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Something Lovely (Bishop Family Book 9)

Page 11

by Brooke St. James

  "We're in an airport and if I kiss you the way I want to kiss you right now, we might end up on the news. We might cause a scene."

  "I'm sure there's lots of kissing at the airport," I said, still wanting him to do it again.

  He shook his head. "Not by men who are more in love than any man has ever been, ever."

  I smiled. "How about just another little, baby one?"

  He leaned in, putting his face closer to mine. His lips were only an inch or two away when he whispered to me. "Like this?" (kiss) It was so soft and sweet that I almost whimpered.

  I nodded. "Again," I whispered. (kiss) This one lingered slightly longer, but it was still so soft and gentle.

  He knew how to kiss me. He knew exactly what I wanted to feel—exactly what would make me weak with desire. I held him tightly around his waist, noticing for the first time, the feel of his back and sides under my arms, our skin was separated by layers of clothing, and still, I could feel his warmth and tightness, and the ridges of his muscles.

  I had been so preoccupied that I was only now, for the first time, feeling that he had a bag strapped to his shoulder. It was hanging behind him, and I leaned over in his arms to try to catch a glimpse of it.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't know you're holding a bag," I said. I glanced at the baggage carousel for his flight, which was already in motion. "We should probably look for your other stuff.

  "This is all I have," he said.

  "One carryon?" I asked.

  My hands were already positioned behind him, so I grabbed the strap, and lifted it upward, testing the weight. "Oh, my goodness, Luke. This is heavy. I'm so sorry you've been standing here holding this."

  He gave me an easy grin. "Ivy, I could hold about twenty of these if I had to right now. I'm pretty sure I could hold a bus on my back with you standing right here."

  I smiled. "Speaking of bus, guess what I picked you up on?"

  "Well, the fact that you said 'on' instead of 'in' would lead me to believe that it's not a car."

  I shook my head. "It's not."

  "What bike?" he asked, knowing that mine wasn't a two-seater.

  "My dad's black one—well, one of his black ones. The one you took out last time you were here."

  "That time, you weren't on it with me."

  "Yeah, but this time, I will be."

  "What are we waiting for?" he asked.

  Luke held my hand on our way out of the airport. At first, we were just holding hands, joined by fingers that were laced together. But soon, that wasn't enough for me. I pulled his whole arm in front of my chest, gripping onto it and leaning against his shoulder as we walked.

  We were in that same position when we made our way out to the parking lot. Luke had no idea my mom had followed me there, and even though he knew what she drove, it didn't sink in that she would be parked right next to me.

  "Hey Luke," she said, opening her door when we made our way to the bike.

  "Hey, Mrs. Bishop," he said, trying his best to hide his surprise.

  "I forgot to tell you my mom came," I said as Mom came around to the back of the SUV. "She's gonna carry home your luggage."

  "Please call me Rose, baby." She reached out for a hug, and I let go of Luke's hand so he could return it. "Oh, my goodness, you're bigger than my boys," she said with a groan as she wrapped her arms around him.

  She pulled back and held him at arm's length, giving him a once-over before glancing at me. She gave me a quick, conspiratorial smile that I knew meant he was really handsome. I shot her a super-fast silly face, wrinkling my nose.

  "Is this all you have?" she asked.

  "Yes, ma'am," he said.

  She pushed the button to open the back hatch, and we all stood back while it swung upward. Luke assumed he should put his bag into the back, so he took it off his shoulder, and placed it securely in the corner. My mom reached out and patted his shoulder again, looking impressed by his stature.

  "It really is good to see you again, Luke. I'm glad you came to see us."

  "You have no idea how happy I am to be here. I really appreciate you getting the ticket."

  Mom raised her hands and shook her head, smiling. "That was Doozy's idea."

  "Well, I'll have to thank him," Luke said.

  "Congratulations on the contest," Mom said. "Those bikes are really beautiful."

  "Thank you so much. I'm excited about their production."

  "I think several people turned in multiple designs, but you were the only one to draw a set. I loved the more delicate one of the same design. That was a great idea."

  I came so close to mentioning that the girl bike was originally called the Ivy, but I didn't want to say that in front of my mom. Instead, I just smiled for apparently no reason.

  "I appreciate it," Luke said graciously. "I was really thankful for the opportunity to have your family look at my work."

  "Doozy's thrilled about it," she said. "He called me just a minute ago, asking if you were here yet."

  Luke gestured with his palms up. "I'm here," he said.

  I couldn’t stop myself. I lunged in, grabbing him around the waist and resting my head on his chest. "He's here," I said. "Tell Doozy we'll ride by the shop in a little bit."

  "He's not there," Mom said. "He's home."

  She was regarding me like she was slightly surprised by the fact that I unashamedly latched onto Luke. I had never been like this with anybody, and I knew she was noticing it. She didn’t say anything, though.

  "Tell Doozy and Shug we'll go by their house, then," I said.

  Mom nodded. "Any plans for tonight? I was gonna cook something easy, maybe tacos or spaghetti."

  "We'll probably ride for a little while, and then go by Shug's. I want to take him by my house. We'll be at the house for some dinner, though."

  Mom nodded and then looked at Luke. "Do you have a vote?" she asked. "Tacos or spaghetti?"

  "Either of those sound great," he said.

  She smiled and looked at him thoughtfully before reaching up to touch his cheek. "Take care of my daughter," she said.

  She was poised to leave, and she made the statement sound like it was instructions for our immediate future (while I was on the back of a motorcycle with him). But I knew my mom, and she meant it for more than that. She could see that something deeper was transpiring between us.

  "I promise I will take the best possible care of her." Luke squeezed my shoulders when he spoke to my mom. We all knew his promise wasn't just about the motorcycle ride, either.

  Chapter 16

  It had been a while since I had ridden on the back of the motorcycle. I rode all the time, but there was rarely a cause for me to hitch a ride with my dad or brothers. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I had been on the back of a bike.

  I really didn't know what to expect with Luke.

  I knew he loved motorcycles, and I figured he would be a good driver, but I was amazed by the way he took over, treating my dad's bike like it was his own. He maintained complete control as he started the engine and held the bike steady for me to climb on.

  Somewhere deep down, I was afraid that I would compare him to my family members and that he would come up lacking, but he knew what he was doing on a motorcycle. I held onto his waist, and we left the airport. He didn't know where I wanted to go, so I gave him directions as we went, stretching up to speak loudly next to his ear every time I wanted him to make a turn.

  On our way to Shug and Doozy's, we went down a long, deserted road. It wasn't really on our way, but it also wasn't too far out of the way, so I took him over there. It was a road he and I had been down before, during his last visit, and I wanted to see if he remembered it.

  "This isn't the way to your grandparents'," Luke said, turning to yell at me once he realized where we were.

  "It's not too far out of the way," I said. "And I thought you might want to open it up a little."

  It was a road the Bishops traveled all the time—especially to try out or break in a n
ew bike. It was wide open, and there was never any traffic and no speed limit signs were posted. We affectionately called it 'the strip' because it was so straight and smooth.

  Taking Luke to the strip wasn't a test, but if it would have been, he would have passed with flying colors. He rode like the wind. He was in total and complete control of the machine. I felt his body flex and bend as he counterbalanced. I held on tightly, relishing the feel of his taut stomach under my arms.

  The bike was loud, and the low rumble of the engine only added to my breathlessness. Luke sped, but not so fast that it scared me. I didn't glance at the speedometer when he really opened it up, but I knew he pushed the limits right to the point where he could show me that he was in control without putting us in any danger. He operated the bike like someone who had been doing it his whole life. He rode like a Bishop.

  Luke took me down the strip and back before making a right hand turn on Briarwood to go to Shug's. Apparently, he remembered how to get to their house now that I had brought him this far. I started to give him directions at every turn, but just before I spoke, I could feel him shift, and I knew he remembered where he was going.

  Luke was still on the motorcycle when I got off of it at Shug's. We both had on helmets, and we took them off, simultaneously smiling at each other and running our hands through our hair.

  "That was so fun," I said.

  "I bet it was more fun for me."

  I smiled and shook my head as I handed him my helmet. He hung them both from the handlebars. He was still sitting on the seat, and I walked over to stand right next to him—so close that my leg touched his. He was slightly shorter than me now that he was sitting down, and I stared down at him, feeling like I could get lost in his dark eyes.

  "I thought I didn't like riding with someone else," I said. "But I was so wrong. That was the best ever."

  He grinned and shook his head at me, and I got lost, staring at his mouth. I really loved the shape of it so much, and my stomach flipped at the memory of kissing it at the airport. I desperately wanted to do it again.

  "What?" I said.

  "What do you mean, what?"

  "What are you shaking your head at?" I asked.

  "I just can't believe it's you," he said. "I can't believe you're standing right here looking at me like this."

  "Like what? Like I love you? Like I want to kiss you?"

  "Yes, and yes," he said thoughtfully, lightly wrapping his hand around the back of my leg. He let it rest there.

  "Well, I do, and I do," I said, staring at him seriously. I felt his hand move on the back of my leg, squeezing gently to pull me closer.

  "Hey, y'all!" Shug yelled from the porch.

  I turned to wave at her, and I felt Luke's hand leave my leg so fast that it was almost like he'd been burned. I had to smile.

  "Hey, Shug!" I yelled.

  I turned and watched as Luke got off the bike. He had zipped his jacket for the ride, and he unzipped it halfway as he stood and straightened. He was irresistibly handsome. I assumed, based on the speed at which he removed his hand from my leg, that he was reluctant to show too much affection in front of my family, but I could not stop myself from holding onto him. I wrapped my arm around his waist, snuggling into his side as we walked. I pulled him toward the house.

  "Hey there, Luke!" Shug yelled.

  "Hello, Mrs. Bishop," he yelled back.

  My ear was right next to his body, and his deep voice reverberated in his chest, causing my breath to hitch. I smiled, feeling so very nostalgic. I loved every single thing about this man. Simply walking next to him comforted me.

  Doozy joined Shug on the porch, and they both walked out, onto the pathway to greet us. "Looks like you took out Black Beauty," Doozy said, referring to my dad's bike and calling it by a nickname and not the actual model name. "How'd she handle?"

  "Like a dream," Luke said. He let go of me long enough to reach out and shake Doozy's hand. "My whole day has been kinda like that."

  "Like what?" Shug asked, leaning in to hug him.

  "Like a dream," Luke said.

  Shug smiled and sighed as she took him in. "You mean coming here to see Ivy?" she asked.

  Luke glanced at me. "Yes, ma'am, I do," he said.

  I reached up and put my hand on his face. "Isn't he so handsome?" I asked, talking to Shug but not taking my eyes off of him. He smiled shyly and shook his head at me.

  "See what I mean?" he asked, referring to this day being a dream.

  Shug shot me a look like Luke was the sweetest thing ever. She linked arms with him, and we all headed toward the house. They tried to feed us, but I told her Mom was cooking and that we had just come by for a visit.

  We sat around the living room and talked for I don't know how long—hours. Shug and Doozy had a big house, but it was cozy and welcoming, and we all just found spots on couches. My grandparents sat on the big couch, and Luke and I took a smaller one. I felt like sitting right on his lap—I felt like I couldn't possibly get close enough to him—but I settled for sitting next to him.

  At first, we spoke about various topics, like music, and London, and my work with the kids at Memphis Learning Center, but once Doozy mentioned motorcycles, it was all over. It was really an eye-opening experience hearing Luke talk shop with Doozy. I was aware that Luke knew a lot about motorcycles, but the way he talked to my grandfather gave me a new appreciation for just how knowledgeable he was. Luke hadn't had too much one-on-one time with my grandfather during his first visit, so it was their first time to really relax and talk.

  Doozy had met his match.

  Luke was just as passionate about motorcycles as he was. They smiled and laughed the whole time, talking about various aspects of bikes and bike building that I didn't even know existed. They bounced ideas and experiences off of each other in a way that made me proud of Luke. I had never seen Doozy take to somebody the way he took to him. In spite of their age difference, they were like long-lost best friends. It gave me the strangest sense of happiness and fulfillment to see them having so much fun together.

  "Luke, I'd like to like to offer you a promotion if you're up for it," Doozy said.

  This comment came after a long talk. I had been zoning out, thinking about something else just before he said it, but my ears perked up when I heard the word promotion.

  "I'd be honored," Luke said. "I don't even know what you have in mind, but I'm up for it, whatever it is."

  This statement pleased Doozy. He smiled and shifted in his seat, propping his ankle on his knee. "I'd like you to start designing for us. You wouldn't make commission like you're doing with the contest bike. That was a one-time thing. You would be on straight salary. We don't need to discuss exact terms right this second, and you don't need to give me an answer, but it's something to think about. I don't know what you're making now, but I'm sure it'd be a nice little bump. I'd be honored to have you, and we'd treat you well. It'd be a good living."

  "Michael doesn't go around offering promotions to people," Shug said, looking impressed.

  Doozy laughed. "I'm just being smart. If I don't treat this boy well, he's gonna find somebody who will. Shoot, he'd do it on his own if he had to. Lord knows, I don't want to find myself competing with the Wright Motorcycle Company in few years."

  We all laughed. "I love your company, Mr. Bishop," Luke said. "It'd really be an honor to design for you."

  I was praying this meant he'd have no other choice but to move to Memphis, but Doozy's next words left me feeling a little deflated.

  "I know you live in London, but that's okay; you can do it from anywhere. We'll talk more about it. I'll probably still have you working at the dealership; we'll just give you an office and a new set of responsibilities. If you're anything like me, which I know you are, you'll want to still get your hands dirty. We'll work it out where you can do that if you decide to take the offer."

  "I want it," Luke said. "I'll take it. Whatever you're offering, I want it."

  Doozy smiled an
d scooted to the edge of the couch so that he could lean over and shake Luke's hand. "Congratulations, then, son. Consider yourself promoted."

  Luke shook his hand. "Thank you very much," he said with a smile. "I'm excited."

  "This is cause for celebration," Shug said. "I wish y'all could stay for dinner."

  "Mom's already cooking," I said. "But I'm sure y'all can come over there."

  "Liam and Taylor are going out to eat," Shug said. "They're bringing little Mack over here in a few minutes so Doozy and I can spoil him."

  I sighed as I stood up. "We should be going," I said. I turned to glance at Luke, but he was already in the process of standing up. "Tell Liam and Taylor 'hey' for me." I said.

  "I will," Shug said.

  She and Doozy both got up to walk us to the door. They hugged us and thanked us for coming by. Luke and Doozy had another exchange about the promotion, and again, my grandfather mentioned that he was excited about giving Luke more responsibility.

  We had stayed at Shug and Doozy's for so long that rather than stop by my new house, we went straight to my parents'. I had received a text from my mom saying that dinner was ready, so I figured we'd eat and then I'd show him my place afterward.

  I marveled at how much I loved riding on a motorcycle with him. The trip to my parents' house was short, and I found myself wishing it had taken us a lot longer to get there. I told him to pull the bike into the garage, and he did, parking it next to mine.

  He killed the engine, and we got off of the motorcycle, standing next to each other. I peered up at him, feeling like I had never in my life been so smitten. His mouth wasn't just gorgeous looking. Out of it came intelligent, heartfelt words, and I found that I loved him more and more with every passing moment.

  "You got a new job just now," I said, stepping closer to him. I held both of his hands, and we stood there, letting our clasped hands absentmindedly rise as we both bent our elbows. He took a deep breath, regarding me thoughtfully.

  "I, uh, I haven't really had any sleep since you called me at the pub, and I, uh…"


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