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Something Lovely (Bishop Family Book 9)

Page 15

by Brooke St. James

  Me: "I can't do it."

  Luke: "Can't do what?"

  Me: "Wait."

  Luke: "Me neither. I hate this."

  Me: "Come to my window."

  Luke: "I thought you'd never ask. Be there in five minutes."

  Me: "You know which one?"

  Luke: "Yes. Five minutes."

  I was absolutely giddy.

  I sprang off of the bed and went to the bathroom to run a toothbrush over my teeth. I had already brushed my teeth, but one more time couldn’t hurt. I literally laughed with nerves and excitement as I did my best to spiffy my pajama-clad self up in those minutes while he was on his way.

  I had the window open and was kneeling down beside it by the time he got there. There was a sheer curtain hanging, and I left that closed so that he couldn't see inside. I peeked around the side of it and could see his silhouette approaching in the distance. I was absolutely breathless with anticipation. I stayed there, near the window, unable to see anything as I not-so-patiently waited the remaining seconds.

  "Pssst," I heard him say once he walked up to the window.

  I pulled back the curtain, peeking out shyly. It was dark out, so it took us a second to find each other.

  "Ohhh, baby girl," he said with a sigh. He reached out and grabbed my face, kissing me gently over and over again. All over my cheeks, he placed kiss after kiss.

  I was moved by the relief he expressed.

  He was as desperate for me as I was for him, and the sight and feel of it moved me to tears. There was nothing I could do to stop tears of relief and joy from rolling onto my cheeks as he kissed me. He pulled back and stared at me with a look of concern when he realized I was crying.

  "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

  I nodded. "I just missed you," I said. "I'm so happy you're here."

  He smiled and kissed me again, three more times. These were on the lips and they were hotter and more branding than the ones that came before.

  "I love you like crazy, my Ivy-girl."

  "I love you, too," I said, still crying even though I tried not to.

  "I can't wait to marry you tomorrow," he said.

  "Me neither. I can't wait."

  He kissed me again. He looked me straight in the eyes. "It's gonna be perfect," he said. "And then, when it's over, I won't have to sneak up to your window anymore. I can go right inside and get in that bed with you."

  I nodded. "I've been thinking about it so much that I dream about it."

  He gave me one last kiss on the lips before letting go of my face. He smiled as he took a step back. "By the way, why am I at your window? Why couldn’t you just meet me at the front door?"

  I let out a little laugh through the tears. "I don’t know. Maybe it's fun to sneak around even if nobody's here to catch us."

  He nodded. "It was fun."

  "You say 'was' like it's over," I said.

  "It is over, baby girl."

  He straightened, touching my cheek with the side of his finger in a gesture of goodbye. "I have to go before I climb in through this window."

  I smiled and nodded. "I love you," I called, as he turned to leave.

  "I love you too," he said from over his shoulder as he retreated into the darkness.

  I closed the window and went to bed with a grin on my face.


  The wedding was at noon followed by a reception where we served lunch.

  It turned out to be a larger wedding than I anticipated, but during the planning, my dad kept using Luke's words from when he proposed.

  I'd say, "No, we don't need to do that," or "We don't need to invite them," and he'd say, "Ivy, you're only gonna do this one time in your whole life."

  Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was his only daughter or that Luke didn't have any family or friends in Memphis, but it seemed like my dad wanted to invite the whole town. I seriously think he invited everyone who worked for Bishop Motorcycles, simply because he didn't know where to draw the line and didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

  Just under three hundred people showed up for the event. Luke had a few from London and several others from different parts of the U.S., but the guest list was, by in large, people my dad insisted on inviting. Not that I was in any position to complain. He only did it because he was proud of me and wanted everyone to be there to witness my big day.

  I couldn’t have been more pleased with the way things turned out. We had an outdoor wedding on some beautiful riverside property that Owen and Darcy owned on the outskirts of town. We rented tents and hired catering and a band, and by the time it was all said and done, it was the party of the year.

  Even the kiddos were dressed formally for the occasion. Kip was the ring bearer and little Cora was the flower girl. I had six bridesmaids standing up there with me—Shelby, Courtney, Darcy, Jolene, Taylor, and a good friend of mine named Katie who now worked with me. Luke had six groomsmen, my three brothers, my cousin, Liam, and two of his good friends from London. Luke and I were so easy-going about it that we honestly didn't care who was standing up there with us or what they were wearing. My mom and the wedding planner took care of choosing everything, and Taylor took care of the clothing. They all just ran things past me to make sure I was satisfied (which I always was since they did an amazing job).

  Grandpa Jacob performed a short, sweet ceremony, after which we ate, drank, talked, laughed, and danced until late in the afternoon.

  Just in case you were wondering, Britney was in attendance. Our friendship had not been restored to the level it was before the incident, but I had long since forgiven her. And, honestly, I was grateful for whatever had happened to bring Luke and me together, no matter how painful it was at the time. She and her boyfriend stayed for the ceremony, and afterward, she hugged me and thanked me for inviting them. She wished us all the best before heading home. I told her they were welcome to stay for the reception, but she graciously declined, thanking me again for the invitation. I felt closure, and I was thankful that I had thought to add her to the guest list. To me, it was a nice addition to an already perfect day.

  A few speeches were given during the course of the reception, but at around 4pm when things were winding down, my father got everyone's attention. He gave a sentimental, heartfelt speech about me being his baby girl. Just about everyone, including my father himself, was moved to tears.

  My favorite part, however, came after his speech. He had talked about his respect for Luke and his genuine excitement about Luke being a part of the Bishop Motorcycle legacy. He explained how Luke's genius design won their hearts before they ever knew Luke had won my heart. He gave a brief description of the designs Luke had submitted, and then he casually said, "You know what? It's too hard for me to explain how good they were, I'll just let y'all see for yourself."

  Right after he said that, he motioned to someone in the distance, and then we heard the rumbling sound of engines revving to life. We all turned in shock and amazement as two of the guys from the shop rode up on Luke's motorcycles, circling around the crowd and stopping in front of everybody.

  Once they parked and killed the engines, my dad explained that these models would not be out until the following winter but that these beautiful prototypes were wedding gifts to Luke and me.

  That was just too much for me. I knew just how excited Luke was to see his designs come to life. He wasn't an overly-emotional guy, but I could see how overwhelmed he was as he walked up to the bikes. They were truly awe-inspiring, and I cried like a baby watching him walk around them, touching things and checking them out. I don't know if there was a time I had ever been so proud.

  The remainder of the reception passed in a blur.

  Most of our guests were motorcycle lovers, so they were truly interested in checking out the bikes and asking questions about them. We expected to drive off in the back of a rented classic limo, but it was a no-brainer, once those bikes arrived, that we would ride off into the sunset on them instead.

We didn't go to a hotel or to the airport. We went straight to our house—the place I'd been preparing for him. Luke and I both liked to travel, and we planned on traveling soon and often, but our honeymoon was going to be held right here in this house. For the next three days, we were not to be bothered. The fridge and pantry were stocked, and we weren't planning on leaving the premises or talking to anyone else. Seventy-two hours of Luke and Ivy only, and I already felt like it wouldn't be enough.

  We parked the bikes in the garage, staring at them one last time before heading into the house. Luke threw me over his shoulder on the way inside, saying he needed to fulfill some sort of tradition about crossing the threshold.

  He set me to my feet, once we made it in the door, and we straightened, wrapping our arms around each other and staring straight into each other's eyes.

  "What do you think about the house?" I asked, still locking eyes with him.

  "What house?" he said.

  I smiled. "I guess you've got time to check it out later," I said.

  "I can see that it's nice out of the corner of my eye," he said, still staring straight at me. His hungry eyes roamed over my face, stopping at my mouth. "I'm sure it's fine," he said.

  I smiled. "I guess you don't want to see the bedroom, then," I said, teasing him.

  And before I knew it, I was tossed over his shoulder again. He was so big, and the movement was so sudden that I squealed. He basically ran through the house, causing me to giggle and squirm as he held me securely. I landed in the middle of my soft, perfect princess bed and smiled at my sweet, handsome prince.

  "I love your mouth," I said unable to stop myself from being anything but honest as I stared at his irresistible smile.

  "Good, because it loves you," he said.

  He was wearing a mischievous grin as he crawled onto the bed with me. Anticipation coursed through my body, causing me to squirm. He kissed me, and what followed that kiss was raw and wonderful. I was Mrs. Ivy Wright, and that was exactly who I was supposed to be.

  The End

  Post Epilogue Fun Facts:

  (Updates on the Bishop clan and those they love.)

  Luke and Ivy:

  Luke's motorcycles (the Ace LT and Ace MT) were a big hit, just like Doozy knew they would be. They were released the following season and received rave reviews on their sleek styling and smooth riding. Luke easily stepped into a role of leadership at Bishop Motorcycles—designing and helping run the company alongside his in-laws. It was the job he had been created for.

  Luke and Jolene's father applied for a job at Vanderbilt in Nashville. Only months after Luke and Ivy's wedding, he and Ginger moved back to the U.S. and had been residing in Nashville ever since. Everyone enjoyed having them closer.

  There was a real need in Memphis for the services Ivy's nonprofit provided, and it grew quickly. Soon, she had more students than she could handle. The musicians in the family (Shug, Courtney, and Wes) put on a fund-raising concert at Courtney's center. It turned out to be a big deal. They recorded a live album during the event, and the proceeds from it all helped Ivy hire more teachers and purchase a larger facility. Memphis Learning Center moved to a building that was three times the size of the original one. Ivy even established a simple garage set-up where Luke and Owen taught shop classes twice a week.

  Luke and Ivy had three beautiful girls before she gave birth to a son. They welcomed Lily, Addison, Alice, and then finally a little boy came along. Ivy got more patient as the years passed. They didn't have an ultrasound to find out whether the fourth baby was a boy or a girl, and they didn't tell anyone the names they were considering. Ivy's father was obviously thrilled when they named him Jesse.

  Wes and Jolene:

  Wes continued making music and recording albums. He went on tour several months of each year to support his albums and connect with his fans. He wasn't a sell-out-arenas type of artist like Courtney had been, but he had a loyal following and he made a good living doing something he loved.

  Jolene continued to work in graphic design. Between all of the family businesses, she had more than enough design work to keep her busy. She and Luke also worked with Uncle Gray, giving knife throwing classes at Alpha. Wes and Jolene had two handsome sons, Ethan and Benjamin.

  Shelby and Isaac:

  For a while, Isaac continued to do architecture all around the country. He had plenty of business in Memphis, but he and Shelby both enjoyed traveling. Once their two children, Cora and Oliver, were old enough to start school, Isaac started taking less out-of-town work. He reserved those jobs for the summer when he could bring the whole family along.

  He and Shelby built a really beautiful, unique, home on some land near Courtney and Daniel. He took great care in designing the house and pulled out all the stops with his unorthodox architecture. It was stunning. It boasted a grand spiral staircase and a massive metal slide that ran along the side of the house from a second-story balcony to the ground below. Their house was always a hit for family gatherings.

  Liam and Taylor:

  Liam continued working for his father's company, Alpha Security. He, too, had to travel some, but he was usually only out of town for a few days at a time, so generally, Taylor didn't travel with him. She was extremely busy running her bespoke tailoring business, anyway. Taylor Made provided suits for Memphis's most discerning suit connoisseurs. Her downtown storefront had a vintage feel that added charm and elegance to the cityscape. Taylor's shop became a Memphis tradition that seemed like it had always been there.

  In addition to running her business, she somehow managed to also be a caring attentive mother. She and Liam raised three gorgeous boys. Mack, Caleb, and Eli. Little Eli was a heartbreaker from day one, inheriting his mother's thick black hair and ice-blue eyes.

  Also, on a side note, Vera and Victor (the Basset Hounds) had a litter of six puppies, one of which Liam and Taylor kept. One went to Ivy and Luke, one to Ben and Ginger in Nashville, and another to Uncle Max and Aunt Betty. The remaining two were adopted by employees at Bishop.

  Owen and Darcy:

  Owen and Darcy basically owned half of Memphis. Darcy had fallen heir to her father's properties and fortune, which were extensive. Managing their holdings proved to be a full-time job, and Darcy, being a determined steward, became a savvy landlord and property manager. With hard work and sound financial advice, she turned their fortune into an even greater fortune. They were extremely generous. They used their position of wealth for good, and God blessed them for it.

  Owen continued to work at Bishop Motorcycles, but only because he loved it and wanted to be there. When the twins, Colin and Cole, were three years old, Darcy gave birth to a third son. They called him Reid.

  Courtney and Daniel:

  Courtney's art center was one of Memphis's most beloved institutions. She set it in motion, and she spent some time there, but it was a huge undertaking that was run by the capable people she put in charge. Five years after she had Kip and Eden, she came out of musical retirement just along enough to record an album and go on tour. She spent six months on a world tour and enjoyed every moment of it, knowing she would take at least another five years off afterward.

  Daniel quit work at Alpha. He still went to the facility to work out and keep in touch with the guys, but he focused his efforts on maintaining their family property, which could now be considered a farm. He and Courtney didn't set out to own a farm, but they both enjoyed eating wholesome, organic foods. Little by little, they became somewhat self-sustained. They had a huge garden with sheep and chickens, and they now yielded enough crops to provide for other members of the family. After her come-back tour, Courtney gave birth to two more boys, Alec and Michael. They had a total of four children, three boys and a girl. Kip, Eden, Alec, and Michael.

  Gray and Jane:

  Gray found pleasure and fulfillment as the owner of Alpha Security. They trained elite-level bodyguards, equipping them for work protecting some of the most important people in the world. He took good men and
made them into better ones through his two-year program. It was good, clean fun for Gray, and he got to make a great living while he was at it.

  Jane was a homemaker, but she spent a lot of time at Alpha. She took pleasure in setting a tone of positivity in her home and at their business. Like her mother, she always had a song in her heart and on her lips. Life was good at the Kennedy house. Gray and Jane had two children, Shelby and Liam, and five grandchildren, Cora, Oliver, Mack, Caleb, and Eli.

  Jesse and Rose:

  Bishop Motorcycle Company was their home away from home. Rose worked in marketing and accounting while Jesse helped his father run the family business. They both loved the company and had devoted their life's work to insuring its success. Jesse truly enjoyed working on bikes, and even if he had a long day in the office, he would make time at the end of it to get his hands greasy in the garage.

  Jesse and Rose were still as in love today as they were the day they got married. They could often be found sitting in the same chair, with Rose curled up on her husband's lap. They had four children, Daniel, Owen, Wes, and Ivy, and thirteen grandchildren, Kip, Eden, Alec, Michael, Colin, Cole, Reid, Ethan, Benjamin, Lily, Addison, Alice, and Jesse.

  Ivy and Michael (Shug and Doozy):

  What can I say? Shug and Doozy really had it figured out. They had an unbelievably full life, surrounded by their family. They'd be the first to admit that finding happiness in life isn't really as complicated as it might seem.

  They believed in some basic truths like honesty, loyalty, communication, perseverance, being content with what you have, and enjoying life's simple pleasures. They would tell you that the secret to happiness is pretty simple, really. They'd say you ought to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. With a true understanding of that basic principle, everything else falls into place.

  They had been through a lot of life's ups and downs together, but they, too, were still just as infatuated with each other as they were the day they met. Shug still got butterflies when Doozy smiled just the right way. They had two children, Jesse and Jane, six grandchildren, Daniel, Owen, Wes, Ivy, Shelby, and Liam, and eighteen great-grandchildren, Kip, Eden, Alec, Michael, Colin, Cole, Reid, Ethan, Benjamin, Lily, Addison, Alice, Jesse, Cora, Oliver, Mack, Caleb, and blue-eyed Eli.


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