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Wolf's Den

Page 5

by J. R. Mitchell

  I made a rash decision. I flipped a u-turn and tore back down the street toward the bar. I screeched to a halt in the parking lot, cut the engine, jumped out of the truck and ran through the back entrance and straight into his arms.

  Throwing myself at him, I pressed my lips to his in an onslaught of tongue and teeth. He returned the kiss with eagerness. It was all I could do not to strip right there in a club filled with employees watching the scene unfold. Ian walked backwards down the hall, holding me as if I weighed nothing. When his back slammed into the door, I was afraid he would break it, and we would have no privacy at all. I grasped the knob and kicked the door open.

  I traced my hands up and down his back. I bunched his button down, Hawaiian shirt in my fists and pulled with all my strength. I felt the small buttons give way one-by-one in a spray of flying projectiles across the office.

  I lifted my arms so Ian could take my shirt off and as he did, he stopped before it cleared my head. He effectively trapped my arms and my head together in the T-shirt.

  With only my lips exposed, he gave me another passion filled kiss. Searching out his chest with my mouth, he made a guttural growl that sounded more like a wolf. I found it incredibly sexy. I continued to search out his nipples and took one in my mouth, and I nipped at it. When I heard his small hiss of pleasure, I got even more excited, feeling my panties get even wetter; I ground my hips into his stomach and purred from deep down inside my stomach.

  I felt him adjust my body so our pelvises were matched up, I could feel his erection through both of our jeans. Not able to stop myself, I grunted with the effort to free my hands from the temporary prison of my t-shirt.

  Ian relented, letting my arms free, and I tore my shirt in my rush to grasp his member through his jeans. Needing more, I tugged and pulled at the buttons on his jeans until I freed his boxer briefs and penis from their prison, glancing down I noticed his boxers had cute little frogs on them, not able to help myself I burst out laughing as I plunged my hand into his froggy underwear.

  Feeling his member hard and ready to plunge itself into any of my body openings I had, I slid down onto the floor bending at the waist, I licked up the length of his throbbing flesh.

  I took the head into my mouth when I reached it, I swirled my tongue around the nerve endings and in return felt Ian's involuntary gasp as a small amount of his tangy metallic essence shot into my mouth.

  Watching Ian watch me going down on him was a total turn on. I stood up and wiggled my butt in his direction as I shimmied out of my jeans.

  He grabbed me around the waist, bent me over his knee, and his intentions became clear, I squealed at him, “Don't you fucking dare Ian!"

  With a resounding slap, Ian's hand connected with my bottom. I didn't realize what kind of pleasure filled pain a spanking could bring, and I writhed in his grasp, letting my bottom wiggle. He slapped the other cheek, and continued his onslaught of marking my butt cheeks.

  As if he knew one more slap would be going too far, he rubbed my now red cheeks with a smooth hand. He adjusted me so I was straddling his waist, and slowly pushed himself inside of me.

  I have to say, I have never been spanked before and though it was unexpected, Ian made it sexy enough that all it did was turn me on more.

  As he impaled me with his flesh, he again slapped at my butt. Feeling him so deep inside of me, with that little bit of stinging pain, I came.

  In an unexpected mind blowing tidal wave of pleasure, I screamed aloud and hung onto him as if my life depended on it.

  I raked my nails down his back and drew blood, I felt him smile against my breasts. As he licked a nipple, I felt my juices flow out and around his penis. I started to once again ride his member, I quickened my pace but was taken aback when he easily lifted us both and slammed my back into a wall. Thrusting inside of me with a force that should have hurt, but ultimately felt good, I cried out as he left me, only to feel him slam back inside of me.

  I could feel my body quicken, perched on the edge of pleasurable delight. When he faltered in his pace, thrusting inside of me in two quick successive pumps, I screamed once again, as he came with me and as my cookie drank of his cum, I felt a change in our relationship. It was if I could hear what he was thinking.

  It was a little freaky when he realized what happened, he became utterly still.

  Creepy. It was a stillness that only dead guys could accomplish.

  "Ian I really hate it when you go dead on me.” I whispered as he let me down and walked back a few paces.

  "What is going on Sikaoki, I have not marked you. How can we be bonded?” Ian whispered to me.

  "What the fuck are you talking about Ian?” I asked confused. I wanted to get my clothes on and get the hell out of there. I am sorry I made you bleed, I didn't mean too."

  "I am just as confused Ariana, this shouldn't be possible, I must think on this situation before we go any further. Please stay, work if you want, but I need to be alone for a few hours. I hope you understand."

  When he turned his back to me, I slapped his bare back. My nail marks were already starting to heal over, “No, I don't fucking understand! What the fuck did you do to me?” I screamed at the top of my lungs, I rushed to my discarded guns, and pulled out a nine millimeter, I clicked the safety off, and pointed it at the back of his head.

  "I think I have told you before to not point that little toy at me.” Ian said with steel in his voice, when he turned to face me, his eyes had changed from normal to completely turquoise, and although I thought it was a pretty color most of the time, at that moment, I was scared.

  I took a step back when he advanced on me. I needed to calm my nerves. The whole thing of not wanting to kill him burst into my thoughts, but then I was not about to back down.

  "Ian stop, I don't want to shoot you, but if you keep coming at me all vampired out, then I will. I will always survive, and just because I think I am falling in love with you, doesn't mean I won't kill you."

  He stopped dead in his tracks, as he was about to reply to my comment, my cell phone rang.

  I flipped it open and said, “Ariana Reynolds.” I listened to the voice of Lieutenant Martinez, I felt my gun arm lower as I heard all he told me. There were more victims. This time we were to meet Jones and Shelton at the first crime scene. After I got the directions, I hung up the phone and looked at Ian. I shrugged and left him to himself.


  The first crime scene was near the downtown area of Santa Fe, off Old Santa Fe Trail, in a big home that was probably worth a few million dollars.

  When I walked in through the French doors, painted blue, in an old Santa Fe custom of keeping out evil spirits, I noticed the smell of perforated bowels. I gagged and fought the urge to throw up. I walked through the home with a smile planted on my face to help ease the gag reflex. I noticed the photos of a nice looking Hispanic couple and their two children playing in Rose Park, I regretted having to see what I might possibly see. I forced my feet to keep going, an officer rushed past me with his hand over his mouth. He was trying not to ruin the crime scene. He rushed outside in an effort to spill his dinner somewhere other than in the middle of the living room floor.

  I took my time, in no hurry to get there. I stopped halfway down the hallway to stare at more photos of the happy family when I spied Lieutenant Jones coming out of a back bedroom looking very green.

  When I met his eyes and saw the horror there, I almost didn't ask, “Is it that bad in there?"

  "Yeah it's bad, fortunately the mother and two boys are out of town, so we have at least that much luck on our side. It's as if they ripped the body apart just for the fun of it. I think you better go take a look, and tell me what you think."

  "Uh-uh. I don't need to see more bad things when I close my eyes than I already do. Have your guys process the scene and if you get any evidence then give me a call. Martinez said there was more than just this one scene, how many more?"

  "There are two other crime scenes, but th
is is the worst. Just thought the big bad reaper of vampire kind could hack seeing torn apart bodies, isn't that what your job is? I mean to tear apart the bodies of the vampires you kill?"

  "In a sense. I guess decapitation could be considered excessive force, but at least I know they won't get up and kill me."

  "Yeah okay, these vampires are supernatural and can do some amazing things. But this is brutal and we need to catch them before they kill again.” Pete said as a loud crash sounded out the kitchen door.

  Drawing both of my p228s', I followed Pete out the kitchen door and into the pitch black backyard. Where the hell did the porch light go? I wondered. The light had been shattered. I could see the leg of the officer that had rushed past me, laying in the darkness. I nudged Pete as I pointed out the officer. He went to check the vitals. I saw a motion out of the corner of my eye—too late.

  I crashed into the ground. A black vampire in a blood rage tried to bite out my throat. I lost both of my guns in the initial attack I had no choice but to try to fend him off with my arms. I felt blood running down my arms and I struggled to get my derringer out of my pocket so I could at least get the rogue off me.

  I pulled the small twenty-two caliber out of my pocket. I could feel the vampire's hot breath as his mouth inched closer to my neck. In a final thrust he latched onto me, I pulled the trigger of my pistol the sound was deafening as the back of his head flew out.

  "Fuck!” I screamed as I pushed the floundering vampire off me. I kicked him full in the face, or at least what was left of his face. I knocked him back a few paces. I retrieved one of my nine millimeters and stood over him. I proceeded to empty all of the rounds into his body.

  When my pistol clicked empty, I walked over to the coyote fence, and kicked in one of the sticks. I ripped off a shard and stalked back to the motionless body, I plunged it into his heart.

  "Jesus,” was all I heard out of the darkness, as I saw stars swimming across my vision. I sank to my butt with a useless gun in my hands. I could always bludgeon someone to death with it. I thought as I stared at the empty gun. I stuck my head between my knees and took in huge gulps of air to try to clear the nausea.

  The next thing I remembered was the ER technicians fussing over me, as they tried to stop the bleeding in my neck and arms.

  I pushed them off, with the arm they had already bandaged, and focused on the dead vampire. I struggled to stand up and walked to where Pete was standing over the body of the rookie cop now covered with a sheet.

  I placed my hand on his arm in a show of affection that I knew most guys wouldn't appreciate. He turned to me, and stared in my eyes.

  "How do you do this job?” He whispered in a hoarse voice as he glanced at the dead vampire behind me.

  "I do it, because I am good at it. Besides, I have to. Now we have killed one of them so there are fewer for us to find. I can't help but feel that he was left here to try and kill somebody—probably me. I am sorry you lost an officer, but at least the vampire who killed him won't be killing anybody else."

  * * * *

  On the drive home, I couldn't help but listen in on Ian's thoughts. As I drove down Cerrillos Road, I could hear him contemplate how it was that we had bonded. It wasn't possible for Ian to understand that we were bonded, he had not marked me, and yet the first bond had happened. Blood had been drawn, it could only mean that a new mystical bond had occurred and it didn't matter whose blood was drawn. It was something he had never heard of, but as he thought through the mechanics of it, he could see the plausibility.

  I shut down the connection as I drove into my yard. I halted close to the door, and stepped down from the truck. I reached out with my senses, to try and see if anything was amiss.

  Not feeling anything, I walked up to my front door with caution, and unlocked it I pushed it all the way open to smack the wall behind it.

  Closing the door behind me, I sank to the ground and let my feelings pour out of me in tears.

  I told myself I was being a fucking crybaby. I was unable to stop scolding myself for breaking down.

  I crawled into the empty living room and opened up the cupboard that I kept the scotch in. I pulled the stopper out of a twelve-year-old bottle, I took a pull and let it sink between my legs.

  I wiped my tears on my sleeve and slowly got up and walked to the basement to send an email to the agency with details of the one vamp kill I had accomplished tonight, and to let them know of my findings.

  I typed in my password and was shocked to see so many emails waiting for me. I clicked them one-by-one, most were demanding to know my status on the order for the kill. I took another pull off the bottle and started working at my other job. I answered as many emails as I could handle. By the time I had fielded all of the old emails, I had only one new one, and it was from the bank stating that I had received a deposit for the kill of the unknown vampire.

  With each email, the money offered for each kill had gone up considerably in light of the fact that we were dealing with so many rogue vampires. The order for the one original kill had been upgraded to an essential seek and destroy order and that was my intention.


  I woke close to dawn with a killer headache and half a bottle of scotch spilled on the floor, I was alerted to something amiss.

  I heard a low growling, I drew my nine millimeter and crept up the stairs. When I entered the living room, I spotted a large furry wolf, hanging out by the sliding glass doors. I knew that this thing was not native to New Mexico. I sighted down the barrel of my pistol ready to kill it at the slightest movement towards me.

  As it turned its eyes towards me, they glowed a brilliant blue, almost turquoise color and licked its muzzle with a slow tongue.

  I wished I had brought the shotgun instead of my pistol, I inched my way to the other end of the room, in order to put more distance between us. Still staring the wolf in the eyes, there seemed to be an intelligence that spoke of more then just wolf. It dawned on me I was dealing with a lycan. I didn't know what to do, I was about to blow a hole in the wolf's head when it turned and loped away.

  I thought of Ian, I was taken to his thoughts, and they made no sense. All his thoughts involved smell. The smell of Chamisa and Pinion. Not understanding, I shook my head and backed out of his thoughts.

  Once again going to the liquor cabinet, I poured myself a glass of gin and carried it to the kitchen. I filled the glass the rest of the way with cran-raspberry juice. I downed it in one fell swoop and felt better.

  I glanced at the wall clock, noticed it was about five AM and thought about how I would go about my day. I walked upstairs to the bathroom, took a nice long shower and thought once again about why there was something familiar about that wolf, and the weird thoughts of Ian's.

  I was a little slow that morning, but as I stepped out of the shower, the revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. I stared at my foggy reflection in the mirror and asked myself how I could be so stupid.

  I heard Ian laugh in the back of my head. I told him to shut the fuck up, as I toweled off and slipped on a pair of bikini panties and matching bra.

  Ian laughed even harder, I concentrated on him, and saw that he was surrounded by darkness and knew that he was in his coffin for the day!

  "I didn't think vampires could shape shift Ian." I stated in a teasing voice, now that I knew a vampire secret that I shouldn't know.

  "Don't sound so smug Sikaoki, not very many of us can do it; I would say less then one percent. So I wouldn't go off half-cocked and let your government know, because they would issue a warrant for my death." He replied with the smugness I felt.

  "Well if that is the case they would send me to do the job, and I have a feeling I would be the one walking away."

  "I doubt it, Ariana, we bonded, if I am hurt you are hurt and vice versa."

  "We fucking did what?" I screamed at him before I shut the link between us. I clamped down hard on my emotions so he would not be able to see or overhear my thoughts. I screamed
in frustration and thought about what that meant in terms of my life.

  A fucking bonded human. Great! Just fucking great! I worked in a crappy bar for an asshole and I was his bonded servant.

  My luck was getting better by the day. I had to finish getting dressed before I went to spend the day with a bunch of cops. Jeez, my day was really looking bright.

  Of course, on the other hand, I only had seven or eight more rogue vampires to make dead before this massacre was over.

  * * * *

  I drove into town with Ian on my brain instead of the case, I ran red lights, and had a city cop blaring his sirens behind me as I pulled into the police station. If the cop thought it strange we were at his office, he never let it show when he asked for my license, registration, and proof of insurance. I handed them to him and looked up and saw all three of my new police partners laughing as they stood outside and watched the show.

  I flipped them the bird, and the officer that had pulled me over walked up to the window and requested that I step out of the vehicle.

  Great my day just had just gotten a whole lot better.

  "Do you have any weapons or firearms in the vehicle?” He asked me as I got down from the truck.

  I looked at him with raised eyebrows, I shrugged, “Yes I do officer."

  He looked at me and indicated that I should step further away from him and the Hummer.

  The first gun the officer pulled out of my Hummer was a twelve gauge sawed off Winchester. He glanced at me with apprehension in his eyes over the illegal gun I smiled sweetly and put my sunglasses on.

  I knew we were gonna be there for a while, so I sat down and got comfortable.

  As gun after gun and knife after knife were pulled out and placed on the hood, and then the ground, the patrol officer called in backup as well as a photographer. As the artillery grew, so did the crowd.

  I glanced at Jones, Martinez, and Shelton and I refused to allow them the satisfaction of turning red with embarrassment. Since the cops were trying to prove a point, I would wait until they were done before I provided them with the proper documentation required to carry all of these weapons.


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