the risk to undertake it, for while the Watchers were very powerful beings, there were always those more powerful out there, as evidenced by the Angels they had met. And not all of the powerful beings were on the side of good.

  The Watchers planned to continue their task of restoring the DNA of the humans and got back to work, once more with their full capacity.

  Months had passed since the ship that was returning from Earth to the Watcher's home world had made the new humans. They had been growing well in their incubators, and the ship was excited to show their progress to the Watchers. Also, the ship had a full sampling of life forms from Earth and that would be exciting, too, to bring home and show its masters.

  The ship reached the edge of the system where the planet of the Watchers resided. Though the Watchers existed most of the time in their energy bodies, they still liked to have a physical home base, as they could become denser, physical beings any time they wanted to. And sometimes they did, just to sample the physical pleasures from time to time. Their planet was a paradise not only to energetic forms but to physical forms, too.

  Since the ship was close to home, it shut off its cloaking device, revealing itself fully to its masters. The Watchers, of course, could track their ships at any time, cloaked or not, but it was standard procedure to reach home base uncloaked when not being pursued, and the ship was not under any attack.

  The ship docked and was met by robots from the home base who began unloading the samples of Earth’s life forms. The ship had its own robots unload the new humans and deliver them right to the laboratory of the Watchers. It’s cargo was placed in quarantine for a time, until the extent of the tampering to the life forms could be determined, and it was ensured that no risk was posed to any other life forms on the Watcher’s planet.

  The Watchers were most impressed with the samples returned from Earth and praised the ship for a job well done. They were particularly impressed with the newly created humans. The ship was very relieved that its masters were pleased, and it enjoyed their praise.

  The ship gave the Watchers a thorough explanation of the methods used to produce the new humans and told of their progress. The Watchers gave the new humans close m
edical examinations. It was found that the humans were healthy, and their DNA was intact, still free from whatever problems the Greys had tried to insert into others of their kind.

  This was a huge relief for the Watchers, as now they had pure samples and could work from these humans to undo the damage the Greys had perpetrated. The other life forms on the ship would undergo similar testing to see if they had suffered genetic damage, or if they were intact.

  The quarantine period passed and showed no further dangers for the life forms to be introduced to the Watcher’s planet, apart from breeding concerns. The damaged ones would be removed from breeding with the untouched ones, and the Watchers would work to see if the genetic damage could be reversed on live subjects. Further tests would also be run on creating more humans from samples of sperm and eggs, to see what was the best way to heal the damage. This plan would take a lot of work, and the Watchers dispatched extra robots to help them complete all the tasks needed.

  As their workers did this, the Watchers discussed the latest findings and made their plans for returning the other life forms besides humans to wholeness. The healed, and also the untouched, life forms would be sent back to Earth on other ships to reseed the planet with untainted stock. Healthy embryos, of both human and animal kinds, would be implanted into their respective females, and they would be the start of a new generation in turning the genetic tide back on the Earth. Seeds too, for a wide variety of plants that were pure, would be sent to Earth to assist in the reclaiming genetic effort.

  The Earth man who had laid the flowers on the stasis chamber of the dead woman (and for all he knew, his dead child), was most interesting to the Watchers. He was obviously intelligent, more intelligent a creature than the Watchers had expected to find on Earth at that time. They studied him, letting him roam free in a wilderness area they had constructed, much like Earth's. This was also where the other humans, animals, and plants from the collection on the ship were put.

  At first, the man was quite scared to enter this new territory, as he had been used to the environment on the ship for the better part of a year. Even though the ship was not Earth it had become familiar to him, and he knew what was safe there. Not so in his new habitat on the Watcher's planet.

  Their were various climates on the planet, made possible by the advanced technology the Watchers possessed. Of course, the Watchers didn't need any special climate as they usually existed as energy. But they did like to have pleasant surroundings, and so they kept the climate around their dwelling places calm and beautiful, with sunlight and lots of cosmic energy streaming in to energize their light bodies at all times.

  This cosmic energy was detrimental to the life forms from Earth in any substantial quantities, so it was curtailed by way of an ozone layer over the habitat of the Earth creatures, and the area was made as much like Earth's wild, temperate regions as possible.

  Other climatic areas of the planet included seas, deserts, and frozen zones—all the different types of climates on the Earth were reproduced here, on the Watcher's world. The weather shifted and morphed, controlled by an intelligent biosphere put in place by the Watchers, monitored by their great computers.

  The Watchers saw this as a giant preserve of life from Earth, and they had similar preserves on other planets where life forms had been placed, gathered from other worlds. Yes, the Watchers had found that there were other planets with life forms, but they were few. The Earth was especially rare in its diversity of life, and the Watchers took extra care to see that the life forms they had obtained from there were well taken care of.

  Taking life forms from planets was a form of interference with the free will of the life forms, it was true. But the Watchers felt that taking the precaution to have a sample of the life forms outweighed the interference; they knew how worlds could be destroyed and life forms wiped out. Now, with the Greys being on Earth, the Watchers felt even more strongly that they were doing the right thing to ensure that life from the Earth would continue, even if something happened to the Earth.

  They did not put it past the Dark One to try and destroy the Earth, but the Watchers, and now the Angels, were not going to let that happen without a fight. The Dark One had devastated other worlds, but those were ones that the Watchers had become aware of too late. Luckily, they were still in time with the Earth.


  The Earth man awoke in a field, but it was not the field on the ship.

  He opened his eyes, feeling warmth on his face and body. The light was bright. He looked up and saw a real, open sky again, with clouds and a real sun, not artificial lights in the spaceship. His heart filled with joy! Was he home again? He almost wept.

  Looking around, he noticed that the land was unknown to him. But it was teaming with life! Birds were singing and flying, as too were insects. Small animals ran around, and squirrels jumped through the trees. He stood up and walked, feeling real land under his feet again. He thumped his feet on the ground, liking the feeling he'd missed for some time.

  Ahead, near a river, he saw others of his kind. He froze behind a tree, watching them. They were drinking out of the river and splashing around it in, having a good time. They didn't seem a threat to him, but he cautiously regarded them, just in case. He wished he had a big stick, or a rock, as his kind were known to turn on each other, especially since the visitors from the sky had come.

  He kept his distance until the group got up and started walking his way. There was nowhere much for him to hide, but he ran from tree to tree, putting distance and barriers between himself and the approaching people.

  Then they saw him, the four humans coming his way; two males and two females. They froze in their tracks and stared at him, sniffing the air. Was he a friend or not? He sure looked like them and smelled like them.

  But none of them recognized him, nor did he recognize them. The probe ship that had taken them from Earth had stopped at different areas, so it was possible these humans had never met before.

  The man was darker in skin then these four, who looked like him in body, but with a much lighter skin colour and lighter features. He was afraid, as he didn't know them, and they did look different, so he ran deeper into the forest.

  Thankfully, he felt, they didn't follow him. They just watched him go, puzzled that he would be afraid of them, as they were peaceful.

  When the man had disappeared, the four kept going on their way. They were eager to explore their new home and wanted to climb the high hill in the distance so they could get a good view of their surroundings. They had just awoken in this strange place as well and felt disoriented by not knowing the layout of the land.

  The Watchers were scanning the Earth man and the other humans newly brought to their world. They detected that the man had memories going back to a period of history the Watchers were most interested in; some of the other humans, too. So, they planned to send out a tiny, flying robot, no bigger than a common fly, to land on the man and some of the others as they slept that night. The fly would provide a more direct interface to their thoughts and would allow the Watchers to probe their minds for memories of the Greys, which they sought information on.

  The Watchers could use direct, telepathic means to look into the minds of the humans, but that could be a stressful event for them, and they'd had enough stress lately. That method would be saved for later, if the gentler method with the “fly” failed.

  The Earth man from the ship, the one with the unaltered DNA, they called Man One, as he was the first one they had found to be in his natural state. The woman who he had mated with and had died, they referred to as Woman One for the first female. Their offspring was called Woman Two.

  Two was cared for by robotic servants of the Watchers when she arrived on their planet and was taken out of stasis, but they could only provide so much for the child. The child needed human contact, and so the Watchers planned to introduce a human female who was about to give birth to Two, in the hope she would adopt Two as her own.

  Two als
o desperately needed human breast milk. The robots of the Watchers were able to produce some sort of milk that the child could drink, but it would only keep the child alive, not allow it to reach its full growth potential. There were all sorts of nutrients and also hormones that a human mother produced that could not be easily synthesized.

  The pregnant Earth woman woke up out of her stasis sleep after the ship from Earth was fully unloaded. She was named Woman Three. She was left just inside what seemed like a dry cave. There was the infant Woman Two laying near her, crying.

  The woman peeked at the child and also looked around the strange place she found herself in. The room was meant to appear like a cave, but there was a sealed-off entrance made of thick glass. She could see out but could not leave; not yet. The Watchers first wanted to see how she would react to the child and to give them both some protection. Robotic medical help would also be close at hand, if needed.

  Luckily, the woman, after a bit of normal disorientation upon waking from stasis sleep, went to the child and picked her up. Two quieted down almost immediately, something the robots had a hard time getting her to do. The woman held the child and rocked her back and forth, until she fell asleep in the woman's arms.


  Man One lay on top of a high rock mountain, looking down at the valley below.

  It had taken him a long time to climb up to the steep ground, the better part of an afternoon. Now, it was nearly sunset. It was the highest place he could reach. The view was spectacular and really let him get a look at the new place he was in. The wind was slight and refreshing, a breeze that carried the scent of flowers.


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