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Inked by Her

Page 5

by ChaShiree M

  “Amongst each other? Well, then that is just sad. I am going away for the weekend. Period. Now if you excuse me, I have a 9:00 a.m. meeting.”

  Walking down the hallway to the meeting I know it is a small step, but to me it is a giant step for young Gentry’s to come.

  I let out a deep breath when I am finally sitting on the plane, ready to take off. So far everything has gone great and I should be in Minnesota in about three hours and 15 minutes thanks to JetBlue Airlines. I could have taken the family jet, but then my parents could look up my itinerary and who the hell wants to deal with that? That is also why instead of asking Lisa to book my flight I did it myself.

  I have every intention of introducing Portia to my family when she comes up next month, but right now, no. I busy myself for the duration of the flight looking over the contracts Portia sent me about the clothing business and such making sure everything is in order. I was so engrossed with the task and enjoying myself that I didn’t realize how quick the time has gone, until I hear the flight attendant announce landing procedures.

  Twenty minutes later I am disembarking and to my surprise there is my Angel waiting for me. She had said she was going to be in a charity meeting and would meet me at her new place.

  Picking up speed down the ramp short of running, so I don’t look like a bad version of a Jim Carrey movie, I sprint to her as fast as I can. When she meets me halfway and catapults herself in my arms, I breathe a sigh of relief. This is what being home feels like.

  “Angel.” I say kissing her senseless in the middle of the airport. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting?”

  “I did. But I missed you so much I sent my endowment lawyer as my proxy for the vote, so I could come to you instead.”

  And therefore I call her Angel.

  “So damn glad you did baby. So damn glad. Come on. Show me your new place.”

  We walk out of the airport hand in hand and I must admit my chest puffs up a bit at having this beautiful woman on my arm. And all MINE.

  The tension in the car is a mixture of anticipation and red-hot desire. My hand stays on her thigh rubbing it up and down the whole way there. I am coiled so tight I can barely stand it. When we finally make it to the apartment, I barely let her make it through the door before I have her in my arms. Her legs are wrapped around my waist and I am sucking her fucking lips off.

  “Need to be in you right now Angel. I can’t wait. Unwrap your legs so I can unfasten these pants baby.”

  Sucking her lip in her mouth she does as I demand, while I get my pants down and around my ankles. When I have my bottoms completely off, I fall to my knees and unzip her jeans. I take a second to build the tension by taking my time pulling them down. If the keening desperation I hear coming from her is any indication, she is just as ready as me. When I finally get her panties off I take a moment to run my nose in between her wet pussy, because though I am too impatient to lick and taste her how I like, I need the smell of her in my mind, while I fuck her.

  Standing up, I lift her one more time and without preamble impale her on my cock. She screams out from the stretch.

  “Ahh……God…Perry. I missed feeling you inside me so much baby.”

  “Fuck Angel. I want to take my time and be gentle, while showing you how much I love you. but, I’m sorry I can’t. I need to get us both off right now, so I can take my time on the next one.” Using my nose to nudge her shirt up, I suck one of her sweet nipples in my mouth. I know this always makes her more ravenous. For good measure, I bite into it as I am sticking my finger on her clit. She screams her orgasm with her pussy squeezing and suffocating my cock within in inch of his life. Like a madman searching for his next high, I pull her on and off my cock in rapid succession.

  “Fuck baby. I’m about to come. Keep squeezing baby. Let that pussy suck me dry. Take all my come and snuggle it in your womb, so you can give me sons. Shit. picturing you round with my baby is making me even harder. Tell me you want it Angel. You want everything I give you don’t you.”

  “Yes. Yes Perry. Please. I am coming again.

  “Come Angel. Ahh.” With her smashed up against the wall and all my weight on her. I move only my head enough to kiss her.

  “Hi baby.”


  “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” She says as she kisses me. Her legs start to unravel, but I let her know she cannot move. With her still impaled on my cock, I carry her into the bedroom. I have every intention of taking it nice and slow to show her how much she means to me. However, she blows that right out of the water.

  “Did you mean everything you said to me downstairs? About…you know… baby stuff.”

  She is so fucking cute, blushing and shit. My cock has grown harder inside of her, but I want to answer her question, while looking her in the eye.

  I push some of the sweaty hair out of her face and kiss her lips loving the immediate access she gives me. When I feel her pussy start to pulse a bit, I know she needs me to move. But this is too important. Looking her in the eye, I tell her the truth.

  “Yes, Angel. I meant every word I said, because I want everything with you. I know this seems impossible because of the distance, but I promise you one way or another it is only temporary. We will be together the way we are meant to. Do you trust me?”

  I hold my breath, waiting. I know she has no reason too, except for the fact that I love her and would die before I hurt her.

  “Yes. It’s crazy, but I do.”

  I lean in and exhale into her mouth. “Good. Then, know I am telling you the truth.”

  “I know Perry. And I want that too. I want to carry your seed and build a life with you.”

  Damn. So much for taking it slow.

  “Portia. Damn it. Every damn time I think I can make it last. Look at you. Hair splayed out like a fucking lusty Angel. You look like my every wet dream baby. You feel that?” I ask her as I pull my rock-hard cock almost all the way out of her and slowly put it back in.

  “You feel how hard you have me all the time baby.” Every time I move, her moans get louder. Her pussy is like a vortex, sucking me in and holding me hostage.

  I push her knees back up to her ears and look down. Big mistake. Watching her too small pussy, stuffed with my massive cock… motherfucker……it looks split in two.

  “Perry……um……too deep……shit… I can feel you everywhere. My pussy loves your cock so much.”

  “I know baby. Trust me I can see all your sweet cream on my cock. I got to pull out to taste it baby. I missed your flavor and I need it on my tongue.” My dick is protesting as I pull out slowly and drop to my knees. Taking that first initial lick is like having a hit you been missing.

  “O baby even distance cannot make that pussy stop purring for me. Now be a good girl and let me see all that sugar.” I dive in and gorge myself on the very essence of my woman and I feel like a beast in the wild. It’s like she has the cure for what ails me, and I never want it to stop. When I have licked her till my mouth goes numb, I stand up, slam my way home, and ride us both to the end. Fuck. what a great welcome home.

  Waking up the next morning in between kissing and making out, while simply staring at each other. We decide to meet Dex and Carrie for lunch to go over the contracts and spend the rest of the time here, alone.

  When we finally make ourselves get up, showered, dressed, and out the door in record time. Walking into the restaurant it feels good to be back here. Relaxed and surrounded by people like me. Normal and in love.

  “Hey man. Good to see you back.” Dex says, while patting my back.

  “Yea man. Good to be back. Carrie. Beautiful as ever.”

  “Thanks Perry. When you going to make it permanent and put my friend out of her misery?” I should have seen that coming. But it doesn’t bother me in the least.

  “Soon Carrie. Very soon.” I say looking at my Angel.

  “Well good. So Dex and I wanted you to meet us here, because we h
ave an announcement…or two to make.” I look at Portia to see if she has any idea, but I can tell by her raised eyebrows she is just as intrigued as I am.

  “We are having a baby and getting married in two months.” The women of course start to squeal, while I stand to congratulate my friend.

  “Congrats man. I am happy for you.” I say as I shake his hand.

  “Thanks. Now you need to get busy.” He tells me.

  “Trust me. Working on it every chance I get.” I respond.

  The rest of lunch is spent talking about the wedding and me being a groomsman. Of course, the ladies were all about baby talk. By the time we left the restaurant I am pooped, and I can tell Portia is as well. We make it back to her place and go over the contracts, which I am pleased to say are in excellent condition. Eventually, we conk out in front of the TV.

  Waking up the next morning is the pits, because we went in and out of sleep so much with fucking and eating. We end up sleeping too long and it is a mad dash to the airport.

  Walking away from her at the gate is the hardest thing I must do yet.

  Not sure how many more times I can do it.

  Last month’s visit went much smoother than my first one. Even with the distance, the three-ish months we’ve been together seemed like forever.

  After two missed periods, Carrie-Ann convinces me that despite my normal irregularities I should take a test.

  I still haven’t done it. Logically, I know it’s more than probable cause we haven’t once gloved up, but I am not sure if I am ready for the changes being pregnant will bring. I am not talking about the physical changes, but the changes between Perry and I.

  I want his babies, but currently I’d be doing it basically alone and I know I am not strong enough for that.

  I am super stressed about meeting his parents and decided to travel red eye Thursday night, just in case. I don’t want to make a bad first impression by not being put together.

  From the way he talks, the Gentry’s are Boston Royalty. I’m only third generation new money, but thankfully my mother made me take etiquette and elocution classes, so I won’t embarrass myself or Perry for that matter.

  I packed my bag last night, because lesson was learned the last time. I am getting my nails and hair done this morning. Then I have a lunch meeting with a prospective buyer and dinner with Migan, before heading to the airport.

  When I open the door, I am not expecting my mother to be standing there.

  “Hello, darling.” Josie Lewis is not what you would expect of a rich man’s wife. She is a 5’11 purely country girl. She grew up in a trailer park near Tulsa, Oklahoma. My dad found her in a diner where she worked. She was seventeen and so was he. They never looked back.

  “Mommy?” I have always called her that and I always will. I pull her into a big hug. Just because I don’t want to hear a big lecture from her doesn’t mean I don’t love her.

  “It’s been ages. I promise not a word about your career choice, but I want to spend some time with you.”

  “Oh. I am on my way to the salon. Do you want to join me?” I am almost hoping she says no, but that’s only because I don’t want to hear it.

  “I could use a little sprucing.” She says. She looks like she walked right off the runway, but whatever.

  I lock up and we walk down the street. I need coffee, so we stop at the coffee shop on the way. It’s cute and the coffee’s delicious. We sit down, and I eat my chocolate chip muffin, while she has a disgusting looking Danish. I think I am going to be sick, but I manage to keep it in check. It’s looking more and more like I need to take that friggin test.

  “So why did you really stop by?” I ask my mother to take my mind off this dilemma.

  “I told you. I miss you. We haven’t spoken in weeks. What is going on with that guy you were telling me about?” I feel a blush creep up my face. “That good huh?”

  “Is it that obvious?” I ask.

  “It is to me.” She says laughing and I join in.

  “It’s going really well. I am meeting his parents on Saturday.” I inform her.

  “So, it’s serious then?”

  “I love him. I told you he lives in Boston and we are trying to make it work.”

  “I hear distance is hard, baby girl. But I do know if it is meant to be, it will be.”

  “I know, and it is hard, really hard. I feel like a piece of me is missing and I worry that they won’t like me.”

  “I can understand that. Remember when your father would take those business trips without us when you started school? We were adamant about no nannies and we couldn’t leave you with Nana all the time, so I let him go. He always came back, but those weeks were some of the hardest of my life. I am so used to him now that even a few hours apart are too much. Besides, how could anyone not like you?”

  “I had no idea it was so hard for you.” I say, laughing.

  “It was. But I had you, so I was perfect. Plus, when he got home I was more than fine.”

  “Oh God. That was too much info.” I say laughing.

  “Grow up baby girl. Tell me about this clothing line. Is she making old lady clothes too? I want to promote it.”

  “She makes clothes for ladies of all ages in business and casual styles.” I say laughing. What’s with the change of heart? Three weeks ago, I couldn’t hear a nice word about it?”

  “I cannot go weeks without talking to you again. I was out of line and only wanted better things for you than I had growing up. Since I met your father, I feel like I won the lottery. I mean, you know how many mistresses your uncle Mickey has had over the years? Fourteen. That we know about. I don’t know how Aunt Rachel has put up with it. Your father loves me, and I love him. He has never given me a moment’s pause on that front, but I never did anything for myself. I wanted you to have options.” She explains for the first time.

  “I have options and I have never been happier. Rest assured, I know what I want out of life, but even if I am only half as happy as you have been, I will still be okay.”

  We finish our coffee and head over to the salon. I get a blowout and mani-pedi. I go for a tasteful nude color, so that it will match all my clothes options this weekend. It is the nicest time I’ve spent with my mother in years.

  I give her a hug and tell her I will call her when I land. We make plans for a late Sunday dinner, since my flight gets in at three in the afternoon.

  When I get home from dinner with Carrie-Ann, which was all wedding talk I grab my bag and drive to airport. I park in the long-term parking and make my way to the terminal. This time I opted for first class. It might be a little luxurious, but I was so cramped last time that it was uncomfortable, which was a lovely cap on a shitty travel experience.

  Even though it is three in the morning, I walk into the baggage claim and I see him. I take off at an undignified run and he catches me in his arms. The kiss we share is soul-searing.

  “Hi baby!” I say, excitedly.

  “Hi, Angel. I fucking missed you.”

  “I missed you too. Is there anything open right now? I am starving.”


  “Sounds amazing.”

  We talk for a few hours over pancakes and coffee. He takes me back to his condo and I pull on some jammies, which consist of his boxers and t-shirt as he gets ready for work.

  “I would have taken the day off, but I am due in court at eight.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll sleep. Then I’ll find a store and make you some dinner tonight.”

  “Perfect. I’ll be home around six or call if I am going to be later.”

  “This all sounds very domestic. I like it.” I say.

  “I love it. I love you. Have a good sleep.”

  “I will. I love you too. Have a good day at work, dear.” I say laughing. He has those shades that keep the sun out and it’s heavenly.

  I finally wake up at two-thirty and take a quick shower, while being careful of my hair. Since you can’t walk anywhere here, I get an uber
to the Whole Foods and stock up on wine and all of the fixings for pasta and Caesar salad.

  Instead, I decide to make spaghetti and meatballs. Perry comes home at five thirty and I get dinner going. The rest of my day is spent relaxing. It is very nice. Over dinner, we have a light conversation about his day. He doesn’t tell me much about his case though.

  We spend the rest of the night making love.

  The next morning, we sleep in because we don’t have to be at his parents’ house till three. They eat dinner quite early and at exactly five every day. This is such an early time. I mean old people in nursing homes eat this early.

  I put on a black cocktail dress, since Perry is wearing a suit. I brought red heels and black ones. Deciding demure is better, I wear the black.

  When we get to their house, which house is a huge understatement. There are several other cars in the driveway.

  “Is this a dinner party?” I ask, hesitantly.

  “It isn’t supposed to be.” He says and doesn’t look happy.

  We get out of the car and walk to the front door. He knocks. I have never knocked at my parents’ house and find that both weird and cold. I plaster a big smile on my face. From what I’ve heard about them, this is going to be about as fun as a visit to the gynecologist.

  He shakes his father’s hand and kisses his mother’s cheek.

  “Father. Mother. This is my girlfriend, Portia Lewis. Portia, my parents Susan and Trenton.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Gentry. I’ve heard so much about you.” I say, shaking each of their hands.

  “That’s funny. We haven’t heard anything about you.” His father says. The awkward silence is almost too much to bear.

  “Dinner will be served in fifteen minutes and we must mingle.” His mother says as they walk away.

  “I am sorry about that, Angel. They are not the best people.” He says.

  “I’m tougher than that, baby. Don’t worry about me.” I say, though I don’t mean it.

  I am introduced to his brother and sister, an aunt and uncle, and his grandfather. His sweet grandfather is the only person who is nice to me at all, besides Perry.


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