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The Outlandish Companion

Page 21

by Diana Gabaldon

  Mrs. Baird—landlady of the bed-and-breakfast where Claire and Frank stay in Inverness. [Outlander]

  Mr. Bainbridge (m)—an Inverness solicitor with an interest in history; friend of Frank Randall. [Outlander]

  † “Balhaldy” (William MacGregor, or Drummond of Balhaldies)—a seedy Jacobite hanger-on, who frequented the company of Prince Charles in Paris. [Dragonfly]

  Father Balmain—the young priest who attends L’Hôpital des Anges. [Dragonfly]

  † Lord Balmerino-one of the prominent Jacobite earls; later executed at Tower Hill for his part in the Rising. [Dragonfly]

  The Baronet—Mary Hawkins’s father; Silas Hawkins’s brother. [Dragonfly]

  Bear Killer—the name given to Jamie Fraser by the Tuscarora, in consequence of his having killed a black bear single-handed, with a knife. [Drums]

  Davie Beaton (m)—the late physician of Castle Leoch; Claire inherits his stock and casebook. [Outlander]

  Henry Montmorency Beauchamp (m)— Claire’s father. [Dragonfly]

  Quentin Lambert Beauchamp (aka “Uncle Lamb”) (m)—Claire’s paternal uncle, who raised her from childhood following the death of her parents in a car accident. [Outlander]

  Father Beggs—pastor of St. Finbar’s, the parish church in Boston that Frank attends, and where Claire goes in the middle of the night, seeking peace and comfort. [Voyager]

  † Pope Benedict—supporter of the Catholic Stuarts; succeeded Clement. [Dragonfly]

  Father Benin—a priest accompanying the Jacobite troops at Prestonpans. [Dragonfly]

  Hugh Berowne—a tax collector who, at the instigation of Sergeant Murchison, falsely accuses Fergus of nonpayment of tax, and confiscates his horse, saddle, and bridle in payment. [Drums]

  Berta—one of Louise de Rohan’s servants at Fontainebleau; a secret Huguenot, and one of Pastor Laurent’s parishioners. [Dragonfly]

  Berthe—Gabrielle’s daughter by her first husband, a French trapper. [Drums]

  Betty—one of Jocasta Cameron’s house-slaves. [Drums]

  “Black Jack” Randall (aka Jonathan Wolverton Randall)—see under “R.”

  Colonel Bogle (m)—Harry Quarry’s predecessor as Governor of Ardsmuir Prison; put Jamie Fraser in irons. [Voyager]

  Madame Bonheur (m)—a midwife at L’Hôpital des Anges. [Dragonfly]

  Stephen Bonnet—an Irishman orphaned young, Stephen Bonnet made his way in life by any means possible, consulting no one’s desires save his own. Condemned to hanging for piracy, he escaped the gallows in Charleston, and fell in with the Frasers by hiding in the wagon bearing the body of Gavin Hayes. Prevailing upon their kindness to aid his escape, he later repaid their generosity by ambushing their party on the river, stealing both their gemstones and Claire’s gold wedding ring. Bonnet uses one of the gems to finance his acquisition of the Gloriana, a small cargo ship on which Roger MacKenzie later sails to America. He meets Brianna Randall Fraser in an inn in Wilmington, where she spots her mother’s ring. When Brianna goes to the Gloriana to try to buy back the ring—and learn what has happened to her mother—Bonnet gives her the ring, but at his own price—rape. Later, when Bonnet is captured, Brianna—believing him about to be executed—tells him that the child she is carrying is his; Bonnet escapes, giving Brianna a black diamond for the maintenance of the child he thinks is his. [Drums]

  Gayle Bosworthy—Brianna’s best friend in college. A great admirer of men in kilts. [Drums]

  † Bouassa—a notorious maroon; executed for rebellion. His loa comes, summoned by Ishmael, to give his blessing to the slaves who plot escape from Jamaica. [Voyager]

  Comtesse de Brabant—member of the court at Versailles. [Dragonfly]

  Edwina Briggs—dean of the college at Oxford where Roger Wakefield is employed. [Drums]

  Bruno (aka Theobald)—doorkeeper and bouncer at Madame Jeanne’s brothel in Edinburgh. [Voyager]

  Mrs. Buchanan—the Inverness postmistress; member of the dancing ladies on Craigh na Dun. [Outlander]

  Corporal Brame2—one of Lord John Grey’s soldiers at Ardsmuir. [Voyager]

  bridie seller—old woman who sells Brianna hot pasties (“bridies”) at the hiring-hall in Inverness. [Drums]

  Brutus—the horse Brianna acquires after traveling through the stones, to carry her to Lallybroch. [Drums]

  Ernie Buchan—Fiona’s fiancé, who views her relationship with Roger Wakefield MacKenzie with considerable suspicion. [Drums]

  Maisri Buchanan.—A mother whom Claire counsels on nutrition, at the Gathering. [Drums]

  Mr. Buchanan—a Scottish plantation owner in North Carolina, a social acquaintance of Jocasta Cameron. [Drums]

  Vicomte de Busca (m)—young man rumored to be one of Les Disciples de Mal. [Dragonfly]

  Davie Byrnes—the incompetent and drunken overseer of the timber camp and sawmill operations at River Run. Responsible for the gruesome lynching death of a slave at the sawmill, Byrnes dies himself of tetanus as a result of wounds sustained in the precipitating incident. [Drums]


  † Archie Cameron (m)—brother to Lochiel; a physician who attended the Highland army; later executed for his part in the Rising. [Dragonfly]

  Ewan Cameron—a Jacobite soldier; one of Jamie’s friends during the Rising; lover of Margaret Campbell. [Dragonfly, Voyager]

  Hector Cameron—Jamie Fraser’s uncle by marriage; husband to Jocasta MacKenzie Cameron, Jamie’s aunt. [Drums]

  Hugh Cameron (m)—chief of clan Cameron; a Jacobite. [Dragonfly]

  † Jenny Cameron—sister of the chief of clan Cameron; hearing of Prince Charles’s landing at Glenfinnan, she raised three hundred Camerons and led them to join the Stuart Rising. [Dragonfly]

  John Cameron (m)—first husband of Jocasta MacKenzie. [Outlander]

  Reverend Archibald Campbell—an ex-soldier (for the English Crown) turned clergyman; also turned murderer (see “Edinburgh Fiend”). Devoted brother of the demented Miss Margaret Campbell, whom he takes to the West Indies in hopes of restoring her senses. [Voyager]

  † Farquard Campbell—a prominent member of Cape Fear’s Scottish community, and a close friend to Jocasta Cameron. A law-abiding man with a scrupulous conscience, he is a county magistrate, as well as a planter. [Drums]

  Margaret Campbell—sister of Archibald Campbell. A devoted follower of the Jacobite cause, she leaves home to join the Highland soldier with whom she is in love (Ewan Cameron), but falls afoul of Government troops, who brutalize her and leave her for dead. Surviving the assault, she has lost her wits—but the vacant housing of her mind provides the necessary vessel for the loas, voodoo spirits summoned by Ishmael, the houngan. [Voyager]

  Ronnie Campbell—one of Farquard Campbell’s numerous offspring, who comes to inform Jamie of Byrnes’s death. [Drums]

  Angus Walter Edwin Murray Carmichael—one of Ian and Jenny’s grandsons; son of their daughter Maggie. [Voyager]

  † du Carrefours (m)—a sinister French figure, with a reputation for involvement in the occult, burned for witchcraft in Paris some years prior. [Dragonfly]

  Due di Castellotti—a dissipated Italian nobleman; companion to Charles Stuart on his drunken ramblings through Paris. [Dragonfly]

  Sister Cecile—a nun at L’Hôpital des

  Anges. [Dragonfly] Sister Celeste—a nun at L’Hôpital des

  Anges. [Dragonfly] “Bonnie Prince Charlie”—see “Charles Stuart.”

  Mr. Cheesewright (m)—Roger Wakefield’s tutor at Oxford. [Voyager]

  Corporal Chisholm (m)—a patient of Claire’s, nursed during World War II. [Outlander]

  Geordie Chisholm (m)—an ex-prisoner from Ardsmuir, desiring to take up residence at Fraser’s Ridge. Jamie and Duncan Innes discuss whether to accept Geordie Chisholm or Ronnie Sinclair. [Drums]

  Bart Clancy (m)—small, obnoxious son of Mrs. Clancy, the history department secretary. [Voyager]

  Mrs. Clancy (m)—secretary in the history department where Frank works in Boston. [Voyager]

—Jamie’s mule; a sociable creature, given to loud greetings. [Drums]

  Claudel—see “Fergus.”

  Duchess of Claymore (m)—an English noblewoman, visiting the French Court. [Dragonfly]

  † Clanranald (m)—a prominent Jacobite chief. [Dragonfly]

  † Pope Clement (m)—supporter of the Catholic Stuarts. [Dragonfly]

  Clotilda—Geillis Abernathy’s door slave at Rose Hall. [Voyager]

  Mrs. Coker (m)—mentioned as the cook at Lallybroch, though she is also referred to as Mrs. Crook. [Dragonfly, Voyager]

  † General Jonathan Cope (m)—commander of the English army at Prestonpans; defeated by a numerically vastly inferior Highland force. [Dragonfly]

  M. Clouseau3 (m)—Louise de Rohan’s doctor, whom she had summoned to attend Claire, but whom Claire escapes.

  Brodie Cooper—one of the crew of the Artemis. [Voyager]

  Mr. Justice Conant—magistrate of the court where a tax collector brings false suit against Fergus for nonpayment of tax. [Drums]

  Nellie Cowden—woman engaged by the Reverend Campbell to be abigail (serving-woman) for his sister Margaret on the voyage to the West Indies. [Voyager]

  Mr. Crook—an elderly acquaintance who takes Claire botanizing in the Highlands, and in the process shows her the stone circle at Craigh na Dun. [Outlander]

  Mrs. Crook (aka Mrs. Coker—see “Errata”)—cook at Lallybroch, who dies during the difficult conditions after Culloden. [Voyager]

  † William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (m)—leader of King George’s forces, bent on subduing the Jacobite Rising and stamping out its remains. [Dragonfly, Voyager]


  Daft Joey (m)—a witless beggarman, lured into the cellar of a great house being built in Inverness, crushed to death with the cornerstone to serve as a blood sacrifice for the foundation. [Outlander, Drums]

  Myra Dalrymple (m)—resident gossip in Kingston. [Voyager]

  Albert Danton—the Duke of Sandringham’s valet; leader of the gang that attacks Claire and Mary Hawkins in the Rue du Faubourg St.-Honoré. [Dragonfly]

  Danu (m)—the Celtic goddess of luck. [Drums]

  Daphne (m)—Edinburgh prostitute whose dress Claire borrows, after her own is damaged in a pub brawl. [Voyager]

  Reverend Davis (m)—a Kingston minister. [Voyager]

  Corporal Dawes (m)—the soldier at Ardsmuir, charged with flogging Jamie Fraser for possession of contraband tartan. [Voyager]

  Mr. Dixon—paymaster of the Gloriana.

  Mr. Justice Dodgson (m)—a corrupt justice, the victim of violence imposed by a gang of Regulators. [Drums]

  Drusus—one of Jocasta’s slaves. [Drums]

  Duff—a hand on the Gloriana. [Drums]

  Arthur Duncan—the Procurator Fiscal in Cranesmuir; Geillis Duncan’s husband; a murder victim, he is poisoned with cyanide at Colum’s dinner party. [Outlander]

  Geillis Duncan (aka Gillian Edgars)— wife of the Procurator Fiscal in Cranesmuir; Claire’s friend; a suspected witch. Sentenced to burning, she was temporarily reprieved by reason of pregnancy, and bore a child to Dougal MacKenzie. Later escaped to Paris with Dougal’s help, and made her way by various means to the West Indies, where her attempt to travel back to her own time led her to a final confrontation with Claire in the cave of Abandawe. [All]

  † Dundas (m)—Sir Henry Dundas, an important figure in Scottish politics during the latter half of the eighteenth century. [Voyager]

  Geneva Dunsany—eldest daughter of the Dunsany family of Helwater; taking a fancy to Jamie Fraser, she forces him to her bed by means of blackmail, and bears a son (William) to him, dying soon after giving birth. [Voyager]

  Gordon Dunsany (m)—son of Lord Dunsany and heir to Helwater; killed in the Rising. A friend of Lord John Grey’s. [Voyager]

  Isobel Dunsany—younger daughter of Lord and Lady Dunsany of Helwater, younger sister to Geneva Dunsany. Following the death of her sister in childbed, she becomes foster mother to her sister’s child, William, and later marries Lord John Grey, who thus becomes the boy’s stepfather and guardian. [Drums]

  Lady Dunsany—mother of Geneva and Isobel, grandmother of Willie, whose parentage she may suspect. She offers to arrange Jamie’s pardon, so that he can leave Helwater. [Drums]

  Lord Dunsany—a minor—and rather impoverished—aristocrat, who accepts Jamie Fraser (under the alias Alexander MacKenzie) as a groom on his estate, Helwater, as a favor to Lord John Grey. He arranged his daughter Geneva’s marriage to the elderly Earl of Ellesmere, hoping that this would ensure her shortly becoming a wealthy young widow— and a countess. [Drums]

  Corporal Dunstable—one of John Greys soldiers at Ardsmuir, responsible for searching the prisoners’ quarters for contraband. [Voyager]

  Mrs. Dunvegan (m)—wife of the minister of the Old Church in Inverness; an acquaintance of Roger Wakefield. [Drums]

  † M. Duverney the elder—Louis XV’s Minister of Finance. [Dragonfly]

  † M. Duverney the younger—son of Duverney the elder; a successful banker. [Dragonfly]


  Gillian Edgars (aka Geillis Duncan)—A mysterious young woman with a monomania, and the ability to travel through the stones. [All]

  † Lord Elcho (m)—one of the Jacobite earls.

  Madame Elise—proprietor of the brothel in which Fergus was born. [Dragonfly]

  Lord Ellesmere—husband to Geneva Dunsany; putative father of William, Viscount Ashness. Killed by Jamie Fraser while threatening the life of the newborn infant whom he knows to be the result of cuckoldry. [Voyager]

  Eutroclus—a black freeman, serving as hand on the riverboat Sally Ann. [Drums]

  George Everett (m)—John Grey’s ex-lover, the cause of the scandal that exiled him to Ardsmuir. [Voyager]

  Lord and Lady Everett (m)—parents of John Grey’s ex-lover. [Voyager]


  Dr. Charles Fentiman (m)—a surgeon from Cross Creek. [Drums]

  Father Alexandre Ferigault—a young Jesuit priest. Coming to preach to the Mohawk, he succeeded in converting part of the village, but then fell in love with one of his parishioners, getting her with child. His subsequent behavior leads to a serious schism in the village, and finally results in his torture and death, and the death of his lover. He leaves behind an infant daughter, whom Roger baptizes Alexandra. [Drums]

  Fergus (aka Claudel)—a young pickpocket, hired by Jamie to steal confidential political documents, who later becomes Jamie’s foster son. Fergus loses his left hand in an encounter with English soldiers at Leap o’ the Cask, and marries Jamie’s erstwhile stepdaughter, Marsali, on a beach in the West Indies. Father of Germain. See also Claudel, Fergus Fraser. [Dragonfly, Voyager, Drums] the Edinburgh Fiend—a killer of women, later revealed to be the Reverend Archibald Campbell. [Voyager]

  Mrs. FitzGibbons (Glenna)—Chatelaine at Castle Leoch; Murtagh’s aunt by marriage. [Outlander]

  † M. Fleche—the Royal Doctor who attends Louis XV and his Court.

  Father Fogden—a defrocked, disgraced priest who lives on Hispaniola. He offers hospitality to Claire when she is marooned, and later marries Fergus and Marsali. [Voyager]

  Gerald Forbes—a lawyer, prominent inhabitant of Cross Creek; he brings four gemstones to assist his suit when paying court to Brianna. [Drums]

  Miss Forbes—the sister of Lawyer Gerald Forbes, who praises her brother’s accomplishments to Brianna. [Drums]

  † M. Forez—the official hangman forthe Fifth Arrondissement,4 who also volunteers his services as a bonesetter at L’Hépital des Anges, where he befriends Claire. [Dragonfly] Mrs. Forrest (m)—woman giving lodging to Margaret Campbell in Kingston. [Voyager]

  Abbot Alexander Fraser—brother to Brian Fraser; uncle to Jamie Fraser; abbot of Ste. Anne de Beaupré priory. An ardent Jacobite, the abbot arranges for Jamie and Claire to live in Paris and assist Charles Stuart in his attempt to regain the throne of Scotland. [Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber]

  Annie Fraser (m)—a young inhabitant of the
village of Broch Mordha, whose death of the bloody flux is reported by the elder Ian Murray in one of his letters to Jamie. [Drums]

  Brian Fraser (“Brian Dubh”) (m)—husband to Ellen MacKenzie; father of Jamie Fraser and Jenny Fraser Murray. [Outlander, Dragonfly, Voyager]

  Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Randall Fraser—English ex-army combat nurse, who goes to Scotland on a second honeymoon with her husband, Frank Randall, following World War II—only to walk through a circle of standing stones, with surprising results. [All]


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